Read Menage Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

Menage (11 page)

BOOK: Menage
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What the -? Was Amy invited to the second act a well?

Damn Sean anyway. I knew guys
about women together, but were we supposed to perform front of them? What if I couldn't? Imagine how rotten that would make Amy feel.
For the first time that evening, anger rose. I'd get him for this. I didn't know how, but I would.

Without a word from anyone, the cab swung into motion. Sean took my hand and pressed it to the inside of his thigh. Fine, I thought, let's see if you're ready to rock and roll. For good measure, I squeezed Joe's thigh, too, and slid my hands up to cup their groins. Joe was bulging, but Sean was a rock. Sweat dampened the cloth that strained across his prick. His breath whistled when I scratched my thumbnail down the arch. A seam creaked in the breathy silence, lending new meaning to the phrase 'too cocky by half'.

Good, I thought. The bigger he is, the harder he'll fall.

Chapter Five
The Joys of Submission



My hand fumbled over a wrought-iron railing, over chilly rosettes and swirls. The design was familiar. The cabbie must have driven us home.

By this time, Joe's jacket draped my shoulders. If Sean had let him, I think he'd have carried me over the threshold, as well, but at least I wasn't in danger of shocking the
. In my part of town, women rarely ventured outside in red silk corsets - with or without nipple coverage.

'Who's got a key?' I asked, my tension abating at the prospect of reentering my safe,

No one answered. To my amazement, the door creaked open. So much for safety.

'Well, hello,' drawled a creamy Southern voice. It belonged to the she-male from the bookshop. 'I'm glad to see you survived your ordeal. My name's Lulu, by the way, but my friends call me Lou.'

Bemused, I allowed her - him - to usher me into the hall. This adventure was getting crowded. I supposed I should be grateful the cabbie hadn't stayed.

Lulu, or Lou, pulled me into the sitting-room. I heard the crackle of a fire. A pair of hands, I don't know whose, took Joe's jacket from me.

Lulu whistled. 'You look scrumptious,
'. What I wouldn't give for a pair of tits like that - as long as I could take '
off at the end of the day.'

I laughed at the image this inspired. A hand slapped my painted buttock hard enough to sting. '
.' I rubbed the sore spot. The hand slapped me again. This time I identified Sean's callused palm.

Take it like a man,’ he ordered.

I simpered as well as one could behind a blindfold. 'Why don't you show me how a man takes it?'

Amy giggled at that, a hint of insubordination I filed away for further reference.

Sean was not amused. 'I see you want to do this the hard way.'

'The harder the better, big boy.'

He snorted as though he doubted my capacity to take what he could dish out. The air between us thickened. I was breathing harder and I could hear everyone else breathing harder, too. The challenge I offered turned everyone on. How long would Sean take to master me?

Forever, I swore, but even then I knew he wouldn't. He was too good a mind-fucker to fail. The crazy thing was, I was looking forward to breaking. To pit my will against his, no holds barred, and to know that in the end I'd give him what we both wanted, made my hot little snatch quiver like a rabbit.

'Hook her up,' he said.

Two pairs of hands grabbed me under the arms. Neither was Sean's, and neither gripped me with authority, so I twisted until I broke free. If Sean wanted to 'hook me up', he'd have to do it himself.

The third time I escaped Sean grabbed me around the waist and wrestled me to the carpet. Then I really let loose, growling and kicking like a madwoman. The oil-filled anal plug flexed and sloshed inside me as we rolled, goading me to twist even more. I knew how strong he was, and how quick. I could do what I wanted without much chance of hurting him. It felt good to act out my aggressions, especially when I hooked one foot behind his ankle and tripped him. Once I had him down, I ground my sex over his groin so fast I stunned him. He actually pushed his cock at me, until he noticed he wasn't in charge any more. Then he flipped me off and trapped my wrists in the small of my back - with one hand. He lifted me, still squirming, off my feet. When I tried to knee his balls, he yanked my arms back hard.

I must have winced because Joe begged him not to hurt me.

