Read Midnight Secrets Online

Authors: Ella Grace

Midnight Secrets (33 page)

BOOK: Midnight Secrets
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In the distance, he heard a semitruck headed their way. Regretfully he loosened his arms and stepped back. Savannah looked as dazed as he felt.

“Follow me home.”

She nodded slowly and slid back behind the wheel, Zach closed the door and then leaned over into the open window. “Buckle up and drive carefully.”

She nodded again and started the engine. Zach jumped into his car, checked for traffic, and then headed back to Midnight. Half his concentration on the car behind him, he grabbed the radio mic and switched it on. “Hazel, you there?”

“I’m here, Chief. Did you find her?”

“Yeah, thanks. She’s fine. I’m taking the rest of the day off. Tell Bart Odom he’s got patrol and to call me if anything comes up.”

Though Hazel’s voice was as rough as gravel, he had no trouble hearing the smile in her voice as she said, “Have a good afternoon, Chief.”

Switching off the radio, he looked into the rearview mirror and muttered, “I intend to, believe me.”



Zach glanced in the rearview mirror as he turned onto Beach View Drive. If Savannah hadn’t realized they were headed to his house, she knew it now. Not only was his home closer, which meant she could be in his arms sooner, he wanted her to see the place. If she remembered it from when she lived here before, her memories wouldn’t be good. The house hadn’t been much to look at then. And now, though still small, he’d done a lot of work on it and was proud of how it’d turned out.

He pulled into his driveway and was relieved to see her pull to a stop behind him. As he got out of the patrol car, he watched her face. Yeah, the surprise was there but so was her beautiful smile. She confirmed his thoughts when she stepped out of her car. “Zach, this is amazing. Did you do all of this yourself?”

Despite himself, he couldn’t help the warmth her comment gave him. Having grown up in what many people might call a hovel, it felt damn good to be proud of where he now lived, especially since it was the same place.

“I started on it as soon as I came back here. Took me six months to finish.”

She came to stand beside him. “You’re very good with your hands.”

Her low, husky voice made the double entendre even sexier. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the house. “Let me refresh your memory of just how good I am.”

He turned the key to enter the house, fighting the crazy urge to carry her over the threshold. She’d either think he was insane or it would scare the hell out of her. Resisting the impulse, he just held the door open for her to go inside. The instant the door closed, he grabbed her and swept her into his arms.

Startled, she laughed and said, “But I want to see the house.”


She didn’t argue. Her eyes took on a soft glow as she put her golden head on his shoulder and looked up at him. It took all his resolve not to lay her on the hardwood floor and love her until they were both breathless. Never had she looked more wonderful to him. Since he intended to take his time, a comfortable bed was definitely the way to go.

Turning left, he headed to his bedroom, grateful that his necessity for order included a neat and clean house. His childhood had taught him to do things for himself, and the U.S. Army had reinforced those principles. When he’d gotten up this morning, he’d had no idea he would be spending the afternoon in his bed with Savannah.

He dropped her feet to the floor beside the bed. For just a moment, he took the time to savor that she was actually here, with him. How many torturous nights had he longed for her, never really believing he’d have another chance?

“Zach?” she whispered softly.

Locking his eyes with her, Zach undressed her slowly. In a dim part of his mind, he was surprised at the steadiness of his hands, because everything inside him was at the edge of explosion. After the hell he’d gone through this morning, he was surprised he could function at all. As he slid the dress from her silky shoulders, she reached up to unbutton his shirt. Zach’s caught her hands and stopped her. “Not yet.”


“Because the instant I get my clothes off, I’m going to be inside you.”

Delight brightened her eyes. “Since that’s exactly where I want you to be, what’s the problem?”

“I’ve been dreaming of having you here, in my house and in my bed, for days. I want to savor every single moment.”

She dropped her hands and Zach rewarded her with a soft quick kiss. “I’ll make waiting worth your while.”

