Midnight Dare (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas) (2 page)

BOOK: Midnight Dare (A Paranormal Romance) (Golden Pack Alphas)
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Alpha challenges were one of the few fights where the Council sanctioned death as an outcome. Death was a rare occurrence. However, depending on the circumstances, and in most cases, the loser was exiled from the pack.

Her father was still young and as Alpha to the Golden Pack, he was well liked and respected by other packs in the region. So what could have caused him to want to choose now? The rogue attacks a year ago had put a lot within the werewolf world on edge, but things had been quiet since then.

Reaching for the soap she began to bathe while analyzing the events of the last few months. There must be a clue to this sudden decision somewhere. Her mother had always taught her that, answers were always present, they just had to be found.

Wrinkling her brow she paused—her mother.

Marcus had claimed nothing was wrong with her mother, which she didn't doubt, but that didn't mean the root of the issue wasn't her mom either.

Her parents had met when her mother came to the valley to act as seer for the pack. And unlike Georgia, she could control her visions at will. She'd never officially stepped down from her role as seer, but insisted that Georgia be present during meetings, insisting that it would help Georgia gain more control over her gift. Which it did, but it was no secret that she was still the alphas most trusted adviser.

Had her mother had a vision? Was that why her father was ready to choose now? And if so what could her mother have seen to fore her father to make such an important decision so early.

Letting the cool water rinse down her body, Georgia thought back to the last few times she'd seen her parents.

There had been a tension there, but she'd assumed it had to do with the preparations for the holiday events. She'd been wrong.

This is what I get for assuming.

Flicking the water off, she stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. The more she thought about it the more she was convinced that her mother must have seen something. Something that was bad enough to cause her father to act.

Hurrying to the bedroom, she pulled on some clothes in quick jerking movements before grabbing her suitcases and began to gather her things. Regardless of her problems with Marcus, nothing meant more to her than her pack. If there was a problem then she would be there to help, even if that meant welcoming a new alpha.

For now she had to get through the long flight back home, and hope that she didn't kill Marcus along the way.

Or Fuck him.

"Shut Up," she said. Why was her inner voice such a skank?

Zipping her bag she looked around the room briefly, checking to make sure she hadn't missed anything.

Her gaze skidded to a halt at the bundle of mistletoe lying on the floor near the door. She bit back a curse as her body flamed back to life, remembering every moment of Marcus' kiss.

Walking to the bouquet, she knelt down and picked it up, crushing the leaves in her fist. Standing up she walked to the wastebasket and threw them away with a quick jerk.

Forgetting that kiss was going to be a lot harder than she thought, but she was never one to fail at a goal.

As if on cue a knock sounded at her door.

Glancing down at her watch she noted the time—six-o'clock sharp.

Of course he's right on time.

Even though she had every intention of ignoring him for the remainder of the day, she also had every intention of making him pay for both her lack of sleep and for daring to wreak havoc over her hard won control. She smiled as she thought of the perfect avenue for payback. It would hurt like a bitch on her end, but the satisfaction of payback was too good to ignore.

Picking up her purse she took a deep breath and turned back to the door. Plastering a smile on her face she swung it open.

Time to rock and roll. And with any luck not commit homicide.



When the door opened, Marcus was prepared to deal with an angry Georgia. Despite his calm departure the night before, he knew he'd be a fool not to expect some form of retribution.

Instead she stood there with a slight smile on her face. She wore another flirty dress. This one a fraction more descent than the one she wore the night before. Hugging her body, the soft green-blue fabric hugged her plump, round breasts before, flowing down her hips and resting in a mocking swirl mid-thigh. He didn't know if he should thank the designer or have them shot.

Her long dark hair hung thick around her shoulders, the cool Caribbean breeze drifting through the door, blowing soft wisps around her smooth cheeks.

Small circles of fatigue were smudged beneath her almond-eyes, but they still sparkled back at him with determination. He liked that about her—the unwavering ability to fight to the end. It called to his wolf as much as it challenged him.

He wasn't alone. For a year he'd watched the men, and some women, watch her with nothing but lust in their eyes. Despite some in her pack being weary of her powers, there were plenty who wouldn't hesitate to claim her as their own. Her take no prisoners attitude was almost as alluring as the gorgeous body it was packaged in.

He wondered how she lived her entire life without realizing how breath-taking she was.

Inhaling deeply, his body tightened at her scent. Her heat cycle made the attraction even more intense. The air was heavy with her pheromones, saturating his senses in her essence.

It had taken all of his will last night to walk away from her. But he'd spent years honing his patience and had no intention of letting Georgia dismiss their attraction as just a response to her heat cycle.

"You're underdressed for snow," he said frowning.

She laughed up at him.

"Good Morning to you too. I have a coat in my bag. I'll worry about the weather when we land," she said, her husky voice washing over him in a trickling a swift wave of heat down his cock.

Narrowing his gaze on her overly sweet smile, he wasn't fooled. She was up to something.

"Good Morning. I have a car waiting to take us to the airstrip."

Her smile wavered and she raised a brow at him.

"I was hoping to have breakfast here before we left."

"We can eat on the plane. The schedule is too tight. Darius makes his announcement tonight and we'll need to stop off in New York to refuel."

