Midnight Masquerade (30 page)

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Authors: Sunny Andrews

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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“If you want her here, if you want her to serve at your side you’ll have to come to terms with her actually being vocal in situations like this, she’ll always rush headfirst into danger and speak up, tis not that she doesn’t trust you to do it, but it is simply elemental to whom she is. If you want to change her, if you want to snuff out her flame and mute her spirit, I’ll tell you right now it’ll be a cold day in hell that I
let you marry her.”

Looking up at his best mate in all sincerity, “I never want her to change, nor was it my intent to ever be perceived that way. I’ve never had to share the reins before Luke, but how am I to fix things between us when the woman runs to you when we fight?”

Shrugging, “She’s my little sister, I’ll never burn that bridge Alastair, eve
n for you. Her and I are close,
after Gideon left for war and then losing our parents, I’ve been
only constant in her life. When she runs to me, I give her words and advice she already knows, she just needs me say it. Tis not because she prefers me to you, and I would imagine in the future her need for me will lessen drama
tically as you take my place as her

“I would never ask you to change your relationship with Amelia, her love for you is great. I’m fairly sure she’d shoot me if I told her she couldn’t run to you anymore.”

Laughing, “I think you might be correct in that assessment. So tell me, did Raleigh wake up enough to tell you any details of the man who shot him?”

Sighing, “Yes, as we worked on him last night he told me that the man was dressed in all black with his face covered, just like Amelia described the man who pushed her over the
. As he opened the door, the man
told Raleigh to deliver something to the new lady of the house, then promptly shot him.”

“Fuck. You cannot tell Lia, she’ll be heartbroken if she finds out Raleigh took a bullet for her.”

“My thoughts exactly, the man obviously knows Amelia is living with me now. He acted at the perfect time when she was downstairs and the front had no coverage. He shot Ral to make a statement.”

“I think you need to get that travel carriage over to my house and pick up Amelia and get the hell out of this town, get her to Scotland Alastair. Pack as if you’re going to war and dash up north. Gideon and I will follow behind with our families.” Luke offered
with great passion.

Running a hand through his hair, “Carriage is packed, I’m just wondering how I’m going to change her mind.”

“You’ll find a way, come my friend. Lets go find your feisty little future duchess and get the hell out of London, the killer will follow us and we’ll snag him most assuredly.”

Finishing up at the house, he had everything buttoned up within moments before he left to gather Amelia from Luke and
Genevieve’s home, Luke followed
him in his own carriage.

Entering the house together, Luke offered, “Upstairs, third door on the right. That’s her room she uses when she stays with us, last time I knew she was asleep with the twins tucked in close. Those three could sleep all day like that, hopefully she’s in a softer mood than earlier, and good luck my friend.”

Nodding, he jogged up the stairs thinking about his conversation with Luke.
Opening the third door on the right quietly he saw a large white
bed with brilliant white sheets, her dark hair splayed out in a beautiful contrast. Stepping into the serene room he walked closer to the bed to see his beautiful lady with cradling a baby in each arm as all three slumbered together in peace.

The sight made him want to drop to his knees,
his love for her grew each time he saw her, it was always changing, morphing into something deeper he never knew existed.
They had came so far, yet had such a distance to travel. Watching her slumber with her niece and nephew tucked into her protective arms was the entire embodiment of who she was as a person.

Luke was
she always acted on her heart before her head, whereas he was the exact opposite. She would give up anything for her family, for the ones she loved and cared for. She was not selfish or vain, she always th
ought of others before herself.

Unable to help himself he walked to the side of the bed and slid in next to the slumbering trio, slipping his arm underneath Amelia he squeezed in and cradled little Claire between them.

He had never been around infants except when around the Somerset family, growing up an only child he had a very lonely upbringing. He couldn’t wait to be
a father, to hold his
own children just like this, it was bliss. Pure heaven laying next to Amelia while she held onto her little niece and nephew. Someday very soon they’d have this, this right here is what
he wanted more than anything.
Feeling her stir, his lady turned her head and opened her stormy eyes and smiled at him.

“Good morning love.” He whispered, kissing her forehead.

“I’m sorry about last night, I’m
sorry I ran away
.” She offered gently, speaking quietly as to not disturb the twins.

“Amelia, it is I who is sorry. I have so much to learn about how to be your husband, to share my responsibilities. I do not want to change you, I love you more than I can ever express. My natural reaction to protect you overrides my brain, please forgive me Lia, please?”

Lifting baby Everett between them, lying him gently next to Claire she ran her hand over his shoulder cocooning the twins between them in a protective huddle as she looked at him, “I love you Alastair, we both have much to learn. I regret leaving and not telling you, it was unfair and childish. I know you only want to see me safe, everything happened so quickly last night, I was frightened and hurt, of course I forgive you. Can you forgive me?”

