Mom & Son Get it Done (3 page)

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Authors: Luke Lafferty

Tags: #mother son, #taboo sex, #young old, #family erotica, #mom son incest, #in the family, #mommas boy, #imbreeding, #imbred, #mature boy, #milk boy

BOOK: Mom & Son Get it Done
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When the work week began on Monday things had
not changed. He still thought constantly of Norma and what had
happened and began to wonder if it would ever develop any further.
He sure wanted it to, but his mother gave no indication whatsoever
of acknowledging the past event and nothing further seemed
imminent. He couldn't get out of his mind that at one point his
mother had seemed particularly turned on while watching him play
with himself and had even told him that she too masturbated and had
promised (did she actually promise??) that maybe one day she would
let him watch her do it. Or was it really just a dream after all.
Each time he came he fantasized what it would be like to squirt all
that cum onto his mother's tits. He wondered if the time would ever
come when she would let him sperm all over her breasts that way.
And each time following his orgasm he would be overcome with shame
at what his mind conjured up and vow to forget the whole matter
(his mother seemed to have done so) and to never again jack off
while thinking about her. It was no use, of course. In only a
matter of hours he was back at it again and again and again.


At one point during the middle of the week he
had taken out his sex magazines, but as he leafed through one of
them he noticed that they no longer held the appeal they had had in
the past. The lifeless pictures just didn't seem to do a thing for
him anymore. What he really wanted, desired, was another encounter
with his mother. He wanted it badly, but felt that if it were going
to happen it would have to be initiated by her. He just didn't have
the nerve to bring up the subject. Nor did he have the opportunity


When Friday rolled around again, he returned
home from school hoping to find his mother alone. Today there had
been basketball practice and it wasn't until four oclock that he
got home, but, to his immense disappointment, she wasn't there. He
had hoped beyond hope that they could take up where they had left
off the previous week. Deflated, he went to his room when the phone
rang. He raced to the phone in the hallway hoping it was Norma, but
it wasn't. It was Ariel instead wanting to know what time he was
coming over for their date that evening.


Meanwhile, Norma had spent the entire week
mulling over the incident with her son. Originally, she had meant
only to discuss the issue of sex with him since his father would
have not part of it. She simply had wanted to find out where he was
and reasure him. But something had happened when she accidentally
and untintentionally caught him masturbating that had awoken
something deep and long-hidden inside her. When she had opened the
door to the bathroom she had been caught unawares and she was
immediately astonished at the size of her son's erect penis. She
hadn't imagined that it could be so big. That was the beginning for


A couple of seconds later when the surprise
had passed it dawned on her that her son was right in the middle of
a masturbation session and, feeling guilty for having interrupted,
she backed away. Even today, she couldn't figure out what came over
her as she started down the hall away from the bathroom, but she
felt the time was right to have that discussion with Bobby. When
she reentered the bathroom and began talking to him and looking at
him she was overcome with a lust she hadn't felt in years. She
could only surmise that it must have lain dormant for ages,
probably since her college days when she had been very sexually
active - with both men and women.


As she had sat down on the edge of the tub
and looked over at her son the thing she most wanted at that moment
was to see him cum. She had an overpowering desire to watch him
jack his oh-so-large penis to an orgasm; she could feel her whole
cunt begin to swell with her rising arousal at the thought. So she
embarked on the mission of saying and doing whatever was necessary
to get that accomplished. As the discussion progressed and he
seemed reluctant, naturally, to comply with her desires she
wondered if it were within her power to excite him to the point
where he would be compliant. It hadn't occured to her just then
that he might find her sexually arousing, but she knew that she
possessed a single physical attribute that had made all of her
previous sex partners mad with lust; and that was her fantastic


So she steered the conversation in that
direction, trying to get him to talk about what turned him on. It
was gratifying when he admitted that breasts were the major focus
of his libido and that although she couldn't compare in the overall
size department she was sure that he would be adequately aroused by
her huge dark nipples. When by chance he admitted to having
fantasized about her while masturbating she knew it was all over
but for the shooting.


It was fortuitous that he had that girlie
magazine there. It was a natural lead-in that occured to her
spontaneously. She was up and gone like a shot to get the pictures
that her next door neighbor and best friend Caroline had taken of
her some time back. The reaction she expected was forthcoming when
she finally let him look at the pictures of her. She knew then by
the lust written all over his face and his swollen cock that he was
hooked. At that point she was inflamed herself and was just barely
holding herself in check.


There was no doubt in her mind that she could
never allow the situation to go so far between them that they wound
up fucking, but she felt somewhat less guilty in the knowledge that
maybe it would be OK for both of them to get off if there weren't
any actual contact between them. She wanted badly to get the
situation to the point where it would seem logical for her to
masturbate herself right there along with him. She even hinted at
it by telling him that she too masturbated and that she might just
let him watch her jack off sometime. "Wow, did I really say that to
him," she thought.


But luck just wasn't with her. Deep down
inside, she wanted to exhibit herself to Bobby, to have him admire
her body and thereby confirm her desirability. Because of this she
went the extra step and instead of just allowing him to look at the
pictures of her she had offered to bare her breasts for him right
there to look at while he jacked off. It would then seem just
natural if she took off the rest of her clothes which would allow
her to begin masturbating herself, as she so badly wanted to do,
without the situation seeming contrived. Sadly enough the sight of
her naked tits was just too much for Bobby and he had blown his
magnificent load almost immediately; the sensory overload had just
been too much for his young mind.


