Melody (THE LOGAN FAMILY) (26 page)

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She cleared her throat. “I was driving down Valley Road.”

“Valley Road? Keith lives close to there. Where were you going?”

“I needed some fresh air so I left Craig’s. You know how driving helps me think. I’ve had so much on my mind considering what had happened between you and me. Sarah, I’ve missed you so much.”

“I missed you, too, Mel. But that’s over now. Nothing’s gonna break us apart.”
Not even Keith?
Melody wondered. “Mel, I promise you we are gonna get the bastard who did this to you. I don’t care what we have to do! He won’t get away with this.”

Melody continued with the story. Lying seemed to come so easily at this point. “My jeep started hesitating. I got out to see what was the matter with it.”

“You got out on the street alone at night?”

“I know, it’s the dumbest thing I could have done. I had to check under the hood.”

Sarah cuddled Melody’s hand. “You always did know a lot about cars.”

“Yeah, well everything seemed okay. When I was going to get back in, uh…a man grabbed me. He ordered me back inside.” Sarah panted. “He told me not to scream or anything. I think he had a knife but I can’t be sure. He had something I believe. Then he…” She stared at the wall. “He raped me.”

“Oh God,” Sarah sobbed. “Oh, Mel.”

“It happened so fast, really. I couldn’t comprehend what was going on until it was almost over. I just kept screaming and begging for him to get off me.”

“And no one saw you being attacked right there on the road?”

Melody hadn’t thought of that. She shrugged. “Well, it was on a desolate part of Valley Road, away from the traffic.” Sarah nodded. “Plus, it was so dark tonight I don’t think anyone could have seen us in the jeep.”

“Cops pass through that area religiously.” Sarah bit her lip. “And not one passed through tonight?”

“Obviously not.” Melody shrugged.

“How did he look?” Sarah gazed into her eyes.

This would be the hardest part. She couldn’t reveal the real rapist. Would Sarah even believe her if she had? She loved Keith. Worse of all, Sarah felt she knew Keith more than anything. She wouldn’t accept Melody accusing him of rape. It just wouldn’t add up with her. Keith had set Melody up with sheer brilliance. He’d planned to rape her knowing damn well that she wouldn’t tell Sarah the truth.

He knew she could never hurt Sarah. Telling Sarah the truth would hurt her unlike anything. She couldn’t shoot a hole in her sister’s heart. She couldn’t tear through Sarah’s soul and watch her bleed to death. This had been the one person who loved her unconditionally. Sarah had always been there when Melody needed her. She’d been a friend, mother, and confidante.

She’d taken her in. She made sure she had everything she needed. She even put up with Melody’s strange disposition and smart mouth. So how could she destroy Sarah’s love, though it sickened Melody, for Keith by telling the truth? People always said Melody looked out for others more than herself. She supposed they were right. She’d do it again, right now.

She couldn’t hurt Sarah just to make Keith pay. And he’d known that. The bastard played her like he invented the game.

“Honey, take your time,” Sarah whispered. “Can you tell me anything? We need to know what to tell the police.”

“Sarah, I don’t want to go to the police.”

“Mel, you have to! This man could hurt someone else. Besides that, he raped you! I’m not gonna let him get away with this. Now please tell me what you remember about him.”

“I’m trying to forget it, Sarah.”

“Melody, you have to do this. Can you tell me anything about the man who raped you?”

“Sarah, please, I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She still wasn’t sure if she should say it had been Keith or not. She just knew she couldn’t deal with this now. She needed at least tonight to rest.

“Okay, I won’t pressure you. But we gotta go to the police as soon as you’re comfortable, Mel.” Sarah rubbed her hair. “The doctor says you can leave when you get ready. Are you going to Craig’s or coming home with me?”

Melody sobbed. “You don’t even have to ask.” They hugged.

A middle-aged blonde lady walked in. “Melody Cruz?” The lady smiled. “Hello. I’m from the Rape Center.”

