Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents) (23 page)

BOOK: Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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Red Light Special
jmiss wayneL

All of the ladies are in attendance including the ladies who usually help us out at the parties. We’re in the living room going over the details of our last event, and this would be one some of us would never forget.

“Okay babies! We have a busy night. The party list is jammed pack and we are sure to make a lot of cash. So…make sure we keep the liquor flowin’ and turn up the swag. Any questions?”

“No!” Adrian says. “But too be honest I didn’t know you were still going to throw the party this weekend. Considering that you want us gone.”

“Well we already had people on the way so the last show must go on. Plus I know you wanna make a little cash before you leave.”

“I guess we’re ready to go then!” Dayshawn adds.

“What about you, Tyrone? Are you ready to work?” I ask.
He’s quiet and the look in his eyes shows he
he knows something I don’t.
“I’m ready as I’m goin’ to be but I work at my own pace now. You need to know that tonight, Wayne. You’re not the boss of me anymore.”
I laugh and say, “Thank the queens on high for small favors.” With that I clap my hands together and say, “We have five minutes ‘til show time. Chop, chop!”
Twenty minutes after my little speech the house is jammed pack and I am excited. I had a heavy weekend ahead of me because tomorrow is the ball and I’m confident that we’re going to kill it. My house members from LA are already in town and were ready to walk the hell out of that ball girl. But instead of staying with me, I put them up in a hotel. A lot of shit popping off tonight so I wanted them as far away from here as possible.
While in the kitchen, someone knocks at the door and I wonder who it is. I look at my watch and walk to the door. Through the peephole, I see Ryan and on impulse, I look behind me to be sure Tyrone isn’t near, he isn’t. So I open the door.
“Here is what you needed.” Ryan says handing me an envelope. “I did everything you asked me to.”
“Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate you doing this for me.” I say tucking the envelope in my bra like I do everything else.
“It’s not a problem.” He smiles. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“What’s up?”
“I kinda want to sit down, and talk. Mind if I come in?”
He’s wearing a fresh pair of jeans, a dark blue button down and smells so fuckin’ good I want to bite him. The sleeves on his shirt are rolled up exposing his diamond Rolex watch.
“Ryan, I have a house full of people in here. So now is not a good time. But here is the money I owe you. It’s all there.”
If he takes it, I won’t fuck with him at all. And if I do give him the time of the day, it will only be on my terms.
He takes the money and frowns.
Bitch ass nigga!
I thought.
Then he looks into the house and sees Adrian, Tyrone and Miss Day walking around.
“Every time I come here they’re here.”
“’Cause you never have no time for me, but you always got time for them.”
Not wanting him in my business I say, “They don’t live here but they’re my friends. I’ll leave it at that. But Ryan, I really have to go now.”
“Damn! Fuck is wrong with you? I said I was sorry!”
Okay, this bitch is tripping for real. “Look, I forgive you…I really do. But like I said, I’m not interested in you like that. I’m a diva… and divas demand love and respect and you just showed me once again that you don’t get it.”
As I’m talking to him in the doorway, a man walks up behind him and says, “Is Tyrone here?”
“Yeah…go inside. It’s the third door on the right.”
When he walks deeper into the house I say, “Alright, Ryan. I’ll talk to you later. I need to keep an eye on what’s goin’ on.”
“You know what…I had no idea you could be so fuckin’ cold. So what…you don’t believe in second chances?”
“Well you won’t be hanging around long enough to find out,” I say tapping the envelope. Then I slam the door in his fuckin’ face.
He can kiss my ass. When I close the door, I swagger my sexiness back inside. By the way he went off, I can tell he’s feeling me way more than I could ever feel him. But I’m gonna make him sweat. And then maybe…just maybe, I’ll give him another chance to taste this fruit. But he could never make me do shit I don’t want to do. Believe that.

I Know What You Did Last Night
jspecial strangerL

“Excuse me…you can’t come in here.” Says Tyrone to the man entering his room. He was getting ready to entertain the guests Wayne scheduled for him in the living room.

“Oh you can make time for me.” The tall handsome man says. Wearing black slacks and a red shirt, he looks more reserved than the men he usually entertained.

