Midnight Masquerade (24 page)

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Authors: Sunny Andrews

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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The stir of emotions his words brought forth also brought about tears of happiness, sitting down the squirming puppy, she stepped back into his arms and grabbed a fistful of his crisp shirt and kissed the man until both of them were hot with need once again.

Breaking the kiss, Alastair leaned down and plucked up the pup and unlatched the dazzling diamond collar, dropping the heavy ring in his hand before setting the dog back down in the grass.

Kneeling before her, he snatched her left hand and winked at her, “Amelia Elizabeth Somerset, will you
put me out of my damn misery and make me an honest man? Marry me Andromeda, be my lighthouse, my harbor, my reason for living, be my wife, my duchess, the mother of our children, but most of all, just love me for the rest of our lives and I shall die the happiest man in the world.”

Crashing into him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and fell to the soft grass with her lover, “Yes, god yes.”

Chuckling, he kissed her as he slipped the large clear diamond ring onto her finger, “I love you Amelia, so much it hurts sometimes.”

Kissing his nose, she straddled Alastair in the grass and held out her hand to get a good look at the ring he had just gifted her with. Covered in diamonds, with a pristine round stunning diamond that was the width of her finger, she blin
ked. Even Helena’s ring wasn’t this big.

“Alastair, this ring…”

Running his hands up her skirt, he squeezed her thighs, “It took me a long tim
e to find the right one for you.
I hope you like it.”

Nodding, she heard a
beside them, looking over the little wrinkly bulldog was sitting beside them trying to get their attention. Swooping him up, she sat the pup upon Alastair’s chest as she sat on his hips, “I love both the ring, and the pup. He’s so damn cute! What are we going to name him?”

Totally your call Lia.”

“Hmmm, well I am Andromeda and you are my Perseus, should he also have a Greek name?” She mused, scratching the wee dog’s soft head.

“He’d make a fine Zeus I suppose, what about your favorite book? Surely there is a Shakespearian character in your books you could name him after?”

“Romeo! He can be our Romeo!”

Taking his hands off her thighs,
lifted up the soft dog and
looked at him, “Romeo eh? I like it, he looks like a Romeo.”

Sitting on Alastair as he sprawled in the fresh green grass, the brilliant sun hit her face as she watched him. She had been completely caught off guard with both
the puppy and the ring, she never would have guess he was going to ask for her hand this morning.

“Lia, are you okay?”

Looking down at Alastair who was now leaning up on his elbows with a concerned
look on his face, she realized he had caught her musing.

“This is all surreal to me, I can’t believe this is finally happening.”

“Believe it darling, this is just the start of our adventure together. Thankfully we have little Romeo here to keep us company upon our travels!”

“Can we take him to Luke’s?” She asked with excitement, she couldn’t wait to show Luke and Genevieve, her little nephew and niece were far too young yet, but in a few years the twins would be funning after the chunky little dog with squeals of delight.

In one smooth move, Alastair sto
od up, holding her close to him as she held Romeo between their chests.

“Come on little one, we have quite the night ahead of us. Lets go see your family, then we need to come get ready for the opera, the plan is for the three carriages to arrive together, we’re all meeting at our house at eight o’clock.”

Setting her softly on her feet, he leaned down and kissed her tenderly, savoring their last moment of privacy until they returned to Bancroft Mansion

Licking her lip after their kiss, she
, “our house, I like that.”

Taking her left hand, he raised it to his lips and kissed her ring finger, “I like that you like it. I can’t wait to see you rise to your social position with grace and confidence Lia, you were born for this roll. There will be those who doubt you, doubt us, I don’t give a bloody hell what they think. We belong together, there will always be naysayers, people trying to throw mud. Together we are unstoppable, I cannot wait for all of England to know you are going to marry me.”

Kissing his jaw, “It seems oddly peaceful to me actually, I thought when I got engaged, when I assumed a man’s name that I would feel panic, yet I feel none of that. If any other man would have bought me
, expensive gowns and had the audacity to fill
closet with them assuming I was a winning bet, I would have probably given them a verbal lashing and ignored them for the rest of my life.”

