Mercenary Courage (Mandrake Company) (9 page)

Read Mercenary Courage (Mandrake Company) Online

Authors: Ruby Lionsdrake

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Mercenary Courage (Mandrake Company)
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He rubbed against her from behind, as his fingers loosened the tie on her top, the hem loosening about her waist, as well. His thumb ran along the inside of her belt, and flutters of anticipation danced through her belly. Moisture dampened her panties. The sane part of her said they could not do anything here, but every other part of her wanted him to touch more of her. His muscles were like rock at her back, with the tension of restraint radiating from him. She knew he wanted to touch more of her, too, to shove her against the wall and pour himself into her. The knowledge that she could affect such a powerful man made her feel sexy... and hot.

She ran her thumb down the TacZip of her trousers, and the material fell away. She did not know if her wrap was long enough to hide the opening if anyone looked down at her, but nobody
look down at her. Everyone was busy complaining about the shops being closed and the elevator not working. And she was still breathing normally, calmly. At least she thought so. Until Viktor’s fingers slipped into her panties. She bit her lip to keep from gasping as they brushed her tight curls.

He had stopped kissing her neck and was simply nuzzling the back of her head, giving no sign of what his hands were doing. Nobody glancing over should think much of them, so long as she could keep from squirming and gasping as he touched her. Easier thought than done. One hand had returned to her breast, stroking her through her wrap, but the other traveled lower, touching her lower lips. His finger slipped into her, finding her hot, damp core, rubbing her gently. She pushed against him, inflamed. He did not speak, but a soft rumble—or was that a growl?—reached her ear. Was he pleased to find her ready? She could feel how much he wanted her, but there was little to be done until the car started again, and everyone else got out.

He found her clitoris, and the thoughts fled her mind. She arched her back, almost forgetting that she couldn’t cry out, or even gasp or moan. She bit her lip as her body throbbed from the inside out. The powerful pulses came in sync with the touch of his fingers, as he rubbed her—no, he was
her, his touch feather light despite the tension in the arm wrapped around her. The roughness of his callouses added a delicious sensation she never experienced when she pleasured herself. She gripped the back of his hand, but she didn’t know where to guide it, not certain if she wanted him to press harder or to slip his fingers all the way inside of her or to simply keep doing what he was doing. The pulses of sensation shuddering through her grew more intense, and her breaths quickened, though she tried hard not to let them become audible.

A soft chime came from the control panel.

“Finally,” one of the women growled.

Ankari barely heard her—barely heard anyone. The blood rushing through her body pounded in her ears, and all she could think was that she would die if they had to stop—if Viktor stopped. The teasing ended, and his fingers quickened. Though he must have known they had to finish soon, his attention remained nothing short of exquisite perfection. She trembled, teetering on the edge, fighting the urge to grind against him, afraid someone would notice her rocking hips. But then his thumb brushed the top of her clitoris at the same time as the elevator lurched into motion, and the combination of the two jolts took her over the edge. Fortunately, the shoppers were too busy jostling for position, eager to escape, to notice her shudder of relief or to hear the groan that slipped free of her lips, despite all her efforts to restrain it.

The doors opened. The monks and shoppers filtered out, probably not caring if they were on the right floor at this point.

Viktor’s hand slipped free of her panties, and he crossed the elevator with a step. Ankari was surprised he wanted to leave so quickly.
certainly needed a moment to recover and compose herself. But he had not found the release she had, she reminded herself. He must want to hurry to the hotel, to satisfy his own urges. She had not forgotten the press of his erection against her back, the tension in his hard body, the way he had growled that he wanted her. After his ministrations, she was so ready for him that the walk to the hotel would be an uncomfortable one.

But instead of striding through the open doors, Viktor slammed his hand against something on the control panel. He turned back toward her, his eyes burning with intensity, with lust. The doors slid shut behind him, and she glimpsed the emergency stop button activated before he strode back to her, filling her vision.

“Put your hands on the wall,” he growled, turning her so he was behind her again. He slid right into the place he had vacated, his hard body molding against her back.

