Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (17 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Because I said so.”

He shook his head and didn’t say anything else. She grinned. He was pouting like a little boy.

They parked a block from the club. It looked like it was going to be packed tonight, she decided. That meant they probably wouldn’t be able to hold on to a table. Well, she planned to dance a lot anyway. She wondered if they would close the place down or leave early. She made a bet with herself and decided he wouldn’t be able to wait past midnight to get her home and into those handcuffs. She wasn’t sure she could wait much longer herself.

They stood in line for about five minutes, and when it came their turn, she was worried they would be turned down, with the place being full. They managed to get in, though. When they stopped at the coat check desk, Savanna smiled up at Dustin and slowly unbuttoned her coat. She made a show of slowly sliding it off her body before handing it to the lady and receiving her stub. She wasn’t disappointed. By his expression, he was ready to leave right then.

Chapter Nine

Dustin twirled her around to get a good look at her. The little red dress covered everything…almost anyway. He had a peek of garters, red. He would bet she had on a red bra and panty set, knowing her. The night was looking hot.

“Damn, if I had known what you had under your coat, we would never have left your apartment,” he said.

“So, you like it?” Savanna asked.

“Hell yes!”

She laughed and pulled him toward the dance floor. He followed with a smile on his face. Yep, they were going to have fun tonight, especially when he got those handcuffs on her. She pulled him on the dance floor and started dancing around him. He laughed and joined her. It didn’t take long for her to have several men vying for her attention. Dustin figured he would have trouble all night with her dressed like that. He grabbed her around the waist and urged her off the floor.

“I can tell that I’m going to have to keep a close eye on you tonight,” he yelled in her ear.

“Hey, you’re getting your share of followers, too.” She pointedly looked over his shoulder and nodded. “See?”

She was right. There were several women milling around near them giving him silent invitations. He had what he wanted right there next to him. They could set their sights on some of the men eyeing Savanna.

He managed to find a chair next to an empty table. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. The music bounced all around them. A waitress leaned over to take their drink order.

“I’ll have a beer. What about you, Savanna?”

“Whiskey sour for me.”

The waitress nodded and left to take some more orders before she headed back to the bar to fill them. Savanna wiggled on his lap and then leaned back to whisper in his ear.

“I can feel your cock against my ass.” She pressed down suggestively.

“Keep that up and we won’t stick around for the drinks.”

“Now, now. I want to dance all night. We can’t leave yet.” She squeezed his leg.

Dustin drew in a deep breath and resigned himself to a night of teasing. That was okay. He would have his revenge later. If he had anything to say about it, they wouldn’t make it past midnight. Two could play at her game. He smiled and ran a hand around her waist to rest just below her breasts. He nudged them. She moved. He groaned.

The waitress returned with their drinks, and Savanna had to stand up so he could reach his money. Once he had paid for their drinks, he found Savanna sitting in the chair sipping hers.

“You look pretty comfortable there.” He took a swallow of his beer.

“Not as lumpy as your lap was.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

“Tease.” He adjusted his stance to accommodate his

It wasn’t long before Savanna was ready for the dance floor again. He found that, despite the crowd of people, he was enjoying himself. He wouldn’t call what they did dancing, though. It was more like stand and bump. He changed his mind on that when Savanna suddenly turned her back to him and bumped back and then ground her ass into him. Make that bump and grind. He played right along and pushed back.

They danced awhile then found a deserted table or lounge chair and rested for awhile. The entire time, Savanna teased him with hints of what she was wearing under the dress or what she wanted to do with her mouth. His cock throbbed with the need for release. She would catch him looking at her and run her tongue along her bottom lip and smile at him. Yeah, she would pay once he got her home.

They had been on the dance floor through two songs when he tried once more.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked, trying to be heard over the music.

She pouted at him. “I’m not ready yet. Just a little while longer.”

“Just remember, you don’t want me to be too worn out to play when we get back to your apartment.”

“I’m sure you’re up for the challenge.” She dropped her gaze to his crotch.

His cock stirred as a result. Yeah, he was up for the job. He just wasn’t sure if he could wait to get her there. Someone grabbed her around the waist then turned her around to dance with him. She looked panicked. Dustin immediately pushed past the guy and pulled her into his arms.

“Hey, back off. I was dancing with her.” The man made a move to grab her arm.

Dustin shoved her behind him and stood his ground. The other man took a step toward him like he was going to do something, but someone behind him grabbed his arm.

“Hey, Sam. She’s with him. Don’t start something and get us thrown out.”

Dustin felt Savanna clinching his shirt behind him. The other man made a visible effort to calm down, and he backed off. He shrugged and turned back to where his friends were standing. Most of the people around them had stopped dancing to see what was going to happen. Now that the show was over, they went back to dancing. He took Savanna’s arm and steered her toward the far wall.

“You okay? He didn’t hurt you when he grabbed you, did he?”

