Mendacious (2 page)

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Authors: Beth Ashworth

BOOK: Mendacious
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My mum and baby sister needed me to man-up and look after them. My prick of a dad walked out on my eighteenth birthday, so I found myself with a big choice to make. Did I go to university and follow my dreams, or did I get a job busting my arse for minimum wage?

I chose my family and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Working crazy hours for very little pay became the norm, but at least I was helping to pay the bills. The job was shitty, but I knew it was something I had to do.

Then I met her.

Libby walked into my life and left me in a daze.

We dated for a while, we fell in love, and then we married. Things had been good between us ... or at least I thought they had been.

“Alex? Hello? Alex?”

The phone cracks loudly in my hand and I realise how tight I’m gripping the casing. “Shit. What did you say again?” I ask, swapping the phone into my other hand and flexing my now tense knuckles.

“Did you doze off on me or what?” he snorts into my ear. “Sorry if I’m boring you, but I thought you’d want to know about the opportunity Sean and I found.”

We are back to discussing work. It’s a welcome relief that always helps to keep the memories at bay.

“Did you say something about an opportunity?” I ask, running my hand over the rough stubble covering my jaw. “Have you found some new leads?”

“Well ...”

As he starts again, I notice an e-mail alert from Kelly warning me about my impending call from Shanghai.

“Fuck. We’ll have to park this for now. My call is due any minute and I can’t miss it. How about we do dinner tomorrow night and discuss these opportunities further? I’ll ask Kelly to book a table at Jamiesons.”

“You’re a pain in the arse, Alex,” he complains before hanging up.

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t let a comment like that fly unnoticed, but I’m busy as hell and haven’t got a choice.

“I need you to book a table at Jamiesons for tomorrow night at seven. I’m meeting Benedict to go over some stuff. Might as well tell Sean to come along as well,” I bark through to Kelly.

“What about your mother?”

“Cancel it.”

I should feel guilty, but it’s not like I’ll be winning ‘The Best Child of the Year’ award anytime soon anyway. Alice, my little sister, has got it down to a bloody tee. The girl has managed to wrap our mum around her finger.

“Are you sure?” Kelly asks uncertainly.

A sigh escapes my lips for the millionth time today. Why isn’t anybody listening? Am I speaking a different language or what?

“Cancel the fucking dinner,” I grumble, my mood turning sour as this conversation continues. “And while you’re at it, can you put a call into the girls and have them waiting for me when I get home?”

She’s quiet for a couple of seconds before she replies. “I’ll sort it now.”

Disconnecting the intercom with a smirk, I look at my ringing desk-phone. Shanghai are on time which is always a good sign.


Rule number four: I don’t appreciate lateness. You should have left earlier. End of.


I roll my shoulders to alleviate some of the coiled tension I can feel gnawing away at my muscles. All this stress isn’t doing me much good. I think I’m in need of a little TLC. Just something to help relieve some of the pressure I can feel building.

And I know just the girls to help me out.


Jeffery, the night doorman who gets to greet my ugly mug, is waiting for me with the lift like usual. I’ve never bothered asking, but I assume he gets a notification when I use my fob on the underground garage because he’s always waiting.

He seems to care about his job, and I like that ...
a lot.

“Good evening, Mr. Lewis.”

“Jeffery,” I nod, stepping into the lift with my briefcase. I’ve given up trying to convince him to drop the formalities. It’s been Mr. Lewis or Sir for the past few years, and I know he doesn’t have any intention of changing it.

“How has your day been, sir?” Jeffery asks as he hits the button for my floor.

I lean back against the stainless-steel interior of the lift with a sigh. “I’ve had better days. But I’m hoping things are about to get a little better,” I reply, offering him a wink. “Have my girls arrived by any chance?”

“Yes, sir.” He keeps his gaze trained on the double doors of the lift. Even though he’s used to my frequent visitors who arrive and leave quickly, I’m sure it’s a tad uncomfortable for him.

It’s not intentional, but I’m a man with needs at the end of the day.

“Right, see you tomorrow.” I stride into the hallway when the lift opens and pull out my key fob for the door. It beeps and flashes at me when I wave the device over the receiver.

“Mmm ...” A brief smile crosses my lips at the faintest sniff of warm caramel in the air as I close the door behind me and head toward the living room.

Things have been hectic and I know I need this tonight. My fingers flex tightly around the handle on my briefcase as I round the corner at the end of the hallway.

“Good evening,” I murmur, placing my briefcase on the nearby coffee table and shrugging off my suit jacket.

My eyes flick between the two girls sitting on my brown leather sofa, their bodies stretched out comfortably in small shorts and matching tank tops as they wait my instruction.

“Have you been waiting long?” I ask, casually working my tie loose. I don’t need to look at them to know they’re watching me. I can feel the burn of their eyes penetrating my skin.

“Long enough, Alex.”

“You’re late today.”

My hands move to unfasten my cufflinks before working their way down the buttons on the front of my shirt. It flaps open, my bare chest on display before their greedy eyes.

A smirk touches my lips as I catch the slightest flicker of excitement light their faces. It’s a boost to my already cocky and overly inflated ego, but I don’t give a shit.

I inhale sharply, tensing the muscles in my chest, purposely drawing a soft gasp from their plump, feminine lips.

“Jade can help you out of those trousers,” Tasha murmurs seductively.

I quirk an amused eyebrow at the bold offer and shake my head while unlacing my shoes and pulling off my socks. These girls are like vultures. They’ll just sit and wait for me to give the go ahead before they pounce with a vigour I’m not sure I can handle.

But what can I say? I’m Alex Lewis after all. The multi-millionaire with a jackhammer-sized cock. There’s not a woman alive that doesn’t want a piece of this. And that’s the fucking problem. I don’t want any of them.

