Read Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor Online
Authors: Hervé This
Tags: #Cooking, #General, #Methods, #Essays & Narratives, #Special Appliances, #Science, #Chemistry, #Physics, #Technology & Engineering, #Food Science, #Columbia University Press, #ISBN-13: 9780231133128
turned out to be negative, were initially published in the
Vigneron champenois
Michel Valade, Isabelle Tribaut-Sohier, and Frédéric Panoïotis had the ad-
vantage of being able to institute reliable controls that few of us have, par-
ticularly access to an ample supply of bottles of champagne from the same
vintage, differing from one another as little as possible. To simulate con-
sumption, the bottles were partly emptied, either by a third or by two-thirds.
Some were left open; others were equipped with the famous teaspoon, silver
or stainless steel depending on the case; still others were stopped with a cork;
and a final batch was sealed by a metal crown cap. All the bottles were placed
in an upright position at a temperature of 12°c (54°f). In order to test the
quantity of residual gas, pressure, loss of weight, and taste were measured at
regular intervals.
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Pressure Variations
The pressure of the champagne at the outset was about 6 bars. As the bot-
tles were emptied, the pressure fell to 4 bars when the residual volume was 50
centiliters ( 16.9 oz.) and to 2 bars when the volume was 25 centiliters (8.5 oz.).
Subsequently, the drop in pressure was similar for all the bottles that had been
left open, with or without a teaspoon; it was less for the bottles with caps (10%,
instead of 50% in the case of bottles left open for forty-eight hours).
To forestall criticism of these preliminary measurements from skeptics at-
tached to the myth of the teaspoon, the researchers also measured the loss of
weight through degassing. Once again the weight loss was observed to be iden-
tical for the open bottles and for those whose neck was fitted with a teaspoon.
By contrast, the loss was zero for the bottles that had been stopped with a cork.
Although a little gas escapes from the liquid in this case, its accumulation on
top of the liquid limits any further release; when the bottle is uncorked the
next time for measurement, the noise of its being opened reveals the presence
of this accumulated gas, but the quantity of dissolved gas remains greater be-
cause the cork stopper limits the degassing of the wine.
In Vino Veritas
These measurements confirmed that degassing depends chiefly on the
pressure exerted downward on the liquid, the presence of suspended matter in
it, and imperfections in the inner surface of the bottle. This last effect is clearly
visible when one puts sand in a glass of champagne or when champagne is
poured into a frosted glass: bubbles immediately form in great numbers, trig-
gered by the irregularities introduced in the liquid.
Saving the best for last and for themselves, the Epernay researchers tasted
the contents of the various opened bottles. This blind tasting confirmed that
the teaspoon did nothing to preserve the sparkling character of the cham-
pagne. By contrast, the samples that had been preserved in hermetically sealed
bottles were more effervescent. In every case the wines had oxidized because
oxygen had been let in when the bottles were partly emptied. But never mind
that cork stoppers preserve champagne better than teaspoons; one should not
put off until tomorrow what one can do today. Once you’ve opened a bottle,
finish it off!
Of Champagne and Teaspoons
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Co‡ee, Tea, and Milk
Determining the most efcient way to cool down a drink that is too hot.
t h e m o s t c o m m o n e v e r y d a y e x p e r i e n c e s give rise to practical
questions. Is it true that running, rather than walking, under the rain will keep
you drier? Does it really feel cooler to wear white clothes on a sunny day? Does
water always drain out from a bathtub in a clockwise direction in the Northern
Hemisphere? Testing such questions experimentally is a simple matter, but we
are rarely willing to go to the trouble.
Small mysteries of this sort abound in cooking. Take the coffee we drink
every morning. It is always boiling hot, and we are never sure how to cool it
down. Some great minds have taken an interest in the question, including
the British physicist Stephen Hawking. According to Hawking, if you want
to avoid burning your mouth you should wait a few moments before adding
sugar, assuming you sweeten your coffee, because it will cool down more rap-
idly than if you add the sugar right away.
What is the theoretical basis for this prediction? Stefan’s law, which stipu-
lates that the heat radiated by a body per unit of time is proportional to the
fourth power of its absolute temperature, tells us that hot bodies radiate more
energy than cold bodies. In allowing the coffee to cool down by itself one prof-
its from its higher temperature, and therefore from its more intense radiation;
dissolving the sugar afterward completes the process. Putting the sugar in first,
on the other hand, has the effect of immediately cooling the coffee, so less ad-
vantage is derived from its radiation. This is plausible enough, but is it true?
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Theory to the Test
Experiments (all the ones mentioned here were done under controlled
conditions that very closely reproduce actual experience) show that the effect
predicted by Hawking is too weak to be observed. Moreover, they reveal that
the cup plays an important role: As cooling begins, the cup is reheated, but
because it gives off heat only by conduction its temperature falls less rapidly
than that of the liquid, whose cooling it subsequently retards.
