Millions Like Us (83 page)

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Authors: Virginia Nicholson

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page 329.
‘In Slough, Maggie Joy Blunt …’: MO.
page 329.
‘Barbara Pym often felt …’: Pym,
A Very Private Eye
page 329.
‘Mary Wesley remarked …’: see Marnham,
Wild Mary.
pages 329–30.
‘In Paris …’: Cooper,
Trumpets from the Steep
page 330.
‘People laughed when …’: cited in Longmate,
How We Lived Then
pages 330–31.
‘The middle-aged novelist …’: Ursula Bloom,
pages 331–2.
‘But Nina Mabey couldn’t be there …’: NB/TIME.
page 332.
‘Naomi Mitchison had come down …’: Calder,
The Nine Lives
pages 332–3.
‘Some Tories, like Virginia Graham …’: see Anne Harvey’s preface to Virginia Graham,
Consider the Years
page 333.
‘Nella Last called in …’: NL/NLW.
page 333.
‘Ursula Bloom felt …’: Ursula Bloom,
page 334.
‘Thelma Ryder felt …’: TR/A.
pages 334–5.
‘At last, at long last! …’: cited in Koa Wing,
Our Longest Days.
page 335.
‘Eileen Jones …’: BBC/PW, article ID: A4506851.
page 335.
‘One despairing woman …’: Mass Observation,
Peace and the Public.
page 335.
‘Ursula Bloom spent …’: Bloom,
page 335.
‘Nella Last felt …’: NL/NLW.
page 335.
‘Frances Partridge …’: FP/PW.
page 336.
Daily Mail
columnist …’:
Daily Mail
, 9 August 1945.
pages 336–7.
‘On VJ-day Lorna Bradey …’: LK/MD.
pages 337–8.
‘For Phyllis Noble …’: PW/CAW.
page 338.
‘Helen Forrester too …’: HF/LIME.
pages 338–9.
‘Monica Littleboy’s memories …’: MS/MEM.
pages 339–40.
‘Thelma Ryder was luckier …’: TR/A.

Chapter 11: Picking Up the Threads

pages 341–2.
‘When the war ended …’: MO.
page 343.
‘Ex-FANY Margaret Herbertson …’: Mar.P/A.
page 343.
‘Mike Morris …’ etc: for all sources see under individual names in abbreviations list.
page 344.
‘The rejoicing had gone sour …’: Bloom,
page 344.

