Melissa's Acceptance (6 page)

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Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Melissa's Acceptance
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Chapter Six

Melissa unlocked the door to her apartment leading the way to her small kitchen as Damian and Luke followed.

She pushed the play button on her answering machine and listened to the messages as she filled the kettle and got down coffee mugs from the cupboard. Her sister had left several messages asking her to call her as soon as she got home. Sara hadn't heard from Mel in a few days and Sara was beginning to worry.

The last message on her machine took her by surprise.

Wesley Sands had left a message apologizing for the way he had treated Mel. He asked for her to call him because he wanted to see her; she spun around in surprise when she heard a low growling noise coming from her two mates.

She ignored their blustering as she set about making them coffee and placing it on the small table where they had taken a seat. She picked up the cordless phone, seated herself in between her mates and called her sister.

“Hi Sara, what time do you get off work tonight?”

Melissa listened to the response and smiled brightly.

“Good. How about I bring some Chinese takeout over for dinner? There are two people I want you to meet. Okay we'll be there around six. Love you, see you tonight,” she disconnected the call and turned to her men. “You have nothing to worry about you know.”

“About what babe?” Luke asked.

“Wesley. I don't want anything do to with him. I'm not going to call him. A little trust from you two would go along way if this relationship is to get off the ground.”

Melissa warned softly.

“It's not you we don't trust little Mel, any other male in your life who is not related to you is perceived as a threat 54

by our wolves. It is a natural instinct sweetheart. You would feel exactly the same way with us. Your wolf would also wish to express her displeasure,” Damian explained.

“Hmm… okay I can try and relate to that, thank you for explaining your reaction to me,” Melissa thought that this relationship might work. If they kept the line of communication open to her and explained the reasons they reacted as they did, she would have no reason to become annoyed with them.

“What type of work do you do Mel?” Damian asked curiously.

“I proofread and edit novels, which I'm glad to say I can do anywhere. I have set up the second bedroom as my office but since I use a laptop and not a desk top computer, I can pretty much take my work with me wherever I go.”

“Do you enjoy your work babe?” asked Luke.

“Yeah I do. I think I am very lucky. I get to read all kinds of books before they're out in print. I love to read so much, I decided to make a career out of it,” Melissa smiled passionately, her love of her work glowed in her eyes.

Melissa was about to ask her mates their line of work, when someone pounded loudly on her front door.

Melissa felt trepidation run the length of her spine.

She was afraid to answer the door, she had a feeling she already knew who was knocking. Her fears were confirmed when she opened the door to face Wesley Sands.

“Hi Melissa, did you get my message?” Wesley didn’t wait for an answer. He jumped ahead with his explanation and apology. “I'm really very sorry for the way I treated you that night. I came to apologize to your face and to ask if you would be willing to give me another chance. I'd really like to take you out to dinner tonight if you're not doing anything?”

Melissa didn't get the chance to answer; the door was snatched from her hands. She was abruptly picked up and moved away from the door. She found herself standing 55

behind her two mates. They were blocking her with their bodies and trying to protect her from Wesley. If she wasn't so mad at them it would have made her laugh, Wesley was no threat to her.

“Melissa is not going out with you, nor will she ever be seeing you again. So I suggest you leave right now,”

Damian said in a voice of steel. He barely suppressed the urge to bare his teeth at the man on her doorstep.

“Melissa, what's going on? Who are these two Neanderthals?”

“Uh… I wouldn't insul...” Melissa didn't get to finish her warning. Damian stepped forward until he was virtually standing on top of Wesley.

“Melissa will not be going on any dates now or in the future, with you or any other male. She is married to us.

You had your chance and blew it. Leave now,” Damian snarled.

Wesley looked from one man to the other, ice running through his veins at the threat he could feel emanating from the two men standing in Melissa doorway. Hidden aggression was paramount in their stance.

“Seems I was right about you all along, you dirty little slut,” Wesley muttered darkly.