Her lips curved in amusement. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Zach lowered his gaze and took in what he had uncovered. A lacy flesh-colored bra covered what he knew was pure perfection, the most beautiful breasts in the universe. Unhooking the front clasp, he pushed the material back and confirmed his memories. Ivory mounds with small rose-colored nipples, her breasts were just the right size for his hands and mouth. Dipping his head, he licked a puckered nipple. Her gasp made him smile. That was a sound he intended to hear a lot in the next few hours.

His tongue swirled around the hardening flesh and then gently bit it, causing another gasp. Unable to wait, Zach wrapped his arms around her, covered her breast with his mouth, and sucked hard, the roaring in his ears almost drowning out her sighs and gasps. Lifting his head, he admired the glistening mound. Leaning forward again, he flicked the tight nipple with his tongue. Her responding gasping sigh was his reward.

“Zach, please,” she groaned. “Let me touch you.”

The urgent need in her voice almost made him relent, but he had so many more plans for her. Stepping back slightly, he pushed the dress from her hips and swallowed his own gasp. Minuscule panties barely covered her sex. Zach took a deep breath and inhaled the delicious scent of her arousal.

His fingers hooked into the thin band at her hips and pulled the panties down to her knees. “Sit on the bed.”

She dropped onto the bed and Zach went to his knees before her. Pulling the whisper-thin material down her long, silky legs, he threw them over his shoulder. She laughed softly and then caught her breath when he pulled her to the edge of the bed and his hands went to her knees, spreading her legs apart.

Zach looked down at the gleaming, moist flesh protected by soft blond curls. Paradise awaited him.

“Do you know how many nights I dreamed of this?” she whispered softly.

Surprised, he looked up at her. “You dreamed of me?”

A sad smile tilted her lips. “So many nights.”

His heart clenched. “I promise to make up for every one of those nights.”

Something odd flickered in her eyes but she covered it quickly with another soft smile. “Then get to work, mister.”

He wasted no time doing her bidding. Using his thumbs to spread the folds of her sex, Zach leaned forward and licked. At her soft gasp of approval, he delved deep, burying his tongue as far inside her as he could go. Plunge, retreat, and then plunge once more, Zach reveled in her taste, her sighs and pleas, and the slender fingers that tangled and pulled at his hair, pressing him deeper into her sex. Seconds later, she stiffened as a powerful climax rushed through her. Her release sweet and moist in his mouth made him wish he had enough control to lick her to another orgasm, but he was just barely hanging on now. Still, Zach stayed inside her, using gentle thrusts and small laps of his tongue to ease her back to earth. He continued until her throbbing stopped and her body relaxed. When her hands loosened on his head, he pulled away.

Surging to his feet, he began to unbutton his shirt. Savannah’s fingers went to his zipper and he assumed she was going to help him undress. He was only halfway right. Smiling up at him, the burn of desire in her eyes set to the highest flame, she whispered, “My turn.”

Her body hot with a fiery need she barely recognized, Savannah unzipped Zach’s pants. She had wanted to take it slow and undress him the same way he had undressed her. That wasn’t possible anymore. If she didn’t get him naked and on the bed with her soon, she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions.

With single-minded determination, pleasure and satisfaction her only goals, she opened Zach’s pants, revealing steel-gray underwear that barely covered his erection. Impatient, she tugged until both pants and underwear were bunched below his hips. His erection sprang free, the hard length almost smacking her face. Taking advantage, Savannah licked the long, solid steel of him, and then, despite the harsh, urgent sound of his protest, she opened her mouth and took him inside, to her throat.

Zach’s hands held her face, at first she thought to push her away, but instead, he weaved his fingers through her hair, giving her the freedom to take as much of him as she wanted. Inexperienced as she was with this kind of lovemaking, the groans and whispers of encouragement coming from above told her she was doing it right. A good thing, because she loved his taste.

“Stop … I can’t take much more.”

