Mob Boss Eleven- The Wrong One (The Mob Boss Series Book 11) (5 page)

BOOK: Mob Boss Eleven- The Wrong One (The Mob Boss Series Book 11)
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never said you didn’t run this household.
Or wear the pants.
Did I ever say
you didn’t run this?
But that doesn’t
mean you run me.”

exactly what it means.”

so because I’m married to you now I don’t have any rights?
I can’t do whatever the hell I want to do?”

absolutely right.
Your ass is mine now!”

Reno had to smile when he said that.
Trina smiled too.
“Ah, kiss my
ass, Reno, with that crazy talk.”

talk?” Reno asked, rising from the table.

Reno,” Trina said.
“I’m not playing with
I’m serious!”

Reno was coming for her.
“I’ve got your
crazy talk right here!”

fully aware what he was capable of, jumped up before he could grab for her and
made a run for it.
She was laughing so
hard she could barely run.
Reno, smiling
too, took off behind her, but didn’t catch up with her until she was in the
living room, seemingly heading for the front door.
He pulled her back, sat on the sofa and put
her over his lap.
She was squirming and
laughing as he lifted her bathrobe, revealing her naked ass, and began to spank

okay,” she said laughingly as the first lick ripped through her backside.

can’t have you constantly fighting me, Trina.”

not fighting you.”

spanked her again.
“I have to look out
for this entire family, and that begins with you!”
He was about to wail into her again, but then
he looked at that ass, and how much he enjoyed fucking it, and his playful
anger turned sensual serious.
He began
to rub it.

felt his rub, and the way it made her feel, and her laughter, and the sting of
his hits, began to subside.
And just as
her vagina began to tingle to the feel of his rub, he lifted her up, sitting
her on his lap, her back to his face, and quickly slid his dick inside of
And just like that they went from a
playful confrontation, to sexual healing.
They were making love.

untied her bathrobe, wrapped his arms around her naked body, and pumped into
her harder and harder.
She rested the
bottom of her feet on the top of his thighs.

infuriate me,” Reno said as he fucked her.
“But I love you.”

infuriate me,” Trina said as she took it.
“But I love . . .
ooh, Reno
. .you too.”
She leaned her back against
his chest, opened her legs wider, and relaxed to the feel of his thick penis
pushing into her.

placed one hand on her breast and squeezed it as he fucked her, and all she
could do was arch and take the pounding with the passionate sensuality it
engendered in her.
And she took it and
took it.
She loved taking it.
Until they were sloshing again, and
Both of them, given where they
were fucking, were holding back their grunts and groans as they came.

before they could catch their breath; before they could come down completely
from the euphoria, their front door suddenly opened and Valerie Gabrini, Reno’s
oldest son’s wife, walked in.

soon as they saw her, Trina jumped from Reno’s lap, his penis dropping out of
her, and stood to her feet, tying her robe as she did.
Reno, too, was tying his robe and standing to
his feet.

made sure to stand in front of Reno when she did stand, but she was also pretty
sure that Valerie saw some of him.
Val was obviously stunned as they all tried to regain their composure.

my goodness, I didn’t mean,” Valerie started.

Trina cut her off.
“You’re fine,” she
“We were just . . . Come on
Close the door!”

closed the door.
But the flustered look
on her small, pretty face remained.

Jimmy?” Trina asked.

At work.”

better get started too,” Reno said, glancing at Trina.
“We’ll finish our discussion tonight,” he added.

didn’t respond, which Val found odd, but Val was still too uncomfortable
herself to be concerned about Trina’s behavior.

noticed that faraway look Val now seemed to have all the time.
“You’re okay, Val?” he asked her.

yes, sir,” she said.
She already had a
level of discomfort when it came to Reno.
What she just witnessed wasn’t going to help their relationship at

you’re feeling better then?” Reno suggested.

Yes, I am.
Jimmy sees to it.”

Reno said with a nod.
“That’s how I
taught him.”
Then he headed for the back
of the penthouse.

continued to look at Reno as he retreated to the back.
Trina looked at Val.
“So what brings you up here?” she asked her.

Val said, and then pulled an armful of neatly folded, newborn baby clothes out
of her shoulder bag and handed them to Trina.
“I thought Sophie might be able to use these.”

