Moments Lost and Found (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Moments Lost and Found
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Once they got in the car and started
driving away, Sam reached over and unzipped Laurent’s pants.

 “Samantha?” he growled.

 “Laurent, you know I’m all
about parity in our relationship. And, you didn’t get to, um, you know.”

 “No, tell me, Samantha.”

Sam rolled her eyes. “You didn’t get
to come in there. I just want to return the favor.” She said as she pulled his
cock out, still mostly hard.

 “Is that what you call it, a
favor?” he laughed and shook his head.

 “I can’t talk if my mouth is
full. Now, shut up and drive.” Sam said as she leaned over and took his cock
into her mouth.



Sunday morning, before Sam left
Laurent’s, they Skyped with Mme. Román. Sam’s inclusion in these Sunday morning
chats was becoming a more and more regular affair. Mme. Román was continuing to
get better, surprisingly following doctor’s orders by doing her exercises and
taking all of her medications. Laurent confirmed this weekly with Marie to make
sure that it wasn’t just Mme. Román’s version of the truth.

Some days, like this one, Mme. Román
would tell, not ask, Laurent to leave so that she and Sam could talk,
us women.”
Laurent would feign being hurt by this, and huff as he left the
screen, winking to Sam from off camera. Truthfully, he was never out of earshot
and heard the entire conversation, which Sam realized was just typical Laurent.
But it was more than because of his controlling nature. She knew that he also
enjoyed watching the relationship between these two women grow, which brought
him both joy and peace.

This Sunday, Mme. Román wanted to
talk about her favorite subject, romance novels. Ever since they brought her
those books while she was in the hospital, Sam had been sending a new book each
week. It was “their little secret” although Laurent knew full well, though he
never let on to his mother.

 “Oh, mon dieu, can you believe
that cad Stephen! He’s awful! How he treats poor Julie! And she just takes his
emotional abuse! She has to leave him for that sweet farmer down the road
Nicholas. Poor thing, a widower at such a young age!”
Mme. Roman could go on and on discussing
the characters like they were real. Sam always bought two copies of the books
so that she could keep one and discuss the merits of the various characters and
twists and turns with Mme. Roman. Sometimes, Sam would read Laurent passages to
which he would laugh and roll his eyes, accusing Sam of “contributing to the
delinquency of my mother.”

Laurent would give them about 10
minutes before “coming back into the room” and finish up the call, otherwise,
he knew that his mother could keep Sam on for hours.

 “You know, I think she thinks
the characters are real the way she talks about them!” he said as he stood
behind Sam’s chair, rubbing her shoulders. Sam leaned her head all the way back
to see him smiling down at her.

 “I think, being so isolated
where she is, it’s good for her. And, it gives us something we can share.”

Laurent walked around to the front
of her chair and knelt, “Oh, Samantha, I love that you two have this special
bond. Seeing her so animated and excited talking about the books,” he grinned,
“it’s adorable.
Merci, Cheri

De rien
, Laurent, but
I enjoy it too. Your mother has such a big heart and she makes me laugh.” Sam
paused and then added, “She makes me feel mothered, and I never had that. It’s
really very sweet and tender.”

 “Do you remember you called me
tender the first day we met?” Laurent cocked an eyebrow.

 “I didn’t call
tender. I said using the term ‘
was tender!” she laughed, “I can’t
believe you remember that.”

 “Of course I do,
Adding emphasis on
. “Do you not think I am tender?” he asked

 “Laurent, you can be the most
tender, loving man.” She smiled softly at him. “And it’s one of the things I
love about you. More than that, I know that very few people ever see that side
of you. That you share it with me is,” Sam thought this is going to sound so
wrong, but it was what she felt. She knew that short of his family, she might
be the only other person who saw this side to him, so she said,  “it makes
me honored.”

Laurent took a deep breath, and a
long pause. He was still kneeling in front of Sam, his vulnerability evident.
He looked up and said, “You know, Samantha, I’ve told you before that I’ve
lived a lot of life already. I’ve had various people intersect my world,
whether in business, personal, family…” he looked down and then back up at her,
“I don’t think I’ve ever before had someone in my life who understands me. All
of me. The business Laurent, the son and brother Laurent, the lover, the
friend… until now.” Then his expression went from tender to serious, “But that
doesn’t mean that because I let down all my walls that you can take me for
granted. Samantha, I don’t want to put the walls back up, not with you. But I
will if I’m pushed.”

 “I do get you, Laurent.” She
paused, “I know you show me all of you. And I know that’s rare, I do. But my
God, Laurent, how could I take someone for granted when I never know who that
someone’s going to be?” They were finally talking about what happened Friday in
his office.

 “It was disrespectful,
Samantha.” He was serious. And again, he wasn’t wrong. She was the one who had
all along asked for separation between business and personal. She was the one
who was breaking her own rules.

 “I know. And I apologized. And
trust me, it won’t happen again.”

