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both his hands.

Terry hissed and nearly jumped off the bed. He spread his legs out wider when Morgan’s cold hands warmed around his dick, and he leaned back against his hands to enjoy himself.

“That’s nice,” he said.

“I’ve got lots of nice things I want to do to you,” Morgan said,  stroking him. His grip was firm, but the up and down motion of his  hand was slow, too slow, even as Terry’s humped into his hand. He

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was going to take his time with this if Terry didn’t hurry things along.

He reached down and put his hand around Morgan’s, trying to  force the other man to speed up without actually telling him to go  faster.

Morgan pushed his hand away. “Be patient. Good things come to

those who wait.”

“I’d rather get off right now,” Terry said, glaring at him. He tried

to, anyway.

He’d been told on more than one occasion that everything he  thought showed up on his face. Right now, all he could think about  was how good it felt to be touched like that. So much different from  the feel of his own hand.

His mouth dropped when Morgan stuck his tongue out, hardened the tip into a point, and then licked along the base of Terry’s prick, finally playing around in the slit.

“You’re good at that,” Terry said, and when Morgan put his lips around the head of Terry’s cock, his head fell back as breathy moans escaped him.

Cold air enveloped his dick when Morgan pulled away.

“I like sucking on cock.”


“That’s what I like. I like putting a hard cock in my mouth, and I  like watching what it does to the person I’m doing it to, and I like it  when they watch me.”

Terry remembered that, and he did his best to keep his eyes from  squeezing shut, watching everything Morgan did to him. The bob of  his head, the tightening of his cheeks.

When he started to hum, the vibrations were too much for Morgan  to handle. He grabbed Morgan by the hair, gasping and gyrating his  hips as his balls went tight, and he shot himself down the other man’s  throat.

Morgan swallowed it down as best as he could considering the lack of warning he’d been given. He cleared his throat after pulling

Mated to the Wild Omega

away and still looked at Terry with that smile on his face. The smile  that said how in charge he was.

Even on their knees deep-throating, an alpha was always still in  complete command, it seemed.

Terry, on the other hand, was mortified that he couldn’t last  longer.

“Sorry,” he said, turning away from Morgan’s smile.

“Don’t pout,” Morgan said, reaching out and taking Terry’s chin  in hand, turning his face so that he had to look into Morgan’s happy


“You just need some more practice, and then we can go for  longer.”

“I don’t know why I’m embarrassed. I’ll just get another erection  again in a minute.”

Terry hadn’t been talking about how eager his cock always  seemed to be because he was still young or anything. No, puberty was  long behind him. The thing with werewolves was that they always  seemed to be ready to have sex. Sometimes Terry could just will  himself an erection while he was in the shower, flipping through his  mental catalogue of fantasies, and he could get off.

There was just something about coming before he was supposed  to that mortified him.

“I’ll bet you can,” Morgan said, not doubting his abilities. “But as  you get older you’ll learn to like drawing it out more. That way you  can really start to enjoy yourself.”

Terry didn’t like the little pinprick of jealousy that poked him at  those words. Morgan was sixty years old. Of course there would have  been others before Terry.

Then his cock twitched eagerly as Morgan lowered his mouth one  more time, wrapping his now-dark-pink lips around the head of his  penis.

It had never felt this good when Terry had touched himself.  Morgan must just be really skilled at this. Years of practice compared

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to Terry’s complete inexperience.

Maybe he had a point about drawing it out.

Terry made sure to try his hardest not to come this time. Morgan  allowed him to thrust gently into his mouth, and he was right, there  was something else entirely about the slow buildup, forcing himself to  go slow, that really made his body quake and tremble.

Terry couldn’t help it. He let himself fall onto his back and  gripped his own hair until it was kind of painful. Anything to keep  him grounded in reality and to keep him from coming again.

“Fuck!” he said, drawing out the word so it was a long moan.  “You were right. You were right. Fuck!”

“That’s right, baby, fuck my mouth. You’re doing so well,”
Morgan said through that link they shared as mates.

Terry was officially no longer jealous of any other previous lovers  Morgan had in the past. This was all he could focus on right now.

He couldn’t handle it anymore, and he could no longer stop his  hips from pumping wildly against Morgan’s mouth.

“Stop. I’m gonna come. Oh!”

He couldn’t even bring himself to reach down and push Morgan  away. He had to rely on Morgan doing that himself because, despite  his words, Terry didn’t want either of them to separate.

Thankfully, Morgan did as he was told quickly, and he had the  forethought to reach down and grab Terry around the base of his dick  before he could spill himself all over his stomach.

He was glad Morgan had thought of it, but made a noise of  disappointment that he didn’t yet have the release he wanted.

Morgan’s mouth, those wicked lips that had just been sucking his  cock, were now at Terry’s ear. “I’m going to fuck you into the  mattress, and only then, when my cock is inside your ass, are you  allowed to come.”

“Yes, yes. Do it!” Terry demanded.

Even as a teenager, he’d never been this horny before. If Morgan

didn’t put something inside of him right that second, he thought he

Mated to the Wild Omega

would die.

He didn’t even notice where Morgan had gotten the lube from, but he scented it the instant the other man opened the cap. Morgan’s slick fingers pressing against his hole was the best feeling Terry ever had.  He thought me might come from that stimulation alone.

