Midnight Masquerade (35 page)

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Authors: Sunny Andrews

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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Climaxing together, they were a mess of sweat and pounding hearts. The sun still high in the sky, they were alone in the woods both trying to understand what had just happened. Pulling out of her gently he sat her back on her feet and secured his pants as he tried to wrap his mind around the possibility that Amelia was in love with another man, a man
who was now free to marry her.

Her reaction to Rory DeVos was very telling, and disturbing. He had never seen her react like that in all his life. His heart sank knowing she could very well still love that man, and if she did, it’d be his ultimate undoing.

Stepping forward he smoothed out her skirts as she avoided his eyes, gently tipping up her chin he looked into her stormy eyes, “Are you okay?”

Closing her eyes, a tear slipped out and ran down her ivory cheek as she reached up and squeezed his hand, “
You’ve never been that rough with me before...”

“Jesus, I’m sorry Lia….”

“You’re mad at me, I can feel it.” She whispered, looking at the ground as she wiped away a falling tear.

“Lia, I…I don’t know what to say.” He offered sincerely, as he truly didn’t know what to say. He had a plethora of questions for her, but now was not the time, nor did he want this to turn into a fight. She was off kilter, her world had just been rocked from her recent meeting with her childhood love. He needed to give her time, and more than anything he needed to wrap his head around what the hell he was going to do.


Chapter 21


It seemed unreal to her, as if she were in a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from. She was engaged to the Golden Duke, the man who had claimed her body and heart, yet a ghost from her past had materialized and jeopardized everything she thought she wanted.

Looking up at Alastair, the man was shielding his true reaction from her. She could tell he was mad, and honestly she knew he had every right to feel that way. She had run into another man’s arms, and been stunned by the news Rory had lost his wife months ago. For so long she had held out hope that they could find a way to be together, soon after he married Laura he had confessed his deep regret to her.
It had taken her years to accept and put aside what she felt for the handsome man and live her own life.


The sound of his voice cleared away the haze as she stood before Alastair in the woods, looking up at him she felt absolutely horrible for the reaction to seeing Rory, guilty that her heart still harbored an affection for the man she thought she had moved past, “Yes?”

“I asked if you were ready to head back to Castle Blackstone?”

She noticed he hadn’t said,
. His tone had an edge of irritation in it, again, she could not fault him for his reaction. In all the time they spend in London Alastair might have had ladies falling at his feet but he
once greeted any of them like she had greeted Rory. In fact, the man had went out of his way to show her how devoted he was to her.

Nodding, she stepped closer to her horse and felt Alastair’s hands on her waist lifting her easily into the saddle. Taking the reins from him, she caught his eyes and saw the hurt she had caused. Feeling as if she had ruined
something beautiful between them
she held back the flood of tears she so desperately wanted to let go.

Without another word Alastair swung up into his saddle and kicked his horse into a gallop, leaving her to follow behind him. He never looked back once as he rode towards his Scottish Castle. She could see the tension in his posture, riding directly at his side she saw his jaw flex with anger as they rode into the beautifully manicured lawn at Castle Blackstone.

More than anything she wished Helena and Genevieve were here to help talk her through the emotions that were rioting inside of her heart, she needed their female guidance more than ever.

Riding into the stable, she watched as Alastair dismounted from his beautiful horse and tossed the reins to the waiting stable hand before helping her off her tall horse. Gently sitting her down he tipped up her chin so she’d look at him.

“Go inside love, your family will be here shortly. The family wing is opened and waiting for their arrival. Why don’t you go inside and freshen up for their arrival, I’ll join you later. I need to check with my stable master on a few issues.”

Nodding, “
Of course.” She whispered, knowing full well he needed his space from her but far too refined to lash out at her. Turning on her heel, she was five paces away when she heard his voice.

“I love you Amelia, always and forever.”

Looking over her shoulder, tears welled in her eyes as she watched him walk deeper into the stable without waiting for her reply. Watching him disappear, her heart sank. She had hurt him, deeply. Ashamed of her reaction to Rory and how it affected Alastair, she turned towards the castle in need of a spot to be alone.

Walking in through the side entrance she saw Mrs. Potts carrying a fresh vase of roses humming a tune. The moment Mrs. Potts saw her, she sat down the vase and opened her arms, “Oh little love, what is wrong?”

