Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (19 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Well, there are twelve of us,” Drew began.

“We’re all bad boys,” Ranger added.

“And we all like to share our women with our partners.” Drew wrapped his arms around her waist and bumped his pelvis against her.

“Everyone in the army called us The Dirty Dozen since we hung together, and it stuck once we got stateside again.” Ranger walked around behind her and rubbed his cock against her ass.

She groaned and pushed back against him. Fuck, he wanted her. His dick was hard as a rail, and only Carly’s sweet body would do. He looked at Drew over her head and jerked his head toward the bedroom upstairs. Drew nodded, backing away so Ranger could pick her up. Carly squealed when he started climbing the stairs with her in his arms.

“Put me down, Ranger. I’m too heavy for you to carry upstairs like this.” She nearly choked him holding on to him.

“You don’t weigh anything. In fact, I’d say you’ve lost weight this week. Not only do you feel lighter, but your clothes are baggy on you. You can’t go skipping meals, Carly.”

“I haven’t been hungry.”

“You will eat while you’re with us, and we’re not taking
I’m not hungry
for an answer.”

“You can’t make me eat if I don’t want to, Ranger.” She lifted her chin as he carried her to the bed.

“I’ll turn you over my knee and spank that ass of yours a bright pink.” She shivered at the thought of his hand paddling her bare ass.

That shouldn’t turn her on, but it did. What was happening to her? She had never been this brazen or cheeky before. Neither had she felt so kinky until she’d met Drew and Ranger. They had everything to do with her newfound sexuality. She had learned things about herself she had never known before. They were good for her, she surmised. If only she could make the right decision that would affect all of their lives. She had no doubt that if she said she couldn’t continue their relationship it would devastate them all, her included.

“Off with the clothes, baby. We’ve got some business to attend to before bed.” Ranger’s sexy, deep voice plucked at strings deep in her pussy.

She hesitated for all of two seconds, then quickly undressed. By the time she had her clothes off, the men were nude as well. Their cocks stood out from their bodies in long, hard rods of velvet-covered steel. Her mouth watered. When they walked toward her, their dicks bobbed at her. Carly grinned mischievously and backed off the bed before they realized what she was up to. She ran around the foot toward the hall door only to have her hair grabbed and a hand
around her waist.

“Gotcha,” Ranger said, with obvious cheer.

“What are you going to do with me now that you have me?” she asked, tongue in cheek.

Ranger looked over her head at Drew and waited for the other man to make a move.

“I think we’ll start by tying you to the bed so you can’t go anywhere while we lick and fuck every crevice and cranny.” Drew walked over to the bedside table and pulled open the bottom drawer.

Inside was a set of silk scarves among other curious things. He pulled them out and nodded his head toward the bed. Ranger walked her over and turned her around to sit on the bed. Drew handed a scarf to Ranger, and together they began to tie her wrists with one end of the scarf. They urged her up in the middle of the bed, then had her lie down with her arms extended above her head.

Ranger watched her face for any sign of distress as they tied her to the bed frame. When she merely looked a little apprehensive, he chose to go on with what they had in mind. He wouldn’t hurt her. He would never do anything to harm her. They were going to string her climax out until she was wild with need before giving her what she wanted. Ranger knew that holding off on allowing her to climax would piss her off initially, but the end result would more than make up for it.

The fact that she had allowed them to tie her up, albeit with scarves, showed that she trusted them, and that went a long way to cementing a relationship. He prayed it was a good sign. Drew looked over at him and grinned. The other man was totally gone over her. He shook his head with a smile. So was he, for that matter.

“Now that you have me tied up, what are you going to do with me?” Carly finally asked when they continued to stare at her without doing anything.

“Oh, we’re going to have our wicked way with you, little girl,” Ranger said.

, that sounds scary.”

“Oh, there’s nothing to be scared of, baby. Not unless you’re scared of the greatest pleasure we can possibly give you.” Drew reached down and flicked a nipple that was standing straight up.

“You’ve already given me that, guys.”

“No, we haven’t even begun to take you places. You’ll see.” Ranger stretched out on one side of her as Drew did the same on the other side.

Ranger watched her eyelids flutter as she watched them. He waited until he saw a hint of anxiety, then he ran a finger from her cleavage down her abdomen past her belly button to stop just above her mound. He knew it would be supersensitive to touch. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on it. They each took a side and began to slide their hands up and down her body, massaging then raking their nails over sensitized flesh.

Drew sucked on a nipple then blew on it until it was rock hard and standing up for attention. Ranger repeated the process on the other nipple. They each drew it into their mouth and sucked on it while massaging her belly. When they released her nipples with a pop, she arched for them.

“We’re going to turn you on so much that you’re begging to come, Carly. Then we’re going to play with you some more until all it takes to send you over is a kiss or a touch. Would you like that, baby?” Ranger flicked a nipple with his finger then lightly pinched it.

She moaned then nodded her head. It was as if she was afraid to try and speak. Her eyes were already heavy lidded and her mouth curved up in a slight smile. It was a good start. He planned on improving her expression to one of absolute need, and then one of intense pleasure.