“You are so ready for me. Want me to fuck you?”

“Yeah,” Terry said, pressing back against those fingers.

Morgan must not have been joking because he pulled his fingers away quickly, apparently deciding that Terry really had enough preparation.

He probably didn’t require a lot due to the sex he and Morgan had been having when they were back at the cabin.

“Turn around, baby.”

Terry didn’t question it. He spun around as quickly as he could.  Morgan’s strong fingers grabbed a hold of his hips when he tried to climb fully back onto the mattress.

He looked behind him, confused now. “What are you doing?”

“Stay just like this,” Morgan said, staring down at the way Terry’s legs and ass were hanging over the side of the bed with hunger in his eyes. They’d turned gold in his lust.

“You’re perfect like this.”

Because he was the one with less experience, Terry trusted that  Morgan knew what he was doing and knew of the best ways to get him off. He held perfectly still.

Then he felt the blunt head of Morgan’s dick being guided into his hole. It burned, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle anymore, and because he gave no indication of pain, Morgan didn’t stop until his balls touched the back of Terry’s thighs.

“That’s it,” Morgan groaned then started to firmly yet slowly thrust his hips.

The push and pull of that heavy cock inside of him, touching everything, his inner walls, his prostate, was so good. That, coupled with the way Terry’s hips and his dick were pushed against the sheets

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beneath him, as though he was still being stroked and touched there as

well, was all he needed.

Terry gripped the bedsheets in his tight fists. He tried to thrust back, but really it was more of a shifting of hips on his part.

That was fine with him. He could do this forever. He didn’t want

it to end so soon, but the way Morgan moved inside of him was just  so good.

He clenched his anal walls around Morgan’s thrusting cock,  delighting in the groan Morgan let out, so he did it again.

“You. Are. Going. To kill. Me,” Morgan said, punctuating his  words with another deep thrust.

Terry thought they must look ridiculous like this, both half on top  of the bed like they were, but he would do this position as many times  as possible if it meant he could be fucked like this.

When Morgan showed signs of slowing down, Terry actually  panicked a little. “Don’t stop!”

With another deep groan, more of a growl, really, Morgan  pistoned his hips as quickly as though there was a real engine  powering him. His sighs and groaned turned into deep, wanting  moans, and the build of pressure that had come to a standstill for  Terry picked up again as he was fucked into the mattress.

There was no way he could fight this. He tried, and that only made  his cock and balls pulse and throb all the more after they tightened up  and released his cum onto the sheets beneath him.

He bit down on a pillow to muffle his shout, and he still felt little sparks of pleasure when he came down from his high, and Morgan was still thrusting inside of him until his whole body went stiff above  Terry’s and a warmth spurted inside of him.

The sound of Morgan’s satisfied breathing was hypnotic and lulling. It would have put him to sleep had it not been for the uncomfortable stickiness against his stomach.

Morgan pulled out of him gently, allowing Terry to gingerly get to his feet. They both looked down at Terry’s stomach, and at the bed,

Mated to the Wild Omega

and then they laughed.

Terry leaned into Morgan’s chest, though he kept their stomachs  apart to prevent smearing Morgan with his cum.

“I’m glad you mated with me,” Terry said.

The feel of Morgan running his fingers through Terry’s hair was  all the more lulling. “I am, too.”

Terry stayed where he was for a moment, enjoying the feel of  Morgan’s warm skin and of his muscled arms wrapping around him.  He hesitated with what he had to say next, but he decided to just go  for it and let it out.

“I know we haven’t been mated for long―”

“It’ll be sixty hours by midnight,” Morgan said, jokingly.

Terry wasn’t joking. “Is it too early to tell you I love you?”

Morgan jerked, and he looked down at Terry with surprise in his


Before the uncertainty could set in, Morgan smiled at him.

“No,” he said and then kissed him.

* * * *

“I want permission to hunt him, James.”

James sighed and rubbed his face at John’s demand. Then he  looked over his shoulder at Corey for help.

Usually, his mate was good at helping the alphas to calm down  when they were set on being stubborn idiots. It really lowered the  number of times James was forced to assert his authority on the front  yard, at any rate.

Corey could only shrug at him and go back to what he was doing,  feeding the infant that Phillip had left them with when he disappeared.

The boy was a good kid, didn’t fuss a lot, and James and Corey  had only been interrupted once during sex to the sounds of his crying  down the hall. Thankfully little Sammy was old enough that he could  hold up his own head and all that shit, so, yeah, James liked him.

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He was just starting to worry that Corey might like the kid a little too much. It would break his heart if his mate got too attached when the time came to give the boy back to his father, whenever the hell  Phillip decided to come back, that is.

That would have to be handled later. Right now, he had to deal with this.

“You’re too young. We only just put you on the alpha hunting  teams, and in case you didn’t notice, winter came early this year,”  James said. He didn’t need to point out the window to show the kid  how the snow had started up again.

It was one of the reasons they’d allowed that hunter Morgan had  confessed to biting go. They had their own shit to deal with, and in  this weather, chasing the man down while he rode on that snowmobile  was out of the question. James was just hoping that when the guy had  his first transformation, he did it in front of a group of hunters. Maybe  he would even take some of them out and save James some trouble

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