Moments Lost and Found (8 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Moments Lost and Found
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, do not take
this the wrong way, but why the dress?” Sam’s change in wardrobe was clearly
not lost on him.

 “You’re the only one who gets
to switch personalities?” Sam said playfully, but it landed harder than she

 “I’m sorry, Samantha, I know that
it seems I’m, hmm, unpredictable?” it was almost a question, like he was
waiting for her to validate it.

 “That’s a safe word for it.
But let’s not go there just yet, Laurent,” she didn’t finish her sentence when
the waiter came with a bottle of Barolo. Laurent tasted and nodded his head,
then the waiter poured Sam’s,


Prego, Signoria
” the
waiter said as his eyes lingered on Sam’s cleavage. He was Italian, after all.

And in a moment, Laurent was
jealous. Sam waited till the waiter left but she had to tease him, “That, right
there! Oh
mon dieu
, Laurent, you just switched from charming and
adorable to jealous in an instant!”

He laughed shaking his head and
said, “You know, Samantha, it doesn’t help my cause that you’re so damn
perceptive.” Realizing Sam was right, getting jealous at a waiter who was just
being a man. “And, I’m not used to anyone pointing out my less than positive

 “It’s not one of my many
qualities that you love?” she batted her eyes.

 “I’ll consider adding it to the
list, but so far, it’s not in the top 10. It might not even make it to the top
20.” And, proving her point, flirty Frenchman was back.

It wasn’t until the glass of grappa,
after their meal, that they finally started to talk. Laurent took Sam’s hands,
“So, Samantha, about yesterday, last night,” but before he could continue, she
broke in,

 “Wait, before we go down that
road, I just want to say that this evening so far has been perfect. All of it.
So let’s remember that,” she leaned in and motioned for him to lean closer, “as
well as the fact that I’m not wearing any panties. Let’s remember all of that
when the conversation turns heavy.” She winked, scooted her chair back and
excused herself to the restroom. When she got there, she looked in the mirror
and thought,
what the hell are you doing? He was about to discuss what on
earth happened yesterday.
But she already knew what happened. They didn’t
need to discuss it. She talked about another client in his presence. She pulled
away from their kiss, in his mind, to go work on the other client’s account. He
wanted to let her know that wasn’t acceptable. What was there really to
discuss? Great, she had just argued both sides, effectively acquitting him.

She returned to the table to find
him very relaxed, leaning back with his grappa glass dangling from his hands.
He watched her the entire way from the bathroom to their table, never once
taking his eyes off her. She knew she was blushing just from that. When she sat
down, he leaned in and asked, “No panties,
?” She bit her bottom
lip, looked down briefly and then back at him, knowing she was still flushed
and just shook her head no.

 “I see.” He said as he leaned
back again, taking a slow sip of his grappa. “And why is that, Samantha?” his
voice turned to that low, sexy growl. All Sam could do was shrug. “You don’t
? Come now, try. Try to tell me.” Sam took a sip of her
grappa, looked around and then cleared her throat,

 “I, I wanted to feel sexy.”
Her voice was just above a whisper, so they both leaned closer “I wanted to
sexy. For you.” That made him smile.

 “And I am the only chameleon
in this relationship?” he arched one eyebrow. Sam couldn’t help but laugh.

 “Let’s not ruin a lovely
evening talking about last night, ok, Laurent?”

He reached across the table to take
hold of her hands, nodded and agreed, “Ok,


Once in the car, Laurent drove in
the opposite direction of his house and parked in front of a non-descript block
of stores. There was one door that had a burly man in a black suit standing
outside. Laurent shook his hand, and Sam was pretty sure he slipped him some
money as he told the doorman his name. The linebacker nodded, said Laurent’s
name into his shoulder and then opened the door for them. Sam stifled her laugh
as it seemed the Laurent Román name literally opened doors.

