Mister X

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Authors: John Lutz

BOOK: Mister X
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Highest Praise for
John Lutz

“John Lutz knows how to make you shiver.”

—Harlan Coben

“Lutz offers up a heart-pounding roller coaster of a tale.”

—Jeffery Deaver

“John Lutz is one of the masters of the police novel.”

—Ridley Pearson

“John Lutz is a major talent.”

—John Lescroart

“I’ve been a fan for years.”

—T. Jefferson Parker

“John Lutz just keeps getting better and better.”

—Tony Hillerman

“Lutz ranks with such vintage masters of big-city murder as Lawrence Block and Ed McBain.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“Lutz is among the best.”

San Diego Union

“Lutz knows how to seize and hold the reader’s imagination.”

Cleveland Plain Dealer

“It’s easy to see why he’s won an Edgar and two Shamuses.”

Publishers Weekly

Chill of Night

“Since Lutz can deliver a hard-boiled P.I. novel or a bloody thriller with equal ease, it’s not a surprise to find him applying his skills to a police procedural in
Chill of Night
. But the ingenuity of the plot shows that Lutz is in rare form.”

The New York Times Book Review

“Lutz keeps the suspense high, populating his story with a collection of unique characters who resonate with the reader, making this one an ideal beach read.”

Publishers Weekly

“A dazzling tour de force…compelling, absorbing.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“A great read! Lutz kept me in suspense right up to the end.”

Midwest Book Review

Night Kills

“Lutz’s skill will keep you glued to this thick thriller.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“Superb suspense…the kind of book that makes you check to see if all the doors and windows are locked.”

Affaire de Coeur

In for the Kill

“Brilliant…a very scary and suspenseful read.”


“Shamus and Edgar award–winner Lutz gives us further proof of his enormous talent…an enthralling page-turner.”

Publishers Weekly

Fear the Night

“A a tense, fast-moving novel, a plot-driven page-turner of the first order…a great read!”

Book Page

“A twisted cat-and-mouse game…a fast-moving crime thriller…Lutz skillfully brings to life the sniper’s various victims.”

Publishers Weekly

Darker Than Night

“Readers will believe that they just stepped off a Tilt-A-Whirl after reading this action-packed police procedural.”

The Midwest Book Review

Night Victims

“John Lutz knows how to ratchet up the terror…. He propels the story with effective twists and a fast pace.”


The Night Watcher

“Compelling…a gritty psychological thriller…Lutz draws the reader deep into the killer’s troubled psyche.”

Publishers Weekly

“John Lutz is the new Lawrence Sanders.
The Night Watcher
has enough twists to turn you into a raging paranoid by page thirty. I loved it.”

—Ed Gorman,
Mystery Scene


Urge to Kill

Night Kills

In for the Kill

Chill of Night

Fear the Night

Darker Than Night

Night Victims

The Night Watcher

The Night Caller

Final Seconds
(with David August)

The Ex

Available from Kensington Publishing Corp. and
Pinnacle Books





For Don Mackey
and Vernon Shults







And what are you that, missing you

I should be kept awake

As many nights as there are days

With weeping for your sake?

. V
, “The Philosopher”


Quinn had found a box of paper clips in his bottom desk drawer and was just straightening up when the dead woman entered his office.

She’d startled him, the way she’d come in without making any noise.

She wasn’t what you’d call beautiful, but she was attractive, with slim hips and legs inside new-looking stiff jeans, small breasts beneath a white sleeveless blouse. Her shoulder-length hair was brown, her eyes a deeper brown and slightly bulbous. She had symmetrical features with oversized lips, a slight overbite. A yellow file folder stuffed with what looked like newspaper clippings was tucked beneath her left arm. Her right hand held a brown leather shoulder bag, the strap scrunched up to act as a handle. She’d said on the phone her name was Tiffany Keller. If she were still alive, Quinn thought, she’d be pushing thirty.

There was a kind of grim resolve to her expression, as if she’d just been affronted and was about to fire back.

The generous mouth suddenly arced into a toothy smile, and the dogged expression disappeared entirely, as if a face like hers couldn’t hold such a visage for long. Quinn was left with the impression that he’d momentarily glimpsed someone else entirely.

“Captain Frank Quinn, I presume.”

“Just Quinn,” he said. “Like the lettering on the door, Quinn and Associates Investigations.”

“I was aware you were no longer with the NYPD,” she said.

“Want to sit down?” he asked, motioning with a paper clip toward one of the walnut chairs angled in front of his desk.

“I’ll stand, thanks.” Her smile widened. “I’m Tiffany Keller.”

He continued staring at the woman while his right hand groped for the empty glass ashtray he used to contain paper-clips. “You said when you phoned earlier to make this appointment that you were Tiffany Keller. Would you be the same Tiffany Keller who was a victim of a serial killer?”

“That would be me.”

Unable to look away from her, he turned the tiny box upside down and dropped the paper clips into the ashtray, hearing the faint clickety sound that told him he’d hit his glass target. “Excuse me, but aren’t you dead?”

“Not exactly.”

Wondering where this was all going, Quinn tossed the empty paper-clip box into the wastebasket inside the desk’s kneehole. It landed on recently shredded paper and didn’t make a sound. “What is it you want, Tiffany?”

“I want you to find the Carver.”

The Carver was a serial killer who’d taken five victims, the last one five years ago, and then suddenly ceased killing. In the way of most serial killers, he’d slain only women. His victims’ nipples had been sliced off and a large
carved on their torsos just beneath their breasts. Then their throats had been cut.

At the time, Quinn had been laid up after being shot in the leg during a liquor store hold-up, and hadn’t been involved in the Carver investigation. He’d followed it in the papers and on TV news with a temporary invalid’s distracted interest. It had been one of his few alternatives to staring at the ceiling. If he remembered correctly, Tiffany Keller had been the Carver’s last victim.