He was about to turn away, but before he could, a hard fist slammed into his eye and cheek. The blow knocked him to the ground and he yelped in pain.

“You ever insult my wife again you slimy little bastard, you will not live to see another day. I suggest if you value your life, you get your ass off Melissa's property right now,” Luke growled, the threat rumbling out from between clenched teeth.

Wesley gained his feet, swaying slightly before he ran to his car then he sped away with a squeal of tires.

Damian and Luke watched the weasel drive away slamming the door closed ushering her back into the kitchen.


“Was violence really necessary?” Melissa yelled in disbelief.

“Was I supposed to let him get away with insulting you?” Luke asked glaring at her.

“You could have handled it without violence Luke,”

Melissa said sighing. Shit what had she gotten herself into.

Could it really be possible they would ever be able to live in harmony? She was not a submissive female and her men were very dominant. She just didn't see how their relationship would survive. They would be clashing all the time.

“It's our job to protect you Melissa. Your life and happiness is to be placed above all things. If you're happy then we will be happy also. We cannot allow you to be insulted or hurt in anyway,” Luke stated quietly.

“I'm not one of these women who can be pushed around. Can't you see that? I am more than capable of protecting myself if the need arises. I will not be told what to do. If this relationship is going to work you are going to have to learn to compromise,” Melissa said angrily as she glared from Damian to Luke.

“Melissa, please try to understand it is our wolf's instinct to protect our mate. If you are in danger of any kind, be it physical or verbal, we cannot simply stand back and watch you get hurt. I'm sorry if that makes you angry or uncomfortable. We cannot change who we are just because you're used to doing things for yourself. You have us to help you and we can't just stand by and watch while someone insults you. You need to be able to compromise as well sweetheart. If you can't accept us for who we are, then maybe we should just go back home,” Damian quietly spoke, his voice resonating through the small place.

Melissa stared out the kitchen window as she pondered what they had said. She had been critical of them.

She knew if she or Sara were in the same position, the other would have stepped in to protect the other. She needed to 57

stop looking for reasons to keep them at arms length and accept them for the weres they were. That didn't mean she had to be submissive to them. She could still stand up for herself and what she believed in, without trying the change them. Raising her eyes to her mates she looked from one to the other.

“I'm sorry. You're right.” Melissa apologized and then explained. “I'm just so used to being by myself. I guess I've just become too independent. I am not really trying to change who you are, I'm just not used to depending on anyone beside my sister and myself. Please forgive me?”

“Come here sweetheart,” Damian commanded holding out a hand to her.

Melissa walked over to Damian, taking his hand in hers. Damian snagged his other arm around her waist and pulled her down to his lap where he tucked her securely into the length of his big body. Using a finger he gently lifted her chin so her gaze met his, he looked into her eyes until her breathing became more rapid and her pupils started to dilate. When he knew he had her full attention he bent his head to hers until his lips swept across hers in a gentle teasing manner.

He felt her lips quiver under his an instant before her lips parted for a deep breath of air. Damian took advantage.

He tilted his head and plundered her mouth with his. His tongue pushed into the warm wet recess of her mouth and he groaned with need when her tongue answered tangling with his.

She made him so hot. He couldn't get enough of her.

He ravished her mouth as he slid his hand under the hem of her shirt until his large warm palm slid across the silky skin of her stomach. Slowly inching his hand up, he rested his fingers on the swell of her breasts not moving, as if he was waiting for her refusal.

She arched into his palm giving her unspoken permission and moaned low in her throat at the exquisite 58

feeling of having her breast kneaded with his warm palm.

He flicked her aroused nipple with his thumb, brushing back and forth across the tip through the lace of her bra.

The feeling was enhanced as the lace rasped across the turgid peak, making her whimper with need. She arched more fully into his touch. She nearly cried out her denial when he gentled the kiss and brought her back down to earth.

