Millionaire's Society Mistress (13 page)

BOOK: Millionaire's Society Mistress
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“Fiona…I think that…” her sentence tapering off as another voice, a deep male one had cried over her

“Fiona!!!” Fiona at his side freezing in trepidation as she had looked at the man coming down the stairs towards her. Craig had seen the haunted expression come to her eyes as he had looked towards where the other man was fast approaching them.

“Donald” she had whispered, the sound almost inaudible as alarm bells had sounded all through Craig, his eyes narrowing, as the other man ignoring him had moved up to Fiona pulling her into his arms and lifting her high before swinging her around.

“Oh Fiona Campbell how I have missed you” he had laughed as he had put her back down onto her feet, Fiona nervously laughing back, her eyes flying to Craig who had silently watched the scene unfold.

“Donald…it is nice to see you” she had spoken, her voice polite but stilted, her look showing embarrassment at his welcome and discomfort at his being there as she had moved back over to Craig sinking against him.

“Donald I would like you to meet my boyfriend Craig Thompson, Craig Donald MacKenzie”

The two men had regarded each other warily as they had taken each other’s hand, Donald not liking what he was seeing as was Craig. Donald MacKenzie was slightly shorter than him, with sparking blue eyes and dirty blond hair which was flicked across his handsome face. He had a ready smile and an easy charm, charm which he was aiming directly at Fiona, Craig not liking it one little bit.

Placing an arm around her shoulder in a possessive gesture, he had given the other man a warm half smile, the warmth not reaching his eyes, happy to see the hard look which had come into Donald’s eyes.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Donald” before looking down at Fiona who had stood silently watching the exchange between the two sensing the friction between them.

Moving forward Robert MacKenzie had given his son a warning look.

“Dinner is at seven and the Ceilidh starts at eight, so perhaps Craig if you would like to put your bags in your room we can have that talk in say…ten minutes”

Donald smiling widely

“Well if you are going to talk business then I can show Fiona the horses” looking deeply into her eyes

“You can see Black again”

Craig had frowned, uncomfortable at Fiona being in the other man’s company, however, the talk was important and giving Robert a smile he had nodded

“Ten minutes it is” before moving his arm to take her hand, leading her up the stairs as he had followed the butler to their room.

As the door had closed he had turned to glare at Fiona.

“You knew he would be here?” he had thrown at her watching as in almost defeat she had moved to sink down onto the bed, her hands clasped before her. She had nodded, a sadness falling over her as she had looked back at him with eyes that showed the pain filling her.

“Yes…I knew. It is Bob’s birthday; didn’t you think that his son would be expected here?”

Sucking air in between his teeth he had moved forward angrily

“Why the hell did you not say?”

Fiona pushing her hair from her face, as she had shrugged softly

“Because it didn’t matter”

Looking incredulously back at her he had stammered

“Didn’t matter?”

Fiona sighing heavily once more, a strange resignation in her voice

“This meeting didn’t have anything to do with me. It was for your sake…you needed to speak with Bob and as was our agreement I was here to make sure that happened. Donald and I’s past had nothing to do with your meeting… or you”

His tone now angry as he had bitten out in a hushed voice

“Anything that might jeopardise my talks with Robert MacKenzie has something to do with me”

Giving a sad half laugh she had faced him

“Bob never lets anything influence his business decisions. Donald being here will have no sway on what he decides to do…when it comes to business Bob MacKenzie is as big a shark as you are Craig”

Her look full of sadness

“Do you really think I wanted to come here Craig? Because this is the last place I thought I would be…but your meeting is important so here we are…as promised”

Standing up once more she had moved over to the large bay window, leaning against the glass as she had looked sightlessly out at the rolling green countryside.

In a softer voice he had moved behind her, his arms moving around her waist to pull her in against his belly as his mouth had groaned softly against her neck.

“I’m sorry Fiona. It was just a shock”

Feeling as she had allowed him to hold her, her head leaning against his shoulder.

