Mate Magic (8 page)

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Authors: Shannon Duane

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Mate Magic
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piped up. “He’s not going to like leaving Katie when she’s so pregnant. She’s having triplets, Jake; she could pop at any minute. Have a heart.”

was clearly getting aggravated, “Do you want me to leave you then mate? You’re due in four weeks. Especially when someone hurt Bailey thinking she was you. Ain’t happenin’.”

“I can take
Trevor to school, no problem. I’ll stay with him too. If someone is after Shana they might try and get Trevor too.” Blake looked around to the shocked faces, “What? I can manage a five year old.”

nodded his head. “Thank you Blake. It’s a great idea and I thank you. We’ll see you at eight. School starts at eight fifteen.”

groaned, “So early? I’ll be here but you owe me.” He was looking at Paul.

Trevor’s not my kid. I’m going to bed.”

said. “We need to meet again tomorrow night. All of us.”

They all made noises of acknowledgment before disbursing.


Chapter 11


was pacing outside Bailey’s room wondering what she was doing and if she needed help. He was imagining her using her new toy. God, he was going to drive himself crazy. He should just go back to his room and change into his pajamas.

He was walking to his room when he heard a small sound of pain.
He rushed into her room but she wasn’t there. He called out, “Bailey, where are you? Are you okay?”

She called back.
“I’m in the bathroom and I’m…okay.”

He knew exactly what she was doing.
“Bailey, can I come in?”

Her immediate response.
“Uh, no I’m pretty busy. You should…just go. I’ll be out in a few minutes and then we can chat.”

He ignored her protests and walked right into the bathroom.
He was shocked by what he saw. Bailey was sitting on the cold tile floor naked, knees to her chest with the dildo lying on a towel in the middle of the floor on a towel. She looked upset, lost, and confused.

She looked up at him, “I couldn’t do it.
It wouldn’t go in. No matter how hard I shoved. I can’t do anything right.” Her face fell down to her knees.

walked over to her and picked her up into his arms. “Come on, we need to talk.”

“But I need to do this tonight.
I can’t go back to work like this.”

Bailey, there’s no shame in being a virgin. It will be a blessing and a gift for your mate. Please, let’s just talk for a while.”

He pulled the covers back and put her under them pulling them high enough to cover her scar.
She smiled innocently up at him and he felt like a major pervert because of the bulge in his pants. What? He was only human, kinda.

climbed in the bed above the covers and started with, “I know Jake hasn’t had time to tell you about mates yet, with all the drama, so I figured I’d talk with you.”

“Um, are you sure you want to do this now?
Maybe another time when I have more clothes on.”

gave her a cat that got the cream grin. “I think you’ll be fine. Let’s make a deal. We’ll talk, and then I can tell you how to help yourself with the problem you were having.”

She was quick to respond.
“Deal. Go on.”

sighed. “Mating is a very special and sacred thing. It doesn’t happen to all shifters, but those who it does happen to are extremely blessed. In this pack the wolves travel often in attempt to scent their mate.”

“You can smell your mate?
What does it smell like?” She was sitting up like an eager child in school.

I’ll get there. Your mate will smell almost irresistible. Scent is unique to everyone as you know-”

blurted, “You smell like lemongrass,” before she thought better. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,
Bailey. You smell like the sweetest cotton candy.” Uh oh, she noticed his eyes were changing. “Mates are physically compatible as well as mutually attracted. It takes a strong shifter to deny his attraction. Mated pairs are unable to find physical pleasure if their mate is not in the room. If another person touches one half of a mated pair in a sexual way they would become physically sick. We mate for life.”

“So, let me get this straight.
If Jake were to touch someone’s boob, not Shana’s, he would get sick?”

nodded. “Yes, and the same applies to Shana. It will always be them together, until death and even then when a mate dies often times the other dies shortly after.”

“Great, with my constant assaults and bad luck, I’ll probably never mate.
No one will want to risk mating with me, with the scars and bad luck I’m bad a bet.”

looked directly at Bailey letting her see the golden hue in his eyes. “That’s not true. You are a prize to a worthy male. You have proven that you are protective of children, even when you did not breed them. You’re loyal to a fault, refusing to go to the hospital until you personally warned Jake of the threat to his family. And you’re beautiful inside and out. Any male of worth would be lucky to have you.”

was blushing and had a warm feeling low in her stomach. No one had ever spoken kind words to her, except her brother and it felt nothing like this. “You are going to make some girl very happy one day, Paul.” She wished she was good enough for him. He smelled great and he knew a woman’s value.

“Oh, I plan to.
Hopefully very soon.” Paul had to take a deep breath before he jumped on Bailey and took what he wanted, her heart.

Why did she feel liquid seeping in between her legs?
Oh shit, what was happening? She was leaking, had she started her period? No, she didn’t smell blood. She took some deep breaths and noticed her scent had changed and silently prayed that Paul hadn’t noticed.
Too late.

inhaled and smelled Bailey’s rich woman’s cream. He wanted her so very badly. He had tried so hard to keep his distance knowing she needed time but…he didn’t want to wait. He slid closer to Bailey and noticed her heart rate had picked up. Was she afraid of him?

saw her white knuckles clutching the sheet. “I would never hurt you, Bailey, you know that.”

“I know.”

“Can I talk to you about your bathroom escapades?”

She’d never been so embarrassed.
She felt Paul’s rough hand touch her chin and pull her head up. “Have I ever told you what my favorite dessert is?”

She shook her head and felt her every hair caress her shoulders and her nipples pebbled.
Oh God, what the hell was happening?

inhaled again and grinned, “Cotton candy. I have my own machine at home. It’s so sweet and melts in your mouth, like a woman.” He bent his head down and kissed her lightly. His lips were trembling like he was an untried male.

