Melody (THE LOGAN FAMILY) (22 page)

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you? How in the hell do you know how I’m thinking? Steven Kemp is the man who came into my house and raped me with my daughter in the hallway! I’m gonna make sure he goes to prison and stays there! You’re supposed to be protecting us, Detective Morris! Not him!”

“So it’s true?” Cheyenne Wilson whispered from the doorway. Everyone stared at her. She walked up where they could see her in the aura of the lights. “It’s true, isn’t it? Detective Kemp is the rapist after all?”

“Cheyenne, what are you doing here?” Brianna whispered.

“Funny I came to talk to you, Detective Morris. I was waiting outside until I heard someone yelling.” She looked at Aileen. “I assume you were raped by the Albany Predator, too?”

“Yes.” Aileen nodded. “Or in other words, by Steven Kemp. May I go now? I’ve had enough of this for one night.”

“Yes, and please try to get some rest, Mrs. Andrews. I’ll show you and your friends out.” Parsons led Melody, Sarah and Aileen out of the room. Arlen rushed out behind them.

Cheyenne glared at Brianna and Jersey. “I thought you were on our sides, but I see you’re not, Detective.”

“Cheyenne, I don’t know what you think you heard, but I am on your side. I’m just trying to find out the truth, that’s all.”

“Right. Why do you go to such extremes to defend this man? I heard what she said out there. She identified Steven as the rapist. And you stood here and defended him. How could you do that? You’re supposed to protect the victims and not the criminals!”

“Cheyenne, we have to be sure! A cop’s life is at stake here.” She chuckled. “A cop’s life? What about our lives, huh? How do you know he didn’t rape us? How do you know? Tell me how you can be so sure? Were you there? You don’t give a damn about us.”

“Cheyenne, that’s not true. I’m doing all I can for everyone! Please see that I am. I want to help you!”

She scoffed. “I can’t see that at all. As a woman you should be ashamed of yourself.”

Brianna sighed. “Please, you’ve got the wrong picture of me, Cheyenne.”

“All I see is someone determined to defend that man no matter what we all say. Maybe you’d think different if you were standing on this side of the fence, Detective. I hope you never have to go through something like this. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Not even on you.”

“Cheyenne, please understand where I’m coming from,” Brianna pleaded. “I
on your side, but I know Steven and he’s not a rapist! Please believe that.”

Cheyenne shook her head. “All I believe is that you will do anything to protect that man, Detective Morris.” Cheyenne turned to Jersey. “I’m gonna do my part to make sure Steven Kemp gets what he deserves. You can count on that.” She stomped away.

Jersey touched Brianna’s shoulder. “Morris, are you all right? She didn’t mean what she said. It’s a difficult time for her right now.” Brianna sobbed. “Morris?”

Brianna left the room.

“I didn’t do it!” Steven slapped the wall of his cell.

“She’s identified you, Steven!” Arlen paced. “What in the hell is going on? Do you realize the shit you’re in?”

“Oh Jesus.” Steven rubbed his forehead. He sat on the little bed. “Arlen, how could this be happening to me? I was just going along and now I’m accused of rape? I could lose my badge and be kicked off the force.” He held his head low.

Arlen held his waist. “Steven, losing your badge is the last damn thing you need to be worried about now. You could to go prison!” Arlen leaned against the wall. “Steven, I want to believe you, but…”

? So you think I’m capable of rape?”

“All I know is that Aileen Andrews identified you as easy as the white on snow! And she didn’t just point you out, Steven. She nearly had a heart attack because she was so frightened. You can mistake someone’s judgment but you can’t question fear. Steven, you gotta be honest with me here. That’s the only way I can put together a decent case.”

“It’s really going to trial?” Steven exhaled. “Arlen, we gotta stop it from going to trial!”

“What do you think this is, some fairy tale? You were just accused of being a serial rapist! Of course you’re going to trial, unless you can prove that you’re innocent! And you wait until they bring the other victims in here. Steven, you gotta give me something to work with!”

“I didn’t rape anyone, Arlen! That’s all I can say!” Arlen sighed. “I’m innocent. You have to believe that.”

“Steven, it’s not what I believe; it’s what everyone else believes. This isn’t looking good at all. I thought for sure that the lineup would go our way but it was a disaster! There has to be something you’re not telling me!”

