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Authors: Sunny Andrews

Midnight Masquerade (26 page)

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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Feeling his protective hand slip over her hip and rest low on the small of her back she felt him close any remaining space between them as her family joined them.

Helena was the first to her side, “Come my little sister, Hero should be in side with mother. They are both dying to see you and that new ring of yours! Chin up, shoulders back and walk into that opera house like you’re the reigning Queen of England my love.”

Grinning at Helena’s words, she did just that. With her fiancé at her side, her family surrounding her she summoned her courage and strode into the brightly lit opera with much excitement and anticipation. She had yet to see Hero since she awoke, she had missed her friend dearly and couldn’t wait to see her bright blonde friend once again.

Feeling Alastair kiss her on the temple as they walked, she looked up into his brilliant blue eyes and melted as they ignored all the gawkers they passed. He was already showing his possessive side, and for once in her life she
him to show it now more than ever. From him she drew her strength, her confidence.

They weren’t ten steps into the grand foyer of the opera when she heard Hero’s sweet voice call out her name. Searching for the petite blonde, she searched the crowds for Hero’s familiar face.

“Right there Lia, she’s coming this way as is Lady Juliet.” Alastair offered a
s he leaned down to inform her.

“Amelia!” Hero damn near shouted with happiness, her arms wide almost in a run.

Feeling Alastair release his hold, she knew he was letting her go- temporarily.

Running a few short steps towards Hero, she hugged her friend so hard she could barely contain her tears, “I missed you so much Hero! I’m so happy to see you I think I might cry!”

Pushing her away to get a look at her face, Hero raised an eyebrow, “Oh posh, don’t mess up your face for me love! Let me see the ring, I’m so blasted excited for you!”

Lifting her left hand, she grinned as Hero snatched her hand and
watched her jaw drop.

“Good lord almighty Lia, it is bigger than Helena’s ring!”

Chuckling, she felt Helena and Genevieve join them, “Aye, but Helena’s ring is a family heirloom, very precious and sentimental, not to mention priceless!” She quickly corrected Hero, not wanting Helena to feel like it was a contest.

True to her nature, Helena leaned in, “I think your ring is very precious and sentimental to
my love,” she whispered as the four ladies joined into an intimate circle.

Feeling the men behind them, Amelia looked over her shoulder to see Alastair talking to her brothers. She imagined it was about them leaving for Scotland, the thought alone sent a new vibration of excitement through her.

Genevieve waved down a waiter carrying champagne and handed them all a glass as she questioned in her sweet voice, “So my dears, what is the best way to spread the news our little Amelia is engaged to the Golden Duke of London?”

Taking the glass, Amelia took a sip and looked at Helena for direction. She was the oldest of the ladies present, and had been one of the grand dames of the Ton for over a year now.

“Watch and learn ladies, here comes my mother Lady Juliet, trust me, all eyes are on us right now. It will not take long for people to put it together very quickly.” Helena said with a smile as she took a drink from her flute.

Looking over Genevieve’s shoulder she saw a very familiar and loving face beaming at her, Lady Juliet Lennox, Helena and Hero’s mother. She had been her own mother’s very best friend since they were small children, very much like Hero and herself. Smiling at the powerful woman, she handed her glass to Hero and ran to hug her dear godmother.

“Oh Amelia my dove, I’m so happy to see you alive. Dreadful business this murderer coming after you my pet.” She whispered hugging her tightly, rubbing her back softly. Feeling her
release her
, Lady Juliet’s soft hands reached up and cradled her face and looked into her eyes, “Tell me you are okay my child, that you are happy.”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she grinned, “I am more than okay, and happier than I have ever been Godmother.”

Squeezing her again, Lady Juliet kissed her temple and let go, “Let me see that gorgeous ring,” She requested sweetly, giving her a wink.

Lifting her left hand into Lady Juliet’s, she couldn’t help but smile at the small scene she was putting on. The ladies present knew what she was doing, as did the men behind her. All around them opera goers mingled throughout the grand foyer, watching intently as she showed off her ring to
Grand Dame of London.

Feeling Alastair’s presence behind her, she felt his hand slip around her hip as he leaned forward, “Do you like it Lady Juliet?”