In need of a hug, she ran into the elderly housekeepers arms and wept inconsolably as Mrs. Potts rubbed her back and held her tightly.

“Shhhh little one, whatever is wrong can be righted. Come,
get you a bath and some tea that’ll make you feel more the thing. Your family will be arriving soon my dear girl.”

“I’ve messed everything up Mrs. Potts…” She sobbed.

“Oh hush, now you call me
Lana my dear child. Come, take my hand and you can talk to me about it while we get you prepared for tonight’s dinner.”

Taking her hand, she blinked up at the sweet woman, “Thank you Lana, I’d like that.”

Walking upstairs to the ducal suite, her mind kept flashing back to Rory’s face. She hadn’t seen him in years, she had been mentally unprepared to see him in the town center this afternoon, and especially after hearing he was single.

Walking into her room it felt empty without Alastair, she felt like a fraud. He had given her everything possible and she had hurt him deeply.

“Go change into your robe love, I’ll get your bath and tea ready. You can soak and have a cup of the finest Scottish tea around, then you can tell old Lana what is weighing on your beautiful heart.”

Doing as requested she slipped into her massive wardrobe and pulled off her deep purple riding habit and kicked out of her riding boots. Slipping on her black silk robe she walked out into the room to see the fire roaring in the marble fireplace, a steaming bath waiting for her and a fresh pot of tea sitting beside the tub.

“Come on little one, I’ll take your pins out while you soak in the bubbles.” Mrs. Potts offered kindly.

Slipping out of her robe she sunk down into the heavenly bath with a sigh.

“There you go my girl, here have a cup of tea it’ll right your soul. Now tell me how I can help love?” Mrs. Potts offered as she began to pull the pins from her hair that was awful mess.

When I was young, just fifteen I became engaged to a local man who was five years my senior. My family refused to give me their blessings and sent me away to live with my Godmother for the summer, when I returned to Scotland I found the man I loved married to another. It took me years to get over him…”

“So young my little one, we all make mistakes.”

“Yes, and today I was told his wife had passed bearing him a son, followed by seeing him outside the Black Swan inn. My reaction to him was unrefined and hurt Alastair, he believes I still love Rory.”

“The Baron Tridell?”

Turning to look at Mrs. Potts, “You know him?”

“Of course I do darling, I’ve lived here all my life. There isn’t a person in that town that I don’t know. The question is Amelia, do you still love Rory?”

“For years I harbored the idea that he’d come back to me, he had wrote me letters for years saying he regretted his choice that he was not in love with Laura and in fact loved me. After a period of time the letters ceased and I began to heal and move on.”

“What did your heart tell you today when you saw him?” She pressed further as she washed her hair behind her.

“I was in a state of shock, he told me his son lived even though Laura died in childbirth. He
he wanted to right the past and find his son a mother…he did not
keep his desire for me hidden from Alastair’s eyes.”

“And the man still lives? Alastair must have shown great restraint, I see the way he looks at you Amelia, he loves you most deeply. He will never share you, or any part of your heart. It will be a requirem
ent that your heart belongs only
to him my love, anything else would kill him.”

“But I do love him, I love him so much.” She admitted earnestly.

“I know my girl, I can see it as clear as day. I will say this and no more, as you will need to wade through these waters alone. You will have to search your heart, and your past and look to your future. There is a reason that man didn’t wait for you, there is a reason why he sent you letters even after he married. There is most assuredly a reason you and Alastair ended up together, do not let a ghost from the past make you doubt what you know in your heart. You have to choose what is right for you my dear girl, I knew your parents and I’m sure your mother would give you the same advice. Follow your heart child, always follow your heart.”

Sighing at her tender words, she took her hand and squeezed, “Thank you Mrs. Potts…I mean Lana, truly, thank you.”

Kissing her on the forehead, “Anything for you dear child, now I’ll leave you to your thoughts. I’ll hang a dress out for you, if you need help just ring the bell and I’ll come assist you. Dinner will be served in a few hours, I suspect your family will start arriving within the hour my love, best be ready for them.”