“I…did…not…rape…anyone! If you can’t believe that, then don’t defend me!” Steven leaned against the wall.

“I do believe you, Steven. That’s why this is so scary. I can’t bear the thought of an innocent man going to prison. I mean, I represent plenty of guilty clients, but I work my ass off extra hard when I believe the person is innocent.”

“Arlen, I just need to get outta here, man. I need you to get me a bail hearing for tomorrow. Can you?”

He shrugged. “I’ll try my best. But the DA’s going for no bail, Steven. That means, if I don’t convince the judge that you’re safe enough to put on the streets, then you’ll have to figure out what the hell you’re gonna do from inside this cell.”

Captain Jersey walked up.

“Captain.” Steven sighed. “I’m glad you came. What’s going on?”

“I uh, just got off the phone with Commissioner Reynolds. Steven, I have to put you on suspension.”

“No! I have to be on this case in order to clear my name!”

“Steven, you were just charged with rape. There is no way around this.” Jersey clasped her hands.

“Do you believe that I’m innocent, Captain Jersey?” He stared at her.

She smiled. “Of course I do. There isn’t a doubt in my mind, Steven. You would never hurt anyone. I’m going to do everything in my power to help you prove it.”

Chapter Thirteen

hat night Melody dropped Sarah off at a friend’s, then headed home. She couldn’t ignore how beautiful the night had been. Even Aileen’s ordeal hadn’t dirtied the fantastic moonlight. Melody rarely had time to appreciate nature’s beauty. She’d always loved looking out her bedroom at the moon and stars. Nighttime had always been her favorite.

While others slept through it, she always received pleasure from lying in her bed and listening to the still of night flowing through the house. She noticed Lucas’s car before she moved from her jeep. She had forgotten their argument while dealing with Aileen. He would always be the most handsome man she knew. She could imagine thirty years passing, yet Lucas would still probably be the only man she really loved. They shared more than most couples did during a lifetime.

They’d been kids together. They’d shared more than people of the opposite sex ever could. Lucas had been one of her dearest friends. No matter what happened in their romantic lives, nothing would ever change that. He would forever have a special place in her heart. She walked to the porch. He sat on the little bench with his head low. He seemed as tired as she felt.

He immediately looked up when she approached. It seemed so automatic how she got his attention sometimes. He claimed he lived just to be near her. Just to please her. Melody didn’t have to question the sentiment tonight. Him being there proved how much he cared.

“Hey.” He waved. She couldn’t ignore how fascinating he looked under the glare of the porch light. She twirled her keys.

“Uh, what are you doing here?” She didn’t know why she asked. She didn’t give a damn
he’d come. She silently thanked God that he had.

He nodded. “I know I’m the last person you want to see.” Melody opened the front door. Lucas kept his eyes on the flow of her denim skirt. Lucas had a way of looking at her that couldn’t compare to flattery from words. “I’ve been waiting for a while. I think it was still light when I came.” He chuckled. “I called your cell phone.”

“Yeah, I didn’t have it on. I’ve been busy, you know?” She rested against the door as she swatted a gnat from her face. “You didn’t say why you were here.”

He stood. “I’m just here to apologize. I also rushed over when I heard about Aileen. Craig called me. He said you told him.” Melody nodded. “He wanted to go see her, but didn’t know how she’d react.”

“Yeah, it’s best that he waits. She just needs some time.”

“I can’t believe it, you know?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Aileen’s like family to me. You all are. We grew up together. I mean, you know someone for years, and you never dream that something so terrible could happen like this. I wanted so much to go see her. But how could I? What would I say after not being around all this time?” He sighed. “Anyway, it’s ridiculous that I lost touch with you all. You guys were a part of me, Melody. You all mean so much to me. It’s like something’s been missing since school.”

“No one blames you, Lucas. Like you said, people drift apart.”

He stepped up to her. “But not from family. It’s no excuse, Melody. I should have always been there. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

“Yeah, but why are you bringing this up now? I mean, tonight?” She gestured for him to come inside. He did. She offered him some refreshments. He refused. They sat on the couch. “Luke, talk to me.”

“I guess Aileen’s rape made me realize that I was taking things for granted. I took
for granted. You’ve always managed to be there for me, even in spirit. And I can’t be a more supportive boyfriend?” He shook his head. “After you left my place last night, I was so confused. It didn’t make sense for us to fight, and about Keith.” She turned away. He took her hand. “Melody, I don’t ever want you to feel you can’t come to me. You can come to me with anything, baby. Anything.”