Looking up at her handsome fiancé she couldn’t help but smile, he was publicly holding her like a man would hold his wife. Long gone were the days she stood apart from him in crowd, it appeared the man needed to have his hand on her at all times while in public.

“Oh my dear man, the ring is spectacular, I would have expected no less from you. I am so happy for you two. It seems like it took you two stubborn children forever to find each other. I know both of your mothers would be so elated by your engagement, I truly mean that.
You my dear, are one of the few men worthy of my Goddaughter!

Chuckling, “Thank you Lady Juliet, I am most pleased she didn’t turn me down.”

Swatting at him, she turned in his arms ran her hand around his hips and leaned up and kissed his jaw before turning around to Lady Juliet, “It only took his second engagement to find the
lady, eh Godmother?”

men, even this one aren’t always the brightest creatures Amelia.” Lady Juliet offered with a wink at Gideon and Luke joined their circle.

“Ouch Alastair, I’m not sure my sister is ever going to let you off the hook for asking Porsche’s hand first.” Luke teased
as he wound his arm around Genevieve’s shoulders.

Tucking her in tight, she felt his fingers dig into her hip as he answered her brother, “
Well, had your lovely little sister spoken up weeks ago, the entire mess could have been avoided all together, but alas, she didn’t
so she can tease me all she wants as long as she’s the one walking down the aisle to me soon.”

Shaking his head, Gideon couldn’t help but try to contain his laughter as he lifted his glass, “Shall we make our way further into the opera house? I see many faces watching us, wanting to hear the good news.”

“Indeed, we have nearly twenty minutes before we need to sit in our boxes. Where would you like to start first Amelia?” Alastair asked.


Chapter 15


Entering his private box with Amelia on his arm had him breathing a sigh of relief after they had been accosted by at least fifty of their closest friends who came to see what the commotion was about. It hadn’t taken long for the vast majority of guests at the opera house to figure it out. 

Even though they were engaged, it was still risqué of them to sit in his private ducal box without a chaperone. Luke and Gideon’s boxes thankfully were on left and right of his, making them very close. He wasn’t overly concerned with what the gossipmongers would say, with the power Amel
ia’s family held, and his own,
he knew London’s ruthless wagging tongues wouldn’t be able to hurt her.

Soon enough he’d have her far north at his Scottish castle, an
d eventually crow
ed his duchess. He had spoken quietly to Luke and Gideon as the ladies chatted earlier, he had informed them he and Amelia would be riding north tomorrow for his castle. The Somerset brothers quickly talked over plans and agreed to have their family heading their way in a few days.

Sitting Amelia in the chair his mother used to occupy, he handed her another glass of champagne and took the seat to her right, “How are you feeling love?”

“I feel wonderful, truly. My ribs are getting better every day, it doesn’t hurt to laugh anymore which is wonderful.” She offered, “I am very happy to be out and about again, I missed Hero very much.”

I’m sure Helena will bring her to Scotland with them, but I can let Gideon know just in case, I don’t want your best friend to miss our wedding,” he winked, seeing her light up at the thought of having Hero with her on their wedding day.
Behind him he heard a soft knock on his box door, turning his head, “Come in.”

An opera staff member bowed, “Your Grace,” handing him a note, the messenger left as quickly as he came. Confused, he looked at the letter and recognized the handwriting immediately. It was from his former mistress, the lovely
Aliana DeMartino. Pocketing the note he felt Amelia’s hand run over his shoulder as she pressed up against him.

“You aren’t going to read what she has to say?”

Looking at his bewitching fiancée, “How did you know it was from her?”

“Alastair, honestly. Do you remember who my brothers are at all? Do you think I didn’t pick up a thing or two from some of your most notorious spies? Did you honestly think you could come into her opera house and not hear from her? You haven’t been to a single show all year, your box has sat empty even when she was your mistress. Now you show up after dismissing her with your new fiancée and you think she wouldn’t reach out to you?”

“Clearly I’ve underestimated you Amelia.”

Grinning, “Clearly.”

Cocking his chin in suspicion, “You aren’t jealous?”