Inside it took a moment for their
eyes to adjust, it was so dark. It was an intimate lounge, and being that it
was a Saturday night, it was pretty full. Most of the couches and tables were
taken, so Laurent led them, with his hand on Sam’s back, to the bar. They
squeezed in, but it was standing room only. Sam was pressed up against the bar
and Laurent was directly behind her. He had his hands on her hips and pulled
her tight to him so that she could feel his erection pressing against her ass.

 “No panties,
?” he
whispered rhetorically into her ear as his hands groped her backside and he
subtly rubbed himself against her.

 “No panties, Laurent.” She
whispered breathlessly back to him. She wasn’t sure if the guy to her right
heard her, but that was part of the thrill.

 “It would be a shame not to
take advantage of that,
? He growled and then kissed the side of her

Sam felt shivers go through her
body. “Take advantage of it?” she asked meekly.

Mais, oui
. Such easy
access.” She could hear the smile in his voice, all the while he was rubbing
her, pressing against her.

 “But, Laurent, we’re in
public.” She said, apparently a bit too loud because the guy next to them
definitely heard that and looked appreciatively at where Laurent’s hands were
on Sam. Laurent paid him no mind.

 “Yes, Samantha, indeed we are.
But you knew, when you got dressed this evening that we would be in public,
And still, you chose to be a naughty, naughty girl, an go without panties,
isn’t that right?”

 “Yes, Laurent.” Her voice had
taken on that sexy, breathy tone that was only brought on by him.

 “And, didn’t you say you
wanted to be sexy for me?” he asked as he continued rubbing her hips, her ass,
his hands working their way to her mound. Sam was pretty sure that, other than
the guy to their right, no one could see exactly where his hands were. They
probably just looked like any other couple with him hugging her from the back.
“Order us two Cointreaus.” Laurent commanded.

Sam made eye contact with the
bartender, and just as she started to speak, “Excuse me, could we please
order,” Laurent’s finger pressed on Sam’s clit through her dress. Mid-sentence,
she hitched and gasped. The bartender was staring expectantly at her, waiting
for her to finish her order. She swallowed, knowing that she was bright red and
continued, “Ahem,” she cleared her throat, “could we please have two

The bartender nodded and mumbled
something, eyeing them a little suspiciously, but then set out to fill their

 “Lean your elbows on the bar,
arch your back a little and stick your ass out, subtly Samantha.” Laurent
whispered into Sam’s ear. She froze for a moment and he pinched her clit hard
through the material, snapping her out of it and almost making her yelp. “Do
it, Samantha.” He growled. Just the words alone were making her wet. She didn’t
know how far he was going to push this, and probably figured he was just
testing her to see how far she’d go. So, she did as she was told, resting her
elbows on the bar and ever so slightly arching her back and sticking her butt
out a bit.

As the bartender came back with
their drinks, temporarily distracting Sam, she felt Laurent’s right hand leave
her hip and make a motion behind her. She was pretty sure he was unzipping his
fly. He was still pressed so close to her that she assumed no one could see
what he was doing. Still, the thrill and naughtiness of it all was making her
heart beat faster.

 “Reach for your drink,
Samantha.” He ordered and she complied. As she reached forward, he slid the
back of her dress up. Using his left hand, he pressed her pelvis back to him,
as his right hand positioned his cock at the entrance to her now wet and ready
pussy. Sam froze and he chuckled. “
, you’re the one who didn’t wear
any panties tonight.” And with that he pushed up into her.

Sam had to stifle her scream. She
couldn’t believe they were doing this. “Now, Samantha, you’re going to need to
work on your acting skills. Take a sip of your drink and act like my cock isn’t
up inside your tight wet cunt right now.”

Sam smiled, “Yes, Sir.” She answered
breathily and took a sip of her drink. As she did, he slowly started to grind
his cock in and out. Such small movements so as not to be perceptible but enough
to provide stimulation to her. She exhaled loudly and he laughed against her.