Neither could she. As much as she wanted to take him to completion and have him explode in her mouth, she couldn’t wait another second to have him deep inside the part of her throbbing to be filled.

She pulled away and scooted to the middle of the bed. Zach wasted no time pulling off his remaining clothes and then joined her. Before she could bring him to her and inside, she was startled when he pulled her into his arms and held her tight against him as if he never wanted to let her go.

“You okay?”

Breath shuddered through his big body. Not answering, he held her in his steely arms for a few more seconds and then he pulled back slightly to look down at her. The naked emotion on his face astounded her.

Her hand cupped his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Not a damn thing,” he muttered, and then covered her mouth with his. Plunging deep, his tongue tangled and dueled with hers. Grabbing his shoulders, Savannah held on, loving the fierceness and desperate need she felt in him.

Without taking his mouth from hers, Zach rolled her onto her back and came over her. Savannah wound one leg around his hip, inviting him inside. With one smooth, hard thrust, he was at last a part of her.

Sensation spiraled through him to Savannah, causing them both to climax simultaneously. Face buried against his shoulder, a small squeal erupted from her as a burning, consuming heat, like a thousand tiny suns, exploded within her. Zach stiffened in her arms and she felt his release. Holding him tight, she treasured the trembling of his big body, the groaning breaths, the gasping moans. Most of all, she treasured his whispered words: “Savannah … my love.”

Zach rolled over, surprised that Savannah was no longer beside him. For a man who’d spent much of his life hearing and reacting to the slightest noise, not hearing Savannah leave the bed should concern him. It didn’t. There was no one he trusted more than this woman. Years ago, she’d stolen his heart with her honesty. Nothing had changed.

Raising his head, he spotted her across the room, standing beside the bureau next to the window. Rain bashed against the windowpane. It was abnormally dark for the middle of the day, but Savannah seemed like sunshine. Long, wavy blond hair reached below her shoulders, wild, untamed, and exactly how he loved it. Her skin still held that luminescent glow as if a candle burned within her. The shirt he’d worn earlier hung on her slender frame, landing at mid-thigh and revealing those long, silky legs that had recently been wrapped around him.

Apparently realizing she was being watched, she turned and gave a slow, sexy smile. “I didn’t realize you were such a good photographer.”

He’d been so focused on admiring her, he hadn’t realized that she was looking at the pictures on the bureau. “I never even owned a camera until I went into the army. I traveled to some amazing places and thought I’d just take a few shots here and there. The moment I put the camera in my hand, it was like I’d been missing an appendage.”

She picked up one of his favorites—a little Afghan boy, about five years old, holding a ragged teddy bear in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other. Zach had been on foot patrol and had spotted the kid. He’d taken the chocolate out of his backpack and offered it to him. The kid’s two front teeth were missing and every soldier who’d witnessed his smile that day had been touched. Zach had snapped the shot and knew he would never consider giving the photograph to anyone else. He’d had more than a few people offer him money for his work. He had never taken photos for money—every picture meant something to him that money couldn’t replace.

“That’s one of my favorites.”

She laughed. “The chocolate bar probably helped with that smile.”

He didn’t bother to tell her that later that day, the entire village had been wiped out by a tribe of militants who were punishing the villagers for offering aid to them. Some memories were meant to be buried a thousand miles deep.

“Your house is amazing. I had only seen the outside of it before, but I can tell you did a lot of work on the inside, too. Everything seems fresh and new.”

Yeah, he had practically gutted the house. There might’ve been a few good memories here that he didn’t mind remaining, but for the most part, it had been a major catharsis to get rid of everything that reminded him of his childhood.

“After I moved back here, I started up a small construction business. No major building, just renovating. This house was my office, too, so I wanted it to look nice.”

“What happened to your business?”

“I turned it over to one of my workers. I still help him out from time to time, but being police chief keeps me plenty busy.”

BOOK: Midnight Secrets
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