Read Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings Online

Authors: Gina Drayer

Tags: #Romantic Comedy

Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings (25 page)

BOOK: Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings
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"You think you can end this without anyone getting hurt?" he said, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice. "You spent an hour crying on my shoulder last night. I think feelings have already been fully engaged."

Much to her embarrassment, she'd lost it last night. After Palo had helped her back to the cabin, she'd lost it. It wasn't really about Matt. Yes, feeling rejected may have been a precipitating factor, the final failure that brought everything into focus.

Even piss drunk, Beth came to the crushing realization that there was a huge hole in her life. The only thing she had going for her was her work. Being with Matt just made her acknowledge the fact that work alone just wasn't enough anymore.

Unfortunately, Beth didn't have a clue as to how to change. She had no real relationship experience. The thing with Robert had just been convenient; she realized that now. She didn't know how to be part of a couple. She couldn't even hold down a fake relationship for longer than a week, for fuck's sake.

Beth poked her head out of the bathroom door and plastered on a fake smile. "You know, that was just the alcohol talking last night," she tried to argue. "I get weepy when I drink too much."

"That wasn't weepy. You don't cry like that over a man you're not into. What you need to do is find him and fix it or let it go. This half in thing isn't working for you."

Palo was right. She may have screwed things up with Matt, but at least she could talk with him. Let him know that they couldn't go on like this.

"I'm going to that cooking class you recommended this morning, and after that I promise to talk to him. Right now, I'm going to jump in the shower."

The fact that Matt hadn't stopped by again this morning just reinforced the fact that their fling was over. It had only been a week, and his rejection shouldn't have hurt, but it did. She'd say her goodbyes and spend the rest of week avoiding him.

After breakfast, Palo escorted her to the cooking class, still valiantly trying to cheer her up. He'd circled back to the topic of Matt, trying to encourage her to give it another shot, when the doors opened and there the man stood with Bridget and Kitty in tow.

"Oh, it's you," Bridget said, her expression pinched. "I see you're with your friend. See. It's the guy I told you about this morning, Matt. What was it, Paul? Irregardless. You two seemed awfully cozy last night."

"Palo, right?" Matt asked. "You're the waiter from the club?"

Palo leaned over and whispered, loud enough for everyone in the elevator to hear, "I can see why you've been so busy. He's even tastier up close. I wouldn't leave my cabin either with a guy like that in my bed." And then a little lower, just for her. "As a matter of fact, I'd tie that man to the bed to make sure he didn't get away. My God, just look at that ass. Take my advice and make up."

Ignoring Palo's comments, Beth nodded and said, "Morning, Matt." Then, because she was still hurt, she added, "I missed you at the gym these last two days."

To his credit, he looked sufficiently abashed. "There was a minor crisis at work. I haven't had much time to do anything. I should have called to let you know I couldn't join you." He looked from Palo to Beth and back again. "I appreciate you keeping Beth company while I've been busy. You're more than welcome to tag along, but I'm sure you have other things to do." Matt held Palo's gaze for an uncomfortable length of time. The hint of a threat in his voice was clear.

Palo nodded in acceptance and took a step back to lean against the wall of the elevator. "As a matter of fact, I'm on my way to work. They don't give us much time off." The elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor, and Palo stepped out. "I'll leave Beth in your capable hands."

After the doors closed, Beth turned on Matt, totally forgetting Kitty and Bridget were even in the small room. "What was that about? I wasn't aware we had plans today."

Kitty took that moment to break her silence. "You're not bringing her are you?"

Before Beth could protest, Matt reached out and pulled her into his arms. "Of course she's coming."

The elevator felt as if all the air had been sucked out. She was just coming to terms with ending this charade, and there he was, acting like no time had passed. Who the hell did he think he was? Complete radio silence for two days and now his arm was wrapped around her waist in a possessive hold. Beth struggled to get out of Matt's grasp, preparing to give him a piece of her mind, but Kitty intruded.

"You're really not that blind, are you?" Kitty turned and shot a predatory look at Beth. "That waiter was wearing the same thing he had on last night. She obviously slept with him."

That wasn't true, and while Beth wouldn't beg Matt to come back, she wasn't about to let Kitty tell him lies. "Matt, I didn't— "

"Kitty, shut up," he said with enough venom to shock even her. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Matt, everyone would understand if you dumped her," Bridget added, "especially after her behavior last night."

"Bridget, mind your own business," he said, dismissively. "And Kitty, just so we're clear, there's nothing between us and there never will be." Satisfied, Matt turned his full attention to Beth and leaned down to whispered into her ear. "We need to talk."

Still a bit sensitive from his blatant withdrawal, Beth wasn't about to let him off the hook. "No, shit. But now is not a good time. If you had called," she said with emphasis, unable to resist the defensive jab, "I would have told you that. I have a cooking class scheduled in fifteen minutes."

"Thank God." All the tension left his body and he leaned back against the wall of the elevator, pulling her with him. "That's where we're headed."

Well, shit. So much for standing her ground and making a point. It was bound to happen eventually. The ship was only so big, but Beth had hoped to avoid him.

Matt didn't get the memo. He held her hand all the way down the hall to the class. He was going out of his way to touch and caress the exposed skin on her wrist and arm.

Screw him and his stupid lie. His attention was really starting to piss her off. Sure, she had signed up to play this part for his family, but she wasn't going to let him use her is such a blatant way.

