Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)
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The drunk

s grin got bigger
“I’m Sal.” He stood and held out his hand to her. “
We ain

t strangers anymore
me on

I’ll show you a good time.”

Sal’s eyes traveled from her exposed legs to her breast
and never reached her face. If she hadn’t been playing a part, she would have knocked him on his ass and still
thought she
might. Claire reached up and put her hand in his, pushing herself up from the table. He threw his arm around her shoulder
, leaning on her to stay upright as they stumbled to the door.
Claire winked and smiled at Butch, hoping he got her cue to be close behind. If worse came to wors
, she could take the drunk, but she didn’t want to knock him unconscious before she got her answers.

They stumbled out into the fresh air
and Claire pulled in a lung
of air
, glad to be away from the smoke that was burning her eyes.
Claire managed to steer Sal arou
nd to the alley of the building. The alley was littered with paper and smelled like urine
but at lea
st they were alone.
She hadn’t planned this far ahead. She stopped and leaned her back against the wall.

I’m too drunk to walk any more. I need to rest, sexy.” She tried to look like she was about to pass out.
She leaned down and pulled the three
inch heels from her feet and let them dangle from her fingers by the straps.

Sal placed one of his palms on the building above her head. “Darlin

, we don’t need to go any f

He leaned down and placed
wet sloppy kiss
her neck.
Claire held back the shiver his kiss gave her.
She stopped his free hand
to fondle her breast.

“Not here
sugar.” The whisper had barely left her lips before
Butch’s big hand had grabbed
pulling him off her.

Sal stumbled
trying to regain his balance. His eyes got big before he held up his hands in surrender. Sal slurred his words. “Whoa
. We were just fooling around. She dragged me out
I didn’t know she was with you.”

Butch narrowed his eyes at the drunk. “She is.” He turned to Claire
ave you asked him

Claire shook her head

“Ask me what?” Sal said.

you got the check you tried to cash today.”

Sal looked around
the words seemed to have sobered him up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Butch swung, landing his fist to the drunk

s jaw
dropping him on his butt. He lay
the ground holding his bleeding lip
, staring up at them in shock
Claire straightened from the wall. All pretense of being drunk gone
, s
he grabbed hold of Butch’s arm, halting
Butch from advancing on him again
. “Don’t knock him out. We won’t ever find out.”

Sal pointed a finger at her. “You…you set this up.”

“We need answers
and you’re going to give them to us.”

Claire sta
rted her probe of his thoughts. Sal pushed himself off the pavement
is thoughts
The alcohol in his system
’s hit
might have knocked a few screws loose. His words didn’t make any sense.
He’s going to k
me... ruin
plan he had for them...
if it wasn’t for
their damn father.

Claire gasped as her hand flew to her mouth, taking in his last thought. “Who
plan and what about my dad?” She went to reach for him to shake some sense into him, but before she could
a gunshot rent the night
. Butch gabbed her
knocking her to the ground
covering her body with his
. He reached for his
grabbing it from his ankle
anning the top of the buildings.
Claire tried to look around him, but he blocked her view. He moved her back, pinning her against the brick wall. His voice was rough
“Keep your head down.”

He pointed his gun at the
, switching
his aim
between the two buildings
and stayed in that position until he heard sirens in the distance. Only then
did he give
her a little room to
. He pulled her up in his arms and cradled her head against his chest, holding it in place
restricting her movement. “Don’t look
baby. You don’t need to see this.”

Claire pushed
her palms against his chest
and turned her head. Sal’s lifeless body l
ay on the pavement in a pool of
blood. The
majority of the blood centered around a hole in his shirt.
An unshed tear fell down her cheek. She couldn’t pull her eyes away from Sal’s dead body. Her hand went to her mouth
covering it as she whispered. “We did this to him. If I hadn’t brought him outside, he’d still be alive. What have I done?”










Chapter 8




Butch pulled her back into his arms and held her
She’d almost
gotten them all killed in her quest for the truth
. He
scanned the
, looking again for the threat that hid in the shadows
Claire had seen Butch tense and the scowl on his face when Sal had his mouth on her neck and his hand reaching for her breast. She’d never seen that look on his face, and knew that it wasn’t going to be good. She’d just never have suspected the outcome they were faced with.
Claire’s fault that Sal died
it had
She could imagine the turmoil running through his mind, that it had all been his fault.
rang out in the distance
. S
omeone had called the cops
. W
hat felt like eternity passed until
he heard the screeching of the tires stopping at the end of the alley

People were talking
she’d zone out
She now had a dead man on her conscious, her mind raced with the repercussions.
Claire knew she was in shock but couldn’t seem to pull herself back to the living. Something warm
slid around her shoulders
but she didn’t know what. She
was lifted off her feet
and r
ealized it was Butch who had her wrapped in his
strong arms. Claire closed her
eyes and leaned into his
warm embrace
, wishing
of Sal
’s dead body
from her mind
. She w
ished she could
get back to
her quiet content life
before all of this
started. None of it made any sense
and somehow she knew it was just the beginning

“Claire, baby.
need to
go down to
the station. They want us to make a report.

