Mistletoe & Molly (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Snow

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Mistletoe & Molly
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“What’s on your face?” Aiden asked at the same time.

Molly’s hands flew to her mud-covered face and then to the towel she had wrapped around her long hair to keep it free of mud. She yanked, and her wet, limp tresses fell to her shoulders. Not much of an improvement. “It’s a mud mask.” She hid her frame behind the door. Her yoga shorts and bra top felt very revealing under his scrutinizing gaze. “What are you doing here?” she asked again.

“We were evicted.”

Layla chewed a loose string from the carpet down the hall.

“What? Oh no, they saw Layla?”

“Yes, last night while we were out for our walk. The notice to evict appeared on my door this morning. They gave me twenty four hours. I was lucky the apartment had been furnished.” He looked past her into the apartment.

Molly noticed a duffle bag lying on the floor. “Okay… So what are you doing here?”

“I’m staying with you. If that is in fact you… Can you wash that off, or is it like cement?” He leaned forward to touch the dry mud.

She moved out of his reach. “You can’t stay here.”

“That was the deal.”

What deal? “We didn’t make a deal.” She was sure she would have remembered agreeing to let him stay with her.

“Yes, we did. The other night in the snow. I said I would keep Layla, but if we got evicted before my lease was up we were staying with you.” He picked up the duffel bag and advanced toward her. “Come on, Layla.”

The dog ran past Molly into the apartment. She curled up on the corner of the yoga mat and yawned.

“She’s had a stressful day. May I?” Aiden gestured inside the apartment.

“No. I mean, can’t you stay with Samantha?” Molly blocked the entrance to her apartment. This was crazy. He couldn’t stay here.

“Can't. Josh is allergic to dogs.”

“So am I.” The lie was weak.

“You volunteer at an animal shelter.” He shifted the bag on his shoulder. “This is getting heavy…”

“There must be someone else…”

“Nope, there isn’t. You got me into this mess, I’m staying here.” He moved past her into the apartment. He took a moment to study her long bare legs and feet as she stepped away from the door. “Cute toes.”

Molly stood open-mouthed, staring at her uninvited house guest.

“I had planned on Chinese food for dinner. Does that work for you?” He dropped the bag in the hallway and proceeded to the living room.

Did that work for her? Let’s see, did any of this work for her? No! But judging by the way he had picked up her TV remote and made himself at home on her afghan rug, she didn’t think her protests would be considered. He was here...in her apartment. So much for her plan of forgetting him.

“Why don’t you go wash that stuff off of your face before we need to chisel it off, and I’ll order dinner?” He picked up the phone book. “We should order it now before the storm hits.”

Too stunned to speak, Molly nodded and went into the bathroom. She closed and locked the door behind her. She had a feeling the storm had already arrived.


Aiden tossed and turned on Molly’s tiny couch, careful not to roll over onto Layla who slept nestled in the crook of his arm. The storm had indeed arrived, and the wind gusting outside the thin paned windows made the glass shake and the apartment walls creak. The power had blinked throughout the night but somehow had stayed on. They’d gathered candles and flashlights just in case.

It wasn’t the wind howling or the cramp in his arm that kept him awake. Thoughts of Molly in her yoga shorts and bra top reappeared, despite his best efforts, behind his closed lids. The woman was beautiful. Her bare skin had tempted his touch, and it had taken all of his effort to resist.

She’d spent most of the evening in her room, claiming to have work to do. He suspected she wanted to avoid him as much as possible. That was fine—for now.

His feelings for her had erupted overnight. Since their kiss, there was no more denying them. He was in love with her, plain and simple. The kiss had revealed everything he knew already. She was in love with him too. Their kiss had been full of passion and yearning and need. Thoughts of it stirred him to his core, and he groaned as sleep eluded him. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see her standing there, wet hair hanging loose on her shoulders. Even caked in mud she was gorgeous. Those piercing green eyes holding a look of defiance, but knowing she had somehow agreed to the arrangement. He stared at the closed bedroom door, so close. He wondered if she was asleep.