“Sir…maybe you not hearin’ me. I said you can’t be in here right now. I’m waitin’ on someone else.”
“Who could you be waiting on, Tyrone? Tell me what else could possibly be more important than the man who wants to know what happened to his nephew?”
“I…I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
“I think you do,” he says in an angry voice. “Now take a seat.” When he doesn’t he says, “I won’t ask you nicely again.”
Tyrone stops what he’s doing looks into the stranger’s eyes and sits on the edge of the bed.
“Tyrone, let me not cut corners with you.” He starts sitting next to him. “I know everything about you and I also know you have something to do with the reason my sister is going crazy right now. She can’t seem to understand why her only child never came home last night. But I know what happened.” When Tyrone appears nervous he says, “But have no fear, I’m not going to tell her anything about you. That is, if you pay me.”
“I don’t know who you are, but I really think you have the wrong person.”
“Okay,” he says standing up. “Maybe the police will be more interested in what I have to say.”
“Please don’t go. I…I want to talk to you.”
“I’m glad you finally understand what’s going on,” he says sitting again. “Now this is what I want…I need five thousand dollars today and five thousand by the end of the week to be quiet. Once I collect the last five, you’ll have my complete silence and promise to never bother you again.” He smiles slyly. “Deal?”
“I don’t have that kind of money.”
“Tyrone, stop fuckin’ around with me! I know you got the money. I know what you do in here. Don’t make me take back my promise and settle for the two thousand dollar reward my family is raising instead. Either way it goes, I’m going to get something out of this.”
“O…Okay. Calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!”
“Please…I understand now. But can I ask you somethin’?”
“How did you find out he was here?” he asks in a low voice.
“He told me he was coming. We were close.
“What you mean?”
“I was the one who sent him to you. He wasn’t as feminine as I like my men to be, so I suggested he have the procedure. You know…get larger breasts.” He laughs. “At first we went to Miss P but she told me she wasn’t doing them no more and gave us your info. It was pretty much as easy as that. I also know that when I ain’t hear from him anymore, he must’ve died here.”
“Why would your nephew do something like that for you?”
“To keep me from leaving him. Let’s just say he didn’t want to be alone. So he did whatever I wanted him too. That boy sure did know how to suck a mean dick.”
“You were fuckin’ your own nephew?” he says with an evil glare. “You’re just like my uncle! A fuckin’ user!”
“Think what you want. But give me my money now.”
Tyrone frowns at him stands up and says, “Can you get the fuck off my bed please?”
When he does, Tyrone raises the mattress and removes a purple velvet satchel. Then he takes out five thousand dollars and hands it to him. With the money he gave Miss Rick, he was dead broke.
“Thanks.” The stranger smiles tucking the money inside his jeans. “Now let me let you get back to work. You have a lot of money to make up before the end of next week. And I don’t want any slacking on the job either.” He says pointing at him, “Because do or die, you will give me what’s owed to me.”

Long Shanks
janother special visitorL

“Tyrone, help me restock the liquor table.” Miss Wayne says to Tyrone who is in a slump. Ever since she’d been blackmailed out of her money earlier that night, she wasn’t in the mood to do anything else.

Reluctantly, she walks slowly over to the table and assists, Wayne anyway. While there, Adrian rushes toward him with a question.

