Midnight My Love (14 page)

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Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #betrayal, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romp, #alpha male, #traditional regency, #reunion story, #second chance at love, #friends to lovers, #secondary love story

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"Are you in the habit of causing scandals,
my dear?" he asked, wanting to smile despite her refusal to call
off their engagement. He couldn't believe she would continue to
insist they marry.

Felicia's blue eyes
blazed. "People are often unkind to me. They talked for weeks after
the episode with the fortune hunter last year. I was never more
taken in by anyone in my entire life. Papa tried to hush it all up.
I don't know why everyone likes to gossip and spread rumors about
me, and most of it is simply
true. I can't help it, if people are jealous
because I'm rich and beautiful." She almost stamped her dainty foot
in indignation. "But I can avoid this scandal. We shall have a
modern marriage, my lord. I'll give you an heir, then we may go our
separate ways."

"This is ridiculous," Robert said, his lips
taut. "We don't love or want each other."

Lady Felicia shrugged and picked up her
little pug standing at her feet. She hugged the dog tightly to her
bosom as Robert eyed the small creature with disgust. She lifted
her chin. "Well, I'm not going to cry off and in all honor, you
can't cry off. So, we'll just have to make the best of things, now
won't we?"



Later that afternoon, Alexandra walked through
the homewoods toward the stream carrying a straw basket. She wanted
to gather the last of the season's berries, so Cook could bake some
of her special tarts for the guests. As she neared the stream, Alex
saw Lord Thane knee-deep in the water, enthusiastically casting his
fly-rod. She skirted around to avoid disturbing him and set off in
the direction of the berry patch.

The sun was hot and beat down on Alex as she
picked the fat, juicy berries. She was glad she had worn an old
gown; the berries stained her skirts as well as her fingers. She
wiped back the tendrils of hair falling over her eyes and thought
of the cool stream. She decided to go to her favorite spot near the

After picking enough berries, Alex
straightened her chip-straw bonnet and toted her basket along. The
falls were a mile downstream. When she arrived, she was hot and out
of breath.

Setting the basket on the ground, she looked
longingly at the water. The stream cascaded down a rocky precipice
from twenty feet above. She felt the spray of water as it crashed
to meet the rivulet below.

Alex stood on the bank. There was a spot
behind the falls where she had played as a child; the perfect
hide-away with a wall of rushing water on one side and a cool damp
wall of rock on the other. Suddenly, she wanted to be in that
special place, isolated from the world, away from the problems
plaguing her.

Untying the ribbons from beneath her chin,
Alex laid her bonnet next to the basket. She removed her sturdy
half-boots and peeled off her stockings. This far downstream, she
didn't worry about anyone seeing her. Hitching up her faded skirts,
she stepped on the smooth, slippery rocks. Carefully, she picked
her way to the ledge behind the falls. The water was cold running
across her bare feet. She felt wonderfully alive and free,
concealed in her secret refuge.

A large boulder provided a hard and somewhat
damp seat. Alex leaned back, propping herself on her elbows and
inhaled the fresh moist air. The mist washed the sweat from her
face and neck. Her problems were drowned in the explosion of the
surging water.

Alex knew she was hiding from her
difficulties, but didn't care. She'd put on a brave front ever
since Robert had come home. His injury saddened her--not only
because he was maimed for life, but it seemed to be threatening his
future happiness with Lady Felicia.

Her brother's disability had opened
Alexandra's eyes, made her see people in a new light. Carlisle was
uncomfortable in the extreme, whereas Rochdale proved to be a tower
of strength. Rochdale was also one of her difficulties.

She closed her eyes, trying to push the
image of the dangerous viscount from her mind, as she surrendered
herself to the exhilaration and healing powers of the rushing
waters. Perhaps she could gather strength by indulging in the
simple pleasures of this childhood sanctuary before having to
return home and face her troubles again.


On his way to join Lord Thane fishing,
Damien spotted Alexandra heading downstream, carrying a basket. Her
old gown revealed every curve of her lithesome body. On impulse, he
decided to follow her.

