Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Her sudden keening nearly caught him by surprise. He was so caught up in the pleasure of her body that he nearly missed the telltale signs of her orgasm. He shifted his stance and rasped at her G-spot with each slide of his dick. He maneuvered his fingers between them to reach her clit. When he tapped at it repeatedly, she screamed and clamped down on his cock. His eyes rolled back in his head as she literally squeezed the cum from his dick.

Ranger shouted out her name as he filed the condom, his balls so tight against his ass that he wondered if they would ever relax again. When he could see again, Ranger carefully pulled out and discarded the condom before climbing up in the bed with her and stroking her arm.

“You are so beautiful, Carly. I can’t stop looking at you.”

“I can’t think yet. Tell me again when I wake up in the morning.”

Her soft smile warmed his heart. He hugged her tightly to him, then shimmed the covers from beneath them to pull over their bodies as they cooled in the night air. It only took a few minutes for her to fall asleep. Ranger watched her face until Drew came to bed a few minutes later.

When his friend looked at him, he nodded and lay back down curled around her. He felt Drew look for a handhold on her body, then settle for her hip since Ranger had her waist. He needed to touch her as much as he needed to breathe. Minutes later, he, too, fell asleep.

Chapter Twelve

“You’re kidding me!” Carly wasn’t thrilled with the news that all of Drew and Ranger’s friends were coming over later. Originally they were going to Cole’s, but Drew had decided she would be more comfortable there. He had called the others and invited them over instead.

“It’s okay, baby. You’ll like them,” Drew was telling her.

“The girls are coming, too. You won’t be the only woman here.” Ranger rubbed up and down her arms.

“And you say they each have two husbands? How does that work?” If she decided to move in with them, it might be a good idea to learn more about it.

“They married the oldest, and then we had a private ceremony where all three exchanged vows,” Drew explained.

“You won’t leave me alone with them, will you?”

“Not if you’re not comfortable around them, but, baby, I’m sure you’ll like them right away. They’re all special women.” Drew pulled out the hamburgers from the fridge. He’d made them up earlier that morning.

“They’ll start arriving in about thirty minutes. I’m going to go start the grill.” Drew left them in the kitchen.

Ranger kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, baby. They’re going to love you. Just relax and be yourself.”

Carly sighed and resigned herself to meeting their gang. She hoped the women were as nice as Drew had said. She knew in some groups, women were very cliquish. They might not want her to be a part of their group. If she didn’t move in with the guys, she had little doubt they would back away from her. Then she wouldn’t be a part of their gang anyway. She still had a lot to think about. The idea of not seeing the guys anymore tore a piece of her heart out. Loving them was hell.

She busied herself setting out bowls of potato chips all over the living room. Then she set out the paper plates and condiments on the bar. They would fix their hamburgers there before finding a seat somewhere in the living room. Ranger had dragged out chairs from somewhere so there would be enough for everyone. There would be seventeen people. Once again she found herself becoming overwhelmed at the expected number of guests.

Not long after she had finished setting up, the doorbell rang. Ranger pulled her along to greet the first of their guests. After the last two had arrived, she was swimming in confusion. She would never be able to remember everyone’s names, much less who was with whom. Drew wrapped his arms around her from behind.

“How are you doing, baby?”

“I’m on overload. What about the hamburgers?”

“Cole and Zack took over. They like grilling out. Did you meet their wife, Tina? She’s a nurse.”

“Okay, yeah. I met her. I didn’t realize she was a nurse, though. I’ll remember her that way. I’m having trouble with everyone’s names.”

“Don’t even try. You’ll get to know them over time. Just enjoy yourself. There isn’t a quiz afterwards.” He laughed and dragged her into the middle of the nearest group.

Once they’d finished eating, the women all gathered in the kitchen around the table. They immediately began to drill her. At first she took offense, then she realized they were just trying to get to know her.

“So you’re a dental hygienist. Do you like it?” Tina asked.

“Love it for the most part. I don’t like the business end of it, though.” She wrinkled her nose.

“Hey Briana, why didn’t you bring the baby?”

“You have a baby?”

“Yeah, she’s seven months old. We decided since Carly was new, we wanted this to be an adult visit.”

“I can’t believe Dillon and Gavin are allowing someone else to babysit her. They’re so protective of her.” This was from Alexis, Neal and Mark’s wife.

Relieved that she had remembered that, Carly sighed. They seemed to be really nice women.

“How are you feeling, Brandy?” Tina asked.

“The morning sickness is better. Briana, how did you manage it all alone? I don’t know what I would do without Kyle and West to take care of me.”

“It wasn’t easy, but I managed. Next time, though, they are going to be part of all of it. You know, in sickness and in health,” she said with a grin.

