McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3 (72 page)

BOOK: McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3
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“I’m here, Luke. I’m not going anywhere for a while yet.”

He wondered if she remembered saying those exact words to him once before.

Chapter 11

They dozed the afternoon away. For once, Sydney’s racing mind had quieted, and she gave Luke credit for that. It was hard to be around him for any period of time and not be drawn in by the calm that surrounded him.

Most of him, anyway. The part of him that was anything but calm pulsed against her back, letting her know he was ready for more.

Sydney laughed softly. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so carefree or relaxed. “You’re insatiable.”

His hand shifted from her belly to cup a breast. “Only with you.”

“Were there many others?” She had no right to ask, but she hoped he hadn’t been totally alone.

“A few. Here and there. Nothing serious.” His thumb moved back and forth over her nipple, sending an electrical current to her sex and making her squirm against him. “No one like you.”

“Luke.” She started to turn over to face him, but he stopped her.

He pushed his erection into the cleft of her bottom. “Stay. Like this.”

Sydney’s entire body hummed with tension and desire, as if she hadn’t already been thoroughly satisfied—multiple times—in the last few hours. Waiting to see what he would do had her holding her breath in anticipation.

His hand traveled slowly from her breast to her hip and down her leg. He curled his fingers under her knee and drew her leg back to rest on him. As he placed soft, strategic kisses on her neck, his fingers traveled up the inside of her thigh, making her quiver.

She arched her back into him, seeking him.

Finding her slick and ready, he buried his fingers inside her and pressed his erection into the cleft of her ass.

Sydney gasped at the dual sensations. Sex with him had always been earthy and almost primitive. They’d tried everything at least once—more than once, if they’d liked it. Without ever exchanging a word on the subject, he somehow knew what it took to make her scream.

Acknowledging that he was the only man who’d ever known her so well made her feel guilty and disloyal. But his tender ministrations gave her no time for thoughts of anything but right here. Right now.

As he slid his fingers in and out of her, he continued to pump against her ass. Until he shifted his focus to the tight bundle of nerves at her core, and she climaxed so suddenly that she cried out her pleasure in a keening moan that came from her toes. She was still in the throes of it when he moved her onto her hands and knees to enter her from behind.

Sydney gasped and fought to accept the length and width of him. He filled her so completely, so thoroughly.

“Is this okay?” he asked.


“Nothing hurts?”

She shook her head.

He held her hips carefully and pressed into her hard and fast.

She rested her head on folded arms and gripped the sheet to keep from flying off the bed.

Using his knees, he urged her legs even farther apart as he slowed the pace. If he was out to drive her crazy, he was doing one hell of a job. Then she felt his hands on her bottom, smoothing over the cheeks in a gentle caress that made her legs turn to jelly. Her breath got caught in her throat when his finger slid into the cleft, teasing, pressing, exploring.

Sydney came again, screaming as the powerful release rocketed through her.

Luke slipped an arm under her hips and surged into her one last time, grunting as he let himself go. He collapsed, half on her, half off, his lips pressed against her back as they recovered.

For the longest time, they lay there joined, cooling, breathing, throbbing with aftershocks.

He nuzzled her hair aside, his lips brushing against her ear. “God, Syd,” he said so softly she almost didn’t hear him.

She nudged at him, encouraging him to let her up.

He withdrew from her and shifted onto his back. Gathering her close, he kissed her forehead. “We’ll make it work this time. One way or the other, we’ll make it work.”

Sydney closed her eyes tight against the rush of emotion. She wanted another chance with him, but first there was something she needed to tell him.

“Maddie called while we were in the shower,” Sydney said, catching the heated look he sent her way when she mentioned the shower. Just when she’d been certain they’d worn themselves out, he had proven otherwise, taking her fast and rough against the wall. She’d never had so much sex in her life, and even though she was tender in a few interesting places, she was enjoying every minute with him.

“What’d she have to say?”

“She left a message that she and Mac are going with Joe and Janey to the Tiki Bar at McCarthy’s tonight. Something about a guy playing there they want to see.”

“Owen Lawry. He comes through a couple of times every summer. Plays the guitar and sings. He’s really good. You want to go?”

“I wouldn’t mind getting out for a bit.”

He turned away from the grill and came over to where she stood looking out at the sunset. Putting his arms around her from behind, he nuzzled her neck. “Because I’ve worn you out?”

Sydney laughed and covered his hands with hers. “Partially.”

“What’s the other part?”

“Maddie was worried when I talked to her earlier. She wants to see that I’m okay.”

“And are you? Okay?”

Sydney turned to him and slipped her arms around his neck. “I’m fine.”

“Are you feeling, you know, guilty at all?”

“Some. My therapist said I should expect that the first time.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I’m a little guilty, too.”


“I’m so damned happy to have you back in my life and in my bed, but I know how difficult this step is for you.”

Sydney reached up to brush the hair off his forehead. “I’m glad I took the step with you.”

Luke hugged her. “So am I.”

She drew back to look up at him. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

His entire body went rigid. “What?”

Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm the nerves that suddenly gripped her. “Remember when we talked about whether or not I want more kids?”

He nodded. “What about it?”

“Well, the thing is, I can’t have any more. Not naturally, anyway.”


“I know I should’ve told you sooner. It just didn’t seem like the right time the other day. But I wanted you to know.”