“Yet you didn’t, why?” He asked, walking her out of the garden and back into the romantic home.

Sighing, “Because I know you know I’m wealthy enough to buy whatever I want in this world. You kno
w that I’m not after your money or
your title, just your heart and maybe that fine a
you have,” chuckling, she continued, “You do things for me out of love, really when I look back I see that you always have. You are not trying to assert your dominance or authority over me, you simply wanted me to have some pretty new dresses, and I adore that about you. You are giving, it comes from your heart with no ulterior motives.”

“I am blessed with an intelligent lady, how did I get so lucky? Come, the carriage is waiting out back for us, I’m starving and if we stay in this house any longer I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands out from under your skirts.”

Holding Romeo in one arm, and holding hands with Alastair with her other, she exited the grand rear
of his home to see the carriage waiting for them.

Stepping into the awaiting carriage she saw a circular dog bed made of soft black fabric that matched the interior of Alastair’s ducal carriage, smiling she sat her now sleeping Romeo down in his bed and took a seat.

Feeling the carriage sway as Alastair stepped inside she looked up and asked, “You think of everything don’t you?”

Shrugging, “I have been taught to be the best in all
of life Amelia, the small details are often the most meaningful.”

“Indeed you are right.” Looking down at her ring, she smiled at the engagement ring he had blessed her with. She was engaged to the Golden Duke, the sex god all of London dreamt about. He was to be her husband, the father of her children and her
protector for all of her days.
Suddenly thinking of her brothers, she looked up to see him watching her, “Did you ask my brothers for my hand?”


“Alastair!” She hissed with widen eyes as he broke into a grin.

Rolling his eyes, “Of course I did Amelia, seriously, do you think I’m daft? Don’t answer that
. But honestly, I did ask, but
they didn’t know
I was planning to ask you today.”

“So Luke has no idea?”

Shaking his head, “Not at all.”


Chapter 13


Slamming his whiskey glass down on Luke’s de
sk, “Are you fucking kidding me?” Running his han
d through his hair
cracked his neck and closed his eyes.

Taking a deep drink, Luke joined him by the glass window overlooking the garden, “No, but how I wish I was
my friend
. Gideon wrote me this morning saying the maid found the viper in Amelia’s bed last night when they were changing the bed sheets. Someone got into his house, and t
ried to kill her once again, excep
t she was with you. I don’t think either of us have been so thankful for our decision to let you take her off our hands Alastair.”

“Why didn’t he tell me last night?” He asked, pouring more of the stout amber liquid into his glass.

“Well I would imagine because he didn’t want you to act like this during your first night with Amelia. He didn’t even tell me until this morning, he knew I was having lunch with you today and asked me to talk
to you about it.” Luke offered as the careful diplomat.

“Do we tell her?” He asked, pouring another glass while the ladies were outside with the twins. He thought of his fiancée, the threat on her life was very real, more than he cared to admit. The Somerset brothers and
had never ran into a situation like this, all of their leads were dead ends. They had gotten no further from uncovering any potential suspects, something that was very
for all of them.

Each of
them prided themselves on their skills as detectives
, yet this man had evaded them for over a week. Every lead they found ended in failure, it left a bitter taste in their mouths.

“I think we take Gideon’s advice and get the hell out of this town after tonight, seriously Alastair, Gideon and I have children to worry about now as well as our wives. You and I know it won’t be long until this man starts coming after the rest of us.” Luke offered bitterly.

Nodding, “I completely understand Luke. You are absolutely
we need to protect your family the best way possible. What do you think about going north to Scotland?”

There’s nowhere else better suited for our needs.
Do we open up all three castles, or stay at yours? Maybe perhaps even fit a wedding in while there?” Luke asked, grinning at the last part.

“I thought your sister would want to be married at Salthill, I was under the impression all Somerset brides excha
nged their vows at your ancestral

Filling his glass back up, Luke looked up and raised his brow, “She
going to be a Somerset bride mate,
Elizabeth is
going to be a

Alastair hadn’t thought of that, but it was true. Amelia would be leaving behind her family’s name in exchange for his, and a new title- Duchess of Blackstone.
Gideon and Luke had married their wives at the Salthill mansion in the far south of England over a year ago, ultimately it was up to Amelia, he’d marry the woman anywhere she wanted. If she wanted to travel south to her family’s estate, or north to one of the t
hree castles available to them he would do whatever she requested.

