Menage (7 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Menage
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But first we had to get through dinner.

Oddly enough, one hunger sharpened the other. Joe cooked well. The salmon melted in my mouth, the artichoke slid tenderly off the spine, and the rice was nice and spicy - not unlike me! I spent a good portion of the meal moaning over how delicious everything was. Joe relished that, in more ways than one.

When he stood to help me clear the dinner table, he had a hard time straightening. His erection, thick as Philly bratwurst, extended into the left leg of his jeans. Grimacing, he tried to tug the denim off the bulbous head.

I hid a smile as I preceded him into the kitchen. 'You've got a choice.' I set the first few plates into the sink. 'I can help you load the dishwasher, or I can get a head start on my shower.'

Joe latched on to me from behind and rubbed his erection down the outside of my thigh. Unbelievably, it stretched at the treatment.

,’ he pretended to cry. 'My balls are bluer than Frank Sinatra's eyes. Why do you have to take a shower?'

Now was probably not the time to mention I might be a little fragrant from my morning encounter with Sean. 'Because women are funny that way?'

'All right,’ he said with flattering reluctance, 'but save some good spots for me to wash. I'll be up soon.'

I started stripping on my way out, divesting myself of blouse, shoes and trousers before I hit the threshold. Once there, I turned and posed for him. Beneath my clothes I wore the yellow teddy Sean had tried to pass off as mine. Braless today, my nipples flirted with the peek-a-boo lace, hard as gumdrops - and twice as tempting, to go by Joe's expression.

He shook his head at me. His hand cupped his crotch as if to hold back imminent explosion. 'I'll be up very soon. In fact, if you don't hurry, I'll beat you there.'

Giggling as I hadn't in years, I scampered upstairs, so elated my feet barely touched the treads.

True to his word, Joe didn't keep me waiting long. The bathroom door slammed open minutes later. For a moment, he stood watching me through the shower's rippled glass. I could hear his heavy breathing over the spray. He must have run upstairs. When he'd gazed his fill at my blurred image, he shoved the door along its track. Pushing my wet hair from my eyes, I saw that he'd stripped, too.

I lost my breath. There was something about having him here, standing outside my shower, stark-naked and ready to rut. My eyes raked him up and down, taking in the well-shaped hairy legs, the narrow hips, the perfect development of his torso. His
were high and flat like a young girl's. He hadn't been kidding about having blue balls, either. Tinged with teal, his testicles had drawn up so high they kissed the base of his cock. While I stared, they jerked in their sac as if with a life of their own.

'Well?' he said, unable to read my awe.

'I think I'm going to faint.' I was only half joking. Waves of heat pulsed through my body and my head swam as if I'd stood up too fast.

'Please don't,’ he said, with a hint of a smile. He tossed a handful of condoms on to the sink. They weren't my brand. What a sweetie he was. Most guys would have exhausted my supply before they'd even consider buying their own. Joe's mother must have raised him right. I watched him don one with a deep, proprietary pride.

'Now I'm ready for anything,' he said, and swung his long bronzed legs into the tub.

I opened my arms and he stepped into them.

'Oh, Joe.' I hugged him tightly, too tightly maybe, but he felt so good, as if we'd been made to fit together. 'I can't believe you're really here. I spent so many nights
about you.'

He swayed me from side to side, his cock a thick, hot prong between our bellies. 'Good. I shouldn't be the only one losing sleep.'

'You're not.' I sleeked his hair back from his forehead.

His eyes closed at my touch. His hands drifted to my front and squeezed my breasts. I groaned at the

'Sweet,' he said, circling the heavy globes. 'You've got the prettiest breasts I've ever seen. They're nice and full, but they hang just right.' He nuzzled the tiny curl in front of my ear. 'I love your hair, too. It's like caramel with the sun shining through it.'

'Anything else?' I asked, basking in the compliments.

'Oh, yeah.' Sheeting water, his hands cruised down my sides and around to the small of my back. 'Your butt is to die for.' He gave the hard, high cheeks a squeeze. 'No wonder Sean couldn't resist you. And no man alive could look at your legs without wanting them wrapped around his waist.' 'No man alive, huh?' I hid my smile against his left pectoral. 'Not if he were eighty and bedridden. And then there are these little beauties.'