Running his hand into her hair, “Already done. Now the question that needs to be answered is, will you put this damn ring back on your finger where it belongs and keep it there?”

Softly chuckling she lifted her left hand up, “For you, I will.”

“That’s my girl, now, how can I convince you to jump in our carriage and take me to Scotland?”

“I don’t think it’ll take much convincing at all my love, I’ve been thinking about it since I left your house early this morning.”

“Our house Amelia,
He corrected sweetly as he slipped her engagement ring back onto her hand, kissing her knuckles.

Remembering she hadn’t retrieved the family heirloom ring for him out of the vault, “Can we stop by the house, I forgot something that I
have for our trip north, it is very important to me and a surprise so you cannot come upstairs while I get it.”

Winking at her, “Anything for you love. Yes, we can stop by as it is on our way out of town and then I’d like to be on the road and far away from this damn city until you are married, and the killer is caught.”

Feeling the twins wiggle, she looked down at the babes that lay between then, suddenly growing concerned, “Will the babies be safe in Scotland?”

“Yes, your brothers know what is at risk. Your entire family will be protected Amelia, we’ve been hunted before. Helena had a person trying to kidnap her and we were able to keep the family safe. Genevieve
get kidnapped dur
ing Luke’s last investigation but we were able to

“Yes, and you also got your shoulder blown open during that last fight
and almost bled out
,” she reminded him.

Smiling, he ran his hand through her hair, “I’ve been shot before Lia, a lot actually. Gideon got shot too, as did Luke. We’ve all been through hell and back these past few years but we survived thus far. We have always kept you women safe, and now that you have nephews and a niece, I promise we shall keep them safe as well.”

Sighing, “We thought we’d be safe at Salthill too Alastair, I am just nervous this man will follow us and hurt our family.”

“I want him to follow us Lia, I want to draw him out of this crowded city and into familiar territory of my lands so we can exterminate him. Your brothers and I have narrowed down the list of men who were in that group a
t the opera, we have a team following
each man. They are being
by the best men we have, if any of them flee the city after our departure, we will know.”

Alastair was right, he had helped both of her brothers when their wives had been in danger, and there was no reason to assume her situation would be any different. Not only did she have Alastair protecting her, she had two very over protective older brothers who would keep her safe.
She had to have faith in them.

“If you’ll grab little Claire, we can take the twins back to Luke and let him know we will be leaving town shortly,” wrapping her arms around Everett, she looked up into Alastair’s dazzling blue eyes, “Thank you for coming for me and being so understanding. I keep thinking at any moment you are going to realize I’m not worth all the fuss and be done with me.”

Shaking his head with a grin, “Woman, when are
going to realize that you
worthy? I would die for you Amelia Elizabeth,
die for you
. These
little fights we’ve had are nothing in the grand scheme of things. A complacent wife is not for me, I want fire and ice,
and I
want you, only you for the rest of my days.”

Watching him pick up her little nephew, he stood up from the bed and tucked the baby into his arms with all the skill of a father. He acted like a natural, holding Everett in one arm, smiling down at the boy.

Standing up, she cradled her sleeping niece in her arms and thought about the day she and Alastair would become parents, seeing him fawn over the twins made her yearn for a family with the man even more, “Come on love, the sooner we return the twins to their parents, the sooner we can be on our way to your castle.”


Chapter 18


It hadn’t taken long for Amelia to get the mystery object she forgot at their house, overly curious as to what she had forgotten to pack he resigned himself to not spoiling the surp
rise she had for him.

Just outside of London his large traveling coach was making excellent time as they left the cramped city behind them. With Amelia’s family well aware of what occurred last night, and updated plans he was able to whisk her out of the town with ease. Luke and Gideon along with their families were set to leave tomorrow but would be traveling at a much slower pace due to the infants, several overnight stops would be required for them as well.

Running his hand through Amelia’s brunette hair, he looked down at his lap into her sleeping face. She had fallen asleep on him almost immediately, thankfully his traveling coach was equipped with a large bed that could be transformed into a seat if need be.

Tucked up against him his little fiancée slept which was a blessing seeing how they would only stop to refresh the horses and to eat, they would not be staying at any inns along the way. He wanted to get her to the safety of his land and his fortress like castle.

With her asleep he was able to concentrate on the mystery man hell bent on killing Amelia, all of the sources pointed to a prominent member of society. Amelia had recognized his voice in a crowd of well titled Londoners, which told him the man who pushed her was not a hired thug. He and her brothers had narrowed it down to five men, five men that were their prime suspects. All they had to do was tie them to the gambling ring at the horse track and make the connection between him and the man he killed. He knew someone had to see the two talk at the track, there had to be a connection that would lead them to a conviction.