Watching the kind woman exit her room, she took a moment to look around Alastair’s ducal suite. Looking at the bed where they had made love last night and again this morning she felt sick to her stomach for the way she treated him today. She wanted nothing more than to make it right, to heal his hurt and assure him of her love. Their
rough sex in the woods was telling, he
let his body say what his mouth did not. Still tender, she knew she deserved it and more.

More than anything she was disappointed in herself, Rory had broken her heart and she acted like a starry eyed teenager once again. She should have never ran into his arms, she should have given him a cold shoulder and stood at her man’s side with pride.

Groaning at what Alastair was imagining, she felt utterly embarrassed and ashamed with herself. Dunking underneath the hot water she soaked up the soothing heat of the water in the perfect silence of her new ducal chamber.

Finishing her cup of tea, she saw the sunshine fading as the evening drew close. Watching the last sunlight of the day bounce around her room, she heard the muffled sound of Romeo barking in the distance. Since they arrived last night he had been sleeping in the kitchen with the staff, last time she had seen him was this morning at breakfast.

Curious as to what her little puppy was barking at she gingerly stepped out of her tub and threw on her silk robe as she ran to the door and opened it a crack. Hearing the familiar sound of Luke and Gideon’s voice, she smiled and clapped her hands.

Hearing Helena’s voice followed by Romeo’s barking, she looked down the hallway to see her blonde sister-in-law coming up the stairs.

“Helena! Oh I’ve missed you so much!” She burst out, instantly in tears as she ran into the hallway and directly into her arms.

“Oh sweetheart, I just knew something was wrong. Your hair is soaking, come, let’s get you ready for dinner.” Helena said calmly, leading her back inside the ducal chamber.

“Helena you just got here, sur
ly you want to bath and change. You don’t have to look after me, please…”

Oh posh, let me at least get you dressed and do your hair while you catch me up on everything that I missed, and you can start with why you’ve been crying.” Helena ordered, pointing to the large leather chair by the fire, “Sit Amelia Elizabeth, right now.”

Nodding, she plopped down on the comfortable chair, “Everything had been going particularly well until this afternoon…We were at the Black Swan having lunch after a wonderful ride when Mrs. Avalon told me of the Baroness Tridell’s passing.”

“Oh Amelia…please tell me you didn’t do something silly.” Helena whispered as she drew the brush through her wet hair.

“I would love to tell you that, but it would be a lie. Immediately after I walked out of the door of the inn Rory saw me. I didn’t even think Helena, I ran directly into his arms.”

Groaning, “Good god Amelia, is Rory still alive?”

Yes. I hurt him Helena, I hurt Alastair badly and I don’t know how to fix it.” She whispered, cupping her hands together in her lap she felt fresh tears running down her face as Helena worked on her hair.

“Do you still love Rory, even after everything he did to you? It was years ago Amelia, but if you ran into his arms like he was a long lost lover what did you expect Alastair to do? Our men are very protective and possessive of us, seeing you run into the arms of another man had to cut him deeply.”

“I wasn’t thinking, I simply reacted to seeing him again. Finding out that Laura had died, that he named his heir the name
had picked out for our future children had killed me. It was as if I had forgotten Alastair even existed for a moment in time, I am so ashamed of myself.”

“You didn’t answer my question love.”

“I should hate him, I should rub my engagement in Rory’s face and let him stew in the news that I landed the Duke of Blackstone…”

“But…” Helena prodded.

“But I don’t hate him.”

Helena leaned forward and placed her hands on her shoulders and kissed the top of her head, “Love, can I send up Luke?”

Closing her eyes she thought of her older brother, closets in age, her savoir in so many ways. Sighing, “You know Luke loathes Rory.”

“I do know that, but I also know that you are in a
right now Lia, even if you truly don’t see it right now. I think Luke is the perfect person for you to talk to right now, now don’t you dare tell me you haven’t missed him.”

“Of course I have Helena, I’ve missed all of you.”

“Good, I’ll go get him. You finish up getting around for tonight and I’ll send Luke up with a surprise that you’ll be happy to see. Oh, and Romeo was delighted to see us, he’s so sweet Amelia, I just love that little guy. Mama and Hero arrived shortly behind us, Mrs. Potts showed them to their room and they’ll meet us for dinner after they’ve freshened up.”

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