Claire glanced
up into Butch’s eyes and
blinked several times before his words registered
. “You’re right
I need to
Mike and Abby.”

Butch set her on her feet and punched the numbers into the keypad to unlock his truck door. He scooped her back up in his arms and placed her in the seat before
the door and going arou
nd to the other side
climbing in

Her thoughts were as jumbled as Sal’s had been. What th
e hell was up with his thoughts?
They hadn’t gotten their answers
. T
he only thing he’d left her with was more questions and
who the hell
killed him. What had he meant about
his plan
and what about their father? This was getting more confusing by the minute.

Claire had been so focused on running the scene and the thoughts through her head that she hadn’t noticed they’d arrived
at the station
. After parking, Butch lowered her from the cab of the truck. He cupped her chin and
lifted her gaze up to his. “I’m so sorry
baby. I promised to protect you
and I almost got you killed

He lowered his lips to meet hers and placed a light kiss. “Let me do
the talking.”

It took a minute for his words to register. Had he really just blamed himself? Claire shook her head as
Butch grabbed her hand and walked up the steps to the precinct.

Claire tried to pull him to a stop. “Wait.”

She had no more than
said that
before Mike descended the stairs in two strides
crushed her in a bear hug, “What the hell were you thinking?”

They’d apparently been expected.

Claire pushed on her brother

s chest
and Mike glanced down at her clothing.
“And what the hell are you wearing?”

Mike reached out to touch Claire’s arm. He’d gotten an instant replay of the event that occurred, just not what she’d heard in Sal’s mind. Mike growled and turned
narrowing his eyes at Butch.

“What the hell were
thinking letting her go to that bar?
you were
supposed to
be protecting her, not
almost getting her killed
” Mike yelled at Butch.

grabbed Claire’s hand and lifted his chin.
“You know as well as I do that
if I
hadn’t taken
her, she would have
anyway. For god’s sake, look at how she came home dressed from Emma’s house.” Butch wa
his hand at Claire.

Claire touched Mike’s arm, drawing attention back to herself. “It isn’t his fault. He’s
I would have
and he protected me. You saw it yourself
he didn’t let anything happen to me.

Mike crossed his arms over his ches
t and glared down at his sister before his gaze traveled up and down the street. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside the precinct.

to give
, but I
read Sal’s thoughts before he got shot, and I
need you to get Abby and Emma and meet me at my house. There’s something else
going on that effects all of us

Mike was about to grill her
Jefferson walk through the door.
She remembered him helping Abby try to track down the killer that had targeted her, when Sam had came back to town. All of the cops had been in their lives in one way or another over the last year.
“This shouldn’t take long
. F
ollow me to the interrogation room. I’ll get you
statement and then let you go home. We know where to find you.”

Butch took Claire’s hand and pulled her down
the long corridor
, following Jefferson.

Jefferson hadn’t lied
only took
thirty minutes. Claire and Butch were signing their statement
when a somewhat familiar man walked in, dressed in jeans and a
-shirt. She’d seen him before, just couldn’t
place where
He had a file in his hand
and a frown marred on his lips.

Jefferson stood up. “This room is occupied
. I
f you need to make a report, just go back out to the front desk, and someone will be with you in a minute.” Jefferson walked to the door and pulled it open.

no can do
detective.” The man pulled out his wallet, opened it
and flashed
a shiny badge
at Jefferson. “I’m Special Agent Thompson with the FBI
and I have a few questions I’d like to ask them also. If you’
just excuse us.”

Jefferson glanced back at Butch. “Holler if you need me. I’m going to go check out his
I’ll be back in a few minutes.”




Thompson walked over to the table
dropping the file on the plastic surface; the expression on his face was a mask of stone, unreadable and calculating
. He sat down in the chair Jefferson had just vacated and opened the file.
Butch crossed his arms over his chest
glared at his old partner.
What the hell
he doing here?
They’d known each other for years. What Butch couldn’t figure out was what the heck he’d be doing in Southall.

“Thompson, what brings you to my neck of the woods?”

Thompson held out his hand
and Butch shook it. “It’s good to see you again,
Edwards.” He pulled his hand back. “Now can you tell me what business you had with Sal Santiago, and exactly why he ended up dead within fifteen minutes of meeting the blonde
” Thompson
as his head tilted toward Claire.

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