“Tyrone…can I borrow your whip? I got a kinky trick over there and he’s my last one for tonight.”
“Yeah…whatever.” He says throwing an empty Vodka bottle in the trash, and putting a new one on the table in its place. “It’s in my room.”
“Is the door locked?”
“Thanks, Ty!” she says bopping away.
“So what’s up with you? You been actin’ funny ever since that guy left.” Wayne inquires. “Who was he anyway?”
“Nobody you have to worry about.”
“I hope not. Because after last night, I don’t want no more drama in here when it comes to you.” Wayne says throwing another empty bottle in the trash next to the table.
Tyrone rolls his eyes when Wayne isn’t looking and asks, “Wayne…I need a favor. I’m in a bind.”
“And what is this favor you’re askin’ me for?” Wayne asks in a suspicious tone. “’Cause you ain’t got no more favors comin’ your way from me no time soon.”
“I know I shouldn’t be askin’ you, but this is serious. I really need your help or we all may be in trouble.”
Wayne turns to look at her and says, “
all will be in trouble? Why do I get the impression that whenever you say
, you really mean
“Wayne, I don’t got time for all this shit…all I know is that I need to borrow five thousand dollars. You got me or what?”
Wayne laughs so hard his stomach aches. Placing his hand on her back he says, “I can tell you right now that that’s not even happenin’, and I know you know that.”
Pissed, and not sure what to do next, He storms away.
“Tyrone…come back.” Wayne says. “I’ll make a deal with you.”
Tyrone walks back and says, “Anyway you can help me will be greatly appreciated.”
“Entertain the last customer over there, and I’ll give you twenty percent of tonight’s cut. The rest of the girls are beat and he’s the only one left.”
“20 percent?” he repeats. “Are you serious?”
“You heard me right.”
Tyrone looks at the thug trade sitting on the sofa and says, “Make me a drink and I’ll do it.”
Immediately Tyrone knew something was different about the last trade. Although he was a thug, his eyebrows were slightly arched and he could tell he got his nails done on regular. Wearing a pair of Rock and Republic jeans, a white t-shirt and white Louis Vuitton shoes, Tyrone smelled nothin’ but money.
Walking over to the trade Tyrone says, “I’m Sweet Ty, please come with me.”
When they get to his bedroom door, Adrian walks out with the whip he asked to borrow in his hand. “Thanks, Ty. I’ll bring it back when I’m done.”
When Adrian leaves, they walk inside Tyrone’s room and he nonchalantly asks, “So what are you lookin’ for tonight? Are you a top or bottom?”
“Right now I just want some conversation and we’ll see where the night leads us.”
This irritated Tyrone because he wasn’t feeling the romance scenario. He wanted to fuck this nigga and come up on twenty percent of Wayne’s profits, nothing more, nothing less. Now he was realizing he’d have to put in more work than he planned.
“So what do you want to talk about?” Tyrone sighs.
“I’m not sure. I mean, it depends.”
The more Tyrone looked into his face, the more he believed he seemed out of place. He could easily see him dressing in drag. Not only that, he didn’t look like he was from anywhere near D.C.
“What does it depend on?”
“On how versed you are.”
Tyrone rolls his eyes and says, “Look, are we fuckin’ or not? I’m not tryin’ to hear all that college talk and shit.”
“I already told you what I want…conversation. And if you can’t give it to me, then maybe somebody else will. I will tell you this though, I had plans to tip real good.”
Realizing he was about to lose his cut of the profits and a tip he says, “If you ask, me there isn’t a whole lot to say. You like men and I am one. You want to have fun and I want to please you.”
“Here’s your drink, Ty,” Adrian says walking into the room.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt but Wayne told me you asked for a drink earlier. So here it is.”
“Oh…yeah…thanks.” Tyrone downs the tall glass of his favorite poison, Vodka and OJ mixed, and says, “So let’s speed this up a little. I have some other things going on tonight.”
“Fine…so let me start then,” the stranger smiles. “I finally figured out what I want to talk about.”
“And what’s that?”
“I want to talk about how I’ve been waiting for you all night.” He says smiling into his eyes. “And that I asked for you by name.”
“Oh really? And why is that?”
“Because somebody out there is playing matchmaker. They happen to believe that you’re a perfect fit for me. What do you think about that?”
Tyrone yawns and says, “We won’t know unless we get this over with.”
“I’m serious…they think you and I deserve each other.”
“You must really be confused now.” Tyrone swallows the rest of the liquor in the glass. “Because ain’t nobody out there looking out for me or you.”
“Then you don’t know your friends very well. Anytime Wayne brings me all the way from LA, to put in work for him, I take it that the offense is warranted.”
Tyrone eyes widen and he tries to move…but suddenly his arms and legs feel limp and he knows immediately that he’d been drugged. He was familiar because of all those times his uncle would drug him to use his body for sexual pleasures.
“What are you going to do to me?” Tyrone tries to move again but it doesn’t work.
Without answering, the stranger cocks back and steals Tyrone in the face so hard he passes out cold.

An Hour Later

When Tyrone awakens, he is hog tied to the bed, lying on his stomach, naked from the waist down. When he looks around, he’s able to see a table full of items that scare the hell out of him. On top of the table were five dildos as long as the length of a forearm and a box of saltine crackers.