“I need you to be my boyfriend, Lucas. I don’t need you tearing into me and lecturing me. I get that shit enough. I need to know you’re on my side, because right now, I feel like no one is.”

“That’s not true, Mel. We’re all on your side. That’s why we want to make sure everything is okay.”

“Sometimes you look at me like you expect me to fall apart, and I hate that feeling, Lucas. I’m not gonna explode or get to where I can’t handle things. I wish you could accept that I can handle things for myself. I don’t need a guardian, Lucas. I need a lover.”

He nodded. “You’re a complicated woman to love.”

She chuckled. “Well, I never said loving me would be easy. You wanted to hitch on for the ride. I didn’t invite you.”

“Wow, that’s honest.” He bucked his eyes. She kissed him.

“Doesn’t mean that I don’t want you to come along.” She lay her head on his shoulder. “See, this feels good. Just holding each other like this. I spend too much time worrying, Lucas. I can’t live like that anymore. When I’m with you, I want no worries. Can we just be happy and enjoy being together?”

“Melody, I will support you in anything. I want you to come to me. I will also respect what you say about Keith.” She stared at him. “I don’t have a beef with him personally, but if you do…then I’ll respect that. After all, I don’t remember you ever lying. So if you believe something about Keith, then I’ll support you.”

“You mean that?” He nodded. He spoke with such honesty. Melody hadn’t ever met a man like that before. Anyone could say they cared. But her
Lucas’s adoration spoke volumes. “I love you, Lucas.”

He took her into his arms. He guided her thin body onto his lap. He held her for the longest time. Neither thought it could be long enough. They resumed conversation after moments of cuddling.

“Where’s Sarah?”

“I dropped her off at a friend’s house. A lady from her job.”

“Oh.” He sucked his lip. “So, will she be gone for the night?”

She smiled. “Lucas, I want to…”

He laid the tip of his finger to her lips. “Melody, I
want to.”

“But I’m exhausted, you know?” She stood. “It’s been a long day. I’m sure you understand.”

“Mel,” he sighed.

“You do understand, don’t you?” She got her purse from the couch.

“Yeah.” He stood. “I guess this is good night then.” He looked as if he wanted to cry. She couldn’t help chuckling at his puppy-dog expression.

“I need a little help with something. Could you come to my room for a second?”

He stared. “Uh, sure. What do you need help with?” They made it to her room. She gestured for him to come inside. He looked around like a kid at the North Pole. “Nice room.” He nodded with approval. “Comfortable and quaint. Oh, big bed, huh?” She grinned. “So what did you need my help with?”

“I know this is gonna sound silly, but my wrists have been bothering me a lot today. Sometimes they get so tired. I think I got a tinge of carpal tunnel from all that typing at work.”

“Oh, you might want to get that looked at.”

She rubbed them. “Yeah, I just don’t know if I can get these snaps.” She pointed to the snap in the back of her skirt. She lifted her top. “See?”

“Uh…yeah.” His voice cracked.

“Think you could help me with it? I hate to bother you.”

“Oh no, it’s no bother.” He sweated. “Uh, let me see.” He bent down. He tugged at the tight snap. He unhooked it. He took the liberty of pulling the zipper down along the way. She turned around. “Anything else?”

“Well, since you mentioned it.” She sighed. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”

He wiped his forehead. “I won’t be embarrassed. What is it?”

She slipped off her blouse. Lucas glared at the luscious, plump breasts inside of her black lace bra. “My bra. I can’t get it in the back.”

“Mel, uh…” He exhaled.

“Oh, uh…” She looked him in the eyes. “If you mind, I’ll understand.”

He groaned. “No, I don’t mind.” She grinned. He unhooked the three snaps. He stared at her flowing breasts. She didn’t do her best to keep the bra from slipping. Men were so easy. “Anything else?” His voice cracked again.

She grinned. “No.”

“See you tomorrow then.”

“Oh, Luke?” She snapped her fingers. He sighed at the doorway. “There’s one more thing.”

“Yeah?” He slowly turned around.

“Could you help me with my panties?”

?” He scoffed.