“No, I’m fine. It just scared me. I wasn’t expecting it.” Her voice had a breathy quality to it.

Dustin decided it was time to go. His watch said it was nearly midnight, and enough alcohol had flowed by now to make some of the guys a little brave. He didn’t think Savanna and her little red dress should be around when everyone hit their over-the-limit beer.

“Time to go, Cinderella. It’s almost midnight, and I hate to think what that little dress might turn into,” he said and cleared a path toward the door with her close behind him. They stopped for her coat, and he helped her put it on.

Once they were outside the noisy building, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up for a kiss. She returned the kiss, and he could taste the whiskey in her mouth. He licked her then gave her one final kiss before letting her down.

“Okay, you two. Move it somewhere else.” The bouncer at the door waved them off.

Savanna giggled. “I feel like I’m in high school again and got caught by the coach in the back of the bleachers.”

“See, you were seeing the wrong boys. I never got caught.” He winked at her.

Savanna opened her mouth to say something, then her expression changed and she closed her mouth without saying whatever was on her mind. He would have asked her, except they were at his truck. He opened the door for her and helped her up. She immediately started a conversation about the club as soon as he closed his door. He recognized the obvious change of subject for what it was. She was avoiding talking about whatever she had been about to say. He let it go.

All the way back to her apartment, he listened to her talk about the club and how busy it was. Her abrupt change in subject nagged at him, but he soon forgot it once they were inside and she took off her coat again. That red dress and those peek-a-boo garters brought his cock to attention. He soon had other things on his mind. Like how fast he could strip that naughty little dress off of her.

“Hmmm. I think I’m hungry,” he said.

“Hungry? Um, I think there’s some ham for ham sandwiches. Want me to make you one?” she asked.

He nearly laughed at the comical expression on her face. It was a mixture of disbelief and disappointment.

“I’m thinking something sweet would taste good right about now.” He advanced toward her and backed her down the hall. She quickly got the message and took off running.

He caught her about the time she reached the bedroom. She halfheartedly struggled to get away, giggling the entire time. He laughed and pulled her into his arms. She stopped pulling and wound her arms around his neck. She wasn’t laughing now. Instead, desire filled her eyes. Those beautiful baby blue eyes held fire in them. All for him.

“I want you,” she said.

He held her tighter and ran his hand up the back of her dress to find the zipper. He slowly unzipped the dress until all that held it up was her arms wrapped around his neck. He unwrapped her arms from his neck and placed them down by her sides, so the dress slipped off to pool at her feet. She stood there in her red bra and panties, the red garter and stockings, and the strappy red shoes, looking like a seductress.

“I wish I had a camera.” He reached out and pushed her hair out of her eyes.

“No cameras in the bedroom,” she said and smiled.

Dustin walked over to the chair sitting across the room and sat down. She didn’t move.

“Come over here, Savanna.”

She walked over to stand in front of him. He reached out and pulled her toward him. She straddled his knees and knelt on either side of them in the chair. The bra fascinated him. It barely contained her breasts and pushed them higher. He ran a finger around the scalloped edges, smiling when she shivered at his touch. He bent forward and ran his tongue where his finger had been. It elicited a moan this time. She rolled her hips, bringing her hot pussy up against his hard cock. This time, he was the one who moaned.

Dustin pushed up against her and felt the heat from her body against him. He bent forward and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it through the lace of the bra. He bit it gently then sucked it hard. The sound of her panting urged him on. He moved to the other breast and teased it with his tongue before sucking it through the bra. He reached between her breasts, unclasped the front closure, and peeled apart the cups to reveal the perfect globes in all their glory.


She shuddered when he nibbled on a nipple. He licked first one, then the other before turning his attention to her neck. The long line beckoned to him. He pulled her down so he could kiss and lick and suck his way from one ear to the other and back again. He ate at her and relished the salty tang of her body. He nibbled at her earlobe and grinned when she laughed.

“Ticklish behind your ear, are you?” He had to grab her hands and hold them when she attempted to cover up her ears.

“Please stop. Please ,please, please,” she yelped, giggling.

“Stand up for me and turn around.”

She backed off his lap and, after giving him a questioning look, turned around to face the opposite side of the bedroom.

“Now bend over and take off your panties for me.”

She slid her hands down her sides until she reached her panties and then slowly bent over, pulling them down as she did. He drew in a deep breath at the sight of her delectable ass only inches away from him. He reached out and caressed first one globe then the other. He stood up and spanked each one. Then he brought her up until her back leaned against his chest. He rubbed his cock against her while his hands reached around to cup her breasts. She reached back around his neck and pulled his head down so that she could kiss him.

He leaned away from her and unwrapped her arms from around his neck. Dustin bit her shoulder. He ran his tongue along the bite mark. She shivered. The bed beckoned him. He wanted inside of her in the worst way, but he wanted to taste her first. And he wanted to leave the garters and stockings on. He walked her toward the bed.

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