What if one were to add cold milk instead of sugar? Once again the experi-
ment could hardly be simpler: Make a very hot cup of coffee, then add milk at
room temperature and measure the rate of cooling. Next, compare this result
with what happens when a very hot cup of coffee is allowed to cool beforehand
and room temperature milk added at a later stage.
This time the theoretical prediction is correct. For 20 centiliters (6.75 oz.) of
boiling coffee that is cooled initially with 7.5 centiliters (2.5 oz.) of room tem-
perature milk, a comfortable drinking temperature of 55°c (131°f) is obtained
after about 10 minutes, but if one waits for the coffee to reach 75°c (167°f)
before adding the milk, one obtains the same result after only four minutes.
Knowing an elementary law of physics reduces the wait by more than half.
Teaspoon and Radiator
Where does this leave those who take neither sugar nor milk? Should they
put a teaspoon in their coffee, reasoning that the heat of the coffee will travel
through the metal of the spoon and thence radiate into the atmosphere?
This time let’s skip theoretical calculations, however interesting they may
be (for the first time in my life I was able to use Clairaut’s equation, which as a
student I had worked so hard to learn) and use a thermocouple to measure the
actual effect instead. We will see that the effect of the teaspoon is virtually nil:
When one takes two cups containing coffee at an initial temperature of 100°c
(212°f) and puts a teaspoon in one of them, the difference in temperature after
ten minutes is less than 1°c (or 1.8°f). A teaspoon is not an efficient radiator,
even when it is made of silver.
Coffee cools slowly, but what about tea? The difference in color between
coffee and tea affects the degree of radiation in principle, but in practice it does
not affect the rate of cooling because the effect is too small to be experimentally
Co¤ee, Tea, and Milk
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observed: Assuming identical cups and identical quantities of liquid, the cool-
ing curves coincide exactly. On the other hand, a large bowl of tea may cool
more slowly than a small cup of tea, but that is another story.
Let’s conclude by examining the intuitive behavior of drinkers of hot bev-
erages everywhere. Is blowing on coffee an efficient way of cooling it? What
about stirring it with a spoon? Experiment shows that a boiling liquid that
cools spontaneously by 6°c (11°f) per minute cools by 11°c (20°f) per minute
when one stirs and one blows on it at the same time. Which is more effective:
stirring or blowing?
Stirring has two effects: It makes the temperature of the liquid throughout
the cup uniform and, by bringing the hottest part up to the surface, accelerates
cooling. Stirring therefore increases the area over which energy is exchanged
between the hot liquid and the cold air. A further consequence of this ven-
tilation is that it expels from the liquid the fastest-moving molecules, which
have now entered into the steam phase. This means that they are not recycled
through the rest of the liquid, with the result that its average molecular kinetic
energy is reduced. Because temperature measures exactly this, the average
velocity of molecular agitation, a lower velocity means that the liquid has
cooled. Let’s blow vigorously on the coffee in one cup while vigorously stirring
the contents of another cup, trying in the latter case to maximize the surface
area of contact between air and liquid, as the theoretical description of the
problem requires.
Question: What will we observe? Answer: Blowing is much more efficient
than stirring. The same coffee that loses 6°c (11°f) per minute when one blows
on it cools down only by 3.5°c (6°f) when it is stirred.
78 | secrets of the kitchen
The Physiolo³ of Flavor
Food as Medicine
Our primate cousins vary their diet depending on their state of health.
t o t h e g r e e k m i n d, barbarians were people who did not change their diet
when they were sick. At the Laboratoire d’Écologie Générale of the Museum in
Brunoy, Claude Marcel Hladik and his colleagues demonstrated that under cer-
tain circumstances monkeys eat earth, or plants containing alkaloids, in order
to preserve a balanced diet—even to treat intestinal disorders. In this they are
close relatives of the civilized world.
The reaction of primates to sweet solutions is a striking feature of mam-
malian evolutionary adaptation: The larger the animal, the more efficiently it
detects sugars. Large animals, better equipped to recognize sweet foods, are
able to acquire more energy for themselves. An exception to this rule, which
holds as much for fruit-eating animals as for herbivores, is the loris
a prosimian that is insensitive to sucrose (ordinary sugar). This may
be because it must tolerate the bitter taste of insects in addition to various prey
that other monkeys do not feed upon.
A Normal Primate
Regarded in terms of their ability to perceive sweet products, humans
are normal primates: Our body mass is large, and we are very sensitive to
sweet tastes. Nonetheless, this biological basis is modulated by environmen-
tal factors. For example, perceptual thresholds for glucose and sucrose differ
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between the inhabitants of tropical forests and those of grasslands. Thus the
Pygmies, who occupy forests where sugar-rich fruits are common, have a less
developed sensitivity to sweet tastes than that of peoples who live in savannas,
where plants contain less sugar.