Sean blistered the air with his curse. 'I ought to beat you for even thinking it.'

The threat inflamed me. My blood zinged from our wrestling match and the feel of his cock jabbing me through his clothes was far from calming. I wanted to spread my legs and take him, just tug down his zip and impale myself through that ridiculous
corset. He must have read my mind because he grunted, hitched me higher and headed towards the fire. Setting me down, he forced me to my knees on a padded platform. Blindfolded or not, I knew it wasn't part of my original decor.

My nostrils flared. Above the tang of communal arousal, I smelled leather and beeswax. I could well imagine what uses the leather might be put to.

'Give me a hand,' Sean said to the others.

They leapt to do his bidding. This might have been my house, but tonight Sean ruled.

His cohorts wrapped my wrists, waist, and lower thighs in fur-lined manacles. Clinking chains held the bindings taut and held me spread-eagled on my knees. The waist-belt hugged me from rib to hip. The thigh manacles were almost as big, but the wrist-cuffs matched the width of a woman's hand. As much embrace as restraint, the get-up inspired the same pleasure the corset had. I could struggle as hard as I wished with no fear of getting free. I moaned when someone patted my bottom. At that point, I didn't care how loud I was or how many people heard me.

I hoped enjoyment wouldn't be mistaken for submission, because I couldn't hide what this did to me. I threw my weight against the chains, testing their comfort and strength. The fur was soft, the leather hard. The metal clanked like Charles Dickens' Christmas ghost. It was good.

'Babe,' Sean said, 'you were born for bondage.'

The air moved as he bent closer. To my surprise, he kissed me - a hungry, open-mouthed kiss, really eating at my mouth as if he couldn't bear to leave one morsel
. As though that were a signal, the watchers closed in on me. Soft lips captured the peak of my breast. Amy's, I thought, until I felt the slightest scrape of beard. A zip rasped. A long, hard cock caressed the back of my thigh. Hands teased the hair that curled from my mound, fluffing and tugging, but never touching skin. Someone licked the crook of my elbow. I shivered. That had to be Amy. The unfamiliar cock slid higher until its swollen knot pressed the curve where my buttock met my thigh. Its owner moaned and clenched my hip. A drop of pre-come wet my skin. My pussy heated and swelled. My clit peeped out between my lips, catching the brush of a small, light finger. I twitched at the glancing contact and kissed Sean harder, vowing I wouldn't plead - not me -but, boy, was I tempted.

All at once, my tormenters fell away. Someone did up his trousers. I steadied my breathing as well as I could.

Sean's rough hand swept a curl from my forehead. 'Now say thank you, babe.'

"Thank you, babe,' I parroted.

This time my cheek received the open-handed slap. 'Say "Thank you, sir" or I won't remove that blindfold.'

I hesitated, then decided getting the damn thing off would be worth it. 'Thank you, sir.'

He laughed. For a moment, I thought he'd leave the blindfold on just to tease me, but to my relief he removed it.

I blinked to clear my vision and again to clear my head. My
living room had been transformed into a bondage chapel. Flowing black velvet masked the windows, my antique furniture was shoved to the walls, and white candles flickered on every surface that would hold them. If I'd known, I'd never have dared wrestle Sean to the floor. Lou had thrown something into the fireplace to make the wood burn blue. The eerie light glinted off the stainless steel apparatus that held me prisoner.

Have bondage frame, will travel, I thought. I concluded the contraption must belong to Lulu or Amy. It certainly wasn't mine. I'd never tried anything this kinky - though I might have
once or twice about tying down my ex.

A man I'd never seen before stepped into my field of vision. He had big brown eyes and an ash-brown crew cut - a regular GI Joe in his khaki T-shirt and camouflage trousers. Shoeless, his bare feet paddled in the carpet, long and thin. Even by firelight, I perceived a body so honed he could have done fitness ads. He had big shoulders, a narrow waist, and precious little body hair. His equipment filled his trousers like an extra pair of socks. Did that bulge contain the towering love tool I'd felt rubbing up my thigh? Whether it did or not, I must admit my jaw dropped in admiration.

