Mom & Son Get it Done

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Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

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Mom &
Get it Done


Luke Lafferty

Copyright 2013 by Luke Lafferty

Smashwords Edition

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Part 1


Bobby sat on the commode in the plush
upstairs bathroom with a thin, well-worn magazine of grainy
photographs of nude women in his left hand and his K-Y
jelly-lubricated erection in his right. As he stared at a
waist-to-head picture of a particularly sexy brunette with medium
sized breasts he slid his jelly-slick hand slowly up and down his
hard penis while trying to imagine what it would be like to have
this woman sitting live across from him watching him jacking off
instead of just staring back at him lifelessly from a piece of
paper. Nonetheless, as he stroked himself that good sensation in
his groin continued to build. It wouldn't be long now before his
cock would spew out that marvelous white jism onto the face of this
woman who turned him on so much with her sexy sneer. Although it
would ruin another couple of pages of the magazine, Bobby just
couldn't seem to help himself; it gave him such a thrill to come on
the faces of the women who turned him on.


Today was unusual in that the basketball
coach had called off the normal after-school practice and Bobby was
able to go home early. He had planned to use the time to catch up
on his homework, but when he got home he hadn't seen his mother's
car in the driveway and figured she must have stayed late at work.
Thinking he had the house to himself, he hurried to the upstairs
bathroom to relieve himself of the tension that had been building
in him because of two incidents earlier in the day.


The first had happened while he was getting
dressed for school. He had been passing down the hallway on his way
to the bathroom when he happened to glance through the half-opened
door of his parents' bedroom and caught a glimpse of his mother,
Norma, clad in only bra and panties as she got dressed for work.
Although the glance was only fleeting it was enough to set him on
edge. Norma was a tall, statuesque woman whose most striking
features were her long, wavy black hair which cascaded down her
back almost to her waist and her equally long full legs. From the
time Bobby began to develop sexually he had been attracted to her
and her beautiful legs held a special fascination for him. From
time to time he would masturbate while fantasizing what it would be
like to be able to fondle and kiss his mother's legs. He was also
extremely curious about her breasts, which appeared to be slightly
on the small side. Try as he might, he had yet to see his mother's
bare breasts and this just inflamed his imagination that much


The second incicdent occured in biology class
when Jenny Avarrito had tripped on her way past his desk and landed
squarely in his lap. The fall had caught him unawares and as he
grabbed her to keep her from sliding to the floor his hand had
landed firmly on her beautiful full long tanned leg. From that
moment on he hadn't been able to get the feel of her firm yet soft
leg in his hand out of his mind.


So enraptured was he now in his erotic
musings as he sat masturbating to the erotic vision of his mother
alternating with the feel of Jenny's leg and the sexy tits and
sneer on the face of the woman looking at him from the magazine
that he was taken completely by surprise when the bathroom door
suddenly opened and there stood his mother staring in amazement at
him. She remained frozen in the doorway with one hand on the
doorknob and the other on the jamb for what seemed an eternity, but
was probably only a few seconds, her gaze alternating up and down
between his eyes and his crotch. Just as suddenly as she had
appeared she whispered, "Excuse me, I'm sorry," and was gone,
softly pulling the door closed behind her.


But it was too late. The damage had been
done; he'd been caught! "God - what's going to happen now," he
worried as his cock slowly began to deflate. His libido deflating
as well, Bobby decided he had better get cleaned up and go try to
do some homework - or something. And then he remembered that early
that morning his mother had hastily told him on her way out the
door to work that she was leaving work early to take the car to the
garage for maintenance and that she would get a ride home from
there. He realized then that she must have been home the entire
time even though he hadn't seen or heard her. Maybe she had been
taking a nap or something.


Just as he put the magazine on the floor and
was ready to get a wash cloth to clean himself off he heard a soft
rapping at the door. Then the door opened a crack and his mother
stuck her head inside and said, "Is it alright if I come in, Bobby?
Please let me come in."


"Gee, mom, I'll be out in just a second. Can
you wait?"


"Bobby, I want to talk to you - right now,"
she said as the door opened wider and she entered. "Please let me
come in."


When she was fully inside, she gently closed
the door and turned toward her son who was still seated on the
toilet with his pants around his ankles. Looking down on his
upturned face she said, "I'm really sorry to disturb you, but I've
been wanting to talk to you about this for quite some time now. Do
you wind?"


"Talk about what, mom?"


"This. You know - you're doing this.


"Aw, gee, mom..."


"It's OK, Bobby. Look - I've been meaning to
bring the subject up ever since I talked to your father about it,
but he's such a wimp that he just shrugs it off and refuses to
discuss it. I'm just a little concerned about you - I'm your
mother, you know - and curious also. Can you and I just discuss


"Can I, uh, get dressed first?" Bobby asked,
feeling a little embarrassed sitting half naked in front of his
mother even though his erection had subsided.