Damien fought the anger roiling inside,
twisting his gut into a tight knot. Ever since he'd gone to Bath to
fetch Alex for Robert, the red hot fury had consumed him. When he'd
grasped her by the waist to throw her onto her horse, he had wanted
to hold Alex in his arms and kiss her. He wanted to do more than
kiss her, damn her.

He had known from the beginning it would be
difficult to be near her. He had foolishly thought he would be able
to keep his attraction for her under control. He had believed he
could exorcise the passion he felt for her. Many years had passed
since their disastrous encounter in the observatory. Instead of the
desire waning, it had only increased with each passing day.

And what excuse could he offer for his
atrocious behavior from the moment he'd set foot in Willowmede
again? His nickname stood him in good stead considering his
foolhardy actions.

For reasons he didn't want to acknowledge,
he had insinuated to Carlisle there was something going on between
Alex and himself. When he'd kissed her wrists in order to infuriate
the squire, the subtle scent of her perfume had instantly aroused
him, making him so hard he ached with the yearning. The impulsive
gesture had backfired and the anger inside grew stronger.

Damien thought he might be excused for his
rash behavior that day in front of Carlisle; the provocation had
been great. But why in the world had he kissed Alexandra's wrist
yet again when they'd been alone in the observatory?

He should have known the observatory was
dangerous ground. The long nights, the intimacy . . . Why had he
offered to help with that damned thesis? Night after night he had
trouble focusing on the work they were doing. All he could think
about was holding Alex, kissing her, making love.

Instead of cooling his infatuation, the
forced intimacy left him wanting her more. And here he was, like a
fool, following her. Thank God, he still had enough sense to keep
his distance. He didn't wish to reveal his presence just yet, if at

Alex stopped near the waterfall, and Damien
stayed hidden behind a grove of chestnuts. He had often come to
this place while visiting Willowmede. The powerful torrent of water
plunging into the stream filled even his jaded senses with awe. The
cave behind the falls was a wonder to behold.

He grinned as Alexandra removed her boots
and stockings, and hitched up her skirts. It was warm and she was
obviously going to cool off by wading in the stream. His grin
disappeared when he realized her destination. He held his breath as
she crossed the treacherous rocks. When she was safely across and
out of sight, Damien finally relaxed. He remained behind the trees
for a full five minutes.

Damn it! He knew what would happen if he
followed her in there. He would gather Alexandra in his arms and
kiss her until she begged for mercy. Would he be able to stop at
one kiss? Yes, because one kiss was all he was going to allow
himself. Kissing her would relieve the tension he'd felt for so
long. Kissing her would answer the question that had been burning
in his mind for years and years: Was that fateful kiss in the
observatory as glorious as he remembered it to be?

The slippery rocks were dangerous as Damien
crossed the stream. Quietly, he entered the dark cave behind the
falls. Alex sat peacefully on a large rock, eyes closed, hair damp,
her beautiful feet bare to his gaze. The sound of the water crashed
in his ears. Would his mouth on hers end the suspense? Could he
break the spell this beautiful woman had woven around him?


Alexandra's eyes flew open when she felt
another presence in her sanctuary. Damien leaned against the rock
wall, staring at her with such intensity she blushed.

"Invigorating, isn't it?" he said. His hard
voice shattered her reverie.

Feeling defenseless without her shoes, Alex
tucked her toes beneath her skirts. Her heart pounded in her
throat. She'd been thinking of Damien, and now here he was in the
flesh. The man who had taken hold of her thoughts and dreams stood
before her. One look at his face, and she knew why he'd come.

Alex realized how isolated they were, how
the wall of water cut them off from the rest of the world. Suddenly
she was afraid--afraid of the dangerous intimacy of the
situation--but more afraid of herself than of him. She wanted to
feel his arms around her. She longed for his kiss.

Damien's spurs rang on the stone floor. With
hard hands, he jerked her to her feet, holding her fully against
his body. The smell of horses and leather filled Alexandra's
senses. His topaz eyes devoured every inch of her.

He spoke through gritted teeth. "Damn you,
Alexandra Turlington. Why did you have to grow up to be so
beautiful?" He crushed her mouth with his, bruising her, punishing

Damien didn't know whether he hated or loved
her. The thought made him try to push her away, but Alex clasped
her arms around his neck and pulled him back.

