Midnight Squad: The Grim (25 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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Two hours later, we finally stepped out. I was straining
under the weight of her bags. Of course we had to pick a day when there was a
sale, and so I now was carrying enough shirts, pants, and dresses to crush a
pack mule. We’d bought enough shoes to supply a small country with enough
footwear to last them for years. DD went a little crazy with my cash, but
thankfully, they were paying me an obscene amount, and so even after the
shopping spree from hell, I had more money than I would have expected. We
walked out, went to the trailer, and finished loading just in time to see the
two saleswomen that had given DD so much trouble leaving for the day.
Apparently, their shift was over. They looked over at us, and I gave DD a quick
crack on the ass with my hand, “Get in that truck woman. We had better hurry
home while I can still control myself. Your man needs his medicine!” DD gave a
girlish squeal and slipped into the truck. I bounded into the drivers seat. We
gave the two girls a show as I leaned over and did my best to give DD a
regular, old-fashioned toe-curling kiss. Then as we drove away, both women were
still glaring. All I could think was this was the best shopping trip ever!

We found what
was hopefully a decent
Italian restaurant
, but you never can tell by appearances. It wasn’t
overly romantic, and that was good because I didn’t want DD to start getting
any ideas. Considering how we’d spent the last few hours, I thought there’d be
more sexual tension, but I laughed and joked with her as if she was a little
sister. For some reason our time spent together had erased any real sexual
tension that we might have had. Sure
still eye
humped me a bit, but she really didn’t put any effort into it. It was like how
a predator might give a weak little growl or roar to let the prey know that it
could still go after them if the mood hit just right, but they were really
happy just lounging around, and there’d be no pursuit if they could help it. We
finished dinner, I paid the bill, and we made our way back to the compound.

For most of the trip we just laughed and joked, but as we
neared home I had a few questions that needed answers.
who has access to the cameras?”
I watched, her knuckles turned white,
and she started chewing on her bottom lip. It clearly wasn’t a good sign.
“Well, the signals all go to a main
and the main
line can be accessed by anyone with the proper clearance. Why do you want to
know?” It was a good, albeit overly diplomatic answer. After working a few
security operations with politicians over the years my bullshit meter was off
the charts. Really all she had told me was that anyone that had access to the
cameras could access the cameras.

DD was already nervous, so instead of pushing her I did
my best to be subtle, “Ok, I was just worried because I had a view of everyone
on camera, and one of the cameras moved. So I was worried that maybe someone
might have hacked our security.” DD bit on it, “No, the security cameras are
safe. It’s probably just a short circuit. Anytime Ally or Katy hangs out in an
area too long, the electronics go funky. Lizzie complains about the cost of
replacements at every budget meeting. We used to have to replace the big screen
TV at least once a month until Lizzie put her foot down and said our magic
users could only use it during movie night. Katy was pissed; she couldn’t get
her life sized Vin Diesel fix. I guess it’s not the same on her forty-eight
inch television in her room. You know we actually buy TV’s in bulk? Just like
mustard at Costco. It’s unreal how much electronics we have to buy because of
those two. So what camera was it?”

“It was the camera that overlooks Alhambra’s bedroom.”
The best lie is the one that has a bit of truth in it, and I wanted DD back to
her flirty, mind in the gutter, self. Luckily, DD took the bait, “Oh you really
are a dirty boy. Don’t worry, your pervy little secret is safe with me. Just be
nice enough to warn me the next time you’re looking in on me. I might want to
dress up.” I let her keep taunting me for the next twenty miles before I
finally growled, “I don’t trust her, and I wanted to keep an eye on her.” DD
never let up, “Sure, that’s why it took you so long to come up with an answer
that doesn’t involve your pants around your ankles. I’m not judging but I am a
bit surprised it was Ally’s camera and not Penny’s.”

felt my face flush with embarrassment, and DD noticed and kindly changed the
subject. “So, thanks again for helping me with those two skanks. Grim, you
really are a lot different than I thought you’d be. After I read your file, I
thought we were getting some heartless psycho. I really expected you to be the
kind of man that drowns kittens and kicks puppies. I owe you an apology. I’m
really sorry.” I felt my throat tighten, and I had to blink away a few tears
before they could escape. Her words wouldn’t have touched me like they did, but
I could tell they came from her heart.