But it wasn't just him anymore. She'd grown to like his family, and they liked her. When they arrived, she was greeted with enthusiasm. Everyone seemed genuinely happy to see her. Well, everyone but Kitty and Bridget. Beth gritted her teeth and continued to act as if things were fine, but she was fast losing her patience.

Every time Kitty, or anyone else from Matt's family, looked their way, Beth swore he increased his attentions. By the time the class started, Beth was seething.

Instead of yelling at Matt, she tried to focus on her tasks. After lining up all the ingredients for the Portuguese style chicken stew, she turned on the hot plate and read through the recipe, deciding the better part of valor would be to ignore him completely. But Matt made sure that was next to impossible.

After a brief explanation of the techniques they were going to learn in today's lesson, the instructor told them to start by dicing the vegetables. Matt slid in behind her without a word, trapping Beth between his hard chest and the counter, as if they did this every day. He grabbed one of the peppers and with his arms tucked under hers, started to cut.

"Seriously? Don't you think this is going too far? No one is watching, so you can drop the act," she hissed under her breath and tried to move out of his arms.

He ignored her angry words and continued to work. It was a good thing Beth wasn't the one with the knife because she was feeling stabby. Not to mention the feel of his body moving against her had her every nerve on high alert. She wasn't sure what made her angrier, his nonchalant caresses or her own body's reaction.

Pressing his lips next to her ear, he asked "Act? What act?" With complete disregard to her attempts to break free, Matt grabbed a potato and cut it into chunks.

"This act," she bit out. "They've all seen me now. They've seen the way you've fawned over me. You don't have to fuck me on the table to get them to believe we're a couple."

"What are you talking about? They who?" He stopped his chopping and let out a long sigh. Sliding beside her, Matt lost a little of his nonchalance. "Beth, look at me,"

She couldn't look up. She wouldn't let him see the hurt she knew would show in her expression. Instead, she focused on the instructor at the front of the room and tossed the chicken into the pan, not really hearing his words, just following his lead.

"Beth, you have every right to be angry at me, but this has nothing to do with
," he said, indicating the rest of the room. "This is between you and me."

"You expect me to believe you aren't putting on a show for your family? Kitty, in particular. Mission accomplished. You've done your job, and thoroughly pissed her off. I bet she'll leave you alone now, so you can stop pawing me."

Her frustration was boiling over and Beth attacked the browning chicken with the spatula, flipping the pieces with such force several flew out of the pan. Matt grabbed her hand and took the spatula away.

"Hey. Slow down. I wanted to talk. And yes, I may have asked you here because I didn't want spend time with Kitty, but my attention has nothing to do with them. I'm 'pawing' you because—" He tucked some stray hairs behind her ear and leaned in to whisper. "—I missed you yesterday."

"Well, you could have fooled me." Beth stepped away, refusing to let her traitorous body let him know exactly how much she'd missed his touch. She snatched the spatula out of his hand and focused back on the pan.


"I'm going to need the rest of those shallots soon," she interrupted.

Matt raked a hand through his shaggy hair, giving it that just out of bed look she loved. She wasn't going to forget how he'd left her with not one word. At least, that's what she kept telling herself. She wasn't ready to move on. Not with her feelings still exposed and raw. So Beth put renewed effort back into the chicken dish, hoping to push off the conversation, even as she felt her resolve crumble.



When the doors had opened and Beth was standing in the elevator waiting, it had taken every ounce of willpower not to skip the stupid class and take her back to his room. She was in another one of those clingy sun dresses she loved to wear. Matt thought she looked more sensual in a simple dress and sandals than any woman he'd ever met at any of the society functions over the years.

The way the fabric clung to her was nice, but the fact she couldn't wear a bra with the thin strapped dress made it even better. One good pull on that strap and he could have her breast in his hand. But this wasn't the time or place. Matt picked up a shallot, determined to keep his hands busy so he wouldn't be tempted to test the strengths of the fabric.

Beth was pretty clear she wasn't in the mood. Sure, he'd expected some flak for not calling her, but not nearly this level of anger. He was prepared to make it up to her, but after Kitty came pounding on his door this morning with a wild story about Beth sneaking around on him, Matt was seeing red. They never discussed keeping it exclusive, but with their arrangement, he didn't think that needed to be spelled out.

Now that he knew she'd been with Palo, all his anger died. He'd met the man, and was fairly confident there was nothing to worry about where Beth was concerned. But that didn't mean he wouldn't ask her about their little slumber party.

However, that would have to wait. He had more pressing issues to figure out, like why the hell was she so pissed? He hadn't been lying about the work crisis. After the movie, he went back to his room to get his head on straight and do a little work. Just his luck, Simon had an urgent project waiting for his immediate attention.

Matt thought she'd be fine with not seeing him for a day or two. Wasn't she the one who'd insisted on the space and boundaries? Obviously, he'd been wrong.

"There was this work thing. I thought you might need a day without me. I know I did. It gave me time to think. I felt things were going a little fast."

"This is news to me. You should have said something at dinner or even a called to let me know you needed time. I'm not some lovesick teen. If you can't behave like a grown up and communicate these things with me, then maybe you were right. We need time apart. I don't need this shit, Matt."

"You're right. I should have called," he said. "You have every right to be mad at me. I thought it would be better this way. I was busy, and I knew if I heard your sexy voice over the phone, I'd cave and come see you."

BOOK: Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings
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