Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents) (24 page)

BOOK: Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC (The Cartel Publications Presents)
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Hospital Break
jmiss wayneL

Miss Tyrone was lying in a hospital bed suffering from severe anal fissures and incontinence.
As I look at her, with her ass up in the air, as she’s lying face down in some type of gurney due to the stitches in her rear end, I wonder why I don’t feel remorse. A machine linked to her body catches every heartbeat, and I can’t help but feel pleased. He’s an awful person and awful people deserve to be dealt with violently. Plain and simple.
So why did I call the ambulance when I came home and saw the work Romeo, my daughter from the House of Dreams in LA, put in? Because I didn’t want him bleeding to death in my house. Two deaths were plenty.
When his eyes open slowly, he look confused when he sees me there, wiggling my black Christian louboutins pumps while eating a fresh apple.
“What are you doin’ here?” he says so low I can barely hear him.
“Well let’s see, you’ve already met the ghosts of evils past and present. And I represent the ghost of evils yet to come.” I laugh.
“What are you talkin’ about?” He coughs.
“All the shit you’ve done has caught up with your ass…literally.”
“I can’t believe you did somethin’ like this to me, Wayne. We were supposed to be friends.”
“Really? Is that what you call it? Because what I remember is an event in which my fake ass friend raped me after puttin’ some shit in my drink.”
He laughs and says, “You know what, I’m through lyin’, so I wouldn’t take a mothafuckin’ thing back I did to you. Your ass was nice, soft and wet, just like Adrian’s.”
“Were you really raped as a child? Because it’s obvious that somethin’ fucked up happened to your sick ass.”
“And what about you, Wayne? You don’t think this shit you did to me qualifies as sick? You gonna get everything you deserve too…watch. You and me are the same, ‘cept you like to hide behind the word
. But I’m not gonna let you. You’re just as fucked up as me.”
“I did the world a favor! You’re sick, Tyrone.”
“Maybe. But maybe not.” He smiles. “Let’s think about it for a moment, I take what I want like the people around me have always done to me. Does that make me really wrong?”
“Worse than wrong, rapist!”
“All I know is, when I get out of here, I’m comin’ after you, Adrian and whoever that was who did this shit me. Oh…and your precious little Parade is on my list too,” he laughs. “You’ll wish you never fucked with me after I get through with her.”
“Number one you ain’t goin’ nowhere and number two you ain’t doin’ shit even if you could.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I know about the murders, Tyrone. Notice there’s an S at the end of the word.”
“Who are you talking about? That stupid ass kid who died in
house? Because if it’s that, I might as well tell you that I called Garisha and told him to let a detective know that
were the one who killed that boy not me. You’re a day late and a dollar short if you think about snitchin’,” he laughs.
“You are so stupid! Garisha sold you out for her own ugly freedom. She’s gonna testify under oath that you and you alone did them procedures in my house, without my knowing and that you even did her face recently causing her disfigurement.”
“Bullshit! Garisha is my friend.”
“Tyrone, how can you expect loyalty when you’ve never given it?”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Well it’s true…and as far as being short or late…never. Especially after the five thousand dollars you gave me.”
“What you talkin’ about, Wayne?”
“Why do you think I asked you how much money you made from those injections?”
“Because I was plottin’ on how much to take. And when you thought you were giving Miss Rick a security deposit, it was really going straight to me. And to make sure you were broke and busted, I sent a fake ass uncle to check you about the nephew you murdered. After splitting the money in half with everybody involved, I’m still up about five thousand. Thanks, Ty.”