After driving a few minutes in silence I finally spoke.
“I don’t think your original opinion of me is that far
I’ve been looking back over my career and the one thing every mission had in
common was a high likelihood of collateral damage. Apparently, Uncle Sam thinks
I’m just a whack job with a gun. I’ve been going over my missions, and they chose
me because they knew I wouldn’t let the loss of a few innocent civilians get in
my way. To be honest, I‘m pretty sure they were right about me. I think over
the years I’ve been far too comfortable with the things I’ve done.” DD listened
quietly before putting her hand on my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze,
“You don’t seem so bad to me. I mean, don’t get me wrong. You look like the
Terminator’s bigger, meaner brother, but you’ve also been a very sweet man.
Everyone thinks the world of you…ok Ally probably still wants to squash you
like a bug, but the rest of us just love having you around. I know Penny enjoys
the challenge you bring. She’s so used to being the top badass in the place
that I think just having someone that might be able to give her a run for her
money has put an extra bounce in her step. Danika adores you like the big,
goofy, incestuous brother she never wanted. We’ve had to put her on Grimmy

stared at her in confusion, and that only made her laugh. Finally, when she composed
herself she continued, “We don’t let her talk to us about you, or your sister,
or anything related to you for more than five minutes at a time. So she tells
us everything she can, and then spends the rest of the time bouncing around
waiting to tell us the rest. She’s getting sneaky though, and now she makes
sure to finish her five minutes on a cliffhanger so we’ll ask her to continue.
She’s a sneaky one.” She leaned over hand hugged me,
“ Thank
you for today Grim. I’ve really enjoyed having the time to chat with you, and
do more than chat. You should charge for those kisses, or at least warn a girl.
Maybe tattoo something on your ass about objects are actually hotter than they
first appear.” I smiled nervously, I like her, but I didn’t want anything more
from her than friendship. DD seemed to sense my feelings, “I know nothing
romantic is going to happen between us,
all you
are way out of my league.”

“Hey that’s not fair. I think you are very pretty.” I
made sure to enunciate every word to drive the point home. I meant every word
of it. DD blushed, “Well thanks, but there’s no way someone like you would want
someone like me.” I pulled the truck over to the side of the road, and after we
came to a stop, I turned and said, “Listen, I admit you aren’t what most would
call traditionally beautiful, but you are still beautiful. Beauty changes, ask
Penny about it. I’m sure she’ll tell you that back in her day, they would call
her too thin, and you’d be their idea of sexiness. Beauty really is in the eye
of the beholder. I think you’re beautiful.” DD’s face turned sour, “Great, so
my problem is I’m too fat for this century, and too stupid to make a time

I glared at her, “You’re beautiful. Hell if Janine wasn’t
doing her own personal unique imitation of an alarm clock every day I’d
definitely be interested, but frankly I’d hope you’d want someone a little
better than me.” DD’s face flashed surprise, “You…you really mean it don’t you?
You really think I’m pretty.” I shook my head, “No, I said beautiful. If you’re
gonna make me discuss all this goopy touchy feely shit then the least you can
do is listen to what I’m saying.” She giggled, “So the only thing keeping you
from being interested in me is a ghost that’s more of a hornball than you are?”
I nodded, “Yeah pretty much, but that’s probably for the best though. I mean
you are a great catch. You’re smart, and sexy in your own way. You’re a
world-class flirt, and you just have a great way of making someone feel
special. You should want someone that can do all that for you. Let’s be honest.
If I went after you then it would be for sex. Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t
want to sell myself short, but I’m just a jarhead. I shoot things, and even
though I’m not stupid…I’m not anywhere in your ballpark. You start talking
about all that tech stuff that gets you so excited and my eyes glaze over. It’s
not that I’m not interested, but it’s that I’m not smart enough to follow all
of it. The idea that I might be able to offer you any stimulating conversation
is completely out of the question. The most I can give you is something
physical, and then afterwards what are we going to do for the other
twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes and forty-two seconds in the day? Ok
sure there’s sleep, but then what?” DD started laughing, and couldn’t stop.