* * * *

Carly stopped tugging at her wrists as pleasure filled her body. The men were teasing and tormenting her breasts with hands and mouths. She loved it. So far they hadn’t done anything to scare her. Quite the contrary, they were revving her up.

Ranger placed openmouthed kisses all along her jaw and down her neck before nipping at her shoulder. He returned to her neck to suck and lick before drawing in her earlobe. Drew moved down to her feet and massaged each foot in turn. Then he sucked one toe into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before replacing it with another. He repeated the process on the other foot, from massage to suck.

Ranger continued his assault of her neck and shoulder. He moved to the other one where he licked a long line up her neck before blowing across it. She shuddered with the chill of his hot breath against her heated skin.

Drew moved back to her breasts again, taking one in his mouth as Ranger loved on the other. They crammed as much in their mouths as possible and sucked. The sensation was incredible. Then they backed off and licked her nipples, blowing warm breaths across them. She shivered again. This time, cool air assaulted them since he backed away and blew again. Her nipples were hard as pebbles and ached to be sucked once again. God, she felt as if she could come just from them stimulating her there.

When Ranger took up residence there once again, she just knew he was going to lick or suck them into his mouth. Instead, he sucked at her belly, licking and kissing all around her little button. While Ranger tormented her abdomen, Drew moved further down her body to cup her mound with his callused hand.

“I love this pussy. It’s all ours, right, baby?”

“All yours, Drew.” Was that her voice, husky and tight?

He leaned down and licked her bare mound, then sucked on it hard enough to stimulate her clit with the force of it. She’d have a mark there for sure. He was branding her as sure as if he’d used a hot iron on her. When he spread her pussy lips, she thought this was it. He was going to suck her pussy and send her over the edge. But no, he licked at her slit instead.

Ranger moved lower and lapped at her mound where Drew had just sucked. It was tender from the treatment earlier, but helped to build her need.

“Please, I need…”

“What do you need, baby?” Ranger asked.

“I need to come. I’m so damn hot I could explode.”

At that moment, Drew sucked in her pussy lips, drawing on them as if he’d milk them of her juices. When he stopped she cried out a protest. He ignored her and stabbed her pussy with his tongue instead. He tongue-fucked her while playing with her back hole, using her copious cream to ease his way. When he pushed a finger in her dark rosette, she cried out and bucked against him.

“Easy, baby. It’s all good.” Drew slowly fucked her with his finger until he had it all the way inside her.

The decadent sensation sent fire to her nipples and back down to her clit. All it would take was one lick across her clit and she’d go off like the Fourth of July. She felt him drag more of her juices downward where he added a second finger into her hot hole. He stimulated her as he pushed past her ring of resistance into her ass all the way. She cried out once again. He pumped his fingers in and out of her with the rhythm of his tongue fucking her hot cunt. In and out, harder then slower, Drew slowly drove her insane.

Carly had tears in her eyes as they gently tormented her with their fingers and mouths. She didn’t think she would survive them this time. The pleasure was building so fast and so high that she was almost afraid to come.

“Oh, God. I can’t. I can’t!”

“Yes, you can, baby. It will feel so good.” Ranger growled against her mound.

“It will kill me.” She thrashed from side to side as Drew tunneled in and out of her ass.

He replaced his mouth at her pussy with two fingers from his other hand and began rubbing against the thin membrane between her ass and her cunt. Nerve endings fired, giving her an almost electrical punch in her womb. Her cunt tightened, and her ass convulsed.

Suddenly, as if knowing instinctively what the other was doing, Ranger moved down slightly and sucked in her clit between his teeth while Drew found her G-spot and stroked. All the time, his fingers glided in and out of her ass. The combined sensations took her up and over. Her cunt clamped down on Drew’s fingers as her ass squeezed and jerked against his fingers.

Carly screamed, and then gasped and screamed again. Lights flashed behind her squeezed-shut eyelids, and her ears rang with the force of her orgasm. She shuddered all over, gasping for breath as her climax went on and on. It was so deep and so devastating that she finally passed out.

She slowly became aware of the men petting her and whispering how good she was. They praised her and stroked her skin softly. She felt lips against the sides of her mouth and over her closed eyelids. When she opened them it was to a faint buzz in her ears and a hazy cloud in her vision. It cleared, and she grinned a tired smile.

“I’ve never felt anything like that. I thought I would die from how good it felt.”

“It was supposed to do that, baby.” Drew licked her lips with his tongue.

“Think you’ll sleep well tonight?” Ranger asked.

“I think I’ll sleep like a baby. I may not be able to wake up tomorrow to go on our trip. In fact, my muscles are so loose, I might not be able to hold on.” She smiled tiredly. “Thank you both.”

“It was our pleasure.” Ranger squeezed her hand.

“Give me a minute to catch my breath and I’ll take care of you two.”

“No, baby. You rest. There’s always later.” Drew reached down and pulled the covers over all of them.

She sighed and cuddled up against him as Ranger spooned her from behind. How could she ever leave them? She couldn’t. Before she fell asleep, she thought she heard her men say they loved her. Was it wishful thinking? She fell asleep before she could ask.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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