He leaned back in his desk chair and studied his visitor more closely.

She didn’t wilt under his scrutiny.

“Actually I’m Tiffany’s twin sister,” she said.

“Then why the act?” he asked.

She smiled even wider. Lots of even white molars. Quinn would bet she’d never had a cavity. The large white smile gave her a kind of flashy cheerleader look. It would dazzle you even in the cheap seats.

“I thought one of the Carver’s victims herself appealing to you to take this case might be more convincing,” she said. She spoke with a hint of accent, her intonations flat and slightly drawn out. She wasn’t from the Northeast. Probably someplace Midwestern. Corn country. “I’m Chrissie.”
“Chrissie Keller. My twin sister and I were named after two of our mom’s favorite eighties recording stars, Chrissie Hynde and Tiffany.”

“Tiffany who?”

“She didn’t use a last name. Some artists don’t.”

“Some artists I’ve met don’t, either,” Quinn said.

“Like pickpockets and confidence men and such?”

“Uh-huh. And impersonators.”

“I didn’t
to impersonate Tiffany,” she said. “I just wanted you to think that maybe, for only a second or two, you were face-to-face with her. A victim asking that her killer be brought to justice.”

“An emotional appeal.”

“You got it.”

“Justice is a hard thing to find in this world, Chrissie. Sometimes even hard to define. It can be a lot of work and expense, and then we might not like it when we find it.”

“Or we might glory in it.”

Never having been in her position, Quinn found it difficult to disagree.

“I have the means to pay you for your work,” she said. “And what I want to do with my money is find out who killed Tiffany and make sure he pays for his crime. This might sound strange, but I think that’s why I have the money. Why I won the Tri-State Triple Monkey Squared Super Jackpot.” She shifted her weight in the stiff jeans so she was standing hip-shot. “That’s three monkeys in a row three times,” she said with a note of pride.

“You did that?” he said, figuring she must be talking about slot-machine winnings.

She swiveled back and forth on the foot her weight rested on, as if idly crushing a small insect. Her shoes were rubber sandals that looked as if they must hurt her feet. “I surely did. With a lucky quarter, and a good reason to win the hundred and thirty-nine thousand dollars.” Her face broke into the big smile. “That’s still a lot of money after taxes.”

“Even here in New York,” Quinn said. He leaned back again in his chair, farther this time, making it squeal a warning that it might tip and send him sprawling, make him pay for flirting with danger. He said, “Now you’re on a mission.”

“That I am, Mr. Quinn. Don’t tell me to go to the police, because I already have. They’re not interested. The Carver murders happened too long ago, and I got the impression the police don’t want to be reminded of a serial killer case they never solved.”

“Bureaucracies hate being reminded of their failures.”

“I’m not interested in what they hate or don’t hate. I’m interested in justice for Tiffany.”

Justice again.

“People on a mission scare me,” Quinn said, thinking he had a lot of room to talk. But what he’d said was true. He sometimes scared himself. “You’re not from New York.”

She looked a little surprised and licked her big red lips. “It shows that much?”

“Not a lot,” Quinn said. He tapped a forefinger to his cheekbone beneath his right eye and smiled. “Trained observer.”

Chrissie pulled the chair closer to the desk and sat down. She crossed her legs tightly, as if she were wearing a skirt and not jeans, or as if she thought Quinn might glimpse too much denim-clad thigh and go berserk and attack her. “I’m from Holifield, Ohio. So was Tiffany, of course. It’s a small town. Most folks work for the chemical plant or for Tread-strong Truck Tire Manufacturing. Tiffany worked in the plant for a while; then she came here to New York to try to become an actress. She got killed instead.” A firm expression came over Chrissie’s face. Her lips compressed together over her protruding teeth and paled, but only for an instant. “I want that rectified.”


“That, too. You should know, Mr. Quinn, that when one twin dies the other also dies a little. And the way Tiffany died…well, it’s almost like it happened to both of us. Twins’ deaths are special.”

“Everyone’s death is special to them.”

Chrissie leaned forward in her chair, her hands cupped over her knees. She had long fingers, well-kept nails. No rings. “The police called the Carver investigation a cold case, Mr. Quinn. I want it heated up again. I want my mission to be your mission.”

“You need to give this some thought,” Quinn said. “The NYPD cops aren’t fools. Most of the time, anyway. They couldn’t solve the Carver murders five years ago.”

“I’ve read about you, Mr. Quinn. When it comes to serial killers, you’re smarter than the police. Smarter than anyone.”

“Now you’re making me blush.”

“I doubt if much of anything does that,” she said.

“Now you’ve reverted to insult.”

“I didn’t mean it that way. I was referring to your experience, the fact that you’re a winner.”

“Praise again. I’m getting whiplash.”

“I’ll put my faith in you, and my money on you,” Chrissie said.

“Investigations go into the cold-case file; time passes…. They get harder to solve. I couldn’t promise you much.”

“I’m not interested in promises,” Chrissie said. “Just results. Like you are.” The smile came again, a red slash of amusement that broke into speech. “They say you’re only interested in results, that you skirt the rules in ways an actual cop couldn’t. That you’re a hunter who never gives up.” She edged even farther forward in her chair, as if she might spring across the desk and devour him with her big smile. “What do you say?”

“I give up. What do I say?”

“You say yes, of course.”

“I guess I shouldn’t have left it up to you.”

He watched her pick up her worn leather purse from where she’d leaned it against the chair leg and reach into it for her checkbook.

He didn’t try to stop her. For all he knew she was right. Right and lucky. That was why she’d won the Tri-State Triple Monkey Squared Super Jackpot.

What had he ever won?

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