“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant again!” Alexis exclaimed.

“No, but were talking about it. We want to have a little brother for her to play with.”

“I don’t blame you for wanting to get them all out of the way,” Tina said.

“Carly, I can tell you have questions. You can ask us anything.” This came from Alexis.

“I don’t want to pry.”

“You’re not prying with us. Besides, we told you to ask.” Tina grinned.

“Does it bother you not to know who the baby’s father is?”

“Not at all. They’re both the father,” Briana said.

“How does it work to have two men around you all the time?”

“It’s called
girl time
. We all get together and go to the spa or shopping and trash the men.” Alexis stood up and crossed to the fridge for a beer. “Anyone need another one?”

“They don’t get jealous of each other?”’

“Hell, no. They like to watch each other.” Brandy giggled.

“But you have individual times with them, too.” Tina took a beer from Alexis.

She talked with the other women for over an hour. It went a long way toward calming her fears that a ménage relationship wouldn’t work. They were doing it and seemed to love it. Maybe she could, too.

Around three that afternoon, everyone began to load up and leave. The guys must have alerted them to the fact that she needed to get home early. That they thought of little things like that meant a lot to her. All in all, they were good men and tried to make her comfortable. The situation with Ranger’s rejection of her before still worried her some, but he’d assured her over and over throughout the day that he wanted her there with him. Could he possibly fall in love with her? She was almost sure Drew had. At least she hoped he had.

She helped them clean up despite them telling her they would do it later. She wasn’t about to leave them with a mess. They paid special attention to helping her gather her things even though they kept hinting she could leave them there and they would be there the next time she came over.

The ride over proved to go by too quickly. She didn’t want the weekend to be over, but she had to get ready for work, which meant washing clothes and setting up her meals for the next week.

Drew helped her off Ranger’s bike, but they both walked her to her door. Ranger kissed her first, and then Drew pulled her into his arms for a kiss.

“We’ll talk to you next week. Hope you have a good one, baby.” Drew played with a lock of her hair.

“Think about us, Carly. We’ll be thinking about you,” Ranger said.

She assured them she would and unlocked the door. She turned and smiled at them before closing the door and locking it. The enormity of them wanting her to move in with them finally hit her, and she sat down when her knees began to shake. What in the world was she going to do?

* * * *

“I think the cookout went well. She seemed a little more relaxed toward the end of it,” Ranger told Drew when they returned to the house.

Drew agreed with him. Whether it would be enough to convince her that it could work between the three of them remained to be seen. She hadn’t brought it up before they took her home, so he hadn’t, either.

“Think the women helped to assuage her worries about ménages?” Drew asked.

“Maybe. She seemed to be having an in-depth discussion with them. She also looked like she was having fun.”

“I hope she decides to move in with us. But if she wants to wait for a while, I can deal with that. What about you?” Drew watched Ranger’s face stiffen up.

“If she doesn’t want us then there’s nothing we can do.”

“Don’t fuck up again, Ranger. If she needs more time, we’ll give it to her. Remember, we’ve only actually been out with her a few times.”

Ranger grimaced then nodded. “You’re right. I just can’t stand that she might not want to be with us more.”

“She has a lot to think about.” Drew hoped Ranger would realize that and give her time without pressuring her too much.

He grabbed a beer and opened it. Ranger did the same.

“Let’s plan to go out again next weekend. That helps to ease her into being with both of us out in public. She needs to see that not everyone will judge her,” Drew suggested.

“Yeah, okay.”

Drew could tell Ranger was going to be ornery. Maybe talking to her over the phone during the week would settle him down some. Of course getting him to talk on the phone would be a chore in itself. He usually just grunted. Shaking his head, Drew walked into the living room to turn on the TV.

“What?” Ranger followed him into the other room.

“You’re stubborn.”

“So? What does that have to do with anything?”

Drew laughed. “Everything. If you push her, she’s liable to pull away. I know you. You’re not going to be able to help yourself.”

“I’ll refrain from pushing her, I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Ranger. You don’t want her to, do you?”

Ranger drew in a deep breath and let it out. Drew could tell he was thinking it all over. His facial expressions didn’t give it away, but he knew his friend. The fact he wasn’t showing his feelings said it all.

They watched TV for the next few hours before Ranger stood up and suggested they go for a ride. That was another indication that he was contemplating everything. He always went for a ride when a problem was especially difficult to deal with. Drew had faith he would eventually settle it all in his head. The question was, what would he decide?

* * * *

The next few days flew by. Drew talked with Carly on the phone every night. He forced Ranger to talk with her as well. He actually did better than grunt for the most part, so he had faith he was seriously trying to reach out to her in an effort to convince her to give them a try.

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