“We need to stop now sweetheart. There's not enough time for us to love you the way we want to. We're supposed to be at your sisters in half an hour,” Damian panted out as he rested his forehead against hers.

Melissa closed her eyes gasping for breath, trying to get her arousal under control. Thank goodness Damian had the control to stop; otherwise she didn't think they would have made it to her sister's at all. She was so aroused she wanted her mates to love her all through the night.

Opening her eyes again she stared deeply into Damian’s eyes, she could swear she could see into his soul.

The emotion was there for her to read; the need for her, the need to protect, for understanding and love. She had not expected to see so much emotion from a male she hadn't known very long. She felt her heart fill with joy as she stared into his eyes, her own filling with moisture as she gazed into his, not realizing her eyes were expressing the same emotions back to him.

Damian smiled at her and it lit up his whole face, he leaned in again to place a sweet kiss upon her quivering lips then helped her to stand.

“We need to go sweetheart. If we don't leave now I don't think we'll make it to your sisters at all.”

Melissa stepped away from Damian, taking a deep breath to regain control.

“Let's go then,” she stated as she grabbed her keys and purse from the table heading to the door.



Chapter Seven

Melissa was feeling decidedly agitated as she waited for Sara to open her front door. When she heard her sister’s footsteps approaching the door, she took a deep steadying breath and pasted a smile on her face.

“Hi Sara,” she smiled at her sister and then watched her face as her sister looked at the two men standing behind her. “I'd like you to meet Damian and Luke Aerth. Damian, Luke, my sister Sara.”

Her two men put Sara at ease right away. They each extended a hand, shaking hers in greeting, then set about charming her with their wit and confident personalities.

They spoke of inconsequential things such as Sara's work while they ate their meal of Chinese takeout.

“Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee or soda, sorry I don't have any beer to offer you at the moment,” Sara offered as she and Melissa cleared away the plates.

“Coffee's fine thanks Sara,” her mates both answered in unison.

“Could you give me a hand please Mel?” Sara asked as they took the plates to the kitchen.

Melissa followed her sister and set about filling the sink with hot water and detergent leaving the dishes to soak while Sara put the kettle on and retrieved some mugs from a cupboard.

“Where did you meet Luke and Damian sis?” Let the interrogation begin.

“At the inn I drove to last weekend.”

“Melissa what were you thinking? You picked up strange men from a bar? Are you crazy?” Sara asked in an agitated whisper.


“Sara I can't explain everything to you right now; but please just trust me to know what I'm doing. Those two men would never hurt me. In fact they would give their lives to protect me if needed.”

“I don't understand you Mel. Less than a week ago you were here crying on my shoulder about a date, and now you have two men vying for your attentions and you're playing along with them. You don't even know them Melissa. You've let them into your apartment, brought them to meet me; which you have never done before and didn’t I mention there were two of them? How can you be dating two men at the same time? What gives?” Sara asked glaring at her sister with her arms folded beneath her chest.

Melissa knew that stance. Sara was not going to back down until she had been answered to her satisfaction. She raised her eyes to ceiling, knowing she would have to explain to Sara but not knowing how to go about it. The matter was taken out of her hands completely when she smelled Damian and Luke walk into the kitchen behind her.

Luke walked up behind Mel wrapping her in his arms from behind and pulling her against his warm muscular chest. Damian stood next to her and placed an arm around her shoulders. He bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

“I think we can answer any of the questions you have Sara. You probably won't believe us or like what we have to say; but I want you to listen with an open mind,” Damian said as he waited for Sara to acknowledge his statement.

“Okay, I'll listen to you without interrupting and try to listen with an open mind. Before we do get down to the nitty gritty of things, how about I make that coffee? Then we can adjourn back to the living room where we'll all be more comfortable.”

When they were ensconced in the living room with Melissa on the sofa and her two mates seated on either side of her. Sara sat in an armchair across from them and waited expectantly for them to begin explaining.