 “I know it won’t.” Laurent
knew he had let Sam see his cards. He knew they were both working on
boundaries, both establishing them as well as redefining them. He knew that if
he and Sam were to be together, it would have to be a partnership, and it would
mean compromise, something neither of them had much experience with. Still, he
wasn’t a man to be trifled with.



It was March, and Samantha knew that
Laurent’s birthday was coming up. Naturally, he was born on that inauspicious
day March 15, the Ides of March. She wasn’t sure if he was aware that she even
knew when his birthday was. More than that, she had no idea what to get the man
who had, or could purchase, anything. A cashmere sweater just didn’t seem like
it would fit the bill. Sam felt like there was nothing she could buy him that
would have much meaning. Not a trip home to Busserolles, not anything even
resembling a normal birthday present. It all seemed so pedestrian to her, and
she feared, would seem that way to him.

The only thing she could give him
was her. Not that he didn’t already have her. But for someone as creative as
she was, that was what she kept coming back to.

This year, it fell on a Friday. Not
as good as a weekend, but it would have to do. Sam asked his assistant weeks
before if she could, quietly, try to arrange it so that he wouldn’t have any
meetings on that day. She explained why, and even his assistant didn’t know
that it was his birthday. Sam figured he’d be upset that she had told her, but
she would deal with that later.

So, Sam decided that she would be
his present.

She knew he left for work early, so
that morning at 6am, she let herself into his house, wardrobe boxes in hand,
and met him as he walked downstairs at almost 6:30. Sam was dressed in what
would best be described as a French maid’s outfit. There were the black sheer
thigh high stockings. A short little white bib of an apron that tied around her
waist and a lace collar around her neck. Nothing else. Oh yeah, a little black
and white hat on her head. This was outfit number one.

Bonjour, Monsieur Román.
Joyeux Anniversair! Je suis Samantha, et je suis ici pour la journée pour etre

Sam wasn’t sure if she had ever seen
Laurent taken aback, but this would be it. He recovered quickly, with a huge
grin as he continued to descend the stairs, dressed for work.

, Samantha. And
thank you for the birthday wishes, how very kind of you.” he stood inches from
her, “so, you are here for me for the entire day, you say?”

Oui, Monsieur Román
For now, I am Samantha, your maid. I will,” she cleared her throat for
emphasis, “clean whatever needs cleaning or do whatever it is you need done
around the house.” Sam batted her eyelashes, “I have plenty of other outfits so
that throughout the day, you’ll have your pick of whatever you’d like me to be,
if this is not to your liking, or, um, if you get tired of Samantha the maid
and become more interested in someone else.”

Laurent reached out and slowly,
gently, caressed the outside of her breast, “So, you are here for me, to do with
what I please, for the entire day, is that correct, Samantha the maid?”

As deferentially as she could, Sam
nodded, batted her eyelashes again and said softly, “
Oui, Monsieur.”

 “How very thoughtful of you,
Samantha, the maid. But you must know that I have to go to work, I am a very
busy man.”

 “Yes, sir, I know that. That’s
why I arranged with your assistant to make sure all of your important meetings
were either earlier in the week or pushed to next week, and she assured me that
your calendar was cleared. Well, except for your standing meeting with that
pesky Sam Davis. But we can just blow her off.” Sam couldn’t help but grin. She
wasn’t sure who was having more fun so far, her or him.

 “I see…” he said as he started
to walk around her. As he got behind her, nothing shielding her ass, he grabbed
it and started softly stroking it, then leaned in so that he was whispering
into her ear, “So, what you’re telling me, Samantha, the maid, is that you will
do whatever I say, or be whoever I want you to be, for the entire day? No
questions asked. No hesitation.” His voice got lower and sexier as he spoke.
And for emphasis, not that he needed to say it, “whatever I want.”

Sam nodded and in a very small voice
said, “
Oui, monsieur

He laughed a low growl and then said,
“I think I am going to enjoy this birthday very, very much.”


Throughout the day, Sam was a
variety of people for Laurent. Starting out as Samantha the maid, naturally,
the first thing that needed ‘cleaning’ was Laurent’s cock.

After that was cleaned, Laurent
mused, “Hmmm, what cleaning service did you say you were from? I’m going to
have to request you as my maid from now on. I’ve never before had a maid be so,
uh, thorough.”

 “I’m glad you appreciate a
good ‘cleaning’, sir. I try my best to please.” They both were enjoying

 “Does Samantha, the maid
cook?” he cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

 “I think my cleaning is better
than my cooking, but what,
, interests you?”

Laurent’s expression turned
mock-serious, “Well, Samantha, while I very much enjoyed your cleaning, I have
to say I’m a bit disappointed.”

Sam was still on her knees as she
looked up at him through her eyelashes and asked, “Disappointed, sir?”

. As you know, it’s
my birthday, and I have not yet been fed. As far as I can tell, there’s no food
waiting for me.”

