Read Midnight Secrets Online

Authors: Ella Grace

Midnight Secrets (48 page)

BOOK: Midnight Secrets
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Savannah watched Zach’s hands on the steering wheel. She remembered looking at his hands on their first date and thinking how strong and capable they seemed. Now they were even more so. Large and thick veined, with a sprinkling of dark hair, those hands spoke of maturity and experience. And they could give the most delicious pleasure.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving. I’ve been locked in Granddad’s study doing research all day.”

“Brody and Logan able to help you?”

She nodded, thinking how Zach’s friends had been invaluable. Not only had Brody and Logan offered to send business her way, they had answered innumerable questions.

“I was worried that since we’re in a small town, no one would ever hear of the agency. Having Brody and Logan steer business our way will help me get started.”

“Have Bri and Sammie made up their minds yet?”

“Not yet. I don’t want to rush them. It’s a huge decision for them to make. If they come on board, they’ll have to go to training in Atlanta for a few weeks.”

He shot her an odd glance. “You’re not going for training?”

“Not for a while.” She shrugged and added, “I’m not sure when Lamont and Nesta’s trial will take place. I’ve got a call in to the prosecutor’s office to see if he has any idea. I know they’re really backed up, but whenever it is, I have to be available.”

Savannah didn’t add that there was another reason she wasn’t ready to leave town. For ten years, she had given total focus to her career. And while fulfillment in her career was still vitally important to her, she had no problem letting it take a backseat to her personal life. They hadn’t had a chance to talk about marriage or the future. When that happened, she refused to be distracted by anything. She had waited too long for this happiness and she wanted to savor every single moment.

“Reid called again.”

“To ask you to reconsider?”

She laughed softly. Two days ago, when she had called her boss and told him she was resigning, he had been stunned. He had called today, apparently hoping she had changed her mind. She hadn’t and she wouldn’t.

“Yes, but I told him ‘No way’ once again. I think he finally believed me. He also told me that Donnie Lee’s sentencing got moved up. He was sentenced this morning to forty-five years. And there have been no more threats from the X-Kings. Looks like that’s over for good.

“Thank God for that.” He caught her gaze and said, “And you’re absolutely sure you have no regrets or second thoughts for giving up your career in Nashville?”

“Absolutely, one hundred percent sure. I’m here to stay.”

The brilliant smile he shot her made her heart leap with joy. Even though it had been her decision, she knew Zach had still worried that regret might set it. But her decision was unequivocal. Midnight was her home once again. As was Zach.

“I understand that Nesta and Lamont refused to see you and your sisters.”

She nodded as a lump of emotion clogged her throat. The knowledge that two people she had loved and trusted all her life had committed such terrible acts cut her deeply. Sammie and Bri were just as shocked and hurt. Today, they had gone to the jail, hoping to sit down and have a calm, rational discussion. They had been turned away.

“I guess I can’t blame them. They have no reasonable excuse for what they did. I’m just sorry my grandfather isn’t here to see justice served. I can’t imagine the torture he went through all those years, knowing a murderer was in his midst but having no clue who it was.”

She was surprised when Zach grabbed her hand from her lap and held it to his mouth. “Hey, no more talk of sad stuff. This is a special night. Okay?”

Inhaling deeply, she relaxed contentedly against the car seat. “Deal. Now tell me what this special night entails.”

A wicked grin crossed his face, causing her heart rate to zoom. “It’s a surprise.”

Zach didn’t think he’d been this nervous even on their first date. So far, she seemed to be having a good time. The sad, hollow look on her face when they’d been talking about the Kilgores had disappeared.

Savannah’s trust issues had taken another serious blow. Every time she let her guard down and allowed people into her life and heart, they seemed to let her down. No wonder she was so wary. Zach was more than aware that he was hugely responsible for that lack of trust. And he planned to spend the rest of his life making that up to her.

She settled back into the car seat with a satisfied sigh. “Dinner was delicious. And the violinist was a nice touch. I’ve never heard “Sweet Home Alabama” played on a violin.”

Since Mickey’s Steakhouse no longer existed, he’d opted for a new restaurant out on the bypass. The atmosphere was a little more upscale than Mickey’s butcher-block tables and peanut shells on the floor had been. He had to admit, having a violinist walk through the restaurant playing hometown favorites and love songs worked with the atmosphere he’d been hoping to create tonight.

Now for the biggest test of all.

Zach took a breath. “Savannah, do you trust me?”

She jerked slightly at the question but he sensed no hesitation when she answered, “Absolutely.”

“Will you do something for me?”


His chest tight at her unqualified answer, he held up a scarf and said, “The next part of the night is the surprise. Would you wear this until we get there?”

Instead of fear or distrust, he saw only excited curiosity. She turned her back to him and said, “Better make it tight. I don’t trust myself not to peek.”

Zach placed the scarf over her eyes and tied the knot at the back of her head, careful to not pull her hair. Then, leaning forward, he pressed a soft kiss to her bare shoulder. “I trust you.”