Woman’s Own
columnist …’:
Woman’s Own
, March 1946.
page 345.
‘One uniformed bride-to-be …’: cited in Sheridan, ed.,
Wartime Women
pages 345–6.
‘Nurse Helen Vlasto …’: HL/CI.
page 346.
‘the white flame …’: NL/NLW.
pages 346–7.
‘Ex-Flight Officer Wyndham …’: JW/AO.
pages 347–8.
‘Wren telegraphist …’: letter to author from Anne Glynn-Jones.
page 348.
‘Flo Mahony thrived …’: FM/A.
page 348.
‘An edifice seemed …’: PB/WAAF.
page 348.
‘Stoker Wren Rozelle Raynes …’: Raynes,
Maid Matelot
page 349.
‘But Jean McFadyen …’: JP/A.
pages 350–51.
‘When Joan and Les Kelsall …’: JK/A.
page 351.
‘Four walls and a roof …’: cited in Kynaston,
Austerity Britain
pages 351–2.
‘the squatting bandwagon …’: see Addison,
Now the War Is Over
page 352.
‘The journalist Mollie Panter-Downes …’: MP-D/NY.
pages 352–3.
‘Nella Last was open-eyed …’: NL/NLP.
page 353.
‘The new world was hard …’: Bloom,
page 353.
‘All too often …’: MP-D/NY.
pages 353–4.
‘The writer Angela du Maurier …’: Angela du Maurier,
It’s Only the Sister: An Autobiography
page 354.
‘The diarist Maggie Joy Blunt …’: MO.
page 354.
‘Nevertheless, Mary Manton …’:
Daily Sketch
, November 1945.
pages 354–5.
‘Sylvia Duncan was another …’:
Daily Sketch
, February 1946.
page 355.
‘ “E”, writing to the
Daily Mail
Daily Mail
, 16 October 1945.
page 355.
‘Nella Last tried to identify …’: NL/NLP.
page 355.
‘There is not room …’:
Daily Mail
, 16 August 1945.
pages 355–6.
‘Helen Forrester put her devastated …’: HF/LIME.
page 356.
Flo Mahony was demobilised …’: FM/A.
pages 356–8.
‘VAD Helen Vlasto …’: HL/CI.
pages 358–9.
‘Joan Wyndham put £5 …’: JW/AO.
pages 359–61.
‘Verily Anderson was almost never …’: VA/SPAM.
page 361.
‘Good morning, my sweet …’: cited in Susan Briggs,
Keep Smiling Through: The Home Front 1939–45
page 362.
‘the historian Harold L. Smith …’: Smith, ‘The Effect of War on the Status of Women’.
pages 362–4.
‘One of these was Dolly Scannell …’: Scannell,
Dolly’s War
page 363.
‘Don’t expect to pick up …’: cited in Summers,
Stranger in the House
page 365.
‘Probably, “When I was in Peshawar in ’43” …’: These examples cited by ibid., Alan Allport,
Demobbed: Coming Home After the Second World War
, and various contemporary newspaper articles and correspondence.
page 365.
‘Desert rat Charles Hopkinson …’: cited in Wicks,
Welcome Home
pages 365–7.
‘Once demobbed, Chas Scannell …’: Scannell,
Dolly’s War.
page 366.
‘Cookery expert Marguerite Patten’s …’: MP/A.
page 367.
‘Ann Temple’s finger …’: article and correspondence in
Daily Mail
, 16 October 1945.
page 369.
‘the big-hearted tolerance of Greg James …’: cited in Summers,
Stranger in the House
page 369.
‘the murderous rage of Private Reginald Keymer … Sergeant Albert Nettleton … Private Cyril Patmore … ex-serviceman Leonard Holmes …’: see Allport,
pages 369–70.
‘One of the few things …’: MB/NGS.
page 370.
‘I am going to have …’:
, 23 February 1946.
page 370.
‘I am ashamed to say …’:
, 16 February 1946.
page 370.
‘I am engaged …’:
Woman’s Own
, March 1946.
pages 371–3.
‘Shortly after the liberation …’: MH/FARM.

Chapter 12: A Bitter Time

page 374.
‘the romantic fiction author Miss Florence Speed …’: Speed, Diary.
pages 374–5.
‘Three months earlier …’: from reports in
The Times
, the
Daily Sketch
pages 375–81.
‘More than 100,000 of these had married …’: see Shukert and Scibetta,
War Brides
; and
pages 376–8.
‘Victoria Stevenson …’:
Woman’s Own
, March 1946.
page 377.
‘But Elizabeth Jane Howard …’: EJH/A.
pages 378–9.
‘When she first met Kenneth Davis …’: MD/A.
pages 379–80.
‘Peggy came from a …’: Margaret H. Wharton,
Recollections of a GI War Bride: A Wiltshire Childhood
pages 380–81.
‘Elizabeth Jane Howard’s account …’: EJH/A.
page 380.
‘As one ex-Wren bride recalled …’:
page 381.
‘Fred – Fred – dear Fred …’: from
Brief Encounter
, script by Noël Coward, directed by David Lean.
pages 382–3.
‘One 8th Army driver …’: cited in Allport,
page 383.
‘One psychologist …’: Reg Ellery,
Psychiatric Aspects of Modern Warfare
, cited in ibid
pages 383–4.
‘In the spring of 1946 …’: NB/TIME.
pages 384–5.
‘Or take the case of …’: CL/A, CL/HAT.

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