Mistress at a Price (34 page)

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Authors: Sara Craven

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

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But probably the average guest isn

t quite as exacting as you.

Liam shook his head.

The kind of guest I

m thinking of isn

t average at all. I

d describe them as highly demanding.

And I

m sure the Durant chain is well able to cope,

she said icily, trying to hang on to her temper and control the hurt at the same time.

At least in the short term.

She came to a halt.

Would you like me to be honest, Mr Durant?


d be delighted,

he said.

I find it a rare quality these days.

Then try this for size.

She ignored Sandra Trevor, standing with her mouth open. Faced Liam, her chin raised.

I think Anscote Manor is fine just as it is. I don

t believe it needs any refurbishment, and nor do you. And, as I

m really not interested in playing games, I plan to return to London right now. But don

t worry. I won

t bill you for my wasted time.

On the contrary, I

m perfectly serious, but I can

t have made my wishes clear.

He turned to the other girl.

Would you leave us alone please, Sandra, for a few minutes, while I try and talk Miss Adamson round?


s no need for that,

Cat snapped.

This isn

t the kind of project that would interest my firm, anyway, so there

s really no more to be said.

She drew a breath.

As for Room Ten, I suggest a minimalist look. Everything painted white

bland and instantly forgettable. Now, excuse me, please.

And she wheeled round, her head high, and walked back to the stairs.

When she reached her car she was shaking like a leaf caught in a storm. But he hadn

t followed her, she thought as she fumbled the key into the ignition. At least she

d been spared that, if nothing else.

She punched the steering wheel with a clenched fist. What he

d done was unforgivable. He

d been deliberately goading her, forcing her to revisit territory that should have been forbidden for any number of reasons. And only the presence of the po-faced Sandra had prevented her from telling him so, and calling him a bastard.

What the hell was he playing at

getting her down here

deliberately reminding her of what it had once been like between them? she wondered raggedly. Did he really think she could forget so soon? Did he not know how this would make her feel, or did he not care?

Oh, God, how could he do this? she asked herself, fighting back the incipient tears that threatened her.

Because it wasn

t only her emotions that were involved here. Andrew had been excited

keyed up by the approach from Durant

and the firm badly needed the work. There

d been a lot riding on this visit, and she

d blown it away.

And, with equal importance, where was Vanessa in all this? she wondered, staring sightlessly through the windscreen. Presumably she trusted Liam

believed in his commitment to her. But how serious was he? Had he even told her his real identity, or did she still think he was Liam Hargrave?

If she does, should I tell her that she

s being deceived, or should I stay out of it, she asked herself. Because there

s more than just surnames involved here.

Her mother clearly believed she had found lasting love. So how would she feel about her lover inventing a pretext to meet with his former mistress, and indulging himself with that kind of blatant sexual teasing?

He told me he intended to be faithful to the woman he loved, she thought bitterly. But today

s performance hardly bodes well for the future.

And if she

d gone with him to Room Ten would he have stopped at mere words? And how would she have reacted if he had sent Sandra Trevor away and started to make love to her in earnest?

Her whole body quivered at the thought of his mouth on hers, his hands touching her starved flesh

rousing her. And she despised herself for it. Because he was no longer hers to desire. He had turned away from her to Vanessa, and she would not allow her mother to be hurt just because he fancied a little cynical dalliance with an old flame.

I hate him, she thought, swallowing back her tears. But at the same time I can

t stop loving him

and I know I never will. He has me, body, heart and soul. And how sad and crazy is that?

And now I have to drive back to London and tell Andrew the bad news.

She sighed as she started the car, because she knew that in spite of everything she would not say a word to Vanessa.

Instead she would take steps to distance herself from Liam Hargrave Durant.

As far as possible, she thought. And for as long as it takes.

As the seat-belt light came on Cat slipped her paperback into her bag and leaned back with a little sigh. The captain had said it was a perfect autumn day in London, which meant it would probably feel cold after three weeks in St Lucia.

But, all the same, she was glad to be back. She

d had a wonderfully relaxed time, swimming and snorkelling in the perfect sea. She

d spent several astonishing days sightseeing, too. And, even though she

d carefully monitored her sunbathing, she

d managed to acquire a light honey tan.

She looked good, and she felt good too. And, best of all, she was ready to take control of her life again.

Not that she was cured of Liam by any means, she admitted unwillingly. She knew now that it was never going to be that easy. He still occupied her waking thoughts and sleeping dreams at a dangerous level. But each time he came into her mind now she tried to block him

to focus with single-minded determination on something else. Only time would tell if this would have any permanent effect, but she could always hope. Couldn

t she?

And, of course, if Liam

s affair with Vanessa had somehow run aground during her absence he might be out of her life altogether.

And that would make the perfect end to a perfect holiday, she told herself firmly, ignoring the fist clenching in her stomach.

She hadn

t intended to have a break at all, of course.

After her abortive trip to Anscote Manor she

d worried all the way back to London over how to tell Andrew she

d failed even to acquire the right to bid for the Durant contract. And what excuse could she give for her unprofessional behaviour in walking out on a potential client? Somehow she hadn

t thought a plea of extreme provocation would get her off the hook. Not without tortuous and potentially embarrassing explanations.

But to her amazement he

d reacted philosophically, and refused point-blank to accept her offer to resign.

Things are going to get better,

he told her.

I trust my instincts. And I was wrong to dump the Durant thing on you, when I could see you were already working flat out.

He gave her a searching look.


ve been looking really tired lately, honey, and I should have done something about it. You

ve got holiday piling up, so why don

t you find an island somewhere and grab some late sun?


she said slowly.

It would be good to get right away for a while. It might clear my head

give me a new perspective on things.

Sally and I went to St Lucia a couple of years ago and we loved it,

Andrew said.

Then I

ll try there first,

she said.

But anywhere will do.

As long as it doesn

t have a Durant hotel, she added silently

And, as there wasn

t a sign of one on St Lucia, that was where she

d gone.

And she would say to everyone who asked, I had a great time, and pretend that it didn

t matter that she

d found herself alone and lonely in a world of couples. And tell herself that the words

might have been

had never occurred to her.

Her answering machine was winking furiously when she let herself into her flat. She dropped her luggage in the sitting room and listened to her messages. There was only one demanding urgent attention, and that was from her mother.

So that had to be her priority, she thought with a faint sigh as she dialled the number.

Vanessa answered at once, as if she

d been sitting by the phone.


she said.


re back at last. How marvellous. Did you have a wonderful time?


Cat acknowledged.


s a fantastic place, and the weather was glorious.

She paused, aware that there was a note of suppressed excitement in her mother

s voice which had nothing to do with her return.

How are things with you?

she went on, more slowly.

Vanessa sighed, almost rapturously.

Absolutely wonderful. I don

t think I

ve ever been as happy in my life.

She lowered her voice mysteriously.

What are you doing at ten a.m. the day after tomorrow?

Cat looked ruefully about her.

Laundry, I suspect. Also vacuuming. Why?

Because I

d like you to be my bridesmaid.

There was a sudden roaring in Cat

s ears. She found herself on her knees, with the receiver clutched so tightly in her hand that the knuckles had turned white.

She said,

Did you say


Vanessa laughed.

Yes, my sweet. I

m getting married very quietly at our local registry office and naturally I want you to be there for me, as one of the witnesses. So will you?


Cat repeated almost helplessly.

When did you decide this?

About two weeks ago. Oh, darling, it

s all incredible. I never dreamed I could be so happy

not after all this time.

The pain inside her was taking Cat

s breath

her ability to speak. She

d known this was a possibility

of course she had

but now it was a cruel and bitter reality.

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