She could feel him shaking and felt empowered.
She knew it was silly but she couldn’t help but smile.

“You think this is funny?
I’ve been waiting for a very long time to kiss you. Do you want to know why you couldn’t…complete your task tonight?”

She nodded again, unable to find words.

“You weren’t aroused.” He reached under the covers slowly while keeping their eyes locked. He ran his hand down her flat stomach and into the hair shielding her entrance. “May I?”

She had no idea what he was asking and became anxious.

Paul kissed her until her scent was back to unyielding arousal. He ran his tongue over her lips praying she wouldn’t deny him. She opened her mouth and her tongue met his in the middle. She was innocent, but he could feel her passion rising to the surface. He thanked God she wasn’t pushing him away because he was dying.

got what he had been waiting for. Bailey’s hips rose unconsciously pleading with him to show her what to do. Paul let his hand wander to the skin above her breast. He ran his calloused fingertip over the soft swell and down between her breasts. His finger dipped into her belly button and kept traveling south.

made a soft sigh of contentment when his hand cupped her mound. He could smell how wet she was but he was worried he was moving too fast. “Can I-“

He didn’t get the chance to finish.
Bailey unclenched her fist from his shirt and placed her small hand over his, “Please Paul. Don’t stop, I need this.”

He needed it too.
He used his hand to part her folds and felt like he might blow his load with just touching her. His fingers slid easily over her, she kept one hand over his, and the other was on his chest above his heart. She leaned over and inhaled at his neck running her tongue over his heated skin. “God Bailey, you feel so good.”

His finger was right outside her entrance as his palm cupped her mound applying pressure to her clit.
She was moaning and writhing under him, he knew she was close. He couldn’t help his erection that was rubbing along her outer thigh. He slid one finger slowly into her snug channel and she briefly stiffened expecting immediate pain. “Not yet baby. Relax; I’ll take care of you.”

could feel his finger entering her but there was no blinding pain or even discomfort. She relaxed into him and placed her head on his chest. “Paul, I need…”

“I know
Bailey. I’m trying to go slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Thank you.”

Paul was sweating. He could feel how close she was to exploding. Her hips were bucking off the bed and her face was scrunched up. Something was missing though and he didn’t know what. He placed another finger in her and leaned down to suckle her breast. As he ran his teeth over her budded nipple, she came hard. At the moment she exploded he shoved his fingers past her barrier, while his hips also bucked into her leg, and he exploded too.

They lay there silent for a few minutes.
Finally, Bailey, opened her eyes and said, “Wow, that was…shouldn’t I…don’t you need release too?”

smiled. “Never fear. I went off when you did. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Your face flushed with pleasure and passion. I’ll never forget it. Are you in pain?”

She blushed.
“No, it was only a twinge. It hurt more trying to shove that beast in myself.”

went to get off the bed when she realized she was still leaking. Paul, to the rescue again. “I’ll take care of it. Just sit tight.”

saw him walk into the bathroom and noticed the blood on his hand. “Oh my God. You’re bleeding. Are you okay?”

looked at her sideways. “Did no one ever tell you that’s what happens when the…barrier is removed?”

pulled the sheet up so she could look down at herself. “Motherfucker!”

was back at her side, “What’s wrong?”

She looked up at him and he could smell her anger.
“My mother said there would be a small amount of blood but nothing like this. I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to get you dirty.”

sat next to her and with his weight the bed dipped causing her to roll into him. “I know Bailey. This was wonderful and magical. I’m not upset or ashamed and you shouldn’t be either. That’s what it’s supposed to be like between us.”

placed her head on his strong shoulder. “Thanks Paul, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I don’t think I could have done this by myself.”

became rigid, re-examining her comment from earlier,’
don’t stop. I need this.’
Great he had assumed she meant she needed him but she just didn’t want to be a virgin anymore. He was such a fool. He stood and walked into the bathroom, after washing his hands he wet a rag with warm water and went back into the room to find her under the covers, looking lost and small. “Here, clean up. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Where are you going?
Did I do something wrong?”

“I’m going to clean up and go to bed.”
He walked out and slammed the door behind him. He was hurt and tired. So tired of being what she needed. What about what he wanted? He wanted to claim his mate.

In his room he stripped off his soiled clothes and got in the shower.
His head was under the spray when he heard the door creak open. He brushed the water from his eyes and saw Bailey standing in a towel at the door.

“Need something else?”
He knew his words came out sharp and he was being a jerk but he couldn’t help it.

She recoiled like he had slapped her.
“I’m sorry. I know I did something wrong but I don’t know what. Please don’t be upset with me, let’s talk.” She leaned against the back of the door and slid down to the floor.

knew it had taken a lot of nerve to come to him. Especially after the way he had left her. “It’s not your fault. Come on, you can come in and get cleaned up too.”

blinked tears up at him. “I don’t want to be in there. What if you get mad at me and I need to get out of here fast.”

Bailey, I would never hurt you. I told you, I can’t. It would be like hurting my other half.”

She stood and dropped her towel.
He saw the blood streaked down her leg. “I’m sorry about your discomfort.”

She held onto his arm as she climbed into the shower.
“I’m only sorry I upset you. Please tell me what I did.”

took her face in his hands and she thought he was going to kiss her so she closed her eyes but was shocked to find he just wanted to wet her hair to wash it. What happened to the hot lover she had a while ago. She looked down at his manhood and her eyes went wide, holy shit he was huge. How did he expect that to fit into a woman?

“You’ll discover that it has no trouble fitting anywhere.”
She heard him chuckle and knew she must have said it out loud. Crap.

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