Thunder could be heard in the distance, and seconds later, a flash of lightning lit up the room. Molly’s door flew open, and he could see her silhouette in the hallway.

“You okay?” he asked, trying not to startle her in the darkness. The lightning had taken out the power. He fumbled in the dark for the flashlight on the table next to him. Shining it in her direction he noticed she hadn’t moved from the doorway. “Molly?” He sat up.

“I hope I didn’t wake you.” She came toward him.

In the light of the flashlight he could see she wore an old hockey jersey. “No, I was awake,” he told her, moving over on the couch to let her sit.

“I guess they were right about the storm after all.” She wrapped her arms around her thin frame.

“Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?”

“No, of course not. Well, not afraid… I’m fine until the power goes out, and then I suffer from mild anxiety attacks and have trouble sleeping.”

She surprised him with her honesty. She was always so tough. This vulnerable side of her was endearing. He suspected she hid it well under most circumstances.

“I’m not a fan of these storms either,” he told her, sitting up and fixing the pillow under his arm.

“Really?” She sat.

“Yeah, I understand how you can be unnerved by the loud claps of thunder and the howling wind when you’re alone.” He shivered. The room was cold already. “You have electric heat?” He offered her the end of the blanket.

“Yes. It can get cold, fast.” She tucked the warm blanket around her bare legs.

“Well, let’s hope the power comes back soon. Why don’t you head back to bed where it’s warmer?” he suggested when she shivered.

“I’d rather stay here and try to get some sleep if that’s okay with you?” She lowered her eyes.

Earlier, she’d been desperate to put as much distance between them as possible. “You want to sleep out here with me?” He didn’t believe it. She’d been quite clear about the sleeping arrangements. In fact, he remembered the threat of pepper spray if he so much as opened her bedroom door. He smiled.

“I know it’s stupid, but would you mind? Just until the power comes back on?”

“Of course I don’t mind.” He lay down on his side as far back on the couch as he could and lifted his arm to make room for her. This was a surprising turn of events.

She studied him for a moment until another clap of thunder shattered the quiet. She dove beneath the big blanket, burying her head into his chest.

“Relax, it’s okay.” He could feel her tremble next to him.

Glancing up she gave him a stern look. “Two things. First, you are never to tell anyone about this…” She waited for him to agree.

“Cross my heart.” He made the motion with his fingers across his chest. “And the second?”

“This doesn’t mean anything and won’t be happening again.”

“That sounded like three things.”

She could see his grin in the light from the flashlight. “Aiden, I mean it. If you’re going to get the wrong idea, I’ll go back to my room.” She sat up.

“Relax. No one’s getting any ideas. Just try to sleep and let me enjoy this, seeing as though it won’t be happening again.” He hugged her tight to his chest.
One and only time
? He doubted that very much.

Chapter Nine

What the hell had she been thinking—letting a little thunder and lightning and an impending panic attack scare her right into an even more dangerous situation? Molly turned into the parking lot of Rollins and Clarke, hoping Aiden was right and Mike would understand why she was late.

Never before had she let her irrational fears lead her into doing something so foolish. First the kiss the night before and then rushing into his arms for comfort. She’d slept like a baby in the arms of a man she was more fond of every day, and she didn’t like it one bit. Having him living in the same space was challenge enough, then she threw herself into his safe arms over a clap of thunder?

“Hey, Molly, could you come in for a second?” Mike called from his office as she crept by.

She’d been hoping he wouldn’t notice her late arrival. “I’m sorry I’m late…”

“Don’t worry about it. That’s not why I called you in here.” Mike stood and closed his office door behind her. “Have a seat.” He gestured a chair. “As discussed in Friday’s meeting, our new branch in Buffalo is recruiting more staff next month. Although you’ve only been an intern for a week, I have no problem recommending you for a position if you’re willing to relocate.”

Molly’s mouth fell open. A real position? Two weeks ago, she’d had no prospects of even an internship, and now here was the opportunity she’d been waiting for.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes, of course…” Aiden’s face flashed in her mind. What did he have to do with anything? Okay, so she was in love with him. Was that enough to give up an opportunity of a lifetime? She’d worked hard to prove she didn’t need her father’s money to succeed.