Leaning forward, he dragged his chest across my puckered nipples. The contact sent a twang directly to my sex. 'Perfect. Like raspberry cream, sweet and sharp and smooth as velvet.'

Inspired by his own words, he bent to suckle me. At the first worshipful tug, the difference between my lovers was clear. Sean zeroed in on what he wanted, but Joe's appetite for touching knew no bounds. Every part of me enthralled him: the back of my knees, the inside of my arms, the hollow at the base of my throat. My navel had to be laved and pinched to full erogenous life; my thigh had to be nibbled; my fingers sucked. Joe found his pleasure in pleasing. He imposed nothing. He offered everything.

Now he knelt before me, his thumbs lightly stroking the petals of my sex. He pulled me gently apart. I tensed. I was so aroused I could scarcely stand still. He bent closer and bathed me with his warm, gusting breath. He licked me once with the flat of his tongue.

I couldn't contain a cry. His head jerked up in alarm. 'What's the matter?' he asked.

Too hungry to accept more foreplay, I held out my arms. ‘I don't want to come until you're inside me and I will if you kiss me there. Please, Joe, take me now.' 'Here?' His eyes cut towards the bedroom. I tugged his sinewy shoulders. 'Now. Please.' His gaze heated at my plea and he shot to his feet. As he backed me against the tiles, water
off his shoulders, casting a halo of steam around his head. His big hands gripped my buttocks. He lifted, arms bulging, jaw set. I swung my legs around his hips and locked my ankles in the small of his back. Secure now, I reached between us, caught him beneath the head and played him between my lips. His cock juddered in my hand. He slipped against me, around me. I pressed him tight to my swollen bud.

'K-Kate. God, I can feel you. You're hard for me.'

I squeezed the neck of his cock.

He cursed, a good curse, so I did it again. His
turned as red as his erection. I heard his teeth grind with his effort to control himself. One hand released my buttock and fumbled between our bodies. Looking down, I saw him take a good hard grip on his balls and tug-Then I capped him.

'No,' he moaned, but his hips undermined the protest by surging forward. He filled me in a single stroke. His hand flew back to my bottom, pulling me close as his cock flexed inside me.

'Oh, yes,’ I sighed. I wound my arms behind his neck, my entire spine stretching with pleasure.

He cried out at the subtle writhing motion. 'Don't move. Do not move.' His legs shook with strain. He was panting.

'Am I too heavy?'

He laughed, then groaned when my vagina fluttered on his shaft. 'Honey, oh, honey, you're just right. You're like heaven inside, so warm and wet. I can't believe how good this feels. Just be still. I can't - I don't want to lose it. Just give me a minute.'

Stretching my neck to reach, I nipped his earlobe. 'Are you going to flash?'

He started at that, then chuckled. 'You and Sean must have had some talk. I'm afraid I might flash, all right. I might come with the first thrust and give away how much I like you.'

'How awful.'

He smiled into my eyes, his lashes starred with shower spray, his hair plastered against his handsome young face. His affection shone through the perfection of his features. His cheeks were pink with it, his mouth tremulous. His dark amber eyes crinkled at the corners, teary-bright.

'I don't care what happens,' I said, misting up myself. 'We'll have plenty of chances to make love.'

'That's why I want the first time to be right. Because you're so damn sweet. Now hold still.'

Pressing a quick kiss on my forehead, he shifted his grip so he could curl his thumbs down the crease of my thighs. He slid them forward until they met at the top of my labia. Gently, he caught my clitoris, hood and all, between the pads. My breath hitched at the direct stimulation. Gaining confidence, he pressed harder, then rotated the love-slicked folds against the tender shaft. 'If I rub you like this, can you come just from that?'

"Three guesses,’ I said, already gulping for air. I tried not to churn my hips, but it was hard to restrain myself. The ache went all the way to my womb and the jutting rod that split my sex was exactly what I needed to cure it. 'Oh, please, Joe, can I move a little?'

'Let me do it,’ he said. Muttering a prayer for fortitude, he rocked me in quick little surges. The red came back to his face as soon as he began.