“We met Melissa at the Shifter Inn under unusual circumstances. Luke went barging through the door of the inn just as Melissa was about to leave. He knocked her flat on her back, as she landed she hit her head hard on the floor knocking herself unconscious. We were so worried about her we had a doctor check her over to make sure she was all right. We took her back to our home where she stayed and recuperated from the concussion.” Damian began.

“Why didn't you call me Mel? I would've been there in a shot to come and get you,” Sara stared at Melissa accusingly.

“Sara please, you promised not to interrupt,” Melissa reminded Sara gently.

“Continue,” Sara said with a sigh, waving her hand in Damian's direction.

“We took Melissa back to our cabin two hours from the Shifters Inn and took care of her until she was well again. The scent of your sister was overwhelming to us; she smelled so sweet, like peaches and vanilla intertwined. We couldn't seem to help ourselves. Her scent drew us to her like a moth to a flame.” Damian paused and began speaking when Sara stayed quiet.

“We seduced your sister and made her our mate. Sara, we need you to know we will do everything within our power to make your sister happy. She completes us in a way no other woman could ever do. We love your sister very much,” Damian spoke with such emotion it brought tears to both sisters eyes.

“Wait,” Sara raised her palm to stop any conversing,

“What the hell is a mate?”

“We are werewolves Sara. Your sister is our mate, which also means, that she is our wife,” Luke stated quietly waiting for the explosion.

“Melissa I want you to come into the kitchen with me right now,” Sara her voice raised with alarm.

“You're going to have to show her sweetheart,”


Damian said. Melissa stood and began removing her clothes, much to her sister's horror.

“Melissa you stop that right now. What is wrong with you?”

When Melissa was naked, she closed her eyes to envisage her wolf and let the power roll over her body. Her bones started cracking and popping, the fur of her wolf ran along her arms, legs, and torso; making her flesh tingle.

Then she was looking at her sister from knee height.

Sara had lifted her legs from the floor, her hand covering her mouth as she hyperventilated. She looked at her sister, who now stood before her with her emerald green eyes and a reddish brown fur coat.

“Oh my god. Melissa is that really you? How can this be possible? What did you two do to my sister?” she asked taking huge gasping breaths. She just stared as Melissa changed back to human form. Melissa redressed and sat back on the sofa between her two mates.

“Sara, Damian and Luke did not want to change me into a werewolf. They had no choice. I was shot by a madman and the only way to save my life was to change me; to be the same as they are. I would have died Sara. I was dying. I could feel my life slipping away. Please don't hate me. I'm still the same person I was before this happened.”

“I could never hate you Mel. God how could you even think that. You're my sister, for crying out loud,” Sara finished on a sob. She then rushed to her sister and wrapped her in a tight embrace.

They cried together for a couple of minutes while being watched over by Melissa's two mates. When they had themselves back under control, Sara surprised them all.

“Are there anymore single men who look like you two? I think werewolves must have something in the genes that make you all hot.” Sara admitted frankly.

“As a matter of fact there are quite a few single men 63

left in the pack. You'll have to come out and visit one day Sara. See if we can find a mate or mates for you as well.

We look after the females in our family little sister, so if any of the men take your fancy, you let us know and we'll see what we can do. We can't guarantee that you will find your mate though, that seems to be a gift from God,”

Damian grinned as he pulled Mel onto his lap.

“Don't you worry I have every intention of visiting.

Does that mean you are going to be moving away Mel?”

“We haven't really discussed that yet. We have a lot of issues we still need to work through Sara. It's going to take us all some time to adjust; but I think we need to be leaving now because I'm becoming very tired,” Melissa stated around a big yawn.

When they had said their goodbyes to Sara, Luke escorted Melissa to the car by placing an arm around her waist as she leaned into his side.

“If you hurt her, you'll answer to me,” Sara promised for Damian's ears only.

“As we would expect you to,” Damian looked into Sara's eyes, not the least intimidated by her cold stare.


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