Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents) (15 page)

BOOK: Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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An Unreasonable Request
jmiss wayneL

“Why are you pullin’ this shit on me right now? We got a house full of people out there and you askin’ for favors?” I ask Tyrone, as I replace the empty liquor bottles on the table with new ones. The mere sight of him disgusts me.

I still hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Adrian because he left for a couple of days to visit his cousin in Baltimore. But now that he was back home, I couldn’t wait for the party to be over so we could talk about what Chris told me when we were alone.

“Because you said I have to go. So I gotta earn some money to take care of myself otherwise I’ma be out on the streets, Wayne. You know you still love me even if you mad. I mean, we were friends. So I’m askin’ for help.”

As he’s talking to me, I get a flash of him being on top of me again. That vision comes to my mind every now and again but I never know why. What is this vision that is obviously trying to make itself known?

“I don’t see how that’s my problem. I gave you three weeks so as far as I’m concerned, I’ve done enough.”
“It’s not your problem. But can you please let me earn a couple of extra dollars on the night we have our parties by bringin’ in my own clients. I’ll even make sure that they pay you something at the door. And it’s only for three weeks and after that, I’m gone anyway.”
I know this fish is up to something…but what?
“You can bring in no more than two clients on party night. Mind you, this ain’t got shit to do with our regularly scheduled guests. And they still have to pay $100.00 at the door but you can keep the rest to yourself. Cool?”
“Yes! Thank you so much, Wayne.” He says hugging me.
“Girl move! With them underarms as strong as a backed up toilet bowel.”
“You won’t regret this I promise!” he says hopping away.
Just what is this bitch up to? I was still conducting a mental investigation when my phone rang. It’s Parade and she’s probably calling to give me an update on Miss Daffany’s condition, which had worsened since last we spoke. And although I was sending the money I earned from the parties to pay all of her health and living expenses, she was still depressed.
“Hey, Parade. How’s Daffany?”
“Miss Wayne, I need you to sit down,” as she’s talking to me, the fireman who saved Adrian from the fire walks inside my house. And since you had to RSVP to even attend our party, I was surprised to see his face. I had a feeling he was gay and this may prove it.
“Miss Wayne, look who I ran into at the store,” Adrian says. “He says he had been trying to find you.”
I smile and say, “Give me a second. I’m on a call.” My heart flutters wildly and I can’t wait to talk to him.
“Miss Wayne…I really need you to sit down,” Parade repeats.
“I can’t sit down, girl. I have a lot of stuff going on over here. We’re entertaining and I gotta make this money for me and Daffany.”
“Miss Wayne…please…for me.” Parade continues.
I stop what I’m doing and my eyes focus on the fireman again. “What is it, Parade? Just say it.”
“Daffany’s dead.” I can’t feel my legs. I can’t feel my feet. Total blackness

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