Sam laughed, “I was told that you
had very high expectations. Let’s see what I can whip up.” She winked as she
got up and went into the kitchen. She made coffee while she arranged the pan au
chocolate and croissants on a platter and put the mixed fruit in a bowl. Sam
had stopped at the store on her way over knowing that she wouldn’t have time to
make breakfast, and now she was very glad she did. Still essentially naked, she
brought that out to him, knowing that he got a good view of things coming and
going. She came back with the coffee for both of them.

 “Impressive, Samantha, the
maid. You just, as you say, whipped up these pan au chocolate and croissants in

Sam laughed and wasn’t sure what the
right answer was, so her answer was more of a question, “
Oui, monsieur

 “Tsk, tsk, Samantha. You
should know that I take honesty in any employee, even a maid, as a very
important trait. And if someone is dishonest,” he sighed an exaggerated sigh as
a very mischievous grin spread across his face, “well, dishonesty must be dealt
with. Do you understand?”

Oui, monsieur?

He laughed, “you seem to be unsure
of your answers young lady.”

 “I’m just a simple maid, sir.
Perhaps you can, uh, clarify things?”

 “Oh, I’m sure I can.” He
laughed again. “First, why don’t you share this meal with me. You should know
that I am making an exception for you, as I don’t normally eat with my
employees. But I have a feeling that, since you’ll be with me throughout the
day, you’re going to need your strength.”

 “Thank you, sir, for making an
exception for me. I promise you I’ll show you my appreciation.” Sam said as she
sat, very aware that she had nothing on, she flinched a bit when her ass hit
the chair. Laurent noticed and chuckled.

 “Take off your bib and lay it
on the chair so you can sit on that, and so I can see that pretty pink pussy of
yours.” He took a sip of coffee as he watched her untie her apron, “and we’ll
see just how appreciative you are.”

Sam made a point of turning all the
way around and bending at the waist as she lay the apron down on the chair so
that Laurent could get a nice view of her bending over. When she sat down she
crossed her legs. Immediately, Laurent said, “Uncross your legs, Samantha. I
told you, I want to see your pussy.”

 “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”
Sam blushed and knew she would pay for that.

 “I see you’ve shaved
everything, Samantha. That gives me a very clear view. Did you do that for me?”

Sam whispered, “Yes, sir.”

 “Well, that’s very thoughtful
of you, Samantha.”

 “It is, after all, your
birthday, sir.”

 “Indeed it is. And I never
mentioned that it was. You’re, uh, very resourceful for a maid,

 “I try to be.” Sam was getting
so excited with their role playing she knew that he could see how wet she
already was.

Laurent leaned in and whispered,
effectively breaking character, “Thank you,
, for a great birthday

Sam leaned in and whispered, “You’re
welcome, Laurent. You’re a very difficult man to buy anything for, so the only
present I could come up with was me.”

He kissed her lips tenderly and
said, “I could not imagine a better present.” Then he leaned back and said,
“Now eat. I have lots of plans for you.”

 “Yes, sir!”


After they exhausted the maid’s
duties, Samantha became the assistant, which consisted of taking ‘dictation’
where Laurent bent her over and took her from behind while she typed at his
computer. Needless to say, there were quite a few typos.

 “You know, Samantha, as my
assistant, I am very disappointed in your typing inaccuracy. You do realize
that I have standards, and if those standards aren’t met, there are
consequences.” He said as he continued to slide in and out of her.

 “Oh, yes Monsieur Román, I am
very aware.”

 “Really? If I didn’t know
better, I’d say it sounds like you’re looking forward to whatever those
consequences might entail.”

 “I’m just interested in
learning how I can be a better assistant to you, sir. Whatever your teaching
methods, I’m sure I will learn invaluable lessons.” He laughed, never breaking
stride, but for added emphasis thrust harder and harder as he gave her more
dictation. Though the typos had to be dealt with. And Laurent’s belt was just
the tool for that.


By the end of the day, after more
outfits, roles, sex and punishment, Laurent suggested they take a bath as they
were both exhausted. As they soaked in the tub, Sam leaning against his chest
as he idly caressed her, he again thanked her, “That was a lot of fun,
Thank you.”

 “You’re welcome. It was a lot
of fun, wasn’t it?” Sam turned her head to look at him and he smiled as he
kissed her, nodding.

 “You’ve raised the bar,


 “This was quite a birthday
present. I have a lot to live up to now. Especially given that your birthday
that’s coming up is a rather important one,
?” he brushed her hair to
the side and kissed her neck and shoulders.

 “I don’t know what you’re
talking about. I’m only 28.” Sam tried to play that off, she could feel him
smiling against her.

 “Really, only 28, eh? Hmmm, my
. Ok, nevermind. Nothing special about turning 29. I guess
I won’t put much thought or effort into such a meaningless birthday.”

She laughed. The truth was, she
hadn’t put much thought into the fact that she was turning 40. So much had
happened in the last year, not that she usually put a lot of thought into
birthdays anyway. But, they were always a good time to take stock of where she
was at in life, though she never made a big deal out of them. Even still, it
was hard not to think of turning 40 as being just that: a big deal.

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