Read Midnight Secrets Online

Authors: Ella Grace

Midnight Secrets (26 page)

BOOK: Midnight Secrets
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He waited patiently, as he’d been trained. Soon, they’d reveal themselves. Adrenaline pounded and he was distantly amused to realize that this was probably the most excitement he’d had on the job. Said a lot for sleepy little Southern towns.

“I’m getting damn tired of doing this stuff, Henson. It ain’t done no good.”

Zach recognized Clark Dayton’s voice. When he wasn’t trying to impress anyone, the guy really did sound like a country hick.

The sound of breaking glass was followed by Henson’s gruff reply. “If this one doesn’t get his ass fired, we’ll do something that’ll definitely catch everyone’s attention. I promise. By this time next month, Tanner will be out of here. With your experience, the mayor and city council will have no choice but to appoint you as police chief.”

So that was Dayton’s incentive. Apparently he didn’t realize that these crimes reflected on the entire police department, not just Zach. The mayor hadn’t yet come out and expressed his disappointment in the department’s lack of progress on the vandalism crimes, but he’d asked Zach about them frequently. Dayton might have more trouble than he anticipated getting Lamont and the city council on his side.

“Let’s get this over with,” Dayton answered. “I gotta be at work at seven in the morning.”

Zach swallowed a laugh. Yeah, Clark would definitely arrive early at the police station, only not as an employee.

The men entered the building and closed the door behind them. Zach crept closer. While Henson held the flashlight, Dayton shook the can of spray paint and began to spray. Zach quietly walked in the door behind them. They were so intent on their tasks, neither of the men were aware of Zach’s presence until he flipped on the light switch beside the door and said, “Don’t worry about coming into work, Dayton. You’re fired.”

The men whirled. Zach couldn’t stop the grin that spread over his face. Their expressions were similar to two eight-year-old boys who’d been caught stealing candy. Both men sputtered, searching for an excuse. Henson recovered first. “I got every right to be here. I own this dry cleaners.”

Though Zach knew that was true, he wasn’t about to let the man off that easy. “I’m going to need to see proof of that.”

“Courthouse has documents.”

“Courthouse is closed right now. Looks like I’ll just have to lock you two up until you can prove ownership.”

“Now see here. I ain’t going to jail for entering my own store.”

“If you’re the owner, why’d you break the window?

“I …” Henson glanced over at Clark for help. Dayton was having his own issues. Sweat beaded on his brow and rolled down into the beard he was so fond of. Finally, Henson came up with what he apparently thought was a good excuse. “I left my keys at home.”

“And what’s your reason for showing up here at one-thirty in the morning with a flashlight and a can of spray paint?”

“I’m redecorating.”

This time Zach did laugh. “I always heard you were a cheap son of a bitch, but redecorating with a can of spray paint seems a little extreme.” Zach glanced over at Dayton. “Clark, you got anything you’d like to add?”

“I …” He swallowed and said, “You’re not fit to be police chief. It should be my job.”

“The mayor and city council saw differently, since they appointed me chief and not you.” Zach held up his handcuffs. “Now let’s get this over with nice and easy.”

“Wait!” Henson snarled. “If you arrest me, you’ll ruin my reputation.”

“Should’ve thought of that before you decided to break the law.”

Henson held out his hand as if to ward him off. “I’ll tell … I’ll tell everyone that secret.”

Zach raised his brow in challenge. “What secret is that? That you and some of your redneck buddies beat the shit out of me ten years ago? Or the other one that you told only me?”

The older man’s lips pursed so tight, they resembled a prune. He hadn’t expected Zach to call his bluff.

Zach nodded. “Yeah. You go ahead and tell that one, Henson. I’m not the one who couldn’t keep my pants zipped.”

Apparently deciding that a night in jail was better than the entire town hearing that he was Zach’s biological father, Henson’s mouth remained tightly closed, his expression grim.

“Now turn around.” The men turned around; Zach had them cuffed in seconds and then backed away. Taking the radio from his pocket, he called his on-duty deputy, Arthur Norton. “Artie, I’m over at Green’s dry cleaners. Got a couple of overnight guests I need you to come by and pick up.”