'Like my toy?' he drawled, gesturing to the rack. His voice gave his identity away.

'Lulu,' I exclaimed. 'I mean, Lou.'

'In the flesh.' He preened and I saw a shadow of the striking woman who'd delivered Sean's invitation.

'Enough chatter,' Sean said. 'Pull the rack to the centre of the room.'

Both Amy and Lou jumped into action. They unlocked the wheels and turned me around until the fire warmed my front. Then they locked it down again.

'Lean forward and stick your butt out,' Sean ordered. 'Further! Joe, you and Amy steady her shoulders. Lou, you're on clean-up duty.'

Clean-up duty involved removing Amy's paint job with a chamois cloth soaked in oil. Lou had nice hands, really nice. Strong but slow, they kept me at a fine pitch

of arousal, lingering long enough to let me know he didn't mind feeling up every bit of a woman there was.

Sean certainly had a flexible bunch of friends, up for anything. I squirmed as Lou's chamois-draped thump made a thigh-quaking journey around the inner folds of my labia.

'Sweet as honey,' he murmured for my ears only. His hip spooned mine. 'You tell me the minute Sean remove the private property sign, 'cause I sure would I like to dip my stick in that pot.'

Suiting deed to word, he sneaked one finger out from under the cloth and curled it into my dripping sheath, a quick, deep probe - in and then gone.

Sean didn't notice the pass, but Joe did. His hand tightened on my shoulder. His lips thinned. Was he jealous? Anxious? Or just hot? All three, I hoped, too aroused for scruples. Arching my back, I thrust my buttocks higher.

Joe made a sound, both pained and hungry, and Amy reached over to cup his crotch.

At once I wanted to tear her hand off at the wrist. I hated her touching him, but couldn't look away. She palmed his arch, then squeezed. Joe shifted on his haunches. His buttocks tightened, lifting him into her hand. I ground my molars together. How could he? Then his dark-amber eyes met mine. His lips moved. 'I love you, ' I thought he said. Hot confusion burst in my chest. Had he said it? Did he mean it? Did I want him to mean it?

I barely heard Sean order Amy to remove the paint that covered my nipples.

Her first touch brought my attention back, however, as I'm sure Sean wanted. I had no experience with female lovers and her performance of the intimate task unnerved me. I didn't want her touch to excite me but it did. She didn't give me a chance to hide it, either. Long after the paint was gone, she played with my nipples, pulling and twisting them. After a while I was heaving in the chains, trying to get more. She knew exactly how hard to tweak me so the pain increased the pleasure. She knew when to stop, too. Between her ministrations and Lou's, I soon verged on coming. She gasped to Sean that they'd better call a halt. My nails bit my palms, but I did not cry out.

'Right,' said Sean. 'Now, we'll warm you up properly.' As if I weren't warm enough already! The first spank came without warning, a loud smack across the meat of my right buttock.

,' I complained, in spite of myself. Joe squeezed my shoulder in commiseration, but this time he knew not to protest.

"?' Sean repeated. 'That earns you twenty more.'

Ten came in a flurry, covering my buttocks with a delicate glow of pain. Left, right, up and down they smacked and then - whack - caught my cheeks from beneath. After that he slowed, letting me appreciate each blow individually: the initial sting, the sharp sound, the jiggle of the dildo as my flesh shook under the spanking.

I'm not sure when I began to enjoy it - maybe from the start. After the first rain of smacks, the skin from my thighs to my waist radiated heat and tingled with sensitivity. My sex felt thick, juicy, and my arousal endless. I could go on like this forever, just slowly spiral upward getting hotter and hotter until my hunger grew as sharp as coming. I know I stopped counting after ten and could have spat with annoyance when Joe gasped that I'd had enough.

'She's pink,' he panted, as though he'd been beaten, too. 'Give her a rest.'

I moaned and wriggled my bottom in the air, pleading without actually opening my mouth to say the words.

BOOK: Menage
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