Read Menage Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

Menage (14 page)

BOOK: Menage
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He clenched his jaw. His hazel-green eyes glittered under a thin film of tears. Ruthless, I pressed the tender knife home. 'You're a good man, Sean
. Better than you know.'

He blinked and a tear spilt over. Joe bent to kiss it away. Sean flinched. 'You play rough,’ he said, his voice like gravel.

I played my fingers across his sensual mouth. 'Don't be silly. I've barely started.' I tightened my thighs on his waist. Wary animal that he was, his torso shifted uneasily. Poor thing. He had no idea what he was in for.

'Here are the rules,’ I said. 'You tell me what you want and I'll do my best to give it to you.'

His mouth twisted. I could see he thought this was a peculiar way to dominate someone. 'Would you untie me?' he asked.

'No. Although, if you really need to get free, you know the safe-word.' I ignored his huff of disgust. 'What I meant was you can tell me your preference - faster, slower, whatever.'

'And you'll do it?'

'Probably.' I propped my hands on his
and shifted until my labia hovered, plump and glossy,
above his cock. He was so hard I'd have to pull the head away from his belly to take him, but he could feel my heat now, and see the wet gleam of readiness when he tilted his chin to his chest.

'Is this what you want, Sean?' I parted my lips with two fingers, spearing them to either side of my clitoris. Engorged with blood, the knot of flesh stood out full and red, twitching as the surrounding muscles contracted and released. Sean's mouth fell open. The tip of his tongue touched his front teeth. 'Or maybe you'd prefer something else?'

'No,’ he said quickly. ‘I want my cock in your cunt.'

Though the crude words were no stranger to his lips, they dissolved into a heavy breath, as though too loaded to utter. I was glad he wanted to take me that way, but surprised he wanted it so much.

We'd never done it vaginally before.

But, hey, I liked first times. Smiling, I lowered myself on to his
shaft. My flesh wrapped him, oiling his heat, sliding voluptuously up and down his length. His hips reared up, pressing harder, adding his undulation to mine.

'Oh, yeah,’ he said. 'Oh, baby, get me wet.' He swallowed hard as my sheath released another flood. 'Take me, Kate. Take me now.'

Before I could move, Joe restrained me by the shoulder. His long, smooth arm flashed to the bedside table's drawer and rummaged through the contents.

'Aha.' He flicked a condom in Sean's face. 'Extra large, buddy. She must have bought these with you in mind.'

Sean's mouth quivered but he was too wired to joke back.

Intrigued by their byplay, I gathered Sean's scrotum into my palms and rolled the unstable weight across my finger bones. Sean's thigh muscles jumped. His eyes, however, never left Joe.

Carefully, Joe tore the wrapping and balanced the furled prophylactic on the ends of his fingers. 'Want a drop of lube in the tip?'

'Yeah.' Sean shuddered.

I bent closer to watch Joe squeeze the lubricant in. 'What does that do?'

Joe grinned. 'Increases sensitivity. Especially for those of us who come
.' He skinned Sean's foreskin back with his thumb, demonstrating which accessory he meant. Then he seated the condom over his
, squeezed the air out of the tip and rolled it down. 'There.' He patted Sean's juddering shaft. 'All dressed up and ready to roll.'

Sean and I laughed at his expression of fraternal pride. Sometimes Joe was too cute for words.

Just then a soft, feminine cry split the air. I didn't want to lose my concentration, but I couldn't help looking back. Neither could my partners. Lou had turned sideways on the window seat. With one leg crooked on the cushion, he held Amy by the waist and was lowering her on to his lengthy prong. The cry we'd heard must have been her reaction to the first fraction of penetration.

'Don't mind me,' she gasped, her face tightening as he eased her down another inch. 'We're just getting comfortable,’

Lou's hands looked spider long against her tiny waist. His arm muscles bulged. My eyes widened. I had to see her pubis meet his before I'd believe she could take him. The feat required a few angle adjustments, plus some hand work, but they managed. Lou's head fell back as she hilted him. His Adam's apple bobbed.

'Ah,' said Amy, a happy sigh. She wriggled closer and his hands clapped round her buttocks to hold her still. Awareness sizzled through my nerves. I knew they didn't intend to come until we did.

