McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3 (30 page)

BOOK: McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3
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“Honey, he wanted to fix it for you,” Betty said. “Granted he went about it all wrong, but he can’t help that. He’s a man. His intentions were good.”

“You guys think I’m crazy to break up with him over this.” She’d expected her friends to share her outrage.

No one replied, which spoke volumes.

“I told him that keeping things from me was a deal-breaker, and still he didn’t tell me about the letters or that he’d punched Darren, even after I asked him what happened to his hand.”

“You have to stand up for what’s important to you,” Sylvia said.

“Absolutely,” Daisy said.

If that was true, why was Maddie suddenly worried that she’d made a huge mistake?

On the way home, she stopped at the post office to buy stamps.

“Hi there, Maddie,” Mrs. Jergenson said with a friendly smile.

Maddie stared at the woman behind the counter. She’d been in there a hundred times over the years and never once had the woman who ran the local post office addressed her by name.

“How are you today?”

“Fine,” Maddie stammered. “Thanks.” She bought her stamps and went to the drug store. Since she didn’t yet have a basket on the new bike, she bought only a few essentials.

“Afternoon, Maddie,” Mrs. Gold said. “Nice to see the sun after all that rain this morning.”

Again, Maddie was rendered speechless.

When she received the same treatment at the grocery store, Maddie had to acknowledge that her life on the island seemed to have changed overnight. The rumors people had believed for years had been dispelled. Her reputation had been restored. And she had Mac to thank for that.

Over the next two weeks, Mac threw himself into work. He spent twelve to fourteen hours a day at McCarthy’s, either making repairs or reorganizing the business’s finances. The company had plenty of money to pay for upgrades, and his father seemed more than happy to turn everything over to Mac.

Too bad he was miserable. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to stay on the island permanently after what had happened with Maddie. Living without her and Thomas, especially knowing they were so close but out of reach, was just too damned painful. Except for fleeting glances as she came and went from the hotel, Mac hadn’t seen her since the day he drove her to work. He continued to hope she’d come around, but he hadn’t heard from her and had begun to accept that he wasn’t going to. Janey had convinced him to give Maddie some time and space, but the longer he went without seeing her, the worse he felt.

He’d been consulting almost daily with his partners in Miami on a wide variety of ongoing projects. A few weeks ago, he’d been certain he would stay on the island and had planned to tell his partners he wasn’t coming back. Now he wasn’t sure, so he hadn’t said anything to them about his long-term plans. The more he hedged, however, the more persistent Roseanne became about pinning him down on a return date.

In light of that, he shouldn’t have been surprised when she showed up one day at McCarthy’s just as he was starting work on the gift shop roof. He watched Ned’s cab pull into the lot. Roseanne emerged and took a good look around the marina.

Mac suppressed a groan and wished there was somewhere to hide. But she spotted him on the roof and let out a happy shriek. Teetering on spike heels, she came rushing toward him as every guy on the dock stopped what he was doing to stare at her. Wanting to reach her before she got to the pier and broke her neck on those heels, Mac descended quickly from the roof.

They met in the parking lot where Roseanne launched herself into his arms.

Mac had no choice but to catch her.

Gripping a handful of his hair, she wrapped her legs around his hips and planted a huge kiss on him.

He heard the whistles and catcalls, but all Mac could think about while she kissed him senseless was getting rid of her as fast as he could.

“Maddie,” Daisy whispered. “Mrs. McCarthy wants to see you in the office.”

“Did she say why?”

Wide-eyed, Daisy shook her head. “Good luck,” Daisy called after her as Maddie took the stairs from the third floor to Mrs. McCarthy’s lobby office.

Outside the door, Maddie steeled herself and knocked briskly. “You wanted to see me?”

Linda looked up from a spreadsheet on the desk. “Maddie, hi.” She waved her in. “Close the door.”

Maddie took the seat Linda offered.

“Can I get you anything? Some coffee or tea?”

Surprised by the friendly reception, Maddie said, “Um, no. Thank you.”

“I heard an interesting rumor when I was in town the other day.”

Not more rumors!

“Is it true that the Beachcomber is trying to lure you away from us?”

“Libby made me an offer, but I haven’t given her an answer.”

Linda folded her hands on the desktop. “Ethel is retiring at the end of the summer. I’d like you to replace her. As a management position, it’s full-time, year-round, with benefits and two weeks’ paid vacation.” She rattled off a salary that shocked Maddie. It was even more than Libby had offered.

“Why me? You have other people on the housekeeping staff who’ve been here longer.”

“Sylvia and Betty wouldn’t want the hassle at this point in their lives, and the others aren’t qualified. Besides, you’re the one I want.”

“Why?” Maddie asked, shocked by this sudden shift in Linda’s attitude toward her.

“For one thing, I owe you an apology. I’m appalled by what my son Evan was involved in and by what those boys did to you. I can’t deny that I’ve treated you unfairly because I believed what people said about you. I’m ashamed to admit that.” Linda paused and then looked at Maddie. “I’m not asking you to forgive me, but I do hope you’ll consider the job.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Linda nodded. “Good.”

Maddie got up to leave.


She turned back.

“I’ve never seen Mac so low. He’s working himself to death trying to keep his mind off what happened with you.”

Maddie’s stomach churned. “I thought you didn’t approve of our relationship.”

“I was wrong about that, too. He’s heartbroken, and I can’t bear to see him this way. I was probably as angry at him about those letters as you were, so I understand where you’re coming from.”


“He loves you—and your son. He truly does. Is there any way you can find it in your heart to forgive him?”