All because of one girl. She ruined everything by burning her mark deep inside my chest. She was the girl I’d trusted with my life, and in return, royally fucked me over. I had decided there and then I’d never let it happen again. Every move would be calculated precisely. Each encounter would be strategised to perfection.

“Alex?” Jade’s voice purrs through my brain. “You don’t seem very with it tonight? Why don’t you let me and Tasha ease some of that stress?”

“Let us help you relax,” Tasha whispers, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. She spots my wandering eyes and tries to entice me with a gentle sway of her hips. “You know we can make you feel good.” She winks, reaching for the front of my trousers.

“Don’t bother,” I snap, taking a step back, folding my arms across my chest. “You both know better than this. It isn’t what I pay you for. Maybe you should bear that in mind.” I rock up and down on the balls of my feet and narrow my eyes.


Rule number five: I expect professionalism at all times.


But I’m only playing. It keeps them on their toes and lets them know who’s in charge. I have the power to do anything I damn well want.

“I don’t expect this kind of nonsense. If you’d rather I take my business elsewhere ...” My sentence trails off and they exchange nervous glances.

I’m one of a few high-profile clients to their recently formed beauty business, and I know if they lose me then their boss would give them hell. After all, they don’t know her as well as I do. My little sister has one wicked tongue on her when she wants to. I sure to God wouldn’t want to be the one to get on her bad side. But clearly the two Barbie dolls haven’t worked this out yet after almost six months.

“You’re right.” Jade quickly apologises and turns to the side table and picks up a bottle of massage oil. “Are you ready for your massage?” She nods at the table in the centre of the room.

“Oh, Alex.” Tasha starts to whine, pouting those plump, pink lips of hers once again. “Why are you being like this tonight?”

The sound pierces my ears and I flinch. She’s acting like a fucking child when I’m only trying to have a laugh. It’s usually fun to make them work for it, but this evening she’s really testing my bloody patience. Honestly, I’m even regretting jamming my cock in them at all. It’s just meaningless sex, but I can see these two being more trouble than they’re worth. I mean, I’m not destitute for pussy. Girls practically throw themselves at me every day of the bloody week when I find the time to go out. It’s just lately, I’ve been so busy with work; it’s been easier to have these two on tap for a quick fuck every now and then.

“What are you thinking?” Tasha purrs. She trails her nails across my forearm, smirking when she catches the unmistakeable bulge tenting my boxers. “Let me help with that.” Her hand drops down and palms my cock.

Now I know I’m screwed.

My body yearns for release, so I do nothing to stop Tasha when she drops to her knees and puts my cock in her mouth.

It doesn’t mean anything. Nothing.

I grit my teeth and weave my hands into Tasha’s hair. My hips rock smoothly against her, and I increase my pace as I fiercely fuck her mouth. A groan rips from the bottom of my throat as I feel her lips wrapping around me.

Jade puts down the bottle of massage oil and I reach out, grabbing her waist and pulling her close, our lips crashing together with a wild and ravenous hunger.

She tastes sweet. The lingering scent of caramel on her skin and inside her mouth drives my sweet tooth wild.

Jade strips my already loose shirt from my shoulders without hesitation. Her hands grip at the broad width of my shoulder blades as I trail a path from her lips to the edge of her jaw, the curve of her neck, and finally the swell of her large, plastic tits.

I hate silicone.

There’s nothing worse than a lopsided tit that’s got more weight in it than the other. They were probably fine after she got them done, but one is kind of hanging a little strangely to the side.

Just ignore.

I feel Tasha working her tongue around the head of my cock as I harshly pinch one of Jade’s dusky pink nipples. Involuntarily, my hips lurch forward, a soft moan curling from the back of her throat as I thrust my dick.

“Are you gonna come?” Jade asks on a whisper. She drops a hand to the top of Tasha’s head and coaxes her movements faster.

I clench my jaw. “Fuck.”

My mind is going crazy and I can tell I’m about to blow my load into the back of Tasha’s throat. I tense my thighs and bite down on the skin above Jade’s nipple.

Closing my eyes, a smirk flicks across my lips and I spurt heavily into Tasha’s mouth. My breath exhales and she takes her time swallowing every last drop I’ve given without complaint.

And so she should.

I’m doing these girls a favour after all, so they should be happy with whatever time I’m giving them. Even if they don’t know it’s the last.

“Get over there,” I mutter, pointing at the sofa. “I want to watch you both come.” I’m being lazy, but so what. I’ve had my bit of excitement and I can’t be arsed having to get them both off. If they sit and please each other then it’s one less job for me to have to do. I’m satisfied at the end of the day, so I don’t really care what they think.

“Is that what you want, Alex?” Jade teases me by grabbing my hand and running it between her spread thighs. “Don’t you want to do it?” she murmurs against the lobe of my ear. “You want a taste of me, right?”

In an ideal world, every bloke on the planet would be begging to be in my position right now. And most probably, they would all be smacking themselves in the face with what I’m about to say to these two girls. But the reality is, I just don’t give a toss.

“I’ve actually had enough for tonight. You two can please each other or just leave.” Bending down, I slip my boxers back on and cross my arms over my chest.

“What?” Jade cocks her head to the side while Tasha flutters her eyelashes at me. “You don’t mean that,” she murmurs.

“Of course he doesn’t,” Tasha purrs, running a hand up my leg. “He’s just having us on, again.”

I shake my head. “Let’s not do this. I’ve had a long—”

“What?” Tasha leans back on her knees and looks up at me. “Are you being serious?” Her playful attitude quickly disappears and a slow creeping scowl crosses her features.

Huffing out a breath, I put my hands on my hips. “You both need to leave. I’ve given you enough of my time tonight, and I’m tired now.”

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