Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Yeah, I guess so, but you know what I mean. It isn’t as if she seems interested in dating other men. She just might not want to be tied down for now. It doesn’t mean that sometime in the future she wouldn’t want to.”

“Zack, you know me. I’m not sure I can deal with letting her ride around the country alone. I mean, I can’t stand the idea of her riding to and from work without one of us watching out for her.”

“Hey, you know that saying. If you love something, let it go.”

“Fuck that, Zack.”

“Tell her how you feel about her and what that means. She deserves to know.” Zack turned on the shower and adjusted the water. “I’m taking a shower. I’ll cuddle with her while you take one next.”

Cole sighed and stood up. With one more look in the mirror, he turned and walked back to the bedroom where Tina was stirring.

“Hey there, baby. You passed out on me. I didn’t hurt you did I?” He leaned over her and kissed her before climbing into bed and pulling her into his arms.

“No, it was wonderful. Just too much of a good thing, I guess.” She smiled at him.

He fought over how to talk to her. He didn’t want to confess to loving her when he knew she didn’t love them yet.

“Tina. You mean the world to me. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you.”

“Nothing is going to happen to me. Why are you talking about it?” Her brows furrowed and she frowned.

“I care about you and it scares me to think something could happen. You’ll be careful going back and forth to work, right?”

“Of course I will. I always am.” She ran a hand down his shoulder and held his hand. “What is all this about?”

“Zack and I have been friends for almost twenty years. We went to school together and then joined up together. We’ve been through hell together and always knew we would share our woman between us, even before we were part of the guys that we ride with. All of us share our women. Not between the group, but as pairs.” He sighed and ran his hand up and down her arm.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that Zack and I want you to stay with us. I know you’re planning to leave at some point, but we want you to consider this your home between jobs.”

“Cole, I don’t know what to say. I mean, I’m not going to stop nursing. It’s part of who I am. I love working in emergency rooms.” She looked up into his eyes with the same puzzled expression as earlier. “Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because I’m going to be tough to live with when you hit the road. I don’t want you out there alone. I wish you’d move when we did. Then we could watch out for you. But Zack says that’s too much to hope for.”

Tina’s eyes sparkled with laughter. “He knows me better than I thought.”

“Yeah, he knows us both better than is good for him.” Cole rubbed his nose against hers. “Well?”

“Well, what?” she asked with wide eyes.

“Damn it, woman. Will you live with us?”

“I think I’m already doing that, Cole.”

“Yeah, but I’m asking for the long term. I want to know you’ll always come home to us. I can’t promise not to be worried about you. And I’ll probably be a dick about it when you’re home with us.”

Tina sighed. “Why do you worry so much? There has to be a reason you’re like you are.”

Cole wasn’t sure he could talk about it. Looking into her eyes though, he knew he had to or risk losing her.

“When I was a teenager. Someone took my little sister. She was only eleven. When we got her back, she was so traumatized that eventually, she took her own life. I was supposed to have been watching out for her. She was in the house in her bedroom playing with her Barbie dolls. Zack and I were listening to music, but we didn’t hear anyone come in and take her.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Cole. Bad things happen all the time and it’s no one’s fault.”

“If we hadn’t been listening to music we might have heard something.”

“Or probably not. Men who take children take them out from under parents’ noses all the time. Please tell me your parents didn’t blame you.” She squeezed his hand.

“No. They didn’t, but I blamed myself.”

“I’m not a little girl, Cole. I can take care of myself. I got away from that man the other day. I don’t want you to worry over me. If you’re going to make yourself sick over it, then I can’t stay. I couldn’t stand to watch you eaten up with worry every time I rode off.” She seemed to search his eyes for an answer to that.

Cole held himself still and lied through his teeth. “I’ll be fine. I’ll worry, but I’ll deal with it. You just have to promise me every time you leave that you’ll be careful.”

She bit her lower lip then nodded. Cole wrapped her tight in his embrace and never wanted to let her go again. Then Zack tapped him on the shoulder.

“Why don’t you two get a shower? I’ve been out long enough the water should be hot again. I had to shave. I think I left beard burn on Tina’s breasts.” He grinned down at her and waggled his eyebrows.

* * * *

Tina let Cole help her out of bed and followed him holding his hand as he walked to the bathroom. He closed the door then immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her as if he’d never let her go again. When they came up for air, he was grinning.

“What?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Nothing. Let’s get clean and get to bed. Unfortunately Zack and I have to work tomorrow, but we’re off on Sunday.”

“That’s okay. I need to do some laundry and shopping. I’ll cook for us tomorrow. What would you like?”

“Something basic. Doesn’t matter what. You choose tomorrow while you’re out.” He adjusted the water then announced it was ready.

Tina walked in and sighed as the warm water pelted her sore muscles. Between working and the marathon sex she’d had, her body was feeling a bit battered.