“I’m a couple of minutes away.”

Zach switched off the radio and eyed the sad-looking idiots before him. “You have the right to remain silent …”

As he recited their Miranda rights, he found it interesting that while Henson’s shoulders seemed to stiffen with each word, Dayton’s became more slumped and dejected. They would be released tomorrow with no charges. Zach wasn’t looking to put either of them away. He had accomplished what he wanted. They’d been found out. Continuing their misadventures would be pointless. Just in case they didn’t realize this, Zach issued a warning after he finished reciting their rights. “Listen and listen good. Tonight, you need to give careful thought on where you think this should go. I’m giving you this one chance. Fuck with me again and I’ll find every way possible to make sure you spend quality time behind bars and not just one measly night. Understand?”

Neither man answered but that was fine with him. They’d had their warning. And he was telling the truth.

Deputy Norton walked in the door. “I’m here, Chief. What’s going on?”

“Henson and Dayton need a ride to jail. Lock them in separate cells. It’ll give them privacy for some quality thinking time.”

As the men walked toward the door, Zach followed behind Henson and spoke softly so only he could hear. “I’m sure glad I inherited my mother’s smarts and not my father’s, because it’s pretty damn obvious he’s a moron.”

Henson’s back only got stiffer and then he walked out the door. Zach gave a nod of satisfaction. Damned if he didn’t feel quite pleased with the outcome. The vandalism would stop, Henson would back off, and Dayton was no longer his deputy. All in all, a good night’s work.

Zach’s spent the next few minutes securing the building and covering the smashed window with some cardboard he found in the back. Locking the door behind him, he turned and then stopped suddenly when a slight scratching noise caught his ear. Seconds later, he heard a soft, distinctly feminine sigh. What the hell?

Though he could deny it till doomsday, Zach already knew what he’d find when he rounded the building. Savannah stood against the wall, close to the back door. She was facing away from him, so he could walk up and grab her without any trouble. Before he took a step, he dropped his eyes to her hand. Hell, she had a gun in her hand. Never in his life had he wanted to spank a woman. This stunt might just change his mind.

A good scare would work just as well, and he went for a big one. With silent strides, he reached her in seconds. Wrapping both arms around her, he pulled her off her feet. She shrieked like a banshee and tried to kick backwards.

“Quiet down, you little spitfire.”

She continued to struggle, either not realizing or not caring that it was Zach who held her. He shook her to get her attention. “Dammit, Savannah, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

She froze. “Zach?” she whispered.

“Hell yeah. Who’d you think it was?”

“You scared the crap out of me.”

“Good. I meant to. What the hell are you doing here?”

“I’m watching your ass.”

“You’re watching my ass? You didn’t even know where my ass was until I walked up behind you.”

Savannah gritted her teeth, more than aware that he was right. Okay, so it’d been a lame-brained thing to do. Ever since he’d told her he was coming out here alone, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. He might trust Lindsay to have told him the truth; Savannah hadn’t been that gullible. She didn’t want Zach to be faced with what he’d gone through ten years ago. No way in hell was she going to allow him to be hurt again. The fact that he had handled the situation within minutes with barely a harsh word spoken was a bit humbling. Zach would no doubt get a kick out of teasing her.

“You handled that quite well.”

“Thanks. It’s my job.”

She couldn’t blame him for his cockiness. He was probably feeling downright smug. “Since the excitement is over, I guess I’ll go home.”

“Not without me,” he growled into her ear.

“What?” For the first time, she realized that she was still plastered against Zach’s body and he was very aroused. Savannah shivered. He was holding her so tightly, she could feel every hard inch of him against her. Of all the times to get turned on, this wasn’t one of them. Her body didn’t seem to care that it wasn’t appropriate, and apparently neither did Zach’s. It was all she could do not to rub herself against him.

Breathing out a shaking gasp, she said, “What do you want?”


Just one word but she heard the longing. Her nipples peaked and a throbbing began between her legs. Yes, this was what she wanted, too. “Aren’t you on duty?”

“No,” he said bluntly. “Where’s your car?”