“Of course I am, what do you expect? Had you not been my first lover,”

Cutting in, “and your last…”

she shook her head and
, “

imagine if my nonexistent
previous lovers sent me notes or surrounded me everywhere we went, wouldn’t you feel a tad insecure and jealous too?”

Gritting his teeth thinking about anyone else touching his angel, “I’d probably want to
murder them all, point taken Lia.”

Running her hand up his thigh, “Yes, I feel jealousy but I cannot control what they do, all I care about is what
do. At the end of the night, I know who will be laying in your bed with you, me, not them. We’ve discussed this Alastair, I’m okay, I promise.”

Below them he could feel thousands of eyes upon them, uncaring of who saw he cupped her jaw and kissed her just as the lights dimmed in the theatre, “I love you Amelia, I cannot wait to get you out of this town tomorrow.”

If there was any doubt left to anyone present tonight that he loved Amelia, he had shattered it with that kiss. Unable to refrain from such a public display, he refuse to hold back his affection to the woman who had become his entire world.
Tomorrow morning their engagement would be in every paper in the kingdom.

Mastering her new roll as his duchess would not come without its pains. A very large part of her wanted to slip her hand into his jacket and read the letter from
the illustrious
. Her curiosity was getting the better of her as she settled in for the show.

She could not be mad at Alastair for being sent a letter
to him from the glorious opera singer
as much as she wanted to. She had never given someone so much of herself before, she was gambling with him, and he could break her heart into a million pieces.

There had to be a way to learn to accept his past without reacting so internally, she wanted a happy life with this man. Sitting in his private box seat, the walls went up to her chest giving them added privacy.

Watching the stage intently she traced his knee softly, slowly in
pattern as she moved her hand further up his strong thigh. His pants expertly tailored to his fine frame were taught around his muscular thigh, she could feel the heat resonating off him.

Whispering softly, he leaned in, “What are you doing you little minx?”

Leaning into him, she kept her eyes on the stage at all times as she replied coyly, “
Enjoying this new freedom to touch you whenever I want, now
…pay attention to the stage.”

Whispering so close she felt his lips touch her ear, “I’d rather stare at you all night.”

“You’ll have all of London thinking you’ve gone mad if you do that. Instead, why don’t you play that
the roll of that
delicious man I love so much, the smoldering sex god who doesn’t give a bloody hell what others think.” Unable to keep her grin to herself, she couldn’t resist taking a look
across her shoulder at his handsome face. The lights of the stage cast a glow upon his chiseled jaw as their eyes caught.

“Oh, my favorite to play, but with you tis no game my love. You get one hundred percent real deal sex god.”

Biting her lip, she turned her head back to the stage and dug her fingers into his thigh
as his arm draped behind her on the tall seat. His fingers caressed her bare shoulder as the opera continued below them on the large stage. Refocusing her attention, she allowed the champagne and experience of sitting in Alastair’s ducal box seat to envelope her senses.

There was not a single seat available tonigh
t, she had seen many friends tonight and plenty more she hadn’t gotten the opportunity to speak to. A few in particular she was certain that Alastair had steer her clear of several times, both her previous suitors.

If she were going to have to be understanding about his past, he’d have to accept her friends, even if some of them were men. It didn’t feel fair that she was the only one who
had to experience jealousy, and she truly did like Roland and Henry as dear friends.
Alastair simply could make her avoid her friends for the rest of her life.

Currently she’d be leaving the city in the morning so she’d bank that discussion for another time. Watching the opera she let her cares flutter away with the high soprano music and enjoy the show, even when Alastair’s previous lover took the stage. There was no denying it, Aliana was a vision,
and her
voice was incomparable as she was a stunning beauty.

two hours
later the crowd was on its feet applauding the entire cast in a loud cheer that resonated throughout the entire theatre. Happy to be on her feet, Amelia clapped and stretched her aching back.

Feeling his hand run up her spine, she looked up at him as they prepared to leave the box for a drink in the east gardens as they always did.

Taking her hand he kissed her ringed finger and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you were in pain Lia?”