Closing his eyes he thought of the loss of his child she had once carried, it still pained him, especially when she was surrounded by her brothers’ children. He had dreamt of his future children, dreamt of Amelia signing to them with her angelic voice as he played the piano in his library. Often he wonder what life would be like right this very moment had she not lost their child. It bothered him she was so resistant to marrying him
when he found out he carried their child, he pondered if the woman would have had a change of heart.

“Shilling for your thoughts love?”

Hearing her soft voice, he looked down into her steel colored eyes
and spoke his heart, “I was thinking of several things love, but the item that weighs most heavily on my heart is the loss of our child and the fact that you didn’t want to marry me when I found out you carried my heir.”

Sitting up, she slipped her hand into his and squeezed, “We haven’t had much time to talk or grieve our child, have we?”

Shaking his head, “No, although I know it won’t change the past
it still hurts Lia. I can’t help but think of what he or she would have looked like, what we would have named him.”

Closing her eyes, “I think about that too.”

“Why, why did you refuse to take my name when you knew you carried my child?” He had to ask, he just couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“I wanted you to want me for me, not because I carried your child Alastair. I know it seems silly, but you had been searching for Andromeda for weeks when I was right in front of your face the entire time. I wanted to be wanted and loved for who I am, not who I pretended to be. Then I found out I was pregnant and I knew you well enough to know how noble you are, in my stubbornness I refused to think you wanted to marry me for any reason than I carried your child.”

Touching foreheads with her, “Lia…”

“I was confused and hurt, I had no one to talk to.”

“If I hadn’t walked in on you and Helena that morning, would you have told me about the child, that it was mine, or would you have let me marry Porsche and live in ignorance for the rest of my days?”

Shaking her head, “I would have told you Alastair, eventually. I had found out only moments before you burst through that do
or, I was still in shock. That very night you asked Porsche to marry you and my heart was equally shattered.”

“But would you have told me the baby was mine before I married her?”

“Yes, I would have told you. Knowing me, I would have waited to the last minute and caused a disastrous scene but I would have told you.
I was battling my heart and head over it, so badly I wanted to tell you I was the woman you sought by my pride refused to allow me.
There had been a handful of times it was on the tip of my tongue to tell you it was I you were looking for, but we were interrupted, or I wasn’t brave enough.
Then I found out about the baby, and
you found out about the baby
but didn’t know it was yours. Of course it would have been my lovely family who mentioned the famous dress, which in return connected all the pieces of the puzzle for you.

Kissing the tip of her nose, he lifted her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her, “Oh I can just imagine you telling me right before I walked down
the aisle, you are correct Lia
you would have made a disastrous scene. In my heart I knew she wasn’t the one, not even close. I had a knee jerk reaction to finding out you were pregnant, thinking there
was no way for us, I asked for her hand
trying to solve my problems. Thankfully, life, the gods, our parents…whoever is up there looking over us shifted our paths together and for that, I am eternally grateful.”

“There is nothing more in this world I want to do than marry you and make you a father, you are a natural. When I see you with my family it warms my heart, you just fit. When you held Everett
, you looked like a season father. For a man without siblings, without nieces and nephews, you just have the touch. It makes me yearn to see you hold our children someday, to watch you fall in love with your babies.”

Grinning at the thought, “So it will be Lia, I have no doubt in my mind that we will have a large rather boisterous family, our children will have cousins and loving aunties and uncles spoiling them rotten for years to come. You are giving me something
I never had before, something I’ve always wanted.”

“A headache?” She teased with a knowing smile.

“No you little minx, a family. I have been without any blood relatives for ten years now. Your parents had always welcomed me in as their own, just like Helena’s mother does, but you my little love are marrying me, officially adding me to the family I’ve always adored and envied.”

Shaking her head, “
Are you sure you fully understand what that entails? We fight, we tease and lord knows the women like to interfere with everyone’s lives, including me.”

Looking deep into her eyes he held her tight, “There is nothing I want more in this world than be thrown in the middle of your wild family, I’ll take all of the dramatics, all of the pranks…all of it gladly.”

Running her hand up his chest, “There is no one more suited to join this family than you Alastair, you fit perfectly. Not just because you are Luke’s closest mate, but you just balance us all out. My father would have been pleased to welcome you to our family, he would be very impressed with my choice in a husband.”

Tipping up her chin he kissed her softly, “That means a lot of me Lia, I think our parents will be looking down on our wedding day from the heavens with pride. You will make a stunning duchess.”

