Midnight Squad: The Grim (57 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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“So what does that mean exactly?” I asked nervously.

“It means that you’ll have all the powers and abilities
that I granted to Death. When the time comes, you’ll carry out your position.
In the meantime I’ll sometimes send you on…errands.” Jesus leaned back and
studied me. “Grim, I chose you because it takes a certain type of mentality to
be Death. It’s more than just walking around scaring people. You are more than
just a Halloween decoration, or a biker’s tattoo. I chose you because I believe
you can do it, and also because you had a pretty high recommendation.” He
gestured for me to turn around.

Standing behind me was a man that looked a lot like me. I
knew immediately who it was. It was my father. We cried and hugged each other.
Jesus finished polishing the sword and put it up. After spending a few minutes
with my father I turned around and looked at Jesus, “You had this all planned
out didn’t you?” I said suspiciously.

Jesus shrugged, “I am the great creator of things so I
always have a plan.”

“So you knew how it would all end?”

Jesus shook his head, “No, I give everyone a chance. Free
will means this could have gone many different ways. If Death had just followed
me instead of his own desires, then this would all have been unnecessary. You
were my first choice to take his place, but you weren’t my only option. It’s as
the bible says. Many are called, but only a few are chosen. Now remember, just
because you have all this new power doesn’t mean you’re indestructible. You can
still die, so be careful. Now we need to get you back. Your friends are getting
worried about you.”

“Thank you.” I said. I turned around and hugged my father
one last time. Dad whispered, “I’m so proud of you. Now go kick some ass!” Mom
was right. I really was a lot like my father. Jesus cleared his throat to get
my attention. “We have one last thing to do before I send you back. I need to
give you the power. Jesus touched my chest and it glowed. Pain surged up
through my skin. Jesus looked over the side of the boat. Death’s body slowly
rose up from the water. When he was out of the water, I felt his power enter
me. When the power was in me, the pain went away. I looked down, and the cross
was gone. My eyes went up to Christ and he said, “The cross allows me to let
Death enter your body. Once it was inside you, there was no more need for the
cross. The cross helped you understand that death and killing isn’t something
to celebrate, but sometimes it is necessary. You are Death. Take some time to
enjoy life with your family, but start learning your powers.”

“How am I going to do that? I don’t even know what they
are.” I asked.

Jesus touched me on the forehead, “You’ll know them when
you wake up. Now go enjoy life. You are the Pale Rider. The Horseman Death
needs to ride the Earth. Spread my name. Show love and mercy where you can. The
time will come when you will carry out your duties. I don’t know when, but that
day will come. Now go home and we’ll talk again soon.” White light flashed
before my eyes and when I woke up, I was sitting in a comfortable hospital bed.

Penny was sitting next to me. She looked healthy and
beautiful. She smiled and started kissing me. I looked over and Mom was sitting
on the other side of the bed. The two most important women in my life were
watching over me.

“How long have I been out?” I asked.

Mom hugged me and said, “Two weeks. A lot has happened
while you were out.” Mom then got up and walked outside to call the others,
leaving just Penny and me alone in the hospital room. “So what happened while I
was out?” I said nervously.

Penny smiled, “After you killed Alhambra, DD searched the
computer to find the President. They’ve been rebuilding, but it’s going to take
awhile. The President wanted to present us with an award, but we wanted to wait
until you were awake and could accept it with us. It wouldn‘t be right if the
whole family wasn‘t there.” I smiled and nodded. I guess we were a family after

“When you killed Alhambra the energy backwash nearly
killed you. I tried to siphon off as much as I could, but it nearly took me
with you. If Janine and Katy hadn’t taken in as much energy as possible then
we’d both be dead. You just have to see Janine. She’s as real and solid as you
and me. She thinks it could be years before she needs any energy to sustain
herself, maybe decades, and Katy’s still crackling with power, and I’m…well
there’s no other way to word it. I’m alive.” She bounced a little as she said

“I know you’re alive.” I smiled.

