Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 2: Extraordinary Masterpiece from Famous Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. (An Unofficial Minecraft Books, Minecraft ... Minecraft Novels, Minecraft Kids Stories)

BOOK: Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 2: Extraordinary Masterpiece from Famous Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. (An Unofficial Minecraft Books, Minecraft ... Minecraft Novels, Minecraft Kids Stories)
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Chapter 1: An Unexpected Start

It was a beautiful day in the world of Minecraft, and Steve had just finished building his first house. It wasn’t all that impressive of a house— just four wooden walls and a roof. Steve was happy with it though, and it would keep the zombies out, so things were going pretty well. There was a sign beside the door that said ‘Steve’s House’.

              Steve walked around his house, making sure that everything was in order, then went inside and closed the door. The sun was just setting and strange growls and calls began to echo around the countryside. That was pretty normal for Minecraft, but then Steve

heard a new sound. There were a few thumping noises outside, then a sort of rustling sound, and last of all, a gravelly voice that said, very slowly, “…Sssteve…”

              Steve looked out of his door, but couldn’t see anything. There was more rustling, and finally, silence. The night passed slowly, and Steve spent the time crafting torches. He kept thinking of the voice. How did it know his name? Steve knew that zombies couldn’t talk, and while creepers did hiss, they certainly didn’t call people by name before blowing them up.

              Morning eventually came, and as Steve stepped outside, he saw that all the trees near his house had had all their leaves stripped off. The barren trees stood like telephone poles as Steve wondered what could have taken off all the leaves. There wasn’t any creature he could think of that did that.

Steve wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on, but he needed some better gear first. He didn’t have any iron tools yet, and his only armor was a pair of leather boots. Steve decided to go mining, so he grabbed his pickaxe and torches and headed underground. It wasn’t long before he had lots of coal and a good amount of iron ore to work with.

Steve had enough ore for a full set of equipment by the time he reached the surface. While the iron was smelting, he began making a little garden, plowing rows for the plants and digging trenches for water. Steve had always been a hard worker, and the garden was finished before it even began to get dark.

              Steve was sitting back and admiring his day’s work when he saw a pig ambling up towards the garden. The pig looked at Steve and Steve looked back at the pig. Steve picked up a carrot and gave it to the pig, which ate it quickly. The pig kept looking at Steve. “What are you looking at me for?” said Steve. “I already gave you a carrot.”

              The pig kept staring until Steve gave it another carrot. “To tell the truth, I wouldn’t mind having some company,” said Steve, “what with all the leaves missing from the trees and other strange things.” Just as the sun was setting, Steve added a little pig stable

to the side of his house for his new friend. He made a sign to put beside the door, then looked at the pig.

              “What do you want to be named?” The pig didn’t say anything. Steve thought for a while, then wrote ‘Pigphelas’ on the sign.

              It had been a good day. Steve was a bit worried about the thing that had come in the night before, but he had a good iron sword this time and felt ready for anything. Steve wished good night to Pigphelas and went inside as night fell for a second time.

Chapter 2: Looking For Answers

There were no strange sounds this night, only the usual groaning of zombies and rattling of skeletons far away. The morning came quickly and Steve was ready to start a new day. He decided to look around the nearby hills to see if trees had lost their leaves anywhere else; if so, he might be one step closer to finding the creature that had said his name that first night.

              Steve gathered his gear and prepared to set out. He had his sword, a pickaxe, an axe, and a full set of iron armor as well as other tools. He also packed some loaves of bread for himself and carrots for Pigphelas. Steve had made a saddle for Pigphelas during the night and it fit perfectly. Last of all, Steve picked up his bow and arrows. He got on Pigphelas’ back and they rode off towards the hills.

They were soon out of sight of the house and going up and down hills and through narrow valleys. They found a field of daisies and tulips and Steve dismounted and let Pigphelas graze for a while. Steve climbed a nearby hill and looked around. There was still no sign of barren trees or any strange creature. Steve sat down and ate some bread. Pigphelas ate more flowers.

              After the lunch break, Steve and Pigphelas went a bit further, but there still weren’t any clues as to where this creature might be. Steve was ready to turn around and go home when they suddenly came across something very strange. A smooth two by two tunnel had been dug into the side of a hill. Steve got off Pigphelas and

looked closer. There was no sense in it— Minecraft creatures couldn’t dig. The tunnel didn’t seem to have any use, either, as far as Steve could see. It just went about five blocks into the hill and stopped.

              Steve didn’t know what to think, and was poking around the tunnel with his shovel when there was a loud bang off to the south. Pigphelas was running around in circles as Steve leaped out of the tunnel to see what was going on. There was a cloud of smoke rising from the direction Steve and Pigphelas had come from. Things kept getting stranger, and the smoke was certainly not good news.

              Steve got on Pigphelas and they rode off. It didn’t take long for Steve to realize that the place the smoke was coming from was the very same valley where his house was. Pigphelas clambered up the last hill and Steve slid off the saddle and gasped. The little house was on fire and stone and wood were scattered everywhere. Even nearby trees were burning.

Steve ran towards the house, but he could tell there was no way to save it. He didn’t even have a bucket. All he could do was stand back and watch the home he had built burn to the ground. Pigphelas was rolling around on the ground.

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