"Well... I thought maybe you'd like to, uh,
finish what you'd started - before I so rudely interrupted


When her son didn't answer, she said softly,
"It's OK. You can go ahead. I'd really like you to go ahead and
finish it, Bobby."


"You mean finish doing it? Right now?" he
queried, puzzled.


"Uh huh - if you wouldn't mind, dear."


"With you here?"


"Sure - if you wouldn't mind. I'd kind of
like to watch you."


"You'd what!" Bobby said in amazement.


"I'd like to watch you masturbate yourself,
Bobby." his mother said matter-of-factly.


"Aw, mom, it's bad enough you caught me
without you making me do it in front of you," he said


"I'm not going to make you do anything you
don't want to Bobby. But I really would like to watch you do it to


"Well - gosh, I don't know whether I could do
that or not. I've never done it in front of someone before."


"I understand, son. I guess it might be a
little difficult to get yourself excited, given the circumstances -
especially with your mother present." With her hand his mother
pointed toward the magazine lying on the floor and said, "But it's
OK if you want to go ahead and look at those pictures - if you
think it would help."


The reference to the magazine made Bobby
blush again and he didn't know quite what to say. Norma, sensing
her son's hesitation, bent down and picked up the magazine.
Glancing at the picture that Bobby had been looking at earlier she
handed it to him asking, "Is this the picture that you like to look
at? Is she the one that turns you on? She's really got beautiful
breasts, doesn't she?"


Reflexively, Bobby reached out with his hand
and took the magazine from her, looking down at the picture.
Totally confused by the situation, especially hearing his mother
talk this way for the first time in his life, Bobby was at a loss
as to how to act, but he felt thoroughly trapped with no way


"Well, maybe if you're not ready yet, we can
talk a little, OK?" his mother asked.


"Sure, mom, OK."


"Would you answer a couple of questions for


"If I can - sure." Bobby responded


"I've known for some time that you've been
doing it, dear. All the telltale signs are there. I want you to
know that I think it's OK, though, and that it's normal and nothing
to be ashamed of, OK?"


"Uh huh."


"Have you had sex with a girl yet? I mean
real sex - where you have an orgasm?"


"No," Bobby answered softly, and then added,
"not that I haven't wanted to."


"Naturally. When you masturbate, do you
fantasize about Jenny or Ariel or any of your other


"Yeah, sometimes."


"And what do you fantasize about them?"


"You know - what it would be like to be with
them, touching them, that kind of stuff?"


"Uh huh, and would you like it if one of them
jacked you off? I'm sorry, dear - you do know what jacking off is,
don't you?"


"Sure. It's what I was doing -


"Does it bother you, Bobby, when I talk dirty
like that? You know, use dirty words like jacking off?"


Actually, it was somewhat tittilating to hear
his mother use that kind of language, but he only replied, "No
ma'am, it doesn't bother me."


"And would you want one of your girlfriends
to do it to you? Jack you off?"


"I guess. Yeah, but I don't think it would
ever happen."


"And the other times? When you're not
fantasizing about them you look at pictures?"


"Uh, huh," Bobby was starting to get even
more nervous now, wondering whether his mother was going to ask him
whether he thought about her while he was doing it. That was an
area he wanted to avoid because from time to time he did think
about her, wondering what her body looked like totally undressed.
He could not ever remember seeing his mother totally naked although
now and then he had glimpsed her in various states of undress as he
had that morning. He was especially turned on by her legs which
were long and full. Even though his mother was not big-breasted she
had enough to make her blouses and sweaters stick out and he was
curious about them and what they looked like, especially the
nipples which seemed to poke out through her clothes all the


Sensing she was getting close to shaky
territory, Norma pushed a little harder with her next question. "Is
there anything else you think about besides your young girlfriends,


"Well..." and he hesitated a long guilty


"How about me, Bobby. Have you ever thought
about me while you masturbated?"


Norma could tell even before he opened his
mouth that she had hit the mark. Bobby's face turned a few shades
of darker red as he stammered, "Aw, mom..."


"It's OK, Bobby. I think it's natural for a
boy your age to be curious about his mother - even sexually. Now
tell me the truth - have you ever thought about me."


"Well, sure, I guess. Once in a while," he
admitted shyly.i


"And what do you fantasize about me?"


"Gee, mom, this is really


"There's no need to be embarrassed, son - I'm
your mother and you can tell me. I'm really curious and I'd like to
know. Now tell me what you think about me while you're playing with


"Well, I guess I like your legs a lot, mom. I
think about them mostly."


"Well, I'm very flattered, son," Norma said
reassuringly. "I'm glad you find my legs attractive. I always
thought they were a little too fat."


"Oh, gee, no. They're really beautiful, mom.
I mean it."


"Tell me - what's the thing that most turns
you on about women? Is it their legs, or rears, or their breasts or


"Breasts, mostly, I guess."


"Is that what you look at most of the time
when you look at those pictures?"


"Uh huh."


"Do you ever think about my tits, Bobby. Have
you ever seen my bare breasts?"

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