The look on his face was priceless.
“So what bitch…you actually makin’ me feel better now.”
“And how is that?”
“Because now I don’t have to worry about lookin’ over my shoulders wonderin’ if his uncle will snitch on me or not. In my opinion, the ten thousand dollars I gave ya’ll to leave me the fuck alone was worth it.”
“Oh I’m sorry…I forgot to tell you about the signed confessions you gave me.”
“I didn’t confess to shit.”
“Tyrone, you not smarter than me and you could never be. I set shit up to perfection. When you signed them papers Miss Rick gave you, they weren’t for a lease, you were signing two confessions to murders.”
“Wayne, stop playin’, ‘Cause for real, I’m payin’ you no mind. Plus Miss Adrian ain’t say shit when I asked her if the paperwork was good.”
“Bitch I know you know by now that Aid and Day are in on all this shit with me. That little fight we had in the living room was all staged. Think about last night. Who gave you the liquor?” I laugh. “And as far as the murders, let’s see. For starters you murdered that kid you injected with that bullshit. Oh…and then there are the keys I found under your bed.”
“What keys?”
“The keys that must’ve fallen out of his pocket when he died. I remember when I walked into the bedroom and saw them on the floor, I knew they would come in handy later and I was right. So I kicked them under your bed and came back later to get them.”
“So what you have the keys.”
“Tyrone, we wiped my fingerprints off those keys and gave them to you the day you signed the lease. I know you remember asking Miss Rick to pass them over in a napkin, since you hate snot so much.” I laugh. “Now the only prints on them keys are yours. I took them out of your room right before I called the ambulance for you last night.”
“Wow, Tyrone, I haven’t heard you this quiet in a minute. So let me continue to burst your bubble. Ryan followed you the night of the murder and took pictures of you disposing the body in a park in Baltimore. What was it? Druid Hill Park? I gotta give it to you though…you and Garisha went pretty far to hide your shit.
“So let’s see…I have the boy’s keys with your prints on them, pictures of you disposing of a body and two signed confessions. You know what, Miss Tyrone…you’re federally fucked. ”
Tears were streaming down his face and I could care less. He wipes them away and says, “Why do you keep saying two signed confessions?”
“Because I know, Tyrone. I know about the man you burned alive in the alley when you were younger too. And how you did it just to have fun.”
“That wasn’t me, bitch! That was Miss Dayshawn! You ain’t ‘bout to pin none of that shit on me!”
“Yes the fuck I am too! One of the two confessions you signed admitted to all that shit. And it’s our word against a sneaky murderer, who hid the body of a child as if he were trash. Who do you think they gonna believe?”
“Wayne,” he pauses, “please don’t do this to me. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll move out and you’ll never see me again. Please, Wayne.”
“All that’s too late,” I say, “But I did forget one last thing…Big Boody Brandy wrote me a letter before she died.” I dig in my purse and pull it out. “Now I also know about the football player you and Garisha were last seen with before he got missing. And if you don’t cop to them other murders, and let shit ride, I’ll add this to the rest of your problems too,” I say, “You hung yourself fuckin’ wit’ me. So tell me again Tyrone, was my ass really worth it?” I say getting up.
“Wayne please.”
“You’re through…Tyrone. It’s over for you. I’m not hatin’, I’m just statin’.”
As I’m leaving, an officer walks in to formally read him his rights and Ryan calls for the third time that day. But now I’m feeling good and for some reason I accept his offer for lunch and agree to a cup of coffee. After all, he has earned it.