Maddie’s heart fluttered painfully. For weeks, she’d agonized over the situation. While she still didn’t appreciate that he’d kept something so important from her, she had to acknowledge the letters had changed her life.

“Does he know you’re offering me a new job?”

Linda shook her head. “No one knows about that but you and me.” She paused before she added, “But if you want to discuss it with him, he’s at the marina.”

“You think he’d be happy to see me?”

“He’d be thrilled.”

For the first time since she walked away from him, Maddie felt a glimmer of hope. Without taking another second to consider the implications, she darted from Mrs. McCarthy’s office and out the hotel’s front door. She was halfway down the hill when a curvy, dark-haired woman launched herself into Mac’s arms and kissed him passionately.

Frozen in place, Maddie watched them long enough to see Mac return the woman’s kiss.

Maddie turned away, trudged up the hill and went back to work.

“What are you doing here?” Mac asked as he extricated himself from Roseanne’s embrace and lowered her to rickety heels.

“I missed you
much. I couldn’t wait another day to see you.” She combed her fingers through his hair. “You look much better. Nice tan.”

“I’ve been working outside for a change.”

“This is such a. . . cute. . . place. Very eclectic.”

Mac laughed to himself, imagining her reaction if she knew how much the cute little business was worth. “I wish I’d known you were coming. I’m really busy.”

Her face fell. “You’re not happy to see me.”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

Mac glanced at the hotel and then at Roseanne, trying to find the words.

“You’ve got someone else.”

He sighed and ran a hand though his hair. “It’s complicated.”

“Actually, it’s quite simple—do you have someone else or don’t you?”

“I do.” Even though he wasn’t with Maddie anymore, his heart belonged to her, and he couldn’t lead Roseanne on.

“Well, that didn’t take long. Are you planning to tell Connor and Tony you’re not coming back?”

“I haven’t decided what I’m doing yet. They’ll be the first to know.”

“And were you going to tell me?”

“I told you before I left—”

“That we were taking a break. You never said we were over.”

“I thought you understood—”

“Will you ask that old man who brought me to take me back to the ferry?”

“I’ll take you.”

She folded her arms and looked away. “I’d rather go with him.”

“Roseanne. . .”

“Will you ask him or shall I?”

When had his life gotten so damned complicated? Mac went over to where his father, Ned and Luke leaned against pilings, watching the show. “Ned, Roseanne can’t stay. Would you mind giving her a ride into town?”

“Boy, ya sure can pick ’em.” Ned chortled.

“Will you take her?” Mac asked through gritted teeth.

“With pleasure.”

“I’m sorry,” Mac said to Roseanne as he helped her into the cab.

She whipped a packet of envelopes out of her oversize purse and shoved it at him. “Here’s your mail. Have a nice life.”

As Ned’s car left the parking lot, Big Mac put a hand on Mac’s shoulder. “Are you all right, son?”

“Yeah.” Mac hated that she’d come so far to be disappointed, but he took comfort in knowing he’d been perfectly clear about where things stood between them before he left Miami.

“Why don’t you come home for dinner tonight?”

Since he had nothing better to do, Mac agreed.

Mac picked at the plate of shrimp scampi, remembering Maddie refusing to order it at Dominic’s because it had too much garlic. They’d had so little time together, but they’d created memories that might have to sustain him for a lifetime. That thought destroyed what was left of his appetite.

“Not hungry, Mac?”

“I’m sorry, Mom.” Mac wiped his mouth and put down his fork. “It’s really good.”

Studying him, she took a sip of wine. “Anything exciting happen today?”

Big Mac chuckled. “Other than Roseanne showing up and shocking the heck out of him?”

Linda froze. “She was here? On the island?”

“Yep,” Big Mac said.


“Around two or so, wasn’t it, son?”

Mac shrugged. “I guess.”

“Oh, God,” Linda whispered.

“What, hon?” Big Mac asked, his brows knitted with concern.


“What about her?” Mac asked, suddenly on full alert.

“She went to the marina to see you. Right around then. You didn’t talk to her?”

“I never saw her.” Mac groaned, remembering Roseanne’s enthusiastic greeting. He pushed back from the table. “Why was she coming?”

“I think she might be ready to talk to you. About what happened.”

“Oh no,” Big Mac said, stricken. “Roseanne was quite
to see him.”

“I’ve got to go,” Mac said. “I’m sorry, Mom. Thanks for dinner.”

Linda tipped her face to receive his kiss. “Go, honey. Find her.”

Mac cursed his crappy luck. What were the odds of Maddie finally deciding to come talk to him just as Roseanne wrapped herself around him? Banging his fist on the steering wheel, he let out a string of swears.

He pulled into Tiffany’s driveway for the first time in weeks, his heart racing with hope and fear. What would he do if she wouldn’t let him explain?

Maddie was sitting at the top of the stairs. Startled by his sudden appearance, she stood up to go inside.

“Wait!” Mac leapt from the truck and ran up the stairs. “Listen to me! She means nothing to me! She never did.”

“I know what I saw.”

“You saw her jump on me and kiss me. I had no idea she was coming. I didn’t want her there, and I certainly didn’t want to kiss her.” Mac took hold of Maddie’s arm to keep her from walking away. “The only one I want to kiss is
, and you
that. I told her I’m involved with someone else and sent her back to Miami on the first boat.”

Maddie’s beautiful eyes widened with surprise. “You said that even though we broke up?”

“That hasn’t changed how I feel about you. Nothing could.” He skimmed his fingers over her arm, gratified when she shivered. “I miss you. I miss everything about you.”

BOOK: McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3
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