 “No acting or poker playing in
your future.” He whispered and she laughed again. She knew each time she
laughed, her muscles contracted, and she heard him sigh.

 “Sounds like I’m not the only
one.” She said to him over her shoulder.

He reached to grab his drink and
took a sip. All the while slowly moving inside her. “Laurent, you continue to
impress me with your talent and skills.”

 “Is that all you’re feeling
right now, Samantha? Impressed?” he asked as his hand made its way back to her
clit. Now he started rubbing it in earnest, hard circles over her nub.

Sam leaned her head back, “I’m
feeling a lot more than just impressed.”

 “Good. I’d hate to think I’ve
lost my touch.” He said as he thrust a bit harder for emphasis, making Sam
inhale sharply. “Now, Samantha, I’m not going to stop until you come, and the
longer it takes, the more chance there is that someone will see what we’re
doing, and that would be very, very bad, do you understand me, Samantha?”

Sam nodded and eeked out, “Yes, I

 “Good girl. To make sure, what
do you need to do?” he asked in that sexy drawl that made her shiver. The fact
that his cock was up her and his finger rubbing her clit might have helped
produce those feelings too.

 “I need to come for you,” she
panted a little too loudly. She wasn’t sure if the guy next to her heard, or if
he was watching them. But when she looked over, she caught his eye and in that
instant, she knew. He was watching Laurent fuck her. She looked down and saw
his hand on his crotch, he was rubbing his erection through his pants as he
watched Laurent slide in and out of Sam, not that he could see anything, but he
knew what they were doing. He could see Laurent’s finger stimulating Sam’s clit
over her dress. Sam continued to look down and to the right, watching the guy’s
hand rubbing himself as he subtly watched her. He reached for his drink and
took a sip, so as to make sure what he was doing, what they were doing, wasn’t
noticed. But even as he reached for his drink with his left hand, his right
hand never left his cock. In fact, he started rubbing it faster and faster. Sam
had never felt so wanton before in her life. She kept watching his hand, and
feeling Laurent rub her clit and slide in and out, it wasn’t just the physical
sensations, it was also the danger of getting caught, of being seen, of doing
something so very naughty that she started feeling her orgasm rising. Her whole
body started tingling, and as she started to come, she raised her eyes from the
guy’s hand to his face. He was staring at her and as their eyes met Sam’s
orgasm rolled over her, making her shudder and shake silently. She couldn’t
help let out a gasp and suck in some air as she came. Her orgasm seemed to have
the same effect on the stranger next to her as she watched his face and whole
body tense and twitch. She looked down to see his hand firmly gripping his cock
through his pants.

Sam looked away, still breathing
heavily. She picked up her drink and took a sip as Laurent growled, “Good girl,
Samantha.” And slid out of her. She felt him tuck himself back into his pants
and smooth her dress back down. He reached into his pocket and threw some money
down on the bar, kissed her cheek and pulled her hand to follow him. As Sam
turned to leave, the guy at the bar smiled and winked at her. Sam smiled back,
grateful Laurent didn’t catch any of it, and followed him out of the bar.


Sam wondered what Laurent would have
done if he knew the guy was watching them. While she found it thrilling, she
wasn’t sure he would have liked it. As naughty as he was, he was also so very,
very possessive. Sam decided it wasn’t worth bringing up, for she feared how he
might react. She worried that he might actually be mad that knowing the guy was
watching, and not just watching, but jacking off. She worried that Laurent
would somehow be jealous, even though he was the one fucking Sam. So she would
just keep that thrill to herself. And it was a thrill. Knowing the effect she
had on a complete stranger. Well, the effect she and Laurent had on him. She
had no desire to be with anyone other than Laurent, he more than satisfied her.
So it wasn’t that she was unfulfilled or looking for a threesome, it was just
the thrill of the act. Plus, she knew she was safe with Laurent there. She knew
that, even though this guy was watching them, she wasn’t putting herself in
danger. So she was free to be a naughty, naughty girl.

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