Melody sighed.

Sarah snuggled beside Keith on his couch later that night. She hadn’t wanted to leave Melody alone. Melody insisted she’d be fine. Sarah figured a need for solitude came natural with a rape victim. She sniffed into her teacup. She loved the aroma of mint and cinnamon tea. Keith had been the only guy she knew who could whip up homemade tea recipes.

She glanced around the gorgeous living room. He’d created the perfect setting with candles and light snacks. She hadn’t been sure of things before she came here tonight. Keith’s arms always rescued her from the worst moments. She looked into his intense, mysterious eyes. He smirked. She loved that sly smile of his. He had the power to unleash all of her emotions with just a glance.

He took her hand. She laid her head on his shoulder. She’d never been so in love. She actually felt guilty for being happy while Melody went through such pain.

“You okay?” Keith whispered. She nodded. “I hope you don’t blame yourself. Sarah, you couldn’t have prevented it.”

“I made so many mistakes with her, Keith.”

He stared into his tea. “Because of me, right? If that’s the case, then this is just as much my fault as anyone’s.”

“No, honey.” She kissed him. “This is the rapist’s fault.” He looked away. “You probably don’t understand the bond between sisters. With sisters, you feel like that’s the only person in the world you have…each other. You’re not that close to your brother so you may not understand.”

“So I did come between you two?”

She sighed. “If you did it was my doing, Keith. I was the one who made the choice.”

He touched her chin. “Do you regret the choice you’ve made? Because all I want to do is be with you, Sarah.” He kissed her. She relaxed in his arms as if nothing else mattered. He gently pulled her away. “How much do you love me, Sarah?”

“Oh, Keith, I’ve never loved anyone like you. Melody could never understand the hold you have on me.” He smiled. “I can’t understand it, either. All I know is that when I look into your eyes, I know everything will be okay. I know we were meant to be together. By this time I usually get bored.” She grinned. “But I could never get bored with you. I love you so much, Keith.”

“Sarah, I hope I never disappoint you.”

She grinned. “How could you? You seem to live to make my dreams come true. Keith, the only way I could be disappointed is if this ended.” She wrapped her arm around his shoulder. She rested her head against his chest. She even loved how he smelled. A manly, hungry scent that left her breathless.

“I have a feeling you want to say something else.” He rubbed her thick crinkles.

“Keith, from now on, I want to do what’s best for Melody. I hope you understand that.”

“Oh, of course, Sarah. I know how hard this must be for her. It’s terrible what happened. I hope she really is doing okay.”

“It’s too soon to tell. She’s being strong, but that’s how Melody is. She doesn’t break easily.”

“I’ve noticed. You must be proud of the kind of woman she turned out to be.”

She nodded. “Keith, would you mind not coming to the house for a while? I want Melody to be able to heal and I don’t want her dealing with any conflicts so…”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “You don’t even have to ask. I completely understand. This is gonna take some time. I’ll do whatever makes you happy.” She smiled. “But what about work? It will be impossible for me to stay away from her all the time. We have to butt heads at one point or another.”

She bit her lip. “I didn’t think of work. She can’t not go. It’s too soon for a vacation. Shit, and she’s been doing so well.”

Keith looked at his watch. “It’s no problem, Sarah. I think I need some days off.”

“Oh, Keith, thank you.” She hugged him.

“You sure you’re okay?” He rubbed her back. She nodded. “Did Melody tell you anything about the attack?” She moved away from him. “Did she say anything about the rapist?”

“She says she’ll share that with the police and I didn’t want to pressure her.” He gaped. “You okay? You look like a train ran over your foot.” She grinned.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” He rubbed his head. “Just got a lot on my mind these days.”

Chapter Fifteen

his is an outrage!” Commissioner Reynolds paced around Captain Jersey’s office. Agent Parsons lit a cheap cigarette. “Jersey, you damn well better have an answer for this or you’ll be answering to the mayor yourself!”

