Read Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings Online

Authors: Gina Drayer

Tags: #Romantic Comedy

Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings (29 page)

BOOK: Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings
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"I'm not planning to."

"Well, I think I'm going to skip dessert," she said to the table. She turned to Dad, beckoning him to get her chair. "Why don't we head up to the deck. I hear they are doing another movie tonight. If we hurry, dear, we won't miss the opening credits this time."



Chapter 17



Modern Girl Tip #17: Honesty Is the Best Policy—Don't make promises you don't intend to keep—to him or to yourself. Your fling might not be the man you're planning to marry, but he's still a human being. It's easy to get carried away in the moment and say things you don't mean. Don't lead him on or overestimate your commitment to the relationship.


"Stay with me tonight," Matt whispered in her ear as they left dinner.

It was a simple request, but those four words held an entire conversation. Even when Matt said he wanted to continue their relationship after the cruise, he hadn't asked her to make a decision. But when he was asking her to stay the night, that's exactly what he was doing.

He'd made his feelings perfectly clear, and Beth knew what she needed to do. It was selfish, but she wasn't ready to change things. Not yet. She wanted to hold on to this fragile happiness they'd found in each other's arms; if just for a while longer. But as much as she wanted to keep things the same, Beth could tell the uncertainty of their situation was eating away at Matt.

Closing her eyes, she sighed. Time was up. She couldn't keep him hanging. "Let me stop at my cabin and get a few things. I'll meet you back at your room in a couple minutes."

She went alone to her room, trying to talk herself out of what she was about to do. Even though her mind was made up, she knew deep down it was a mistake. She was leaving for Costa Rica in less than a month. They didn't have a chance to make it work. It would be kinder to both of them if she just ended it now instead of letting thing get even deeper. But she couldn't let go.

With her stomach in knots, Beth shoved a few things in a bag, including a change of clothes, and headed back upstairs. She'd gone to his room what seemed like dozens of times, but not like this. This time they weren't playing a part. This time it was for real.

Using the key to get into the private concierge level, Beth ran into the last person she wanted to see. Kitty eyed the bag she was carrying, and Beth braced herself for a confrontation. But much to her surprise, Kitty just rolled her eyes and walked by.

But not before she lobbed one last jab, "Enjoy him while you can. It won't last. He might not want me, but I'm sure he'll be bored with
before fall."

Beth had to stifle a hysterical giggle. Kitty put to words Beth's biggest fear. Over the last few days she went from just wanting Matt to wanting a real relationship with him. And just like Kitty, Beth didn't believe it would last. He wanted her now, and that was something she could give him.

Beth quietly entered Matt's suite, resolute in her choice. She'd been gone for less than an hour, but Matt was in the middle of a video call, so she tip-toed past him to the bathroom to put up her toothbrush and some of her toiletries.

"Hang on a sec," Matt said to the monitor. Turning around, he called to her. "Sorry. This couldn't wait. I'll just be a few more minutes. Make yourself comfortable. Order some wine from room service, and I'll join you out on the deck."

She nodded in silent agreement and waved him back to his call. He returned to the conversation, and Beth leaned against the door frame and watched him. She could almost imagine this was what it would be like back in Chicago. She'd stop by his apartment and open some wine while he finished up work. They'd talk about their day before falling into bed. It was a tempting fantasy.

Shaking off the thought, she tossed her bag on the bed and stepped out on the veranda, but not before she caught the questions coming from the laptop.

"Is she why you've been avoiding my emails?"

"That's none of your fucking business, jackass. I'm supposed to be on vacation. Now, let's get back to the issue so I can get off this call. Give the file to Kim and she can start the mock ups. She's good or I wouldn't have hired her. I'll send her an email outline of what needs to be done."

"But the client wants you."

"I'll be back in four days. I can do the finishing touches on the design before the deadline. But only if Kim starts things. If I have to piecemeal something together from my laptop it's going to look like shit. Kim can get the ball rolling and I'll finish the design. And Simon, for the love of God, don't let Peter promise anymore clients we can do rush jobs until I get back. Now, as you noticed, I have plans tonight. Don't call me again unless the office is on fire."

The temperature was cooling off after the warm day. Beth leaned against the railing, closed her eyes, and inhaled the salty air. The sound of the water beating the hull of the ship was hypnotic, and she lost herself in the rhythmic pulse while Matt finished up. She could spend all night listening to that sound. It was peaceful, and she could use a little peace right about now.

Matt joined her, pulling Beth out of the trance she'd fallen into. Without ceremony, he greeted her with a kiss. In that moment, he made her feel like she was the only woman in the world he wanted to kiss. And she returned the kiss with equal abandon, trying to memorize every action, every sound, and every taste. Trying to fuse this memory in her mind forever.

"I don't think I'll ever get enough of kissing you," he said, pulling back. "And while I'd love to have my way with you right here, today was exhausting. Do you mind if we just relax in front of the TV for a while?"