The memory of Aiden’s kiss resurfaced, and she sighed. “Actually, Mike, can I have a couple of days to think about it?” She must be insane.

“Sure, no problem. They are conducting interviews in Buffalo next week, just let me know by Friday.” He picked up his empty coffee cup and buzzed his receptionist for a refill.

“Thank you.” She stood to leave.

“I totally understand. You should discuss it with Aiden first.”

What? “Oh no, that’s not it.” Not really. Okay maybe it was. “There’s nothing going on between Aiden and me,” she lied.

“Really? Maybe you should tell Aiden.” Mike laughed. “Now get to work.” He winked, as she left the office.

Molly walked to her office in a fog. A real P.R. job after only a week as an intern. She couldn’t believe her luck. But it meant leaving the city…and Aiden. Why was this decision so hard?
It’s what you’ve been waiting for. You’ve only known Aiden Ford for a few weeks, and you didn’t even like him at first.
Well, she liked him now. More than liked him.

“Arrrg.” She moaned and leaned her head against her office door. Buffalo wasn’t
far away.

Far enough.


Molly opened her condo door and heard the sound of two deep voices in a heated debate about the Yankees baseball team. Who was Aiden talking to?

Entering the living room, she stopped cold. Aiden sat in one armchair, coffee in hand. Across from him sat her father.

“Dad?” Molly almost dropped the bag of groceries she carried.

Aiden jumped up to take the bag from her.

She shot him an inquisitive look.

He ignored it and disappeared into the kitchen.

She turned her attention to her father. “What are you doing here?”

“I was in the city and thought I’d stop by. Have to say, I’m surprised to find a man here.” He chuckled.

“Oh Aiden’s just a friend… He was evicted…” Molly shifted from one foot to the other, uncomfortable.

“I know, he explained the situation. Guess your meddling back-fired, huh?” Her father laughed.

“Guess so,” Molly mumbled. “So what can I do for you, Dad?” She crossed her arms and waited. Her father came to the city at least once a week, and he’d only
stopped by
twice in two years. He was here for a reason.

“More coffee, Mel?” Aiden appeared, coffee pot in hand. He handed a cup to Molly.

So they were on a first name basis. How nice.
She took the cup he offered her but didn’t drink.

“No thanks, Aiden. I won’t stay long.” Mel opened his briefcase and removed a file. He stood and walked toward his daughter.

Here we go.

“I just wanted to leave this with you to take a look at.” He handed the file to Molly.

She took the file but didn’t open it. “What is this, Dad?”

“Open it, and read it.”

“Just tell me.” She set down the coffee cup and waited, extending the folder to her father.

“It’s a business proposal for the new office. I hoped you would reconsider my offer.” He took the folder and opened it. “See, here are the designs for the office space.”

“Dad, no.”

“Just read it through.”

“I don’t have to. I already said
when you suggested it last month.”
was an understatement. He’d assumed her answer would be
and had drafted a press release announcing her as the new office manager. He hadn’t been pleased by her refusal.

“Molly, I’ve looked at the proposal. It sounds like a great opportunity,” Aiden interjected.

Who asked him for his opinion? “Well, why don’t you take the position?” It was childish, but she didn’t appreciate being tag-teamed and caught off-guard.

Her father shrugged. “She’s been like this since she learned the word
.” He picked up his coat from the armchair and tucked the folder back inside his briefcase.

“I have a job, Dad.” She hated disappointing her father, but working for him was not an option she would entertain.

“But it’s only an internship. Molly, this is an amazing offer.” Aiden touched her arm.

She pulled away. Who did they think they were? She didn’t need their input on how she should live her life.

“It’s no use, young man. Molly is as stubborn as I am.” Her father winked at her as he put on his gloves and leaned to kiss her cheek. “Are you still going to try to make it to dinner next weekend?”

“I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything. I’ve been offered a
job in Buffalo, and I’ve accepted.”

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