jmiss wayneL

The ball was off the hook! I worked the hell out of my walk and my gown stunned everybody. Finally, after so many years, I was awarded the category I always deserved! I’m finally legendary bitches!

After I accepted my crown and check, I hug Adrian and Dayshawn. We’re jumping up and down like I just won Prom Queen!

“You did it, Miss Wayne! You finally did it!” Miss Adrian says.
I’m on cloud nine and couldn’t believe we also won the ‘Best House’ category thanks to my LA chapter. Those queens came out here and killed the walk, bitch! Do you hear me? They worked it! Twerked it and twisted it in so many ways, I wonder if they still got bones. Miss Dayshawn and Adrian did their thing too and together we showed that the House of Dreams is here to stay!
In my excitement, I was really surprised when Queen Ocean walked up to me to give her congratulations. “Congrats, diva! You killed it.” She gave me one air kiss on each side of my face.
“Thank you honey,” I say giving him the fake hug we passed out so many times
just because
at these balls. “The House of Diamonds represented too.”
“That may be true but the real diva and the real house won. I never saw you walk like that before…you really did burn down the competition, me included.”
When I look into his eyes, I know he’s serious.
“I appreciate it, Ocean. I thank you for the letter too, that shit came in handy.”
“To tell you the truth I don’t even know what it says…I didn’t open it, out of respect for Big Boody.”
I smile and I say, “Well take care. Let me go celebrate with my girls. You know how it is, the party’s really just beginning.”
When Ocean left, I couldn’t get over how much respect I was getting from the other houses. It was very surprising. Because trust me when I say fights usually break out quicker than pimples on a teenagers face at these things. It can get real ugly and queens have been murdered fucking around in the ball circuit.
As I get myself together preparing to leave, I smile when I see Miss Dayshawn walking toward me with Adrian directly behind him.
“We’re on our way to the after party at the Embassy Suites in DC. You going right?” Miss Day asks.
“Yeah, but I’ma stop by the house first. I gotta change clothes.”
“Wear what you have on.”
“Naw…I wanna be comfortable.”
“Okay…” he says looking at me longer than usual. “I just want to say, thank you for taking that murder shit off my hands. I can’t tell you how much happier I am now that I don’t have to worry about it. What did you do to get Tyrone to take the rap?”
I never told Miss Dayshawn about the football player or what was in the letter Brandy gave me. Some things a girl has to keep to herself.
I look around me and say, “Remember when I said don’t bring that shit up ever again, I mean it Day. It’s over and you were never there as far as we’re concerned.”
I can’t lie; he’s making me mad a little. He’s talking more about the murder than he did before I knew about it. I wish he just dropped it.
“You’re right…but thank you again.” He says hugging me. “I’m gonna repay you for this shit one day watch. You’ll see.”
“Bye, Day!”
Adrian walks up to me and hugs me one last time before yelling at Dayshawn, “Let’s go! I want to shake me chi-chi-ka-ka tonight honey! Chris is meeting me there too and I can’t wait to get some dick finally.”
“I’m glad to see ya’ll back together…go head. I’ll meet you there.”
I’m still smiling until I see the handsome face of the next person who embraces me. In fact, I believe I feel my heart flutter.
“I know I should have asked first…but can I get a hug too?”
He was someone I hadn’t seen in a long time…Mr. Officer D. Hurts. Back in the day, he was investigating the murder of a girl my best friend Sky killed at this party we all went to. Me and the officer had a thing on the side, fucked a few times and even grabbed a few bites to eat…but in the end, the flames died. To tell you the truth, I can’t remember which one of us caused the split. It could’ve been me because after Sky’s murder, I was depressed. Or maybe he had a wife or a girlfriend! Who knows…and better yet…who cares?! He’s here in front of me right now looking like a million bucks and that’s all that mattered.
“Wayne…damn you look sexy. How have you been, baby?”
“I’m good,” I smile happy he saw me on the most beautiful night of my life. Honey the face is beat, my gown is stunning and thanks to Adrian keeping the drinks flowing, I feel on top of the world.
“Well I think you are better than good. But that’s just my opinion.”
I blush. “What are you doing here? Mr. Officer D. Hurts.”
“I’m doing security for the event. Basically making a little money on the side. It’s tough livin’ on a cop’s salary alone.”
Aww shit. This nigga’s broke and that’s my cue to not even be bothered. Gone are the days in which I take care of a grown ass man.
“So I started my own security company.” He continues. “And we’ve been pretty successful ever since. It’s just a matter of time before I leave the police department to run my business full time.”
Scratch that…he’s got it goin’ on and I love it.
“Well, you look good too,” I say observing the black slacks he wore with his powder blue v-neck cashmere sweater. “I’m glad to see you didn’t let yourself go.”
“Thanks, beautiful. But I could say the same about you.”
I blush.
The chemistry between us is on crazy and I haven’t felt this way in a long time.
“Look, what are you about to do? I mean, you mind if I take you to get a bite to eat? That is if you don’t have plans with anyone else.” He pauses and says, “Fuck that…I know somethin’ as fine as you not goin’ home alone tonight. So cancel plans with him and get with me. Cool?”
Up until that moment I forgot all about Ryan. You see, we were supposed to hook up at the after party. Now all I’m thinking is…FUCK RYAN!
“You’re right, I don’t have any plans I can’t change,” I say. “But let me step to the side and make a quick phone call.”
“I’ll be waiting over there,” he says touching the small of my back. “But don’t keep me waiting too long.”
He did it! The one thing I love a man to do and he did it. I quickly dial Ryan’s number. “Ryan…where are you?” I ask hearing a bunch of noise in the background.
“Waiting on you. You ready to come celebrate with me? I heard you won the ball and before you say anything, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”
It figures.
I thought.
“Actually I’m calling to tell you I can’t see you tonight. I’m kinda tired and want to go home and rest. I’m sorry.”
“Why…is everything okay?” He asks angrily. “Is it something I did?”
“No…just tired with everything that has been goin’ on in my life lately. You know how it is.”
“Well let me come over to take care of you. Cook you some dinner or somethin’.”
“Ryan…I can’t. Okay? I’ll call you later.”
“Well…I guess I’ll get up with you later then.” I hit the end button so quickly I forget who I was even talking to.
“I’m ready,” I say to Officer D. Hurts. Damn do I love a man in a uniform. “You don’t mind me wearing this for the rest of the night do you? I have my coat in my car if you don’t want people knowin’ you hangin’ out with a drag queen.”
“To me you couldn’t be more sexy. Just the way that you are,” he continues.
I didn’t think it was possible for me to have more fun than I already had tonight. What a perfect ending to an amazing night. For some reason I think that it will be a night that I will never forget.

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