Monroe, Marla - Desire for Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Desire for Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Morning, sleepyhead.”

“Morning.” She looked around then back at him. “Where’s Elliot?”

“Gone for a run. He’ll be back in a little bit.”

“Mmm, I could use a cup of coffee. What about you?” she asked and started to get up.

“Oh no you don’t.” He laughed and pulled her back into the bed. “I’m thinking along the lines of a little sex before coffee.”

“Don’t you ever get tired of sex?” she teased.

“Not really.”

She laughed and stared up into his eyes for a long time before the smile fell away and she looked serious for a few seconds.

He chose to ignore it this time and bent down to kiss her. She opened to him readily and he took advantage of it to slip inside her mouth with his tongue at the same time he slipped inside her sweet pussy with his dick.

She moaned into his mouth when he began a slow rhythm that teased them both with the need to increase it to a much faster pace. He wanted it to last a long time, and if he sped up, it would be over before he was ready. Something about her turned him into a randy teenager and took away all his stamina.

Slowly, he began to increase his pace. He tunneled in and out of her hot, wet pussy as his tongue plundered her mouth. Soon, her hips rose to meet his as he felt that slow burn that signaled his imminent release. Fire burned in his balls and his cum boiled. He heard the door open and close and looked over to see Elliot standing by the bed, watching with hunger in his eyes.

Clay couldn’t stop now if his life depended on it. He reached between his and Desire’s bodies and rubbed a finger over her clit. She shrieked “yes” as he erupted inside of her. Slowly he brought them both down. He rolled over so that she lay on top of him.

Elliot licked his lips then eased into the bathroom. Clay figured he would take a shower and jack off. Elliot was in a mood this morning. Clay just didn’t know what kind it was yet.

Chapter Eighteen

Elliot climbed into the shower and let the lukewarm water cool his overheated body before the hot water kicked in. He’d run for a good forty-five minutes. It had been a few days since he’d run, and he needed the exercise. Hell, what he needed was Desire’s sweet mouth around his dick, but he would never take her when he was in a mood like he was now.

He hadn’t talked to Clay about it because he wanted to handle it on his own, but he might have to. They had a serious problem. One of the many fucking women they’d been with in the last few years had contacted him wanting money to take care of “their” child. She claimed she was having their baby.

If it wasn’t true, they had to prove it, which would take time. If it was true, then they had to decide what to do. They couldn’t deny a child of theirs.

Ann said she was nearly eight months and couldn’t afford to take care of the baby. She planned to give it up for adoption unless he paid her child support. He was at his wits end about what to do. He could marry her and let Clay marry Desire. At least one of them would be happy. Or, he could wait it out and then demand a paternity test. It would only be another couple of months.

But he felt Desire slipping away from them, too. He wasn’t sure they could put her off for two months. Especially if she found out they’d started looking for another admin to replace her when they got married. He shouldn’t have started that search so soon and not before talking to Desire about it first. Now he was in a bind.

To make matters worse, he was also fucking hard thinking about Desire in the other room wrapped around his brother. He refused to jack off. He deserved the damn hard-on for getting them in this mess. They’d always used protection in the past. It was highly possible a condom leaked. It happened. It wasn’t lost on him, though, that they hadn’t used one with Desire since the beginning. They’d already made up their mind that she was the one. Now he had Ann to deal with. And, he needed to tell his brother before he went and proposed to Desire on his own.

As soon as he finished drying off, Elliot walked out into the bedroom to find Desire gone and Clay getting dressed.

“Where is Desire?”

“She’s next door getting dressed.” Clay pulled on his jeans and zipped them.

“We need to talk, Clay.”

“We sure as hell do. What’s going on, Elliot?”

“We need to get her busy working first.” Elliot ran a hand through his damp hair.

“Fine, after breakfast we’ll drop her off at the office and we’ll go for a drive.” Clay pulled on a T-shirt then slipped his feet into boots.

Elliot only nodded and began dressing. Clay walked over to the connecting door and knocked then walked through it, closing it behind him.

Maybe he should just let Clay marry her. He would take care of Ann and the baby. And be bitter the rest of his life, he figured.

After breakfast, they took Desire to the office and left her to proof contracts while they “ran errands.” She reminded them of their two p.m. conference call with one of the junior partners.

“What is it that’s got you acting so weird, Elliot?” Clay asked as soon as they were in the truck.

“Do you remember Ann Baily, pretty blond with huge tits?”

“Yeah, vaguely, what does she have to do with anything?”

“I got a call from her the other day. She’s pregnant and says the baby is ours.”

“What?” Clay yelled.

“Hell,” Elliot ran a hand over his face and pulled off onto the road to their land.

“Are you sure she’s really pregnant, and that was, what, six or seven months ago. Why is she just now getting around to calling us?” he asked.

“I asked the same thing.” Elliot drove up the road leading to the house site.