,’ he gasped. 'I think my balls are trying to crawl inside my body.'

He couldn't tug them back this time. His hands were busy with me. I lowered one arm to reach around his body.

'Careful.' His feet slapped the wet porcelain as he spread his legs and braced himself.

Too naughty to resist, I curled my fingers into his crack and followed it down. He jumped when I tickled his perineum. 'Kate,’ he warned.

I bit his shoulder. 'Almost there.' His scrotum swung against my hand. 'How hard should I pull?'

'Hard,’ he said through gritted teem, but I was afraid of injuring him.

My experimental tug made him groan miserably and hitch me closer. I tried again.

This time, he groaned even louder. 'Are you trying to make me come faster?'

Abashed, I let go.

'Just finish yourself, honey,' he said. 'Just take what you need. I'll try to hold on.'

Taking him at his word, I ground my pubis to his root, tightening myself around him to gather in the sensations. I added an inch to his abbreviated thrusts, then two. I knew this was straining his limits, but, lord, it felt good to massage that killing itch. His thumbs circled faster, trying to keep me with him. Sounds broke in his throat, choked and harsh. I looked down at his cock on my next withdrawal. The taut skin glistened with my juices, russet red. I knew he couldn't last much longer.

'Soon.' The wave rose inside me. 'Just a little - oh, God.'

My head snapped back as it broke. Joe cried out, rocketing through my spasms with a flurry of long hard thrusts. He marked the end of each stroke with my name. Each repetition shot another spear of pleasure through my loins - Kate, Kate, Kate - withdrawing to the brink and hammering back like he meant to drive his cock to my heart.

Then he came. His penis convulsed inside me as though milked by an invisible hand, strong, dramatic contractions - five, six, seven - each shaking his body from scalp to toe. Finally, after the tenth hard spasm, he sighed, a sigh of the most intense relief I'd ever heard.

'Kate,’ he murmured again, sagging against me until the tiles supported both our weight. He held me like that for a minute, then let me down and
his fingers from my cheeks. He'd gripped me so tightly my nerves tingled from lack of circulation. 'Wow.' He shook the stiffness from his hands. 'That was good.'

'Good enough to count as a flash?'

He wagged his finger at me. 'I'm all flashed out, Miss Kate. So you can worry about your own darn self.'

But how could I worry about betraying my passions when he treated me, and them, with such tender loving care? He carried me to my bed wrapped in a big yellow towel.

'You'll spoil me,' I purred as he rubbed me dry.

He feathered the glossy triangle between my legs. 'Believe me, it's a luxury. Sean never lets -'

He stopped speaking, either because he didn't want to bring Sean's name into 'our' time, or because he didn't want to betray a confidence. Rather than pry, I rolled to my side and stroked his thigh as far as the edge of the towel he'd tucked around his hips. He shifted his knees apart. Accepting the wordless invitation, I slid my palm up the near-hairless skin of his inner thigh. My knuckles joggled his weighty shaft, causing his breath to hiss through his teeth. He unwrapped the towel.

'Suck me until I'm hard again,' he said. "That is, if you wouldn't mind.'

I smiled. 'Of course I wouldn't mind. I love going down on you.'

To prove it, I bowed over his lap, lifted the head on the cupped flat of my tongue and tipped it into my mouth. Heavy as he was, I had to trap him in my lips to hold him steady. Then I licked him, large circles and small, pausing now and then to flick the tiny blind eye or the sensitive array of folds on the underside of the head.

My efforts were not in vain. In less than a minute he'd reached full tumescence. He put one hand on his shaft and urged himself an inch farer into my mouth.

'A little more,' he said. 'Please.'

What red-blooded male only wanted a little more head? But he'd learn to ask for everything he wanted, once he discovered how happy I was to give it. I swallowed more of him, tonguing first beneath the flange, then to the edge of his gripping fist. Bit by bit, I coaxed his hand away until I was bobbing slowly up and down his length. My throat relaxed as I found my groove. My hands kneaded his thighs like a pampered cat. I thought - as I had many times - that I'd been born to do this, born to feel this smooth, tropical flesh slipping between cheek and tongue and palate.

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