“I’m glad,” she whispered softly.

Eager to get to the next part of the night, Zach settled her back against the car seat and buckled her seat belt. Then, unable to resist, he softly kissed the sweet curve of her lips, loving the way her mouth smiled beneath his.

With great reluctance, he released her and started the engine. If he didn’t get out of here, they’d end up making out in the restaurant parking lot. His plans included a much more romantic setting and absolutely no onlookers.

Turning from the parking lot and heading out of town, he glanced over at her and asked, “Are you too full for dessert?”

Her smile became even broader, telling him she knew exactly what he meant. His entire body clenched when she answered softly, “When I’m with you, I’m never too full for dessert.”

This was a new and unique experience for her. Not being able to see enhanced her other senses. And oddly, never had she been more aware of Zach’s presence. He had always been bigger than life to her, a fantasy come true. But now, she sensed his nearness, inhaled the musk of his aftershave, could hear him breathe.

In darkness, her entire environment shifted to sensation and sound. With the increase in her awareness, she was surprised to realize that she was becoming aroused. With each breath, her nipples, always sensitive, rubbed against her bra and dress. Air from the car vents blew a cool breeze against her skin, caressing and soothing. Inside, she was anything but cool, feeling as though a furnace of heat had been ignited. By the time they made it to their destination for the promised “dessert,” she would be ravenous.

His question about trust had almost made her cry. There had been fear in his eyes. She wanted to erase that fear. The mistakes of the past, both his and hers, were gone. He had her wholehearted trust and it meant the world to her that she had his.

The car ride was lasting longer than she had anticipated. Though the scarf covered her eyes completely, she kept them closed anyway. Zach was determined to surprise her and she didn’t want to do anything that would give her a clue where they were headed.

When the car slowed and the road became bumpy, she fought a smile. She still wouldn’t try to peek, but she had a good idea where they would end up. And she couldn’t think of a more appropriate place to go.

The car slowed even more and then came to a stop. Her heart thudding in anticipation, she said, “Are we there yet?”

“Almost. Sit tight for a few minutes, okay?”

She nodded and was rewarded with a quick kiss on her mouth. Then she heard him open his car door and get out. Several minutes passed. She could hear him moving around outside the car but had no idea what he was doing.

Five minutes later, her door opened and Zach said, “Sorry it took so long.”

She felt him unbuckle her seat belt and then he took her hand, pulling her from the car. Before she could comment, her world tilted as he swept her up in his arms and began to carry her. “I don’t want you to get your shoes muddy. It rained a couple of nights ago and the ground is still damp.”

If he thought she was going to complain about being carried in his arms, he was crazy. She laughed softly and said, “I can already tell I’m going to love this dessert.”

Seconds later, he lowered her to the ground. She felt something soft beneath her feet and then Zach’s hands were behind her head, untying the scarf. Savannah kept her eyes closed until the cloth was completely gone. And then she opened them to a wonderland.

“Oh, Zach,” she whispered softly.

Savannah moved in a slow circle, mesmerized and amazed. Zach had turned a small section of Dogwood Lake into a twinkling paradise. Hundreds of strands of lights had been weaved into the surrounding trees; the lake sparkled as if it held a million fallen stars. Rose petals of every color surrounded the large blanket lying on the ground—a blanket that looked a little worn with age and wonderfully, dearly familiar.

“I wanted to make it as special for you as possible.”

Tears blurred her vision and a sob built up in her chest. Swallowing hard, she said huskily, “I can’t imagine anything more beautiful. Thank you so much.”

Drawing her down onto the blanket, he tenderly removed her shoes. “Remember our last night together, when I made a promise to you that I was yours forever?”


Zach went to one knee and held out a small box. Savannah’s heart was in her throat as she watched him open the box to reveal the most beautiful engagement ring imaginable, an oval emerald surrounded by diamonds.

“I failed you before, Savannah. I swear, with everything that’s in me, I’ll never fail you again. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and give me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?”

Her heart so full she could barely function, Savannah threw herself into Zach’s arms and held him tight. “The honor is all mine, Zach Tanner, and yes, I will marry you.”

As though he had feared her answer, he released a huge breath. And then, pulling away from her, he looked down into her eyes. “You were my first love, my only love, and you’ll be my last. Till the end of time, I’ll be yours forever.”

Lowering his head, Zach covered her mouth, giving her an exquisitely, tender kiss. Then his tongue licked the seam of her mouth, asking entrance. With a groan, Savannah opened to him, inviting him inside. Her world tilted again as Zach pushed her gently onto the blanket and with infinite gentleness and reverence began to make love to her.

As heat and need took control, desire consumed them both. Wrapped in the arms of her love, the man who had returned her dreams to her and healed her heart, Savannah knew that whatever the future held for them, they would be together. Hand in hand, heart to heart. Forever.

BOOK: Midnight Secrets
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