Sitting in Luke’s library, he thought of his Scottish castle, it was the biggest home he owned, far bigger than Gideon and Luke’s neighboring castles. Within an hour ride of each of the Somerset brothers’ homes his estate sat between the two in a four hundred acre sanctuary overlooking the firth. His seaside castle was the perfect location
for them to sneak away for a while, to regroup and keep the families safe.

“Lets talk to Gideon tonight, marrying your sister in Scotland sounds perfect to me if she’ll have it. We haven’t talked about a date or location yet, really, I don’t care where it is as long as it is soon. I have a feeling that even if we leave town our murderer will follow us Luke.”

“Good, we’ll have thousands of acres we know like the back of our hands, and your castle and staff at our disposal. If this man follows us he’ll not blend into the shadows like he does here in London. We can set a trap, but we have to end this Alastair, I’m done with Lili’s life being endanger.”

“Agreed, I’ll talk to Amelia after we leave here about marrying at my estate in Scotland, you know the castle is big enough to house hundreds, I think it would be nice if both you and Gideon’s families stay with us. Lia can have her sister-in-laws close to help plan the wedding, we’ll invite Lady
Juliet and Hero of course.”
Alastair added, finishing off his drink.

“Tonight we’ll polish up our plans. I still cannot believe you got her a puppy Alastair, serious smooth move my friend.”

Shrugging, “I do have a few tricks up my sleeve Luke, I just couldn’t imagine taking her into public tonight without a ring on her finger. With the rumors that she threw herself over the edge of that balcony and my broken engagement with Porsche, I want
your sister totally protected.”

Laughing, “Whatever you need to tell yourself Alastair, lets not forget the army of suitors that will most likely abscond her tonight, you are just saving yourself from jealousy.”

Eyeing his best friend, he
poured himself another
drink, “It is best her haram knows she is mine, the sooner the better.”

“What about your haram?” Luke questioned.

“I don’t have a haram anymore.”

“Did you forget that your prior mistress is the leading principle singer?”

“Lenora will
busy with her new
to bother me, or I should hope. Regardless, no matter where we go we are going to run into some
lady I’ve crossed these past ten years. Amelia is going to have to learn to have thick skin.”

“Tonight shall be most entertaining to say the least my friend, you’ll have a lot of balls in the air tonight, thankfully I’ll be there to help…and then tease you at a later date about it. I agree, Amelia will have to learn that just because you are engaged, and even when married that the ladies will not stop throwing themselves at your feet, it shall be lovely to see her jealousy flare up. Something rarely seen, but highly entertaining.”

“Maybe I should take my gun away from her tonight so she doesn’t shoot someone, or worse yet, me.” He
muttered, finishing his drink.

“Wouldn’t be the worst
idea you’ve ever had my friend. Lets get back to the ladies, we’ll need to start getting around for tonight.
Vieve and I will
meet you at your place,
we’ll be able to speak with Gideon in private while the ladies gossip before we go.”

Sitting down his glass, “Until then.”

Pulling Amelia and Romeo out of the garden took longer than expected, traveling back to their house Alastair thought over the attempt on Amelia’s life. Someone had crept into the Somerset h
ouse and put a viper in her bed
that she no longer occupied that bed. He had never been so thankful for pushing to have Amelia live with him, had he not, she very well could be dead.

Her sweet voice drew him back into reality, “What are you stewing over in that brain of yours love?” She asked.

Rubbing his face with both hands, “Our schedule will be tight tonight, I had planned for us to return home hours ago. We won’t have much time to get ready before your family
upon us.”

“And what else?”

Raising a brow to her excellent
, “Lia you’ve stood by my side for years in the circle with your brothers, you’ve seen how I’m constantly hunted by hopefully
and their offspring.”

“Do you think that worries me?”