“He still wants you, you know that” he had whispered, as she had nodded slowly

“I know”

Her only comment as he had turned her slowly in his arms, his fingers pushing away the stray hairs cupping her lovely face, the sadness so evident in her beautiful eyes.

“I wish I hadn’t put you in this position Fiona” all he had said, a strange light filling her as a small smile had touched the corner of her lips, as she had heard the honesty in his voice, her arms sliding around his waist as Craig had dropped his head to kiss her.

Breaking apart with a sigh she had smiled up at him.

“Well you had better go to your meeting…good luck with that. I think that I will unpack and maybe hide out here till dinner” Craig smiling softly down at her.

“Sounds like a plan…hope it works out for you” his eyes now dancing with mischief as she had grinned back nodding her head in agreement.

“Yeah…me too”

With a final kiss he had picked up his briefcase and the box containing the whiskey before giving a final wave and slipping out of their door.

For an hour she had busied herself, firstly unpacking ensuring that the few pocessions they had brought with them were hung inside the large wardrobe, allowing his kilt to fall naturally on the hanger free from the coverings. Having completed that one chore, she had then pulled out her eBook reader curling up on the bed to read a novel she had started over two weeks previously. Giving a wry smile at how her Christmas plans had unravelled, a small smile playing on her lips at the memory.

The knock on her door had not been unexpected, as with a sigh she had moved to answer it. Donald had stood looking down on her, a knowing look on his face.

“Do you plan on avoiding me forever Fiona?”

She not even trying to deny it as she had given a smile back

“Yes, that was my plan”

With a small chuckle he had held his ground.

“Well the way I see it…I could come in to keep you company…or we could take a walk down to the stables…It seems wrong you cooped up in this room when there is no telling how long my dad will keep your…friend”

Fiona aware of the discomfort from him as he had said the final word.

“Look Donald…I just think it would be a bad idea that is all”

His face full of laughter now he had nodded

“In that case I must assume that you are still not over me…and I am given renewed hope for the future”

With an irritated sigh she had shaken her head before grabbing her coat and closing over the door to their room.

“Fine. If walking to the stables is what it takes to make you see that I am over you Donald…then so be it”

Giving a small groan as he had smiled widely, realising that just as he had always been able to do in the past he had manipulated her into doing what he wanted. As they had left the house both moving together he had looked at her, his expression more serious.

“I have to say Fiona that I wouldn’t have thought Craig Thompson was your type. Man seems a little cold…aloof and his reputation…well let’s just say he is not exactly a saint”

Giving a small laugh she had shaken her head softly

“Have you been Googling him Donald?” hearing the nervous laugh from beside her as he had inclined his head

“Maybe. He has dated some gorgeous models and a few actresses that even I have heard of…like I said I wouldn’t have pegged him as your type…seems a bit of a player”

Giving a small snort she had peeked across at him her eyes harder.

“Well one thing I find about Craig, is that I always know where I stand, I don’t have to worry about him sneaking off with other women behind my back”.

Donald’s voice firmer

“Are you so sure about that? Once a player always a player”

Fiona pausing to look up at the man walking by her side

“Well while I agree with you Donald, I trust him because he is not the type to sneak around, why would he bother? If he wanted to see somebody else he would do it, and he wouldn’t hide the fact”

Donald wincing at the words meant for him. As he had looked back at her, his expression one full of sorrow, she had clenched her fists tighter moving purposefully once more to the stables, quickly crossing the small distance to the cobbled yard.

With a laugh she had moved over to one stable in particular, her genuine smile lighting up her lovely features as she had let the horse inside nuzzle against her.

“Hello Blackie” she had smiled, running her hand down his muzzle and tickling his upper lip as she knew he liked

“Did you miss me?” her voice soothing as the horse had whinnied gently. Beside her Donald had put his arm out to hold her arm, Fiona looking up at him with a small frown

“He isn’t the only one that missed you” his eyes delving so deeply into hers.