At that point some sense of sanity had
intruded upon her and she realized that the situation was at a good
breaking point. She knew, too, that she needed to consider very
carefully where she was going, what she really wanted and what the
risks were. So she broke the situation off right then feeling that
it would be no problem to resume it when the time was right.


Nonetheless, she was very aware of the
squishy feeling between her legs as she departed the bathroom and
headed for her bedroom. The temptation was great to just fling
herself on the bed and jerk her hot throbbing cunt to an intense
orgasm. But she decided to wait. For what, she wasn't sure, but she
just wanted to wait.


Now for the problem of her husband. Jake was
an asshole and for whatever reason she felt absolutely no guilt
where he was concerned. He liked having his continuing affairs with
the girls at the office and on the road; he spent about half his
working time on the road servicing accounts (and probably a lot
more, for that matter). For the last few years their sex life had
been non-existent because his diddling on the outside left little
room for her. As this developed she had considered initiating her
own affairs, but decided it might just make what was a tolerable
situation intolerable. No sense in ruining what was otherwise a
very decent life. Instead, she confided in her best friend from
next door, Caroline (who was having her own marital problems), and
was very pleasantly surprised to discover something that she hadn't
had even an inkling of. The mutual sharing eventually led to the
disclosure on Caroline's part that she had, for a long time now,
had a very strong desire for Norma, but hadn't revealed it for fear
of losing her friendship. Norma then shocked her with her own
recounting of the numerous lesbian affairs she had had in college
and made it very clear to Caroline that she was more than willing
have sex with her if that is what she desired.


It was the best of all possible worlds. They
were both blissful as they sat naked side by side later that
afternoon sipping cocktails following a long drawn out session of
mutual deep tongue kissing, nipple sucking and frenching each
others cunts to a number of orgasms. Norma was indeed delighted at
Caroline's obvious obsession with her big nipples and loved hearing
her say over and over, "God, Norma, I can't believe how big your
nipples are, they're so fucking sexy! I just can't get enough of
them!" They both agreed that everyone was coming out a winner.
Norma wouldn't have to start something with another man which might
destroy her marriage. Caroline was now realizing a longtime fantasy
about her close neighbor and Jake would be left in peace to do his


From then on, Norma made herself available to
Caroline for her pleasure at regular intervals when their mutual
situations allowed. This was usually once or twice a month and the
experiences were always gratifying. Caroline was a skilled lover
and never left Norma unsatisfied. If it continued this way forever
Norma would be perfectly happy.


At one point when Norma was going to take a
vacation for a few days, Caroline had expressed that she would miss
Norma terribly. Somehow the idea came about that they would take
some photos of Norma - just for fun - so that she would have
something to masturbate to while Norma was gone. And they did it
one evening in Norma's bedroom while both their husbands and
families where off somewhere else. It had been great fun,
especially since it was the first time that Norma had ever had an
experience masturbating with a large dildo stuck firmly up her
hungry cunt. When they developed the photos they both had a set of
prints; they even turned Norma on so much that she had once
masturbated while looking at the pictures of herself!


On Wednesday following that fateful Friday
afternoon, Norma had become so horny that she was almost beside
herself. She needed to come badly just to relieve the incredible
tension that built up fantasizing about her son, but for some
unknown reason she just didn't want to jerk herself off. She was
tempted to throw caution to the winds and just get her son by
himself and do whatever she wanted. But common sense prevailed and
instead she went next door to see her friend Caroline, much to the
other woman's delight. The sex between the women that evening was
short (out of necessity lest they arouse suspicions) but intense.
Caroline couldn't believe the ardor with which Norma tongued her
off while simultaneously finger fucking her asshole with one hand
and masturbating herself with the other, all at the same time. In
the mellow come-down following their simultaneous orgasm Norma had
been sorely tempted to tell Caroline all about Bobby and ask her
advice, but she restrained herself.


But this was a different deal now, her being
involved with Bobby. She didn't much care whether Jake found out
about Caroline or not; she could always counter that with his own
indiscretions. He might not take so kindly, however, to having his
son being sexually involved with his mother. So she would have to
find a way to keep this whole thing secret. In so doing she might
have overreacted and became over cautious to the point of torturing
her son. She was well aware of this, but felt the caution was
justified. She promised herself that she would talk to Bobby the
first real chance she got.


And she wondered how her son was taking all
of this after a week's time. She had a good idea that it was
constantly on his mind because he was always looking at her and
giving her these long soulful looks which she couldn't return.


But she would make it right for him at the
first opportunity. The phone call from Jake this Friday afternoon
telling her there was an emergency meeting this weekend at the New
York headquarters (yeah, sure!) was just such an opportunity. That
meant he wouldn't be home all weekend and there would be plenty of
chance for her and Bobby to discuss what had happened and




Part 3


Friday afternoon rolled around again: one
week to the day following the incident with his mother and Bobby
was sitting home alone trying to figure out how to approach her. He
was dying for another encounter, but fearful of pushing the issue
because he didn't want to spoil the possibility that it could
happen again. His girlfriend, Ariel, had just called and he had
committed, at her insisting and against his wishes, to a double
date for the evening. That would mean that they would probably go
to a movie and then get something to eat afterward. Another couple
along meant that he wouldn't even get any time alone with Ariel,
even if he wanted to be alone with her - at the present time his
focus was solely on his mother. Not a chance of getting home before
eleven o’clock either. It wouldn't matter anyway, he thought,
because his father would be there. He wasn't looking forward to
another long weekend of being at home with his mother while having
his father always hanging around.

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