The plump curve of her lips formed a perfect pout, before she flicked her hair of her shoulders and stepped over the threshold.

"Fine. My bags are on the bed," she said as she brushed passed him.

He bit back a groan when she lingered a moment, her breasts teasing against the thin material of his shirt.

Someone wants to play.

She leaned in close, tilting her head up to meet his gaze.

"I'm not going to forget about last night you know," she said.

Her eyes glittered with maniacal glee in the sunlight.

"I should hope not."

He turned slightly, placing a hand at the base of her back, bringing her tight against the erection that never ceased to be present around her. Despite the clear arousal he saw in her gaze and felt in the softening of her body against his, her lips quirked into a smile that sent a shiver of both dread and anticipation down his spine.

"Good, I believe in forewarning. And unlike you I also believe in fair play," she said as she pulled away from his grip and continued down the walkway.

"I'll go check out and meet you in the lobby."

He stared after her, watching her hips sway in a tantalizing rhythm down the walkway.

The woman was going to be the death of him, and damn if he wasn't primed in anticipation.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he entered the room and bit back a groan. The room was heavy with the scent of her and reminded him that they had a twelve hour flight where he'd be in a sealed jet with her.

He smiled at the thought.

The confinement may test his control, but had the makings of breaking Georgia's first. The opportunity to grow closer to her was a bonus to a situation he considered less than ideal.

Whatever was forcing Darius decision, was serious. Before leaving his room to approach Georgia last night, he'd received a phone call from The Council. They were sending in Sergei to witness the alpha announcement.

He didn't surprise easily, but that bit of news had done the trick.

Sergei was an enforcer like himself, yet his skills ran in a different direction. The stoic Russian was a hybrid just like Georgia. However his birth was due the union between two different types of shifter—a werewolf and bear shifter. Instead of dealing with the dual nature of his human and wolf sides, he had the added complication of a temperamental bear. Whereas Marcus excelled at tracking, Sergei specialized in total destruction.

His triple nature made it easy for Sergei to slip into a berserk mode that was awesome and terrifying to witness. If the Council had decided to send him in, there was indeed more to the situation than Darius was telling him.

Lifting Georgia's bags from the bed, her turned to leave.

Whatever the situation brewing, he knew one thing for certain—he had no intention of letting anything happen to Georgia or her pack.



Georgia looked around the cabin and tried not to let her surprise register on her face. The small jet was in a single word-swanky.

She stood in what looked like the main cabin. Four large, cream colored leather seats were arranged in the center, mimicking a room in an upscale clubhouse. A small table jutted out from a wall between two chairs. Several covered dishes sat waiting on it. Steam snaked up from the tops and the distinct aroma of smoked bacon teased at her.

The center isle led to a closed large, wood inlaid door and on the opposite end, in front of a smaller door stood a petite blonde woman dressed in a white blouse and navy blue pencil skirt and a tall gentleman wearing a small hat, pressed navy slacks and matching dress shirt.

"Good Morning Mr. Legrand," the woman said.

Marcus nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Georgia, this Janet, she'll be our attendant for the trip and that's George our pilot."

Georgia whispered a soft hello.

The pilot tipped his hat at her before speaking to Marcus.

We're all clear with air control. If you can start to settle in we can get ready for takeoff," he said

"Just give us a few moments. I'd like to show Georgia around first."

Marcus grabbed her elbow and led her down the aisle.

"You have a pilot," she said.

"Yes, it's part of the whole point of having a jet."

She blinked at him and wondered just how much a Council enforcer actually made.

"There are two bathrooms on the plane one up front and one in the sleeping cabin," he said pointing towards the large wooden door.

"Sleeping cabin?"

He opened the door and this time she didn't bother hiding her shock.

A plush king-sized bed filled the adjoining room along with a small desk and chair on one side and chaise on the other.

Pulling the door closed he led her back to the leather seats and table set for breakfast.

She sank down into the chair, biting back a sigh at its softness.

Marcus sat across from her and leaned back. Re pressed a small button on the console of his chain then unbuttoned the cuffs of his sleeves and rolled them back.

Her gaze followed the movement lingering on the patchwork of tattoos crawling up his arms.

How far do they reach?

This was the first time she'd gotten a closer look at the markings. The night they'd gone after the rogues, she'd been too focused in controlling her own shift and had turned away before she could watch him change. She could only recall the size of his massive wolf after he shifted.

Dressing conservatively, he didn't seem the type to have a tattoo, let along what looked like two full sleeves worth.

She opened her mouth to ask about them, but shut it quickly when the flight attendant walked back into the cabin pushing a small cart.

The woman filled their glasses with orange juice and another set with water. She then lifted the silver covers from each dish before retreating again behind the door at the front of the plane.

Georgia lifted her fork and speared a strip of bacon.

"Sleep well?"

She tried not to sneer at his question.

"Like a baby."

"Glad to hear it."

"I'm sure you are."


"Ask what?"

"Whatever you wanted before Janet came in."

She remained silent for several minutes, moving the food around on her plate. Sitting back she nodded down at his bare forearms.

"What's with all of the ink?"

His hand clenched around his utensils for a moment before placing them down on the table. He leaned back and crossed his across his chest.

"Not a fan of tattoos?"

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