“You are my fiancée now, soon my duchess. Just because that ring is on your finger doesn’t mean those women will stop.”

Smiling wickedly, “I don’t care about what
do, I care about what
do. Those women will not bother me Alastair, for the first time in my life I have a reason to tell them to piss off, you’re mine.”

Chuckling, “You will make a breathtaking duchess Amelia, honestly.”

Pulling up to the back entrance, Amelia looked out the window at the great home and asked, “Speaking of which, is there a particular dress you’d like me to wear tonight? I’d
imagine you have a favorite, and as we will be surprise announcing our engagement I’d like to set London on its ass as your

“Oh there is one or two that’ll suit your needs tonight, one I have in mind that’ll be extra delicious to pull off you later tonight when we get home.”

Dressed in a tight red corseted gown of pure silk, the skirt seemed to float around her legs like air. Two high slits were hidden in the folds of the fabric so as she wa
d her bare legs would make an appearance.

The dress was perfection on her,
Alastair had picked it out saying it was his favorite for an event such as tonight. She couldn’t argue, it was by far one of the
dresses she had ever seen. The stitching on the gown was done with black thread, whiplash seams made the structure of the gown more prevalent, showing the design and her body off in a splendid fashion.

Twirling before the long mirror in their room, she was awaiting her fiancé. Her new maid, Olivia was more than qualified to help her dress and do her hair. Olivia was in her early thirties, kind and an absolute wonder with hair. The once ex-spy had been professionally trained to me a lady’s maid while under cover in France for years and she knew her job well.

Although her current job within the household was as head of the staff, it didn’t take much for Amelia to convince Olivia to promise to do her hair from here on out.

Her dark locks
had been smoothed into a loose bun on top of her head, a braid wrapped around the base with a few
falling down by her ears. She felt
elegant once she stepped into the commanding red gown.

Although Alastair had selected the gown
along with a few others
, he still didn’t know which one she had
, he had gotten dressed and went to the library to give her and Olivia space to do her hair in privacy. He also promised to bring her a necklace and
to wear tonight from the family vault.

waiting Alastair, she twirled the ring on her finger as she thought of stepping back out into society tonight. Although the rumors had been squashed about her trying to commit suicide, she knew people still had their doubts.
It wouldn’t have difficult for her family to fabricate she had gotten pushed if they wanted to.

Alastair would also be seen at his first evening affair after the accident; he had been absent, something that was well documented amongst the ton, further fanning the flame that he was to blame for her jumping.

Smiling, she knew they were about to set London on its ass tonight. Entering back into society, engaged to each other and sitting alone in his private ducal box at the sold out opera. She and Alastair were about to be on the tip of everyone’s tongues for days to come and she couldn’t be happier.

She had mentally prepared for the barbs she would take tonight, honestly she was looking forward to them. She could finally say exactly what she wanted to whomever she
pleased and there wouldn’t be a damn thing anyone could do about it. She was going to be a grand dame of England; no sane person would want to cross her if they cared for their reputation. Wanting to or not, she now held the ultimate power of lifting someone up into society, or pulling the rug out from under them and casting them into the shadows of shame with just a word.

“Good lord Amelia, you take my breath away.”

Turning at the sound of his velvet voice, she grinned as she spied him standing in the doorway, leaned up against it with his hands in his pockets.

Reaching down, she swept the skirt aside to show the
slits sticking out one leg she looked up at him and bit her lip, “Does His Grace approve?”

“Mmmm, very much Lady Amelia, very much.”

Giggling, she did a spin and crossed the room to him. Leaning up on her tip toes she kissed him softly, “Is Romeo okay downstairs?”

“Yes dear, I think the staff is more than capable of watching our dog while we’re out for the night. Even more, they are excited about having him around. Now stop asking me questions about our puppy so I can tell you how radiant you look.”

Swatting playfully at him, “Oh stop.”

“I’m glad you
that dress Lia, you look like a queen, but it appears my queen is missing a few accessories for the evening.
Hmmm, s
omewhere on me is a necklace and earrings for you to
wear tonight…
if you can find them.”

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