A thrum of excitement ran through her as she realized his intent. She reached down to push her sagging trousers down, intending to shove them and her panties to the floor, to provide easy access for him.

“Hands on the wall,” he said again, using his captain’s voice, making it an order.

Eager to comply, she pressed her palms against the cool faux wood, even as she thrust her hips back into him, letting him know she was ready, that she wanted him inside of her. He growled again, any words he might have had inarticulate. He gripped her hips roughly, shoving her clothes to the floor, kneeling to remove her shoes, so her trousers could be cast aside. She helped kick them away. His calloused hands slid up the outside of her bare thighs, the contrast between hard and soft exciting her already responsive flesh further. She pushed back, spreading herself for him, her core throbbing with anticipation of another orgasm.

“Ankari,” Viktor growled, clothing rustling as he freed himself.

The hot need in his voice made her even wetter, almost impatient for him.

Then he was standing again, positioned behind her, gripping her hips, almost lifting her from her feet. She gasped when he found her, driving into her with the urgency of a gunshot. From the start, his pace was fast, almost frenetic, but she was so ready that she eagerly matched him, pushing into the wall with her hands and pumping against him, matching his hungry speed. He was relentless, weeks of frustration and heartache pouring into her, and she wanted nothing more than to be his vessel. His raw power coursed into her, and she bent lower, letting him deepen his thrusts, enjoying the pressure, knowing he enjoyed it as he rammed into her to his fullest, the most powerful panther in the jungle, choosing his mate. Choosing her.

With his rapid breaths promising he was nearing his climax, she wanted to come again, too, to join his release at the same time. Trusting him to keep her against the wall, she lowered one hand, pushing open her wrap and cupping one swaying breast. She squeezed it, brushing her taut nipple, reveling in a second source of pleasure.

Behind her, Viktor groaned, his breath hot against her neck. She loved that even as he pounded into her, he was watching her, excited by her. For him, she massaged her breasts a while longer, tweaking the nipples, enjoying the sensation, but a deeper ache called to her. His hands tightened where they gripped her sweaty hips, his encroaching climax driving him even harder. She dropped her hand lower, gasping as she found her engorged clitoris. She rubbed herself as he thrust with abandon, her movements as frenzied and full of need as his. Waves of pleasure came from all sides, and she exploded an instant before he did, throwing her head back and crying his name.

Her hand slipped from the wall, her exhausted body going limp. She would have tumbled, but he caught her, catching her between him and the wall, his chest against her back, his shirt still on. She smiled, the gesture languid with her satiation, and she promised she would finally remove his clothes later, the better to admire his brawny grace.

Viktor bent his knees and eased out of her. Then he held her, not letting her go yet, his grip gentle this time, the tension gone from his body. He kissed her throat where he had bitten her before, his lips tender, apologetic. As if having the jungle panther sink his teeth into her didn’t arouse her every bit as much as it did him. Still, she loved his gentle side, too, and she basked in his attentive kisses and the adoring strokes of his hands.

If the control panel hadn’t started flashing red light into the elevator, she might have basked in it for much longer, but now that a modicum of sanity had returned, she decided she did not want anyone overriding the controls and walking in on them while she was half naked. She patted his hand and slipped out of his arms, bending to grab her clothes. She had lost all track of time when he was in her, but from the way her arms were still trembling, they had received a good workout. She smiled to herself, so pleased to have him back with her.

After Ankari tugged on her clothes, she finally faced Viktor, sharing her smile with him. He had finished fastening his belt and wore an expression somewhere between satisfied and sheepish. He regarded her with a hint of wariness. Wondering if he had been too hard? Too rough? Not even close. She grabbed the back of his head and kissed him for the first time, tasting him, needing him to know that she had wanted him every bit as much as he had wanted her. And that she wanted him a few more times tonight, too, as long as they were slaking long-held hungers.

When they parted, she brushed her fingers down his jaw, gazing into his eyes, tempted to kiss the swollen one. He probably didn’t want to be reminded of it.
probably thought he had failed because he had received such a wound. She chuckled.