Trina asked, surprised.
But then she
caught herself.
“Why thank-you,
Sophie was far too old-and too big-
for newborn baby clothes, but Val was still in that trauma stage and Trina knew
Val and Jimmy suffered a
miscarriage, and it was naturally a very jarring, traumatic event, and it was
still affecting Val in every way.
knew she wasn’t thinking right.

held the clothes with one hand, and touched Val’s hand with her other one.
“What about you, Val?
Are you alright?”

big eyes glazed over.
She still had that
faraway look to Trina too.

seems to think I should be fine by now,” Val said.
“It’s been three months.
I should be over it by now.”

“Oh, darling, that’s
You shouldn’t be over it, not
at all!
You suffered a miscarriage, Val.
An awful loss.
It’s going to take time to get through
You understand that, don’t you?”

nodded, but Trina could tell she wasn’t anywhere near any points of
understanding yet.

on,” Trina said, taking Val by the hand.
“Let’s go see Sophia, and show her these beautiful clothes.”

put on the best smile she could, but even
Trina could see how fake it was.




he in?” Lee Jones asked the secretary as he entered the outer sanctum of Reno’s
office suite.

sir,” the secretary said.
“I’ll see if
he can see you.”

“He can
see me,” Lee said, and headed into the office.

was a circus, as it usually was, as nearly a dozen of Reno’s aides were at the
conference table, standing in the back of the office, sitting on the office
sofa, calling people, texting people, emailing people on behalf of Reno.
It was always chaotic to Lee.
But to Reno, it was the best way to get
things done.

different managers surrounded Reno’s desk when Lee walked in.
Reno was seated behind the desk, listening to
each one of them, but he still had the wherewithal to motion Lee over.

Reno said to one of those managers.

the best deal we’re going to get, boss.
I say we should take it.”

Reno said again.
“My bottom line is my
bottom line.
His camp can either take
it, or leave it.”

if they leave it?”

Reno said angrily.
“Find somebody else,
We don’t have to kiss his
Find somebody else.”

could see the frustration in the manager’s face.
He was there once too.
Reno was the most demanding man he’d ever
worked for in his entire life bar none.

up, Leonard?” Reno asked as Lee made his way up to the desk.

need to talk,” Lee said.

saw the seriousness on his face.
is it?”

looked at the men around Reno’s desk.
“Give us a minute, guys,” he said.

Lee was the Chief Operating Officer of the PaLargio, an imposing black man that
garnered instant respect, everybody looked at Reno first, as if he would
overrule Lee.
Reno frowned.
“What are you looking at me for?
He’s your fucking boss.
When he tells you to get out, you get the
hell out!”

quickly responded this time, and gave Lee the time he requested.

walked around the desk, and leaned against the front side of the desk.
The two men were now side by side: Reno facing
toward the office door, Lee’s back to the office door.
Reno leaned back in his swivel chair.
“What is it?” he asked.

Montana is threatening to walk,” Lee responded.

“To walk?
We met every one of his demands.”

“It has
nothing to do with that.
He’s upset.”


Mack upset him.”

Reno was really confused.
My son?
What would Jimmy have to do with Brice Montana?
He doesn’t work that contract.”

apparently saw Jimmy in the casino last night,” Lee explained.
“Later that night he called him up to his
As you know, that’s not unusual
around here.
Sometimes the performers
want to get preferential treatment at one of the tables and will talk privately
to one of the pit bosses.
So Jimmy went
up there.
Apparently Montana got a
little fresh with Jimmy, and Jimmy didn’t like it.”

“Wait a minute,” he said. “He
with him?
What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

came onto Jimmy, Reno.
He came on to
Jimmy sexually.
And Jimmy didn’t like

Jimmy didn’t like it.
So what?”

told him he didn’t like it.
One thing
led to another thing.
And there was an

couldn’t believe it.
“What kind of
Are you telling me that Jimmy
got in a fight with one of my contract performers?”

what I’m telling you,” Lee said with a nod.
“And Montana is hot.
He wants

stood up and hurried from around his desk, grabbing his suit coat from the back
of his chair.
“Where’s Montana now?
In his suite?”

I told him not to do anything rash until
you’ve had a chance to meet with him.”

Reno had to talk to Jimmy first.
hurried onto the elevator, made his way downstairs, and made his way into the
When he saw Jimmy, at his
station as a pit boss, he hurried to him.