Beth laughed. "You mean after all this time, you finally talk me into staying the whole night and you want to watch TV? Why Matt Carver, how very domestic."

Matt slid a hand under the back of her shirt and traced the edge of her jeans. "I promise to do all sorts of base things to you later," he whispered in her ear before biting it gently, "but right now I need to turn my brain off."

The delicious things he was doing with his tongue along her collarbone was setting her nerves on fire. And it wasn't hard to imagine all the things they'd do tonight, but there was something in his tone that was off. When Beth finally managed to drag her thoughts off his roaming mouth and focused on the conversation, she pulled away to get a good look at him. Matt looked exhausted, and she started to worry.

"What's wrong? You said something about a problem at work earlier. Don't let me keep you if you have something you need to do. You don't need to entertain me. I'm a big girl." She ran her hand along his jaw and kissed him reassuringly. "And don't worry, I promise not to leave."

"It's nothing that can't wait." He sighed and slumped against the rail beside her. The swift sea breeze whipped his hair, making him look a little wild and on edge. "We have a client that needs a rush job. They just purchased into a new line and Peter, one of the partners, promised them the moon, assuming I'd take time from my vacation to work on the project."

"And if I wasn't here?" Beth prompted. "Would you be working on it?"

He at least considered the question before shrugging it off. "But you are here. I've got it handled for now, and I'm on vacation. Fuck, I haven't taken a vacation or even had a sick day since we opened four years ago."

"So you used to take vacations often?" Beth asked unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. She'd bet good money that he hadn't taken a vacation since he was a kid.

"You think you've got me pegged, don't you?" He chuckled at her ribbing and pushed off the rail.

"Tell you what," she said, walking back into the room and to the bed. "Why don't you take care of that email. I have my book. I'm just a couple chapters away from the end and I really want to find out what happens. Then we can watch TV, go to bed, or do something else. I'm yours for the night."



Between their messy talk, the sex, the angry email from the client, and the conference call, the day had been a rollercoaster of emotions. But it was all worth it to have Beth curled up on the sofa reading while he worked. They didn't talk. She read her book, sipping the wine they'd ordered, while he typed up notes for his assistant.

She was right. It was very domestic. He couldn't get over the fact that Beth agreed to stay, even though he knew this was one of the nights she had some activity circled on her itinerary (karaoke if he remembered right).

But that was the thing about Beth, despite her assertion that they were destined to fail, it was incredibly easy to be with her. Most of the women he'd dated over the years would have thrown a fit at the sudden change in plans, or at the very least pouted for the rest of the night. That alone was reason enough to try this out back home.

He could understand her hesitance about bringing their relationship back to their real lives. Matt hadn't been lying when he told her he didn't have time to date. Being an owner of a successful, albeit small, marketing firm meant lots of late nights and unplanned work. In the past he found it a hassle keeping up with a relationship, but it would be worth the extra effort for Beth.

It took Matt a few hours to finish his work. Beth had fallen asleep wrapped up in a blanket with her head resting on his lap. He found himself idly stroking her hair as he finished the last details on the email. He didn't intend to watch her sleep. In truth, he could barely see her with only the low light coming from his laptop to illuminate the room, but he found himself glancing at her nonetheless.

In that quiet moment, Matt knew what they shared was special. It was more than just explosive sexual chemistry or a trivial holiday romance. This connection could blossom into something they could build a lifetime on.

He sent the email and logged off his computer, vowing not to open it again until he was back home. These last few days they had together were too precious, and he wasn't going to waste the time they had left.

It was still early. Well, early when compared to their normal late night schedule, but they'd both had a long day. Trying hard not to disturb her, Matt gathered Beth up and tucked her in bed. He was just as whipped as she was. After stripping down to his underwear, Matt settled in beside Beth, pulling her into his arms. They'd sleep for now.

He woke up hours later when an elbow smacked him in the face and Beth mumbled something incoherent about water pressure. The woman was wrapped, cocoon style in all the covers with his pillow tucked under her cheek, and he realized, not only was she a restless, sleep talking bed-hog, she was also a blanket thief.

He gave the covers a hard tug to disentangle her, and discovered she'd gotten up sometime in the night and disrobed. Under all those covers, Beth was gloriously nude. He looked longingly at a perk nipple before rolling over to look at the clock. It was a little after four in the morning, still too early to get up, but his cock didn't care what time it was.

She was curled on her side, with her dark hair cascading across the pillow behind her. Most of Beth's face was cuddled into the pillow she'd stolen. He reached out a finger and traced the soft curve of her jaw.

She stirred again and wriggled into his side, searching for warmth now that the blankets were gone. Her naked, firm ass pushed back against his growing arousal, and brought his cock to full attention.

"Are you up?' she mumbled, sleepily. The husky sound was outrageously sexy.

"You could say that. But it's still early," he said, trying to ignore the increasing desire to shift positions so he could rub his painfully hard dick between the cleft of her ass. He brushed her throat with a kiss. "You should go back to sleep."

BOOK: Modern Girl's Guide To Vacation Flings
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