"They're fine,' Joe said, turning my attention back to Sean.

'And so are you,' I purred to our victim. I dragged my nails down his chest hard enough to leave eight faint pink trails from collar bone to hip. The trails faded even as I captured his swollen cock and tugged it to a more suitable angle. Sean's breath hitched.

'Wait,' he said. Beads of sweat sparkled on his brow. He hesitated before explaining, probably deciding whether to trust me. 'Don't put me in yet. Play the head around outside.'

'I'm not sure what you mean,' I said, even though I was. 'Shall I have Joe do it?'

He muttered something blasphemous. It sounded like a 'yes' to me.

'I'd be happy to help,’ Joe said.

His hand skied down the slopes of Sean's chest, fingers spread until they caught the base of his cock. With his thumb he guided the shaft, tipping it gently between my folds. He had such beautiful hands: long, brown fingers and strong, oblong palms. Watching him handle Sean gave me as big a thrill as the slow circling of that fat red knob. Round and round Joe slid it, teasing it past my slippery clit, dipping it into the whorl of my vagina. Lush, wet noises rose from my sex. Sean struggled to get a better view by using his bonds to lift his upper body. When he saw what I saw, he began to pant with excitement.

A drop of sweat rolled down the side of Joe's face. 'Had enough yet?'

'Yeah,’ Sean rasped, and Joe pressed his crown inside my entrance.

Fire shot up my spine. He was thick and full - and unfamiliar. That was a potent thrill, spiced with the slightest edge of guilt. The heat of him scorched me; the width entranced. I vowed I'd sample this treat again. Of course, I'd have to ensure Sean liked it enough to want to. With that in mind, I stretched my tender tissues around his bulk. His under-ridge was so pronounced, it rubbed me like a finger. Sighing with pleasure, I pressed down until Joe's forefinger and thumb were all that kept me from the hairy root. Joe would have let go, but I clasped his wrist.

'Stay. Let him feel both of us.' Sean's cock pulsed in agreement. I leant forward across Joe's arm, close enough for my breasts to warm Sean's chest. His eyes locked with mine, quivering with strain. 'Fast or slow?' I asked, not sure myself which answer I wanted to hear.

He bit his lip in indecision. I
my hips once, a quick half-stroke.

'Fast or slow, Sean?'

'Fast,’ he said. His pelvis jerked upward. 'Fuck me hard, Kate.'

I pressed up on my arms again, set my knees firmly for balance and proceeded to work us both, quick hard thrusts that kept him well inside me and slammed my jangling clit against the back of Joe's hand. Joe held him steady, so I rose higher and drove back faster. I pulled up to the flare, tightening inside and giving it a little tug. Sean cried out. His head thrashed in Joe's lap. Sensation gathered in my sex,
on the velvet-wrapped steel inside. Images of everything I'd been through tonight bombarded me: the corset, the spanking, sucking Sean to the point of coming. My sex ached and throbbed. I wanted that release so badly, I forgot the reason I'd tied him to the bed in the first place.

'Come on.' I slung myself up and down that sweet, hard rod, rising higher and higher until the need to come was so urgent, it hurt. 'Come on, come on.'

My back stiffened. My sheath clutched his cock. Still the climax eluded me. Then fingers pinched my clit - Joe's fingers. Fireworks burst in the tiny shaft and roared upward. I closed my mouth against a scream, coming so hard my head flew back like a whiplash victim. Shudders rippled through me, honey-wet, knife-sharp spasms of rapture.

When I came to myself, Sean was still hard inside me and shaking with thwarted lust.

'I'm so sorry.' I dropped a penitent kiss to his lips. 'I lost control.'

Rather than complain, Sean jerked his mouth to mine. The pressure of his lips pulled me in for a deep, wet kiss. He tugged on his bonds. 'Finish me,’ he said. 'Please, Kate. I need it. Please.' Again, he yanked at his ties, harder this time. 'Uncle, damn it, Uncle. Let me go.'

Joe freed his wrists in what had to be record time, but Sean was too impatient to wait for him to loosen his ankles as well. He sat up, flung his arms around me, and squeezed me so tightly I lost my breath. He showered my face with kisses, nipping the tip of my nose, licking the side of my cheek. His hands slid down to cup my bottom.