She finally calmed down, “Oh Grimmy, I really needed
that. Thank you. Sometimes a woman just needs to hear they’re pretty.” I
interrupted, “I said beautiful. Still, you should give guys a chance to get to
know you. I mean you have a computer. Put yourself out there for them. I don’t
know anyone that could turn down that personality of yours.”

“Ok, I’ll try. Besides, if I tried to go out with you
Penny would rip my head off. The only reason Janine gets away with it is because
she’s already dead, and it’s not like Penny could do anything to her.” I
stared, “What? You mean Penny is interested?” I watched two green eyes roll
sarcastically, “Well duh! She’s pretty much all but declared you her own
personal property. I mean she doesn’t actually say anything, but we can all
tell, and besides, it’s pretty clear you’re twitterpated with her too.” I was
still stuck on the part about Penny declaring me her own personal property. I
could feel the butterflies in my stomach having kittens.

DD watched me, and apparently, she saw something in my
body language that told her everything because she nodded and pretended to make
a mark on something, “Scoreboard, just wait until I tell the others! That our
resident ass kicker is all moony-eyed over our own personal neck biter.” My
eyes pleaded with her. “Oh don’t look at me like that Grimmy.” She said
sympathetically, “Fine, I won’t tell anybody, but now we’re even for you
helping me out with those saleswomen.” I nodded gratefully.

“So were you really as bad as I thought you were?” DD
asked patiently. “Yeah, I started going back and trying to make a list of all
the innocent people I killed on missions. I’ve even been trying to find out
everything I could about them. I want to have more than just a name. I want to
know the people I hurt if I can. I think it’s the best I can do to honor their
memory. I haven’t done much for them up until now, so I’m going to do my best
to keep innocent people from being just an afterthought from now on. I’ll still
carry out my missions, but I want to do my best to protect people when
possible. I may not be able to avoid killing someone unnecessarily, but I sure
as hell can try.”

“You really are a good man Grimmy.” DD’s smile lit a tiny
fire in my coldest, darkest places. The warmth melted away so much anger,
bitterness, and frustration. My eyes watered, and I choked out, “No…I’m not…but
I’m trying to be.” I couldn’t help myself. I reached over and gave DD a big
hug. I could hear her gasping for air. I finally let her go and wiped the tears
away before they could start running down my face. “Sorry about that, I guess I
just needed to hear that.” I was still choking back the tears, but I had them
under control. DD was kind enough to avoid pressing it any further. Thankfully,
I was able to keep some dignity, but if she’d pressed it right then I think I’d
have balled like a baby.

I got my composure back and we started driving home. We
still had a long drive, and I was exhausted emotionally. DD put in a CD and we
listened to some cheesy pop tunes. They were all so horribly bad that you
couldn’t help but enjoy them. When we were a few minutes from home, DD dialed
the compound on her cell phone and told them to meet us. It wasn’t long until
we were pulling up to the compound. The others were all standing around waiting
on us. DD looked at me and said, “So we’re even right?” I nodded and put the
truck in park. “Great!” DD opened the door and yelled out to the other girls,
“Hey, you guys missed Grimmy getting all teary eyed. I told you that he’s a big
softy.” She turned back to me, “What? I never said I wouldn’t tell them about
you crying.” Then she bounded off to tell the others only God knows what. I
couldn’t help but chuckle. I had tried to get information from her, and she
ended up getting information from me. I was even more convinced that we were in
danger, but at least for a few moments I wasn’t worried about it. I know DD is
keeping secrets, but even with those secrets I still consider her a friend. She
was just a friend that might have dubious motivations. There’d be time to
stress out over this later, but for now I’m just going to enjoy watching a
friend giggle and joke with a bunch of other women that I was growing to
consider my friends.

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