“No silly. I mean I’m alive. I don’t have to think to
make my body function. It just works. I laugh, I cry, and even eat just as you
do. I’m as normal as you are. I still have the instincts of a vampire, as well
as the powers. When the power stopped flowing through you, I had burns all the
way to the bones in my hands, but I healed almost immediately. I didn’t feel
any of the power leave me to heal. Look at me Grim. I’m breathing, and my heart
is beating. I even had my period.” I grimaced a bit at that last part.

“Sorry, I guess that was a little too much information.
What I’m saying is that I’m an actual living, breathing vampire. It’s
amazing…it’s a miracle.” Penny was practically glowing. The others finally came
in through the door. They were so excited. My Dad, my sisters, everybody hugged
me. We laughed and joked. Finally, I sat up, and everyone gasped.

“What?” I asked.

“Grim, where’s your cross? Did you do something wrong?”
Janine said nervously.

I laughed, “No…you might say I got a promotion.”

The President held the awards celebration a few days after
they let me leave the hospital. National news agencies from all around the
world came to catch a glimpse of all the people that had saved America. The
President gave a long-winded speech that had me a little bored. Frankly when
you’ve stood eye to eye with god, meeting with other important people is kind
of a letdown.
Finally, he got to the
part where he handed out the awards. The President went down the line, “Niki
Peterson, I thank you for saving this country. Colonel Wilson Peterson, thank
you. Sergeant Joseph Reaper, thank you. Hugenia Berenza Peterson, thank you.
Penny Cooper, thank you. Danika Griffin, thank you. Katherine Delacruz, thank
you. Janine Lewis, thank you. On behalf of the people of the United States, I
wish to personally thank you all. You all saved our great nation. This country
owes you a debt.”

The ceremony erupted in applause. We ended up shaking
hands with various politicians and celebrities for almost an hour. It really
started getting old quick. Penny leaned over to me and whispered, “When can we
get out of here? I want to get you home.” I looked to my Dad, “Hey, can you
handle all this?” He just laughed, hugged my mom and nodded. I looked around
for a way out. People crushed in from all sides. We certainly weren’t going to
walk out, but I had an idea. A smile crawled up my face.

Penny whispered, “Grim? What are you thinking?”

I stepped forward, and gave a whistle. The ground under
me shook, and a pale horse rose up like smoke from the ground. Everyone gasped
while I sat astride the horse. I hadn’t really discussed my new powers with
anyone. I had been waiting for a good time to bring it up, but this was just
too much fun to turn down. I turned to Penny, “Need a lift little lady?” She
grinned and I helped her to slide onto the horse. I felt her arms around my
waist, and her chest pressed into my back. It felt so good. There was only one
thing missing. I looked to Katy, “You coming?” Katy stared at me with her mouth
open. When I stuck my hand out, she took it nervously. I gave a tug, and pulled
her up in front of me. I was now sandwiched between two beautiful women. I gave
a little kick to the horse, and we pushed our way through the crowd. Everyone
watched in stunned silence. We finally made it out of the room and Katy
whispered, “Where are we going?”

“I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” I said

smiled, “Well what are we going to do then?”

Penny reached forward and grabbed Katy’s hips, pulling
her back into me. My straining erection pressed against her lower back. I leaned
in and nibbled her neck, “Do you really need to ask?” Katy gasped in pleasure.
I chuckled as Penny pulled us all closer together. By the time Penny and I
finished with her it would be late into the night. It would be another full day
after that before we could get her post orgasm glow to fade enough that we
could all go out to eat together.

A week later, we had only left the bed a few
times to eat. Katy curled into my chest, “Well Grim, I guess I can’t complain
about not being satisfied anymore.”

I laughed, “Well, we do have made up for all your lost
time.” I kissed her forehead. Penny nuzzled into her neck making Katy gasp.
Penny lifted up and let Katy trace one of the vampire’s nipples with her
tongue. When she finished Katy sighed, “I wish I had breasts like those. I
turned over on top of her and lowered my face between her breasts. Katy
questioned, “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to do something I should have done when we
first got you in this bed. I’m going to motorboat the shit out these.” Katy
laughed when I buried my face into her perky breasts. She cackled and snorted
when I started moving my face back and force. Her laughter turned to moans of
pleasure when Penny buried her face between the witch’s thighs. It was going to
be another long, hard, wonderful night. Yep, sometimes life is good, very good


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