“She said she wasn’t going to bother us since we’d taken precautions, but now she can’t take care of the baby. She lost her job, and she’s due in another month and a half.”

They rode in silence the rest of the ride up to the site. When Elliot pulled into the drive and cut the engine, Clay got out of the truck and walked to the edge of the clearing before turning around.

“What do you want to do?” Clay asked, resignation in his voice.

“I don’t fucking know what to do. If we wait until she has the baby and get a paternity test, we could lose Desire. You know she’s going to find out we started looking for a new admin.”

“Fuck, I never should have started that search.” Clay kicked at a rock, sending it sailing off the mountain.

“I agreed with you so it’s as much my fault as it is yours.” Elliot sighed. “I could take care of Ann and the baby and you can marry Desire.”

“First of all, we don’t know the kid is ours and second of all, that’s not fair to Desire either. She expects both of us. Not just one of us. She loves us. There’s no mistaking that. She just hasn’t said the words, just like we haven’t said the words.” Clay ran a hand over his face and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“So what do you suggest?”

“If the kid is ours, we have to acknowledge it,” Clay began. “If it’s not, then there is nothing to worry about.”

“Except if we wait around for two months, we’re going to lose Desire,” Elliot pointed out.

“Which is why we need to come clean with her and tell her everything. Including that we love her,” Clay said.

Elliot sighed and shook his head. He needed to tell him all of it.

“She doesn’t just want money, Clay. She wants us to marry her, or we’ll never see the child again.”

“Fucking bitch.”

“I think she would be perfectly happy if just one of us marries her. That’s why I suggested that I marry her and you marry Desire.”

“Not going to happen. I want that paternity test before you do anything. She could be lying, trying to get her hands on our money.” Clay watched Elliot pace.

“Let’s give it a month before we talk to Desire,” Elliot said.

“We wait a month and she’s going to be gone,” Clay yelled.

“Not if we assure her we aren’t getting rid of her, but getting someone for when she’s here with us.”

“It’s not going to work, Elliot.”

“Well if you come up with a better idea, spill it.”

“We stop the search for another admin now. We can always start it back later.”

“Fine, we can do that. What else?” Elliot asked.

“How the hell should I know?”

“So, do we wait and get the paternity test before we talk to Desire?”

Clay swallowed down bile and nodded his head.

Elliot felt like a bastard. It wasn’t any more his fault than it was Clay’s, but he was the oldest and he was supposed to be able to handle things. Here he was asking his younger brother what he thought they should do. They were going to lose her. He felt it in his gut. If that kid didn’t turn out to be theirs, he didn’t know what he would do. Maybe what bothered him most of all was that part of him almost wanted it to be their child, a child to call their own. But they could have that with Desire. They didn’t need this one.

“I’ll talk to her about searching for another admin today before she hears about it from someone else. With her being on the Internet back and forth at work, someone’s going to mention it to her, if for no other reason than to rub it in. She’ll jump to the wrong conclusion and leave.”

“Do you think someone already has talked to her? She was acting oddly yesterday if you’ll remember,” Elliot pointed out.

“I guess it’s possible. Fuck, what a fucking mess.” Clay kicked the truck tire with his boot.

“Elliot. You’ve got to show a lot more attention on her for the rest of the time we’re here or she’s going to know something’s up. You can’t just give her part of yourself. She’s going to know the difference.” Clay opened the door to the passenger side of the truck and climbed in.

“Yeah, I know. It’s just been hard thinking about having a child and making love to her.”

“Get over it. She’s important to us, too. When are you going to talk to Ann again?” Clay asked.

“Tonight. I told her I’d call her back to talk tonight around ten. I figured I could slip out for a few minutes,” Elliot said.

“I’ll keep her occupied while you’re gone. Don’t take too long. Find out everything you can, and then we’ll have someone check into it for us, as well.” Clay sounded like the reasonable one, this time. Usually it was Elliot who had the answers and could soothe ruffled feathers.

Elliot nodded and pulled up outside the office building. He didn’t know how he was going to face her knowing that he might lose her. Sometimes being him sucked.

Chapter Nineteen

Desire held the phone to her ear and listened as Byron filled her in on the office gossip.

“They have four possible candidates lined up for when they get back to interview. Nothing has been said about you though. Do you think they want one for each of them now for some reason? Have you had any trouble keeping up with both of them?” Byron asked.

“No, I haven’t had any trouble at all. They follow their schedules as long as I feed them to them. No, they are ready to get rid of me. Damn. I had hoped to at least have a few months. I never should have had sex with them to begin with. I knew better,” she groused.

“Hey, don’t get upset, Desire. You got something I will never have since Jim is a very jealous man.”

“Yeah, but what am I going to do for a job now? I need a good reference to find another job. They’ll give me one, I’m sure.” She sighed and tried hard not to cry.

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