Mack Gabrini was sitting on a stool talking with two blackjack dealers.
They all were waiting for the morning
activity to pick up.
They were laughing
and having a ball.
But as soon as Jimmy saw
his father coming his way, he began to get worried. He already knew why he was
coming his way.

dealers, too, stopped laughing and stood to their feet when the owner

morning, Mr. Gabrini,” one of them said.

morning, Mr. Gabrini,” said the other one.

what’s this about?” Reno asked the threesome.
“Some kind of convention?
Everybody on break at the same time?”

no, sir,” one of the dealers responded.

get to your stations.
I’m not paying you
to flap your chops, I’m paying you to work.”

The two dealers hurried back to
their respective tables.

not like they had people waiting, Pop,” Jimmy said, defending them.
“There’s nobody at their tables.”

worry about yourself,” Reno said.

you see Val this morning?” Jimmy asked, attempting to change the subject.

“Yeah, I saw her.”
Reno also remembered what Val saw of

talked to her?”


Jimmy said.

Reno could see the concern in his eyes.
is it?” he asked him.

“She’s still . . . she hasn’t .
. . She won’t . . .” Jimmy looked at his father.

still what?” he asked.

hasn’t snapped out of it yet, Pop.
I’m not saying it’s easy to do.
I know
we had that . . . thing to happen.”

Call it what it is, son.
Your unborn baby died.”
It still was painful to Reno too.

swallowed hard.
“But it’s been enough
time, it seems to me, that . . . I know she’s still grieving.
I am too!
But she’s . . . It seems like she’s going backwards, not forward.”

could see that too.
Val hadn’t been
straight since the night of her miscarriage, but lately she seemed even more
distant, and unfocused, and sad.
what do you want me to do about it?” he asked his son.

Nothing to be done, I guess.”

it more time, son.
She’ll come
She has to.”


however, still had business on his mind. He had moved on already and was back
where he started from.
“Tell me what happened
with Montana,” he said to Jimmy.

looked at his father.
He hated the idea
of discussing something like that with a man like Reno.
Before Jimmy got married, Reno used to wonder
if he was gay.
Now this.

Reno asked.
“What happened?”

do you mean?” Jimmy asked.

let out a harsh exhale.
“Do I look like
your fucking playmate?
Tell me what
happened, Jimmy.”

looked around, to make sure that the few patrons in the casino this time of
morning weren’t in earshot.
“There was
an altercation,” he said.



you and Brice Montana?”


was it about?”

was so uncomfortable he could feel beads come onto his forehead.

about, James?
Stop fucking around.
What was the fight about?”





angrily leaned toward his father. “He wanted me to suck his dick, alright?”

looked at Reno.
Reno’s jaw tightened,
but he otherwise remained unmoved.
did you do when he asked?”

did I do?”
Jimmy was surprised to be
asked such a thing.
“What do you mean
what did I do?
I beat his ass, Pop. What
was I supposed to do?”

were supposed to say ‘no, thank-you, Mr. Montana.
I don’t go down like that.
Is there anything else I can do for you of a
non-sexual nature?’”

couldn’t believe it.
“Did you hear what
I said, Pop?
He wanted me to--”

know what he wanted you to do.
But I
also know he’s one of our headliners who packs them in every night.
This is a business, Jimmy, and he’s great for
So let’s go.”
Reno grabbed Jimmy by the shirt and began to
tug him along.

where?” Jimmy asked as he allowed the tug.

his suite,” Reno said.
“Where the fuck
you think?
You’re going to apologize to

jerked away from his father’s grasp. “Apologize?” He couldn’t believe it.
“Are you serious, Pop?
You’ve got life bent if you think I’m
apologizing to that cocksucker!”

looked at his handsome son with a look so chilling no words were going to be
Jimmy swallowed hard, but then
followed his father toward the elevators.

once they were on Reno’s private elevator, Jimmy once again complained.
“You wouldn’t apologize,” he said.
Then looked at his father.
“Would you?”

“No,” he admitted.

was floored.
“Then why are you making me
apologize, Pop, if you won’t?”

I would not have gotten into a fight with one of our performers in the first
I wouldn’t have anything to
apologize for!
You don’t think I’ve been
propositioned before?
Hell, I own a
fucking hotel and casino in Vegas.
single day of the week somebody’s asking me for dick.
But I don’t beat them up.
I smile, I play it off, and I get the hell
away from them.
But you don’t beat up
our bread and butter like some thug in the street!
You’re my son.
You’re a Gabrini.
And every Gabrini knows there’s a time and a
place for everything.”

shook his head.
His father was always
giving him contradictory advice.
Fight back, don’t fight back.
Do this, don’t do that
It was getting crazy to Jimmy.
Then he looked at Reno.
“Uncle Sal said I did the right thing,” he

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