Cole soaped up the bath cloth and began washing her off. She laughed and tried to pull the cloth from his hands but he held it over his head.

“I can bathe myself, Cole. You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to, though. Let me have fun.”

She shook her head and held her arms out by her sides for him to do his worst. Naturally, he found every ticklish spot on her before he was through and pronounced her clean.

“Turnabout is fair play. Give me the cloth now. I’m bathing you.” She held out her hand.

Cole seemed to think about it for a few seconds before finally relenting and handing her the bath cloth. She proceeded to tease him from head to toe by brushing up against his slowly rising cock and then bathing his balls with her bare hands. She even teased his nipples with her fingers, and then her tongue.

“You’re getting yourself into trouble, Tina.” Cole turned her around to lean against the tile wall while he pushed his cock against her ass cheeks.

“Promises, promises,” she said with a chuckle as he rubbed himself up and down the crease of her ass.

They finally settled down to finish rinsing off and climbed out of the shower together. Cole grabbed a towel and proceeded to dry her off. She protested, but he didn’t listen. She enjoyed the attention, but wondered if it would one day get to be too much. But then, eventually, he would get tired of it, and she’d miss it.

“Come on, baby. I bet Zack is already asleep waiting on us.” Cole opened the bathroom door.

“Zack is not asleep. He’s waiting patiently for his woman to come to bed.” Zack sat up on his elbows and watched Tina as she walked toward him.

She smiled and instead of climbing from the bottom of the bed like she normally did, she climbed over him. He grunted twice but didn’t complain. Tina was sure she’d grazed his nuts at least once.

“Tina’s going to cook for us tomorrow night. Any preferences?” Cole asked.

“Meatloaf and mashed potatoes,” Zack said with certainty.

“I can manage that.” Tina snuggled up to his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. “What about string beans and rolls to go with it?”

“I’m cool with that.” Zack ran the back of his finger along her chin. “Don’t work too hard on it, baby. We might be late so I don’t want you to get upset if it’s cold or something.”

“Oh, I won’t get upset. I’ll just fuss at you.”

“That’s what he’s afraid of,” Cole chuckled. “He can’t stand for someone to fuss at him.”

“That’s not true.” Zack frowned.

“Boys, you have to be up early in the morning. Time to go to sleep now.” She smiled to herself as they cuddled up to her.

Cole didn’t seem to mind touching Zack in order to have his arm around her. She liked that about them. They didn’t mind touching each other in order to take care of her. She didn’t think they had ever been lovers, but they were as close as lovers. It made the three of them click, she thought. Maybe a long-term relationship would work between them.

She knew Cole was overprotective and controlling to some extent. She could work around it if he didn’t go overboard. Was a relationship between the three of them worth the work? Oh, yeah. She was almost positive she was falling in love with them. If she didn’t think it would work, she’d be long gone by now with her heart on the line like it was.

One thing she did know. Living with them would never be boring. They were so different between them that they worked perfectly together and the three of them made enough of a mixture to add fire. Tina felt like it was worth the chance that something good could happen. Maybe they might even fall in love with her. That would be the perfect outcome as far as she was concerned. Well, provided Cole could curb his tendency to worry too much about her.

She smiled and closed her eyes to go to sleep. Tomorrow would be a different day. She had a lot to do.

Chapter Thirteen

Saturday flew by as she shopped for groceries and did her laundry. She decided against the belly ring and opted instead to wait until the guys could be with her. She wondered how much longer they would be working.

When she pulled out of the grocery store parking lot, she noticed a brown van behind her. She panicked and almost pulled out in front of someone. When the van turned in the opposite direction, she sighed and called herself all kinds of stupid. She had to get hold of herself.

Still, she watched for vans all the way back to Cole and Zack’s place. She laughed. Home. It was her place now, too. She just had to get Cole past the protective streak he had. He’d made sure she knew to keep the doors locked while they were gone to work and to be careful when she was out shopping.

After putting everything away and setting up the meatloaf to put in the oven. Tina decided on a nice, long bath using her favorite bath salts. She had spent most of the morning unpacking the rest of her things and putting them away. She even broke down the boxes and put them out at the garbage can. If she was going to do it, she needed to do it all the way, she decided.

It didn’t take long soaking in the tub for her to start daydreaming about Zack and Cole. She could easily imagine them making love to her tonight. Imagining their hands and mouths on her body had her reaching for her tits with her fingers. She pulled and twisted on them as she daydreamed about their mouths sucking her nipples.

Tina moaned when she pulled one of her breasts up so that she could nip and lick her own nipple. It felt so much better when Zack did it. He knew just the right amount of pressure to use. She slipped her hand down her abdomen over her tattoo and slid between her pussy lips with two fingers. She delved into her cunt wet with more than water.

As much as she loved them fucking her cunt and ass though, she wanted a cock in her mouth. She wondered what Cole would do if she went down on him under the table while he ate dinner tonight. Maybe she would see.

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