Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 2: Extraordinary Masterpiece from Famous Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. (An Unofficial Minecraft Books, Minecraft ... Minecraft Novels, Minecraft Kids Stories) (2 page)

BOOK: Minecraft: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 2: Extraordinary Masterpiece from Famous Amazon #1 Bestselling Author. (An Unofficial Minecraft Books, Minecraft ... Minecraft Novels, Minecraft Kids Stories)
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The fire burned until nothing was left of the house except for the doorframe and the stone pillars at each corner. Steve picked his way through the ashes and saw that something else had survived the fire that he had never put there— a strange rock sat in the middle of the old house’s floor and on it were written the words ‘When you least expect it’, and at the bottom ‘Herobrine’.

              Steve sat down and sighed. He looked at the rock again and thought. All these things had to be connected— the leafless trees, the empty tunnel, and fire. They were things that only players were supposed to be able to do, but someone or something had been doing them and knew his name, too. And what was the message on

the rock supposed to mean? ‘When you least expect it’ was certainly true, but what was ‘Herobrine’? Was it a slogan? A signature? Maybe whatever had destroyed his house was called Herobrine.

              There was something unnatural going on in the world, and more than ever, Steve knew that he had to be the one to stop it. He could build another house, sure, but how would he know that same thing wouldn’t happen again? Steve stood up and looked over to where Pigphelas was now sleeping. This had to be dealt with at the source. Steve let Pigphelas sleep and began to look around the ruins of his house for anything useful that had survived the fire. He didn’t find much, but with the food and equipment he had taken on his journey earlier in the day, Steve thought that he had enough to go after this Herobrine creature.

              Steve spent the night in a tree, out of reach of zombies, while Pigphelas slept in the ruins of his stable. The zombies and skeletons didn’t seem to bother him for some reason.

In the morning, Steve gathered up his things and got ready to set off on an even bigger quest.

Chapter 3: Lost

              Steve and Pigphelas rode off over the hills, but this time, they had no home to go back to at the end of the day. Steve had mined the cobblestone from his old house and brought it along to make temporary shelters along the way, but he was determined not to settle down again until the strange creature had been dealt with.

              The forests and hills eventually gave way to grassy plains as Steve looked carefully for any sign of the creature. There were

herds of wild horses on the plains that turned and stared at Steve riding by on Pigphelas’s back. Occasionally, Pigphelas would stop and give the horses a funny look and they would go back to grazing.

              There were mountains in the distance and Steve was beginning to wonder how long it would take before they found the next clue. He had spotted a few more of the strange two by two tunnels in the hills sand even seen a tree without any leaves, but he and Pigphelas were still no closer to finding the source of all these strange things.

              Steve and Pigphelas made it to the mountains in no time at all. “What do you think will be on the other side Pigphelas?” Steve asked without expecting much of a reply from his pig friend. “I hope it will be something that will give us some answers,” he added on his way up the mountain.

              When they finally made it to the top Steve was amazed at what he saw. For as far as Steve could see, all that was visible was golden yellow sand sprinkled with shrubs and many cacti. Knowing that there was nothing for him to learn from the way he had come, Steve made the quick decision to head through the barren land in hope of finding some answers!

They were fast on their way to crossing the dessert, the sun was shining very bright and everything started to heat up fast. Tumble weeds blew pass Steve and Pigphelas, while giant cacti towered over them. “It doesn’t seem to end” murmured Steve to Pigphelas and Pigphelas gave a loud snort in agreement.

Hours went by and Steve was dying of thirst; Pigphelas and he had already drank the last of their water supply and the desert was not ending any time soon. Steve took off his helmet and scanned the flat dessert land. He was about to lose all hope of getting out of the dessert and finding the next clue, until he spotted something in the distance. He did not know if it was real or just a mirage, but what choice did Pigphelas and he have.

They got closer and closer to the faint object in the distance. The closer they got the more it looked like a mountain…wait, a building! “Please let it be a place with water and food!” exclaimed Steve, even Pigphelas was hoping the far off place would have tons of carrots!

Steve became more and more amazed the closer he and Pigphelas advanced towards the amazing structure. As they got closer Steve began to notice that this building was different; it was not the same as others he had ever seen. The first thing that caught his eye was the design of the structure. It was pyramid in shape with two giant rectangle columns in the front. It was not like the small pyramids he had seen previously in the hills.

The orange design on the columns looked like a cross with a helmet on top of it. The middle of the cross was missing though, really confusing Steve. He studied the design thinking in-depth if he knew what they were. After several minutes of thinking and discussing with Pigphelas he decided that he had no idea of what the designs meant or signified.

The last thing that Steve noticed were the various odd sandstone materials the building was made out of. He saw normal sandstone, smooth looking sandstone, and even sandstone with what looked like hieroglyphics on it! Steve wondered many things about this strange temple in the middle of nowhere; “how did it get here?”, “is it safe to enter?”, “is this the work of Herobrine?” Even though he was weary, he knew that he had no choice but to enter the temple. He was exhausted by now, out of water, and Pigphelas needed something to eat.

It was dark inside the temple, but thankfully Steve had a few spare torches he had brought with him.

They both walked slowly into the temple, looking around all he could see was columns and sand. “This place is so strange, I wonder if there’s anything useful in here?” said Steve, he was about to just give up and walk out when suddenly he saw Pigphelas digging at the floor. “What are you doing silly pig?” Steve exclaimed, but when he realized Pigphelas was not just joking around he pulled out his pickaxe and started to dig too.

Slowly but surely he made his way down with his companion thinking, how crazy he was for trusting a pig. After a handful of dug up sandstone they made it to the bottom of the temple and in the middle was a secret compartment with four buried chest! “Hooray! Pigphelas you did it!” Steve was so impressed with Pigphelas genius idea. One by one they opened the chests; a couple of carrots here, water there, an iron pickaxe in another. They were already happy with their findings but in the last chest was something Steve nor had Pigphelas ever seen before….It was a compass! Steve had heard about them, but had never seen one in real life or even held one! He knew that there was a reason they had gotten lost in the desert. He tucked away his new prize, ate a few carrots with Pigphelas and they both headed out of the mysterious temple and on their way into a plains biome; with compass in hand, he hoped to find the next clue to lead them to Herobrine.





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