Luke looked over her head at a point off in the distance.

“I’d understand if that changes things for you—”

He brought his gaze back to meet hers. “It doesn’t change anything.”

“You must want kids of your own someday.”

“I haven’t given that much thought, to be honest. I’ve never come close to being married, so it hasn’t been an issue.”

“You’d only have kids if you were married?”

“I didn’t know my own father, so I’d never want a kid of mine to grow up that way. Marriage seems to seal the deal.”

“You should think about this, Luke, and be sure how you feel about it.”

He drew her into a hug. “If I had a choice between five kids with someone else or no kids with you, I pick you.” He brushed a soft kiss over her lips. “I pick you every time.”

Overwhelmed by him, Sydney rested her forehead against his chest.

“Were you worried about what I might say?”

She nodded.

“That’s good.”

Looking up at him, Sydney laughed. “Why?”

“It means you care.”

“I do care.”

He kissed her nose and then her lips. “I know you do. Come on, let’s eat.”

Luke and Sydney arrived at the marina just as Big Mac was pulling the garage doors closed on the dockside restaurant.

“What’re you still doing here?” Luke asked him.

“Linda had a thing with the ladies, so I stuck around to have a beer with Owen.”

“Syd, you remember Mr. McCarthy, right?” Luke said.

She extended a hand to the older man, who enclosed hers between both of his. “Nice to see you again, Mr. McCarthy.”

“That’s Big Mac to you, and it’s good to see you, too. I was so sorry to hear of your terrible loss.”

“Thank you.”

“Good day off?” Big Mac asked Luke.

“It was. Thanks for the time.”

“You don’t have to thank me. In fact, take tomorrow, too. We’re slow this week.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Everyone needs downtime once in a while.”

“I won’t say no to that.”

“I’m heading home. They’re all down at the Tiki Bar. Have a good time tonight.”

“We will.” Luke reached for Sydney’s hand and escorted her to the bar Big Mac had installed off the main pier in another of his successful schemes to expand the business.

Maddie waved to them from the corner of the crowded outdoor bar.

On the way past the small stage, Luke waved to Owen, the blond surfer dude with an incredible voice, who loved to boast of his vagabond existence in an old van with an even older guitar.

Owen stopped singing when he saw Luke but kept strumming his guitar. “Is that Luke Harris? With a
? Did hell freeze over since I was last here?”

Luke flipped his friend the bird, which drew laughs from the table in the corner. He looked over at Sydney in time to catch the blush that flamed her cheeks.

The group made room for Luke and Sydney. Maddie dragged Syd down to the chair next to hers and gave her a big hug.

“How’re you doing?” Maddie asked.

“Better. Thank you—both of you,” she said, including Mac.

“Anytime,” Mac said.

“What’s a guy gotta do to get a beer around here?” Luke asked, looking around for a waitress.

Mac gestured to the bar. “It’s quicker to help yourself tonight,” Mac said, gesturing to the bar.

“Anyone need anything?” Luke asked.

“We’re good,” Joe said. “Just got a new round.”

Luke leaned over to Sydney. “Wine?”

“Actually, light beer is looking good to me tonight.”

“You think you know a girl,” Luke said with a smile for her as he made his way through the crowd to the bar. He found Big Mac’s best buddy, Ned, the island’s number one cab driver, leaning against the bar. “How goes it, Ned?”

“Not bad. Madhouse tonight.”

“Always is when Owen’s here.”

“Pretty girl grew up to be a lovely woman.”

“What’s that?”

“Yer girl,” Ned said, nodding toward the table.

“Oh. Yeah. She sure did.” Luke tried and failed to get the bartender’s attention. Didn’t she know he partially owned the place? Not that he’d
play that card.

“Had me a girl like that once,” Ned said in an odd moment of introspection. “Even had red hair like yer girl.”

Astounded by the revelation, Luke stared at the old man with the wild white hair and bushy beard. He wore a faded red T-shirt and khaki shorts—an outfit that was dressed up by Ned’s usual standards. “What happened?”

“Same thing that happened to you—she picked someone else.”

Luke wasn’t sure how to reply to that. “Is she still with him?” he asked, deciding that was the safest of his many questions.

“Nah. Ended more than twenty-five years ago.”

“So why didn’t you go after her?”

Ned shrugged. A toothpick danced around his mouth. “She knows where I am.”

“Is she here? On the island?”

“What’ll it be, Luke?” the bartender asked before Ned could reply.

“Two light beers, please.”

“Coming right up.”

Luke turned back to Ned. “Well, is she? Here?”


“You ever see her?”

“Only from a distance.”

“Who is it?”

“Ya ain’t gettin that outta me, boy,” Ned said with a snort.

The bartender delivered the beers, and Luke paid her. Turning back to Ned, he said, “Let me tell you—from experience—everything is better the second time around. If you still think about her, go see her. You never know what might happen.”

“Suddenly yer the wise one, eh?”

Luke shrugged. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“She gonna break ya heart again?”

“Hope not.”

“She’s looking for ya. Better get back to her.”

Luke shifted his gaze to the table. When his eyes met Sydney’s, he returned her smile.

“Whoo, boy, ya got a bad, bad case,” Ned said with a howl of laughter.

BOOK: McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3
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