“Commissioner, I don’t know how this happened! I had no idea!”

“You had no idea?” Parsons winked. “Come on now, Captain. He’s one of your officers and you strike me as the kind to protect her officers, no matter the case.”

She stood from her desk. She held her straight hips. “Are you implying that I had something to do with this? I don’t know who in the hell you think you are, but I have spent most of my life working for law enforcement. I sure as hell wouldn’t go along with something like this! I was probably a cop before you were born!”

“How could you not know Steven Kemp has escaped?” Parsons glared. “We’re waiting.”

“I don’t go traipsing through the holding cells every damn minute.” She walled her eyes. “And I am not about to stand here and take this in my own office!”

Parsons grinned. “Getting mighty huffy for someone who claims she doesn’t know the deal.” He walled his eyes. “The fact is that Kemp escaped sometime this evening. I just can’t believe you didn’t know.”

“You think I went down there and let him out, Parsons?” Jersey huffed. “I really don’t give a damn what you think! Commissioner, I refuse to take this from this little weasel!”

“Hey!” Parsons grinned.

“Enough!” Reynolds rubbed his forehead. “Jersey, you’d better not have anything to do with this.” She sighed. “I’ve known you a long time. I’d hate to think you’d aid Steven Kemp in escaping jail.”

“Sir, I wouldn’t! I honestly didn’t know he was gone until now!” Parsons chewed his cigarette. “But I bet there’s someone who does know. Someone who may have even helped Kemp escape.”

Jersey squinted. “Now wait a minute. I see what you’re getting at and you’re barking up the wrong tree, Parsons. Besides, Detective Morris had the day off. And Brianna wouldn’t go along with this kind of thing, anyway. As much as she cares for Steven, she’d want him to do the right thing.”

“Sounds noble, Captain Jersey. Too bad I don’t buy it. Do you buy it, Commissioner?”

He exhaled. “I think we should at least pay Detective Morris a visit.” He headed for the door.

“But, sir…” Jersey waved her hand. He turned to look at her.

“And Jersey, if you did have anything to do with this, then believe me, you won’t have to
to retire.” He walked out.

Parsons smirked. “Have a nice night, Captain.” He shut the door.

“Little weasel.” Captain Jersey relaxed in her chair.

“What the hell?” Brianna grabbed her dinner from the kitchen counter. Davis sat beside the microwave licking his paws. Brianna wasn’t exactly shocked to see her piece of meatloaf missing from the plate. She stared at Davis. Apparently he’d grown quite an appetite today. First it started with that missing waffle left over from breakfast, then the three homemade peanut butter cookies she made for snacks.

She swore some grapes were missing from the fruit bowl, too. She sighed. Now her meatloaf? She didn’t know what had gotten into Davis. She vowed to put an end to this very quickly.

“All right you little thief.” She tapped her fingers on the counter. “Now I could excuse everything else, but when you put your paws on my meatloaf, it’s on.” Davis turned around. “Don’t you turn away from me.” She grabbed him up. “What’s the deal, huh?” He purred. “I know you can’t be pregnant unless you know something I don’t. Why are you stealing all my food?”

She noticed a glass of milk on the table. She looked at Davis. She could see him getting the cookies, grapes and meatloaf. But she couldn’t remember the last time a cat could go into the refrigerator and pour a glass of milk. Especially when someone drank out of it. Davis galloped on the table. Had she lost her mind? Had she become so stressed that she couldn’t remember doing things? “Meow.” Davis cuddled against her arms as if he wondered the same thing. Someone knocked on the door.

“Okay, cool it.” She carried Davis to the door. “You’re not exactly off the hook yet.” She thought the missing food struck her off course. It didn’t compare to her surprise at the door.

“Commissioner Reynolds!” Brianna dropped Davis. He scurried into the den. Parsons stared oddly at the feline.