“A block away.”

“Mine’s closer.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

“In a minute. I need something first.”

Before she could ask what, he whirled her around. Moving with lightning speed, he took the gun from her now limp hand and shoved it into the small of his back beneath his waistband. Then, pulling her forward, he slammed his mouth against hers. Heat flooded through her, drenching her entire being. Long-dormant thoughts and feelings she’d once believed dead sprouted and unfurled as need, want, desire, and a million other emotions overwhelmed her senses. Wrapping herself around Zach’s big body, Savannah gave in to the intensity.

Apparently sensing her need, Zach pressed her against the wall of the building and built the fire. His hands roamed, one delving beneath her blouse, the other smoothing itself up her thigh, underneath her short skirt. His fingers hooked into her panties and tugged. She heard a slight ripping sound, knew and didn’t care that the delicate fabric was being shredded. When those long, hard fingers found her crease, they plunged deep into her wet heat. Savannah gasped out a “Yes” and tried to hold his fingers inside her by squeezing her thighs closed and riding him.

Zach’s husky laughter thrummed through her senses, his gruff words of “Let go, Savannah” bringing her to climax in a shattering, explosive moment of ecstasy. As she spiraled down, he gave her soft words of praise and adoration, making her feel as though she’d given him a gift, instead of the other way around.

“You okay?” he rasped into her ear.

“Yes … for now.” Feeling bold and powerful, she added, “But I want more … much more.”

“Me too.”

Pulling away from her completely, he said, “Come on.”

Savannah took the hand he held out to her and allowed him to lead her to his car. The entire city of Midnight could be watching them right now and she wouldn’t care. Maybe in a year, or a hundred, she’d be shocked and embarrassed that Zach Tanner had just given her the most delicious orgasm of her life against the wall of Green’s Dry Cleaning. Right now, that didn’t matter. Her only concern was going home, letting him give her many more, and allowing her to do the same for him.

They were in his car and headed to her house before she realized it. Zach’s urgency was patently obvious. Any other time, she might have been amused that someone as controlled and stoic as this man was revealing that his control was almost gone. Nothing felt amusing, or even lighthearted. She glanced over at him; the tic in his jaw confirmed her thoughts. This was a man on edge … she wanted to be the one to send him over.

They made it to the house in record time. If she’d been concentrating on anything other than the heavy atmosphere of desire in the car, she would have noticed that they had broken several speed limits and traffic laws to get there in the fastest time possible.

Zach pulled into the drive and then to the back of the house. She appreciated his sensitivity in hiding his car. Visiting for a few hours was one thing. It caused talk but nothing else. Having his car seen overnight would be something else. Wedding rumors would be running rampant, along with other things she didn’t even want to consider. This time with Zach was something she wanted to share with no one.

Savannah didn’t wait for him to open the car door but pushed it open and came to meet him as he rounded the car. She held her hand out to him, and they practically ran to the back door. She opened the door, slammed it shut, and his mouth was back on hers.

Zach had never been this turned on or felt such urgency in his life. Savannah was right there with him. Within seconds, they were ripping the clothes off each other. The mudroom wasn’t exactly the most romantic location, but damned if he’d stop. When his hands met silk-smooth skin and he realized she was completely naked, Zach knew he could wait no longer. “I’ve got condoms in my pants.” Which were unfortunately on the floor and he’d have to let her go to get to them. Something he didn’t want to do.

“No. No condoms. I’m on the pill. We’re fine.” The words were said between gasps and moans.

“You’re sure?”

Her hands closed around him, held him tight, and then rubbed his length up and down. He heard an “Uh-huh” and then he couldn’t think any longer. Savannah was on her knees. Hot, moist breath was a warning and then her mouth closed around him. Zach held her face in his hands and watched as she took him deep and then withdrew, over and over. They had never done this before. She had kissed and caressed him there but nothing like this. How in the hell was he going to stop? The only thing he wanted to do was continue surging and retreating until nothing mattered except filling her mouth and letting go. Teeth gritted, he reminded himself that he’d been waiting for this moment forever, and pulled out.

BOOK: Midnight Secrets
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