He stared at her a moment, then, laughing
harshly, he kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose. He felt her
come up on tiptoe; she clung to him, pressing her lips to his. A
bolt of white heat coursed through his body. God, she was sweet! So
responsive. So delicious. He gathered her closer, kissed her deeply
and lost himself to all rational thought.

Alex was unprepared for Damien's sensual
onslaught. The dim recollection of that first kiss they shared so
long ago paled in comparison to reality. Her stomach fluttered and
an expectant pressure built in her chest. Desire raged in her
veins, strengthened by Damien's hard body pressed against her.

She knew she was playing with fire, but
couldn't help herself. The unleashed passion in Damien's powerful
frame and the sexual hunger gleaming in his golden eyes tantalized
her body to respond. Alex wanted more--she had waited so long. She
leaned into his embrace; Damien tightened his arms around her and
deepened the kiss.

Alex moaned low when he softly cupped her
full rounded breast. He made her feel so good. So feminine. So
wild. When he brushed her taut nipple with his thumb, thousands of
tiny sparks shattered inside her.

Damien felt Alexandra tremble as he caressed
her breasts. Her eyes flew open, and he saw passion reflected in
the luminous depths and something else. Surprise? Wonder? Love?

Good God! He was feeling the same way.

With infinite regret, he set her back from
him, retaining a brutal grip on her shoulders as he sought for
control. He gave her a slight shake, then let her go. He would not
succumb to the sensations threatening to consume him.

"It's getting late," he said, his voice
harsh. "We have guests to entertain." Damien scooped Alex up in his
arms. "I'm carrying you back to the bank."

Alexandra couldn't speak, only nodded. She
draped her arms around his neck and leaned her head into his
shoulder. Her soft curves beckoned beneath the thin material of her
old gown. He was sorely tempted to set her on her feet again and
continue where they'd left off, but sanity prevailed. Instead, he
kissed her silky hair and returned to the stream.

Damien quickly crossed the rushing waters,
his feet sure on the slippery rocks. He deposited Alex safely on
the grassy slope and, unable to look at her face, stared toward the
falls. He'd been a fool to think he could kiss her just once.

Something was different in
the way he desired Alexandra, he knew that now. There was a
treacherous tenderness that left him soft inside, yearning for her
love as much as her body. Damien clenched his teeth.
He could
allow himself to
love such a beautiful woman.


Biting her lower lip, Alex willed away the
feeling of loss as Damien turned from her. Already he was rejecting
her again. She donned her boots, fumbling with the laces. Stealing
a glance at his stern profile, Alex felt a hollowness deep in her
stomach. She knew he was regretting the embrace they had

Alexandra blushed when she remembered her
boldness behind the waterfall. She had returned his kisses too
eagerly, reaching for him when he pulled back. Why had she been so
forward? What must he be thinking?

Her knees wobbled when she stood. With
trembling hands, she picked up her basket. Still Damien stood
there, not looking at her. Moistening her lips, she spoke at last.
"I'm going back. I'll see you at dinner."

He turned to face her, searching her face.
For what, she couldn't guess.

"I'm coming with you." Damien grabbed the
basket and led the way through the home woods.

Alex hurried to keep up with him. It was a
long way to the manor house, and they walked along the path in
silence. Finally, she could bear it no longer. "I wish you would
tell me what you're thinking."

He stopped and glared down at her. A
ferocious scowl marred his chiseled features. "My thoughts are
better kept to myself." He quickened his pace and kept his eyes
straight ahead.

Alexandra's step faltered, but she recovered
quickly. Why was he so angry with her? They finally reached the
south entrance near the kitchens. Without warning, Damien pulled
Alex roughly into the small portico before the door. Holding her
prisoner against the red brick wall, he growled, "You want to know
what I'm thinking? Then I'll tell you. You're a beautiful woman,
Alexandra. Too beautiful. You've haunted my dreams for ten years.
If it weren't for Robert, I'd have taken you long ago. Forbidden
fruit is always the most tempting, don't you agree?" He laughed as
she gasped and wiggled to loosen his hold on her.

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