Brianna pushed down the ends of her flimsy shorts. She straightened the curls that had fallen from her fluffy ponytail. She looked a mess. She had more important things to deal with at the moment.

Reynolds looked past her into her home. “Detective Morris, we’re here on official business. This is very important.” She knew it had to be.
Since when did the police commissioner make house calls?

She fiddled with her hair. “Sir, uh, is something wrong?” Two uniformed cops walked up behind Parsons.

“We’re here to search your home.” Parsons held up his hand. “Before you dispute this, we’ve got a warrant.” He passed it to her. “Step aside, please.”

“Search my home?” She stared at the warrant.
Only the commissioner himself could have gotten this done so fast.
She looked at them. “Commissioner Reynolds, sir, I don’t know what this is about! Am I being accused of something?”

“It’s funny how all these people suddenly don’t know things.”

“Agent Parsons, are you getting at something?” Brianna held her hip.

Reynolds glared at her. He walked in without an invitation. The others did the same. “Steven Kemp has escaped from jail.” Brianna gaped. “Just disappeared into thin air, it seems. We figured you’d know something about that.”

“Commissioner Reynolds, I swear I didn’t know about this! How could Steven be so stupid? You have to believe me, sir! I was off today! I’ve been around the house. I had no idea!”

“Well, even if we bought that, which we don’t, we’re gonna search your place. We figure you may know more than you’re letting on.” Parsons ordered the officers to begin their search.

“Now wait a minute! Commissioner?” Brianna exhaled.

Reynolds went into the living room without a word.

Parsons headed upstairs. “I think I’ll check the bedroom. Seems the best place to look.” He grinned.

“Hey, you can’t just come in here and search my place like this! I’m an officer of the law! You’re treating me like a damn criminal! I know my rights!” She followed Parsons upstairs. “Who in the hell do you think you are?” They went into the bedroom.

“Get out of my house!”

Parsons looked at the pictures on her dresser. “You realize how much trouble you could be in if you did help Steven Kemp escape, Detective?”

“I did not help him escape! I told you I didn’t know a damn thing about this until you showed up!” Parsons opened the top dresser drawer. “Get out of there!”

“Just checking.” He smirked.

“In my panty drawer?” She slammed it shut. He went to the closet. “Oh, this is insane! Steven is not here!” She crossed her arms. “And you know what? I wouldn’t tell you if I
know where he is!”

He stood in front of her. “For some reason I don’t trust you, Bree.”

She scoffed. “First thing, get out of my face with your breath smelling like ass!” Parsons covered his mouth. “Second, don’t call me, ‘Bree.’ It’s ‘Detective Morris’ to you, jerk!”

He blew his breath into his hands. He blushed from embarrassment. “Where’s Kemp?”

“For the last damn time, I don’t know!”

“There’s no one here, sir.” A uniformed cop stood in the bedroom doorway. They all went downstairs.

“See? I didn’t have anything to do with it!” Brianna insisted. Reynolds came from the kitchen. “Sir, I swear I don’t know where Steven Kemp is. But can’t you see this proves he’s innocent?”

“And how do you figure that?”

She ignored Parsons. “Commissioner, Steven would never break the law unless he had good reason. He knows that if you all won’t believe he’s not the rapist, then he has to find the rapist.”

“Then in that case, all he has to do is look in the mirror.” Parsons lit a cigarette. Brianna snatched it. “What are you doing?” he growled.

“No smoking in my damn house!” She flicked the cigarette back at Parsons.

“Commissioner, I swear I don’t know what’s going on.”

“I tell you what, Detective Morris. We’ll be talking to you tomorrow. And by then you’d better know damn well where Kemp is.” Reynolds rubbed his mustache.

“And if I don’t?” She shifted back and forth.

“Then you’ll take his place in that cell for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Let’s go, Parsons.” They went to the front door.

“Sir!” Brianna scampered behind them on bare feet. “I had nothing to do with this! You can’t hold me accountable!”