His brows rose in inquiry.

“I was just thinking that I would have worn a dress if I had known you would require easy access in an elevator.”

“You wouldn’t have found it difficult to kick men while wearing a dress?” Viktor brushed a few strands of hair away from her face and kissed her on the forehead, then, with a reluctant sigh, jabbed the emergency stop button for a second time. The flashing alarm lights ceased, but the control panel emitted an angry bleep before settling down and ordering the elevator to the bottom floor.

“Not so long as I was wearing practical shoes. Dresses are actually quite freeing.” She tightened her wrap shirt around her again, glad she was not heading back to the shuttle. Lauren, or more likely Jamie, might notice she was more rumpled than usual, and they would certainly guess the reason, if not the specific details.

“Perhaps I’ll buy some for you then,” Viktor said as the elevator descended. “Or I could act my age and not give in to my hormones, as if I were a randy teenaged boy rather than a forty-year-old man.”

“Don’t do that. I like your hormones. Especially the randy ones.”

Besides, he had to act his age—and then some—the rest of the time. He had responsibility enough for a dozen men. With a crew of over a hundred looking to him for their livelihoods—and to keep them alive—he must feel their disappointment a hundred times over when he failed to meet their expectations. Viktor needed—and
—frivolous play from time to time.

“I’m relieved to hear that,” he said softly and offered her his arm as the doors opened.

Ankari accepted it and strolled out through a crowd of glowering shoppers, who had clearly been waiting a while, even if there was a second, perfectly good elevator right beside the one she and Viktor had delayed.

Security guards stood in front of the broad entryway that led to the atrium, with an opaque force barrier stretching across the opening behind them. They were directing people either to the lifts or toward the hotels on the first floor. Other security guards stood in front of the corridor that led to the machine shops and the repair docks.

“I got that the shops were closed,” Ankari said, wondering if she should have paid more attention to the nattering women, “but that’s the way to my shuttle. And the airlock to your ship, right? Is something more going on?”

Viktor paused, pulling her aside. “I’ll check with Garland. Earlier, he commed me and said three people had died mysteriously here today and that rumors were flying about quarantines. He—”

A deep beep came from the walls all around them, and then a voice spoke over the speakers. “Residents and visitors of Midway 5,” a woman announced, “the CEO of Midway 5 Incorporated regrets to inform you that a potential health issue has arisen. All measures are being taken to isolate and identify the source of the problem. In accordance to GalCon Law, a quarantine has been initiated. For a limited time, you will be required to stay on the station. You may return to small craft that are docked within the shuttle bays, but they will not be permitted to leave Midway 5 until this situation is resolved. Access will be restricted between externally docked ships and the station to limit the spread of possible contagions. In short, if you are currently on the station, you will not be permitted to leave. If you are in a ship attached to the station, you will not be permitted to come aboard. In the meantime, please enjoy the facilities that Midway 5 offers. The shops adjacent to the atrium are closed for investigation, but numerous restaurants, grocery stores, and casinos will remain open, as will the thermal spa. We will keep you informed with hourly reports.”

The lugubrious faces of the security guards said they had already known this information. Others wore more alarmed expressions, and Ankari felt some of that alarm herself. She immediately thought of how close she had been to that man who had died. If the station was thinking of quarantine, it could only mean that the board members who resided here believed some deadly pathogen had made its way aboard. Had she been close enough to contract it? In seeking out Viktor, might she have passed a virus on to him, as well?

Ankari frowned up at him, finding his arm with her hand, an apology on her lips.

But he didn’t look concerned. He quirked an eyebrow at her and said, “Guess that means I don’t need to feel so guilty about spending the night with you. Going back to the ship isn’t an option now, eh?”

“I... Viktor. I saw one of those people die. I was within a few feet of the man. I might have... and then we...” She waved toward the elevator, not able to find blunt words to express her fears. Besides, she had already told him about that man. He must be aware of the danger.

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