'Make love to me, Kate. Show me you want me. Let me feel how much you care.'

My throat tightened. Did he think I was lying before? I clasped his golden head to mine. ‘I care, Sean. I do.'

He groaned as I moved on him, my body wet and soft, my eyes brimming. But Joe's eyes sparkled with mischief. He wrapped himself around Sean so that his front supported Sean's back and his thighs bracketed mine. He stuck his finger in his mouth and wet it. He winked at me. His hand burrowed under Sean's buttocks. Sean gasped as it found a home.

'Just a little deeper,’ Joe said, twisting to get at him more easily. ‘I’ll be there in a tick.'

I knew the moment he found his target because Sean whimpered and his cock jerked inside me, twanging with eagerness. I thought his next instructions would be for Joe to 'rub harder, man' or 'push it in good'. But he surprised me.

He hugged me tighter. His lips grazed my ear. 'Say you love me,’ he whispered.

My heart stopped. Sean's must have, too. He went board-stiff.

'I didn't mean that. It just came out.'

I threw my head back on a laugh and sank down on him again. I'd show him no mercy now. He knew it, too.

He sobbed for air, so close to orgasm he couldn't bear to pull out.

'I didn't-' He met my thrust with his own, more determined to reach his goal than to deny what he hadn't meant to say. 'I didn't - Oh, yes, like that. Do that again. Oh, sweetheart.'

'And now you forget to call me "babe",' I teased, repeating the motion he'd liked, a quick swivel down his rod.

'Fuck.' He panted hard, double-thrusting through my twist. 'I'll call you sweetheart if I want -Oh, God, I'm going to come.'

With that he lost his powers of speech. He wrenched my thighs apart, then planted his hands behind his hips so he could pump deeper. Our bellies slapped together, sweaty and frantic. His face contracted in agony of suspense, mouthing some word he had no breath to speak. Aching with sympathy, I pinched his nipples. His breath whooshed out. His cock swelled. Lips drawn back in a snarl, he heaved into me once, twice, and then shattered.

'Y-yes,' he groaned, finishing the stroke with a slam.

He spilt hard. His cock twitched so strongly inside me I toppled over the edge in a swell of heat, a climax as comforting as swan's down.

A duet of sighs told me Lou and Amy had timed their crises to match Sean's.

When the last spasm faded, Joe helped me extricate myself from Sean, who had collapsed - limp and sighing - on the bed. Joe dispensed with his condom and I tidied his flaccid penis with a warm facecloth. A drowsy smile softened Sean's rough-and-tumble features. It seemed he liked being babied, after all. Spoilt brat, I thought fondly. His ankles were still bound and, too sated to worry about what he might have said, he let his legs fall open like a frog's. Joe untied the last two velvet straps and threw half the coverlet over him.

Then he turned and offered me a courtly bow, no less graceful for his nudity or his phenomenal erection.

'Mistress,’ he said in a tone of profound respect. I laughed, but I liked the sound of it. 'Yes, Joseph?' He straightened and spread his arms, allowing his dusky cock to make a mute request. 'Yes,' I said, beaming my approval. 'I believe I did save a little room for you.'

Dawn hadn't broken when I heard someone pounding on the front door. Joe was out for the count, but Sean and I sat up. We looked at each other, both pushing hair out of our eyes.

'Lou wouldn't come back at this hour,' he said. 'He's too polite. And Amy couldn't knock that hard.'

The pounding resumed and was joined by the buzzer.

'I better go see who it is.' My pulse skittered as I threw on my dressing gown. Had someone had an accident? Was my ne'er-do-well brother in trouble again?

Sean scrambled out of bed behind me. 'I'm coming with you.'

He didn't wake Joe, but he did grab my
fireplace poker.

When we reached the second floor, we heard the words that accompanied the pounding: 'Police. Open up-'

My gaze shot to the living room. Amy and Lou, bless them, had returned everything to its former innocuous state.

With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I flipped the
lock. Two uniformed officers waited outside the door, their hands on their holsters, their stance wary.

BOOK: Menage
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