Turning to move away, he had taken her elbow, spinning her around and pulling her in closer

“Please Fiona, let’s just talk about it … I miss you so much”

Looking to the side she had bitten her lip as she had shaken her head more firmly

“There is nothing to talk about Donald. It ended over a year ago. You should go back to your wife and child, they need you….I don’t”

He had lifted a hand to run it along her cheek, Fiona finally looking into his eyes seeing real hurt in his

“I made a mistake Fiona, one that I have been living with for so long. I loved you…I still love you, and I want us to put it behind us and move on together. Pulling her into his arms his lips gently kissing along her brow

“Please, we can make this work. I know that I can make you happy…please give me the chance to make things right”

Fiona had shivered as so many memories had flooded through her, a tear rising to her eyes as she had pushed him away, needing to put distance between them her voice haunted now as she had stared back at him.

“A mistake….you are calling it a mistake Donald. Your son was the result of that mistake, an innocent child”.

Once more Donald had moved closer his face pleading with her

“It is over with Sarah and I Fiona. I was a fool to get involved with her. She is crazy and I’m fighting for custody of Ewan” Pulling a picture from his pocket he had held it up for her to see the gorgeous little boy, so like his father

“He is a wonderful boy Fiona, you would love him…and he would love you. I want the three of us to be a family”

Fiona staring back at him with incredulity, as she had violently shaken her head from side to side.

“NO… absolutely not. We had our time Donald, and I refuse to get dragged into your and Sarah’s problems”

Turning she had started to move back to the safety of the house, chastising herself for allowing him to lead her to the seclusion of the stables. He however, had moved quicker, pulling her around and into his arms once more

“No Fiona. This time you will not get away from me. This time I am going to fight for you…for us” his mouth descending as he had kissed her, his kiss so familiar so full of passion. For a fraction of a second she had remained still in his arms, her body frozen with indecision, before Craig’s face had filled her mind, Fiona pushing him from her as she had held up her hand.

“No…it is over Donald. Don’t touch me again” her voice breaking as in a tortured whisper she had finished “please” the pain so evident in her eyes before she had turned and ran back towards the main house. Donald had groaned, watching as she had fled, his hands on his hips as he had looked heavenward swearing softly under his breath.

Chapter Nine

In the trees Craig Thompson had watched the drama unfold, his mouth tightening angrily. Having finished the meeting early he had seen the two moving from the house, frowning as he had made to catch up with them clearing the corner in time to see as Donald had kissed Fiona…his Fiona, the jealousy ripping through him.

Turning he had followed her back to the house, his mind full of the sight of her in the other man’s arms, trying hard to calm the anger that invaded every part of him. Pausing to collect himself, he had moved into the room, Fiona jumping as she had stood by the window, her back to him.

“Y…your meeting finished early” she had said softly, still not looking at him as he had moved closer to her, his voice tinged with barely controlled rage.

“Actually It finished earlier”

Fiona not commenting

“I saw you with Donald and decided to try and catch up with you”

Hearing this she had spun around, Craig gasping seeing her tear-streaked face as she had dashed the back of her hand over her cheeks, her face distraught.

“Did you see us?” she had gasped, groaning with pain, looking up as another sob had left her.

Moving forward he had pulled her into his arms, the anger leaving him his only need to hold her, console her.

“It ‘s OK Fiona” he had soothed softly against her hair as she had flung her arms around him, not sure why he had felt panic, the thought that she was still in love with Donald MacKenzie affecting him. Letting her sob against his shoulder until the sounds had become small snuffles. Pulling back he had led her to the small settee in the room, sitting down and looking deeply into her reddened eyes.

“OK Fiona…maybe it’s time that you told me what happened”

She regarding him so unsure before giving a small sad sigh and starting to talk slowly, her voice lacklustre and emotionless.

“Donald and I started to date when I was 20. He completely swept me off my feet”

Giving a wry smile

“You’ve seen him…tall, handsome with a smile that could melt any woman’s heart. I was completely under his spell and amazed that of all the woman he could have had he had chosen me. When I was 22 he proposed and I accepted, we were planning a huge society wedding…… was going to be amazing”

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