She slipped her fingers down the sides of her white panties. “It’s hard to move my fingers because my wrists are so tired.” She pretended to have a hard time slipping the garment down. “I mean, if you don’t mind a little nudity.” Her bra dangled from the sides. She knew damn well that it would.

“No.” He cleared his throat. “Uh, Mel, maybe you should wait until Sarah comes back.”

“But I don’t know how long she’ll be gone. She stays late at her friend’s sometimes. She may even stay over.”

He walled his eyes. “Well, do you
to take your panties off? Can’t you just sleep in them for tonight?”

She shrugged. “I wanted to take a shower.” He sighed. “Lucas, I’d scratch your back, you know?”

“Yeah, but I’m not looking at your
.” He stared at her half-naked body.

She pouted. “Well, that’s okay then.”

He rubbed his face. “Jesus, I’ll do it. But you’re killing me here.” She smirked. He walked over, gazing at her underwear.

“Just slide them down for me. Then you can go.”

“Heaven help me,” he muttered. She chuckled under her breath. He knelt down. He turned away while he slid down her underwear. “Okay, uh…are they off now?” He refused to look. Melody looked at the panties on her feet.

“Yeah, they are. Thanks so much.”

“Damn, you’re welcome.” He stood. She grinned. “Now can I leave before I end up having a seizure?”

“Yes.” She held her bra across her breasts. She didn’t bother hiding her naked bottom. Lucas rushed to the door. “Uh, Lucas?”

“Damn it,
?” he shouted.

“I need your help with one more thing.”

He huffed. “Melody, I think I’ve unsnapped everything in this room.”


He turned around. She threw her bra to the floor. He ran his hands across his mouth. Melody knew that if you could categorize an expression as lust, Lucas’s current one would fit the title perfectly. “Close the door,” she instructed.

He followed the order without another word.

Melody enjoyed running her fingers through Lucas’s hair. He’d been asleep for almost an hour. She had no idea of the time. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered on such a perfect night. Lucas slightly moved. She enjoyed teasing him with her fingertips. She rubbed his nose. He pried his eyes open. It felt like heaven for Melody to look in the eyes of the man she loved.

She couldn’t categorize the lovemaking if she tried. She’d taken the initiative, which had made the act even more enjoyable. She’d have waited forever to experience such passion again. She didn’t know he’d take her body so masterfully. That he’d respond to her feverish demands from mere instinct. She’d shocked herself, too.

She hadn’t imagined that she would let loose like she did. She thought she’d feel uncomfortable embarking on a new lover. She hadn’t in the slightest. In fact, she had taken control of the situation in bed like she had outside of it. He moved the covers from his firm chest. She ran her hands across his medium-sized pecs. She curved her fingers against his nipple. He cupped her breast in his hand.

Melody ran her hand down his arm. For the first time, she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. Usually Sarah fit that description. Tonight Melody played second to none. Lucas put his hands around her waist. He guided her to his jutting crotch. He perched her on top of him. Melody squealed with avid delight. Before they realized it, the lovemaking took on a world of its own.

Lucas left around midnight. Melody decided to take in a late-night movie in the den. Who could sleep after such mind-numbing lovemaking? Anyway, she knew she’d only dream of Lucas. She’d probably get so hot she wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore before work. She opened a can of sliced peaches. She sat Indian-style on the sofa. Suddenly she felt guilty. She’d had one of the best nights of her life, but how was Aileen holding up? She hadn’t thought about her since she got back home. She wanted to call, but with Aileen’s current state she wasn’t sure if waking her in the middle of the night would be smart. Then again, she probably wasn’t asleep, anyway. Melody knew if she had just been raped in her home, she wouldn’t be able to sit down in the damn place long enough, let alone sleep.

She remembered how Aileen shook when they took her home that evening. She’d acted like she didn’t even recognize her place. Melody kidded herself if she assumed Aileen would be all right now. Rape victims could easily stay calm in public. But how did they act when they were alone? Aileen swore she felt all right when Melody and Sarah dropped her off. That didn’t mean shit.

Melody dropped her legs over the couch. Aileen had been alone all night. She’d been alone in that house with her daughter. Who knew the scary thoughts going through her head? Who knew how close this attack already pushed her to the limit? Rape victims weren’t very stable after being attacked. Aileen seemed to be worse than most. She not only insisted that Steven Kemp raped her, she’d almost died when she saw his face.

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