“Andromeda the Duchess of Blackstone, the headstrong one who will give you years of trouble no doubt.”

Shaking his head, “Speaking of Andromeda, we have yet to discuss that night. It seems that life has gone exceedingly fast for us. We went from friends, to lovers in a blink of an eye. What brought you to Van Allendale’s that night Lia?”

This was a conversation she should have been anticipating, but his question set her back. He was correct, everything between them had happened so quickly they had left out major discussions as life kept them moving forward.

With no need to curb her words, she snuggled into his warm chest and answered her lover, “One day I woke up and felt I had been missing out on so much being an unmarried Lady of the Ton. With my brothers happily married, I saw them fall deep in love with their ladies, and have babies. Family has always been important to us, I can remember the first time I held Gideon and Helena’s son,
feel in love with the idea of becoming a mother.”

“You will be an amazing mother Lia.”

Grinning at him, “Thank you love. I suppose one could say I had an epiphany of sorts. I knew dodging proposals and suitors wouldn’t get me the dream I had envisioned for myself
. I had heard about the secret masquerade as I hear of most things...”

“Eavesdropping eh?” He snickered.

“You would be correct Sir. I float between a varied groups of classes, whisperings, gossip is easy to pick up for me. I heard about the masquerade my first season, but it wasn’t until recently it was brought up again. Quite sick of my mundane nightlife, I was able to secure an invitation rather easily as a widow.”

“May I ask whom told you, or rather
what person’s
conversation you overheard regarding the masquerade?”

Seeing Alastair’s interest, she knew his brilliant mind was trying to connect the dots, “I overheard Riverstone and Divenroth talking quietly about it over a drink.”

“Ah, so two potential suitors
you overhear their conversation regarding the erotic masquerade? Come now Lia, even you are smarter than that.”

Giving him a look, “What do you mean by that?” Sitting up straight she cross her arms while sitting on his lap.

Rolling his eyes, “Amelia Elizabeth Somerset, the masquerade ball isn’t something gentleman
about, at all. If those two spoke about it, which I’m assuming was at a crowded ball where you were attending and standing relatively close to them, they did so with the very real intention of peeking your curiosity enough to go.”

“Well if they did, then the joke is on them. I didn’t go there to find them.” She answered back a bit annoyed she hadn’t caught onto Roland and Henry’s charade.

“Then who
you go to find little one?”

“You.” She answered immediately.

Cocking his head in confusion, “You had no idea I would be there.”

“You are correct, I went for two reasons. One was to step into a word I was ignorant of and learn all I could under complete anonymity
and the second was to hopefully observe what you were really like when not under the dazzling lights of the Ton’s ballrooms.”

“That was one hell of a gamble to take Lia, do you understand the risk you took with your reputation and ev
en more important, your safety? That masquerade was filled with people with dangerous and uh, very unique tastes, you could have very well found yourself being forced into a position you didn’t like.”

“Or maybe I a position I
have liked.” She teased.

“Lia…” He said in a tone telling her he didn’t like her implying she could have ended up with someone different that night.

“I know I was taking a gamble, and trust me I had almost talked myself out of going several times. However, you know me well enough to understand my curiosity was enough to make me forget the danger.”

“Amelia, I still don’t understand. You used to see me every night before that masquerade, we’d dance each and every night when we were at the same balls, why did you feel you needed to find me there of all places?”

Running her hand up his jaw, “Because you were too much of a gentleman to see me any other way than Gideon and Luke’s little sister, even with the blistering tension between us over the passing years. You have never stepped out of line, or even bent the line. I have watched you charm the pants off my peers, while I was treated like a porcelain doll. You never flirted with me, when we danced you made sure your hand was always placed just so, and never too low on my waist or hip,” sighing, she rested her head against his chest, “I wanted to see what you were really like when your face was concealed behind a mask, when your title was checked at the door along with your unwavering manners.”

what did you find Andromeda?”

“I found a man who was not afraid to touch me, a man who used his gilded tongue to seduce me into a room far away from the crowds. I found a man that I have known for so long finally break the shackles that had been keeping him away from me. The man I found melted me with his touch, his kiss. You ruined me for any other man, after that night you had unknowingly claimed my heart for the rest of my days.”

Kissing her softly, he ran his hand up her skirt, “Then pray tell why the lovely Andromeda knocked me out with a candlestick when I asked for her real name?”

“I panicked. I never anticipated the night to go like it did. My intentions were never to lose my virginity that night Alastair, after we made love your questions became more pressing. My mind was reeling and fleeing was the only thing I could think of to avoid confessing all to you.”

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