Mom & Son Get it Done (9 page)

Read Mom & Son Get it Done Online

Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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Caroline could see from the cornered animal
look in his eyes that Bobby was frightened, but that quickly
disappeared as he closed his lips around her finger and began to
suck on it. Soon her finger and his tongue were involved in a
pleasant duel inside his mouth, but it didn't last as long as
either would have liked. When her finger was good and wet she
removed it and brought it to her bare breast where she applied the
spit to her nipple which began to shrivel into erection before
Bobby's eyes. Using her other arm to support the back of Bobby's
head, she began to apply a slow upward pressure and it only took a
second for him to figure out what she wanted. Giving in to the
pressure as she brought his head up slightly, he opened his mouth
and glued it right over the center of her large puffy pink aureola
and began to suck.


This caused an involuntary, but slight gasp
to escape Caroline's lips. The sound didn't go unnoticed by Norma
up front in the passenger seat talking softly to her husband so as
to keep him awake while he drove. Sensing the nature of the what
she heard coming from behind her she refrained from jerking her
head around; she felt this was something she didn't want to draw
Jake's attention to and she was right. When she did finally glance
into the back seat she almost became unhinged and it was with the
greatest effort of her will that she managed to remain outwardly
calm and unruffled.


She let a few moments pass and then turned
again, this time for a longer look just to verify what she thought
she saw the first time in the dim light. Nothing had changed. There
was her son curled up with his head in Caroline's lap. And there
sat Caroline with her jacket open and her blouse undone and one of
her big tits hanging out of her bra cup. And Bobby was sucking one
her nipple. What a scene! Goddamn her!


Norma was filled with an instant rage and
anger at what she felt was betrayal by her best friend. How dare
she do this? she thought. But she also knew that to do anything at
the moment with Jake right there was to risk giving away the entire
situation. She was struck powerless and she knew it and it made her
even madder that she knew Caroline knew it.


With all the enmity she could muster she
moved her eyes up to Caroline's and found the other woman staring
right back at her with an equally serious expression on her face.
They held this emotion filled tableau an eon until Caroline had the
gall to wink. That broke the ice and Norma couldn't help but to
emit a low throated chuckle. Hearing that her husband queried,
"What's so funny?"


Norma just shook her head and said, "Oh
nothing. Just something that came to mind." After all, what else
could she say?


A quick take of the situation on Norma's part
revealed to her that she wasn't about to try and break up the
backseat lustfest. On the contrary, there was a part of her that
wanted it to continue; she was getting turned on by the thought of
her son sucking on her best friend's nipple. If she couldn't get
into it she was damn well going to watch them so she shifted her
position putting herself half turned in the seat and up against the
car door. This way she could plainly see everything that was going
on in back.


As she became increasingly aroused Norma
still retained a part of her earlier resentment at Caroline's brash
behavior until she realized with a start that she was actually
jealous; she wanted it to be she who was in back with Bobby, having
him suck her breast.


In order to have an excuse to be constantly
looking back, Norma began an inane conversation with Caroline,
rattling on in a steady stream about some dumb subject or another.
The initial sound of his mother's voice startled and frightened
Bobby and he jerked his head around to look up over the seat at
her. But she wouldn't look down at him or acknowledge him in any
way; she just kept rattling on about some church social or other.
Caroline took his head and pulled it back against her bosom and he
resumed sucking her breast.


As Norma chatted on and Bobby continued to
nurse, Caroline reached down with her right hand and began to
lightly rub Bobby's side, all the time working her hand lower and
lower until it was directly over his crotch. Here, she found
exactly what she had hoped - a huge lump of muscle straining the
fabric of his pants. She began to rub the lump in a circular motion
with the palm of her hand until she had located its exact form and
position and she couldn't believe the size of it. Having done so,
she didn't linger long. She very cautiously began to unzip the fly
on Bobby's pants. When she had it down she found the opening in his
shorts and inserted her hand inside, grabbed his hot cock and began
to wrestle with it in an attempt to free it from its confines.


Sensing rather than feeling the upcoming
groan from Bobby's throat, she tightened the pressure of her hand
on the back of his head, mashing it into her tit and muffling the
moan brought on by the feel of her hand on his sensitive bare
cockflesh. Eventually she managed to get his massive cock loose and
immediately wrapped her hand around the hard pole and slowly began
to jack it up and down. Then she looked up at Norma and saw the
lust in the other woman's eyes. It amazed Caroline that Norma could
gawk at the scene before her, obviously enraptured by it, and
continue to chatter away as she was doing.


And indeed it wasn't easy for Norma to carry
on this mostly one sided conversation as she took in the scene of
her best friend having her breast sucked by her son while he was
being masturbated by her. Her own crotch was throbbing in sympathy
and she would have given anything to have been able to dive over
the seat and join them.


Before the thought was even completed she saw
her son stiffen, let out a slight groan and then saw his cock erupt
a long stream of white cream onto the sleeve of Caroline's leather
jacket. Caroline continued to milk Bobby's hard penis which
continued to squirt come. When it appeared that he was finished,
Caroline quickly said in a clear voice, "Ahem, uh, Norma - do you
happen to have a Kleenex with you. I think I've got something in my


Norma smiled inwardly to herself as she dug a
Kleenex out of the purse on the seat beside her and handed it back.
Caroline took it and proceeded to clean Bobby's semen off her coat
sleeve. When she was finished, she looked up to make sure Norma was
looking at her and then proceeded to bring the sopping tissue to
her mouth where she ran it around her lips a couple of times,
coating them and making them gleam, before beginning to noiselessly
suck on it. The irony of the situation was not lost on Norma, whose
anger was once again silently starting to flare at the obvious fun
Caroline was poking at her.