“Yes, I can! I don’t believe a word you’re saying, Morris. But you’d better have something tomorrow, or you can forget ever working on any police force again!”

“But, Commissioner!” she shrieked.

“If we find out you did help Kemp somehow, then I swear Morris, your black ass won’t be able to get a job as a security guard at Wal-Mart! Let’s go, Parsons!”

“Yes, sir.” Parsons grinned at Brianna. Davis ran from the living room. He doused Parsons’ foot. “Hey! Shit!” He shook his leg. The uniformed cops laughed.

“Your damn cat just pissed on my foot!”

Brianna walled her eyes. “Well, you’ll have to excuse him, Parsons. I guess since your breath smells like kitty litter, he got confused.”

“Ha, ha!” The cops laughed out the front door.

“Yeah?” Parsons pointed at her. “Let’s see how funny you are tomorrow.” He slammed the door.

She paced, muttering to herself. “Damn it, Steve! How could you do something so stupid?”

“Well…” Steven came downstairs. “I didn’t have a choice really.” He wore shabby oversized sweats.

“Steve!” She did a double-take.

“Now don’t get mad, Bree. I had to come here.”

“Steven, I could wring your neck! You know how much trouble I almost got into? What in the hell are you doing here, anyway?”

“Well, I couldn’t go to my place! I had to come here to regroup. I’ve been here all day. Haven’t you noticed? Getting slow in your old age, huh, Bree?” He grinned.

“Damn you. So this explains the missing cookies, grapes, meatloaf and glass of milk?” She held her waist.

“Yeah.” He held his stomach. “Those cookies were out of this world. How come you never baked when we dated? The meatloaf was a little salty, though.”

She grumbled. “I sure as hell wouldn’t know since you ate mine!”

Steven looked at Davis. “Did you rat me out, buddy?” He picked the cat up. “He missed me. Been a while since we hung out together.”

“Steve, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” she screamed.

“Saving my life, Bree. Besides, I’d been in that place more than a week and I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m innocent and I’m gonna get the rapist.”

“You could have been out a week ago if you had taken the DNA test. Steven, this is only going to get you in more trouble! It’s going to get
into trouble! Did you hear what Commissioner Reynolds said? I could lose my job because of you!”

“I won’t let that happen, Bree. I could never jeopardize your career.”

“Well, that’s exactly what you’re doing just by being here!” She felt her forehead. “Wait, how come they didn’t find you when they searched?”

He grinned. “I was in the linen closet. Guess they didn’t think to look there.” He nuzzled Davis with his chin. The cat meowed happily. “I’m sorry, Bree. Just let me lay low here. I promise it won’t be for long.”

“Steven, it’s already been long enough.” She sighed.

Melody lay in bed the next morning staring at the ceiling. She hadn’t slept all night. Every now and then she leaned to get a glimpse of the clock. The time didn’t matter. It would be impossible to even pretend she could go on with her normal routine. She’d been raped? It had happened to her. She’d been there. She’d lived it but she still couldn’t believe it.

It wasn’t that she felt it couldn’t happen to her, but it had been the shock that prevented her from facing reality. She thought of Aileen. The situation had been totally different. Which had been worse? Being raped by a serial rapist, or your sister’s boyfriend? She had no idea things would go this far. She wondered how long Keith had planned the attack.

Had it been when she reported him to Mr. Lawson? He threatened her with a vengeance that same day. Told her flat out she’d need to call the cops. How insane could he really be? She felt a menacing chill. The situation with Keith had gone from annoying to treacherous in a few short months. Melody sat up in bed. She finally saw the big picture. It scared her half to death.

Of course! The game he played with Melody had nothing to do with her. Keith wanted to keep control over Sarah. Melody slipped the covers from her legs. She stared at the floppy T-shirt she’d worn to bed. He’d always said he loved Sarah like no other. Melody didn’t know how many women he’d actually loved. She didn’t know a damn thing about his past.

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