“Can…can you please tell me why you’re doing this?” Tyrone moans.
“Great! You’re up! I need you awake for what I have planned for you. I was thinkin’ to myself, SELF, there is no way on earth we’re going to allow him to sleep through the party.” He says, his voice more feminine than before. Tyrone knew immediately that he was a queen.
“Wayne!!!! Adrian!!!!!! Help me!!!!” Tyrone screams.
He waits for a second and no one comes to the rescue.
“Awe come on…you’re being ungrateful and I didn’t even start yet. Relax because we’re going to be together for a while. And trust me when I say, even if someone was here, they wouldn’t come to your rescue.”
“What is this about?”
“Well, for starters you raped our house mother, Wayne. Didn’t you, Tyrone?”
How could he know that shit?
Tyrone thought. He never told anybody about that night and he felt if Wayne remembered, that he would have said something to him a long time ago.
“What are you talkin’ about? I didn’t rape anybody.”
“Let me tell you how this is going to go down…you can be honest and take two of these up the ass ten times each or I can put all five in your ass until I get tired. Your call.”
“Please,” Tyrone sobs. “Don’t do this to me. I didn’t do anything to Wayne!”
“I’m going to ask you one last time, and you better think carefully, did you rape my house mother, Wayne?” This time he picked up one of the dildos and shook it a little…he wanted him to see that it barely moved.
“Can you call Wayne first? Maybe we can talk about this and clear things up.”
“Bitch, I’m done playin’ games with you! Now you’re wastin’ fuckin’ time and I hate my time wasted! Answer my question!”
Tyrone knows now that everything that happened earlier that night was a set up. From Wayne saying that one trade was left, to Adrian coming into his room to borrow a whip.
“So Wayne put somethin’ in my drink?”
“What do you think?” the stranger laughs. “Let’s just say that it’s the same shit you’ve put in everybody else’s drink. Adrian’s included.” He smiles. “What kind of man are you? To rape mothafuckas?”
She knew then that there was nothing else he could do but come clean about everything.
“I…I did it, rape Wayne.” He says with optimism. “But I thought he wanted it at first. I didn’t know he was too high to remember.”
“You are the worse human being I’ve ever met in my life,” the stranger says, “next to me.”
When the stranger walks up to him, and stuffs five saltine crackers in his mouth, he waits for him to chew them all. After he’s done, he stuff five more down his throat.”
“P…Please, can I have some water.”
The stranger laughs and says, “People in hell want water, but they don’t always get what they want do they? I wonder how many people wanted you
rape them? Yet you did anyway.” Then he takes a dildo off the table and puts it in Tyrone’s hand. “Touch this. I want you to see that this shit ain’t hardly rubber.”
He touches it and says, “Why does it feel gritty and hard?”
“Because it’s gonna rip your ass in two. Unless,” he pauses, “we have some KY Jelly over here on this table.” He scans his table. “That way it’ll go in smoother because I know you would like that wouldn’t you?”
Tyrone looks at the table and cries harder. “But you ain’t got nothin’ over there do you?”
“Awe damn,” he jokes, “I sure don’t. But you know what, we can use spit. Every little bit helps.”
“But my mouth is dry because of the crackers you made me eat.”
“All I can say is, the wetter it is, the less damage to your ass hole. You make the call.”
“Somebody help me!!!!”
“You tried screaming already.” He laughs. “Now do you wanna lick this…or are you gonna be hard and take the tough route?”
“Fuck you!”
“That’s what I’m about to do,” he says parting his ass cheeks before ramming the extra large dildo in his ass with extreme force.
Tyrone felt all kinds of cramps in his lower stomach and he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to take the pain.
“Ahhhhh!!!!” The roughness of it going in and out of his anus causes it to bleed heavily. “Please…please stop.”
“We have a long way to go before we even get to stop, buddy,” he tells him. “You’re in for the long haul. I want you to remember this, in case you decide to rape anybody else in the near future.”
Over and over the stranger raped and tortured Tyrone until he got tired. By the end of the night, he had caused so much damage that his anus was ripped three inches wider. After awhile, Tyrone didn’t feel the pain anymore. And a little after that, he passed out cold.

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