When Caroline was done sucking some of
Bobby's cum from the Kleenex she opened the window and threw it out
then slowly licked her lips clean with her tongue while she smiled
innocently at Norma. God, what audacity, Norma fumed. I'm going to
wring her fucking neck the first chance I get.


During all of this Bobby had been quietly
moving around and trying with a modicum of success to get himself
zipped up again without alerting his father to what had happened.
He was painfully aware of the fact that his mother had taken in the
whole event, but he sure didn't want his father to find out about


Caroline helped him along when she said,
"Come on, big boy. Time to get up. We're almost home. Rise and
shine, now." And Bobby sat up allowing Caroline to reinsert her
breast into her bra and button her blouse.


When the car pulled in the driveway a few
minutes later they all got out and Caroline headed immediately
across the lawn to her own front door, waving and saying, "Night,
all." No way was she going to give Norma the chance to corner her
alone after what she had pulled off tonight. And they both knew


Jake, Norma and Bobby trudged into the house
as if nothing had ever happened.




Part 7


Bobby awoke the next morning to a puzzling
sense of unreality.


As consciousness came to him he knew
something was different, but wasn't immediately sure of what.


Then he began to sort through the events of
the previous evening and was thunderstruck at what he thought had
happened. But he still wasn't sure; it all seemed like a dream. In
fact, it had kind of happened in a dream - of sorts.


He remembered falling asleep in the car as it
sped home only to awaken groggily to the sight of Mrs. Bishop's
bare breast jutting out from her open blouse not an inch from his
eyes. The ensuing events now tumbled into his memory ending with
them getting out of the car. By that time he was so exhausted he
just dropped his clothes on the floor of his bedroom, hit the bed,
and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


As he now looked around the room this was
verified by the pile of clothes lying on the floor by the bed. Holy
shit, he said to himself, I don't believe this really happened. And
mom saw the whole thing!


Summoning his courage he headed downstairs
and saw his father out front talking to Brad Bishop from next door.
Hoping yet fearing that his mother was in the kitchen he headed
that way, intending to get some breakfast.


And there she was, dressed to kill in a short
skirt and beautiful silk blouse with and apron on, cutting carrots
with a big chef's knife. As he walked by she didn't look up or say
anything so he said, "Hi, mom," but didn't hear any reply from her.
Waiting a couple of seconds he tried again with another, "Hi, mom.
Good morning."


"Don't 'hi' me you... you... you filthy, you
perverted sex maniac," she hissed, the venom in her voice sharper
than the knife she was wielding. Before he could utter a word she
continued, "Do you know what you did last night? Do you? Get out of
my sight. Right now!" she ordered in a tone of voice that would
brook no argument.


Holy shit, Bobby said to himself as he
quickly exited the kitchen and climbed the stairs back to his
bedroom. Once inside he shut the door and sat on the bed. He felt
horrible. This whole business was a mess and he didn't know what to
do. As he sat on his bed feeling helpless he heard a slight knock
on the door which then opened and his mother stepped in.


She walked over and stood beside him as he
looked up at her with eyes beginning to well tears.


"I'm sorry, Bobby. Truly, I am. I didn't mean
to snap at you like that - honest. I'm not mad at you. It's just
that I don't think that what happened last night was right. It was
horrible what Caroline did to you. Will you forgive me for speaking
to me that way, huh? It wasn't your fault," she said softly,
putting her hand on the back of his head. Then she leaned down and
placed her soft, firm, full lips right on his and gave him a kiss
like she'd never given him before.


"Forgive me? Please?" she said again, pulling
her head away, her eyes pleading with his.


Bobby could feel his cock start to swell as
he answered, "Sure, mom, I'm sorry..." but he was interrupted by
the loud voice of his father from the foot of the stairs as he
shouted, "Hey, what's going on up there? Bobby, are you out of bed
yet? Norma, it smells like somethings burning in the kitchen."


"Oh hell," Norma said, turning and hurrying
from the room leaving Bobby alone once more.


Bobby didn't see his mother for the rest of
the day. She had gone shopping and didn't return home until late
afternoon, just in time to make dinner. And he had a date that
night with Ariel.


During the church service the next morning,
Norma surprised Bobby right in the middle of the sermon by gently
taking his hand in her gloved one and holding it until they again
had to stand to sing. Bobby's mind was going in all directions.
What did it mean, he pondered, first that kiss yesterday and now
she's holding my hand? Maybe she just feels bad about what happened
the past couple of days and for being so mean to me yesterday
morning. It could also mean that she's changed her mind and maybe
now we'll get to touch each other, he hoped beyond all hope as he
looked down and her full legs beautifully encased in nylons.


Norma did indeed feel bad about the way she
had treated her son in the kitchen on Saturday morning and she knew
the anger she was feeling was misplaced; it should be directed at
that bitch Caroline for seducing her son in her presence. And with
her husband right there in the car with them, of all things, where
she completely shut off from interfering due to the risk of
exposure. Well, she was going to get back at Caroline for this. She
didn't know how, but she was going to do it.


Right after she had shouted at Bobby in the
kitchen she felt so guilty that she went upstairs to apologize to
him. He seemed so sad and forlorn, sitting there on the bed. It
looked like he was ready to cry. He was so young and so naive, but
oh so sexy. She couldn't help herself as she stroked his head and
tried to reassure him. And when he looked up at her with tears in
his eyes she just couldn't help herself. She leaned down meaning to
just give him a little peck on the cheek, but somehow her mouth was
drawn to his lips and she just laid one on him. Even though it was
a closed mouth kiss, just the feel of his beautiful Roman lips on
hers almost made her forget her resolve and she was on the verge of
grabbing right there. The only thing that saved her was Jake
calling about the stuff on the stove.

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