Squeezing his hand she nudged him with her shoulder as she stepped closer to him, all around them the masses were slowly making their way to one of the numerous gardens that surrounded the theater for additional conversation and refreshments. No doubt she and Alastair would be on the tip of everyone’s tongues.

“It isn’t that bad, I swear. It appears that if I sit still for too long my muscles tighten up. I just need to walk a bit, perhaps have something to drink. I’m fine Alastair, I promise.” She knew if he didn’t buy it he’d have her in their carriage within moments. Not wanting to flee after such a public display of affection as if she was ashamed, she wanted to mingle with her friends and enjoy her evening.

He knew something was wrong the moment they walked outside the theatre, he felt Amelia stiffen in fear. He had known her long enough, he had been at her side for years in the ballrooms of London to know when something worried her.

Letting go of her hand, he slipped his arm around her back and leaned down into her ear, “Tell me.” He demanded softly as he felt her eyes searching the crowd.

“His voice…I recognize it, he’s here.”

Those few words had him snapping to attention like wildfire, her
was close. In seconds he gave a quick alert whistle to Gideon and Luke who were walking behind them with their own wives, laughing and enjoying the night.

“What direction Lia?”

“To our right, in that large crowd. I cannot place who it is myself, but I know he’s here Alastair, which means he is one of us.”

Amelia was
correct in that estimate, only the upper classes were present tonight. Around them were some of the most
and influential families of the Ton. If she was right, and he did not doubt her, then the murderer
was most likely a titled lord of London.

Within moments both Luke & Gideon and the ladies had pulled up beside them.

“What is it?” Gideon asked, his face not giving anything away.

“He’s here, Amelia recognized his voice. To the right of us in the large crowd, I count at least twenty men.” He offered, weighing their options.

Luke casually glanced over to the right to scan the crowd as he had while Gideon maneuvered Helena closer to Amelia.

Clearing her throat, Amelia offered, “I say we go join that crowd.”

“What? No.” Alastair stated, not even considering it an option. He wanted to get Amelia as far away from the man as possible, not parade her before him.

Sighing, Amelia rolled her eyes and slipped from his arm and walked directly towards the crowd that could very well hold the man who had been trying to take her life. Before he could move he saw Helena and Genevieve draw up beside his fiancée. He knew what she was doing, she wanted to observe those in the circle, hear the man’s voice again.

He and the Somerset brothers followed the ladies as they gaily joined the large circle of chatting couples and friends.
Watching with all the focus in the world, he and Amelia’s brothers mingled along side the ladies as they made their way throughout the crowd. He knew Gideon and Luke were doing the same; all expertly trained to ferret out someone in this situation, the ladies were making it very easy for them to observe people’s interest in Amelia. Who talked to her, who did
Furthermore, he kept his eye on his fiancée for any signal she had found the man they sought, but none came.

Holding her hand they walked back towards the carriage as she explained, “Who ever it is was not someone who talked while we were there, I kept my ears out for his voice. It is very unique, none of the men we talked to there was the man who pushed me over that balcony.”

Helena offered, “We were not able to talk to all of them Lia, he could very well know you know the sound of his voice and avoided talking while we were close.”

“Indeed,” Luke agreed as they arrived to the three carriages, “but I would imagine between the three of us men we have narrowed down the suspect list considerably. Good thinking Lia, you’ve given us a great lead.”

“Does this mean we
cannot go to Scotland now?” Amelia
asked, obviously worried their plans were changing.

Rubbing his forehead his battled with his answer, he needed to take care of this business with her
assassin. Now that he had a good idea of at least five men it could possibly be he did not want to leave town and have the trail grow cold.

Standing next the carriages Gideon offered, “The original plan to leave for Scotland in the morning is sound Alastair. Even if we have it narrowed down, the plan is still solid. You two leave in the morning as planned, get to the castle and we’ll follow behind the next morning. It’ll take our two families at least two more days due to the babies, it’ll
also give us a change to set up surveillance on the suspects and see who flees town when you do.”

Nodding, Luke added, “Amelia will be safest with you. We’ll get a team on each of the men and although we are not sure who it is now, I truly believe this man will not give up. He’ll follow you two north to finish the job.”

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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