Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Don’t really want to move. You feel too good to leave,” Zack said.

“Um, I can tell.”

“Been that way all night, too,” Cole teased.

“Sorry?” She wasn’t sure what to say.

“I’d say it isn’t your fault, but it is.” Zack leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. “We want you, Tina. We can’t hide that fact.”

“I know. I don’t know what to say.”

“That you want us, too. Doesn’t mean anything has to happen right away, but it would be nice to know that you’re attracted to us as well.” Cole ran a hand up and down her arm.

“Damn, I can’t believe you can’t tell. Yes, I want you. I stay wet thinking about you. I just need some time after yesterday.” Tina felt guilty that she hadn’t said anything before now.

“We understand. Knowing you want us goes a long ways in easing the need. We can wait—for a while, but not forever.” Zack leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, then rolled out of bed.

“Hungry?” Cole asked when her stomach growled.

“Sounds like I am,” she said.

“How about pancakes?” Zack asked. “That should be easy on your throat.”

“Actually, it feels a lot better this morning.”

“Good. But you have some nasty bruises on your neck,” Cole told her.

“They’ll heal. I just hope—” She stopped.

“Hope what?” Cole asked, turning her face toward him with his finger on her chin.

She hesitated, then decided to answer him honestly. “I hope that I haven’t lost my nerve. I don’t want to change my way of life right now.”

“Give it time. You’ll get your confidence back. You’ll see.” Cole kissed her, and pulled her into his arms for a brief hug before letting her go.

He climbed out of bed and padded naked out of the room, presumably to get dressed. She had no trouble seeing his impressive cock. Just like in her dream, he was a bit longer than Zack’s, but Zack was thicker. Who would have thought she would have them pegged so perfectly?

She yawned then stretched, and crawled over to the edge of the bed to get out and get dressed. She had just pulled on her jeans and fastened her bra when Zack walked in.

“Breakfast is ready.” He zeroed in on her breasts and licked his lips. “Let me touch?”

“Isn’t that just making things worse on you?” she asked with a frown.

“Naw, it would make things better.” He took a step closer and reached out and ran a finger down along the side of her bra-encased breast.

Zack’s finger rasped at her nipple through the silky material. He pinched through it, leading Tina to close her eyes in pleasure. Heat suffused her face as she grew damp between her legs. Her breath grew quick and raspy as he followed through with the other breast as well.

“Fuck, you’re wet. I can smell you.” He reached down and rubbed her pussy through her jeans.

“Zack. We need to stop.”

“I know.” He backed her up against the door. “I just need a taste, baby. Let me have a taste of that sweet pussy.”

“Oh, God.”

He reached between them and unzipped her jeans. When she didn’t stop him, he shoved them down her legs, and went to his knees before her. He licked his lips looking up at her. Then he leaned in and licked her hot cunt. As if the taste of her was more than he could take, he began lapping at her as if his next breath depended on it.

Tina threw her head back against the door and moaned. She was vaguely aware of Cole walking into the room. He leaned in and nipped at her jaw.

“You’re so beautiful when you’re aroused like that.”

“She tastes like spicy nectar, Cole. You’ve got to have some.” Zack moved over and Cole knelt down in front of her.

He leaned in and tongued her clit, then delved between her pussy lips. His
of pleasure was nearly her undoing. Cole spread her pussy lips and began licking in earnest.

Zack chuckled and stood up. He stared deep into her eyes and slowly lowered his head until his lips were a hair’s breadth from hers. He was so close she could smell her arousal on his lips.

“I want to taste your breasts. Will you let me take off your bra?”

She nodded her head in a jerky movement, and he reached out with his tongue and licked her lips. She opened her mouth and he plunged inside using his tongue to explore hers. They slid along each other like old lovers, until she was sucking on his in time to Cole’s licks to her cunt.

Zack continued his kiss while he used his hands to unclasp her front closure bra. He peeled back the cups, leaving the bra hanging on her arms. She felt his fingers lightly brush across her nipples before he pulled back from their kiss and leaned in to lick each one. He groaned, giving them both a long, slow rasp of his tongue.

Tina whimpered at the barrage of sensations between Cole’s mouth on her cunt licking her pussy lips and Zack’s on her breasts. They both alternated between licking and nipping until she was on her tiptoes trying to escape the overwhelming need to climax.

Surely it wasn’t right to come when they weren’t going to fuck her. It wasn’t fair. Aw, hell. She wasn’t going to be able to escape it. Cole latched onto her clit at the same time that Zack pinched her nipples. Tina exploded with a scream. Lights danced behind her squeezed eyelids and bells rang in her ears. She’d never come like that before. She was sure she was covering Cole’s face in her cum.

Zack licked her nipples then whispered how beautiful she was when she came in her ear. He told her she was wonderful and laid butterfly kisses across her lips and cheeks.

Cole softly licked her clit then just her pussy lips until he had her clean. He stood up and pulled her into his arms where he kissed her senseless. Again she tasted herself, but this time, it was from Cole’s mouth and not Zack’s.

“You’re fucking amazing, Tina. I could lap your sweet juices all day long.” Cole brushed her hair back from her eyes.

Zack still stood next to her holding her up with his arm around her shoulders. She wasn’t sure she would be able to stand on her own right then. Her legs felt like overcooked spaghetti noodles and her knees were shaking.

“Zack, I think she needs someone to carry her.” Cole reached down and picked her up in his arms.

She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her effortlessly to the kitchen with her pants still down around her knees and her bra hanging off her arms. When he stood her up in the kitchen she struggled to pull up her pants, but Zack beat her to it.

“I’ll get them, baby. I pulled them down.” He pulled her underwear up first then licked the inside of her legs before pulling her jeans up and fastening them for her.

Next, he peeled off her bra and dropped it over the back of a barstool before helping her up to sit at the bar.

“Pancakes, coming right up,” he said with a mischievous grin.

“What can I get you to drink?” Cole asked, dragging her attention over to him.

“If you have coffee ready, that would be wonderful. If not, water is fine.”

“Coffee it is. What do you like in it?” he asked.

“Nothing. I drink it black.” Tina had a difficult time meeting his eyes after the mind-blowing orgasm he and Zack had given her.

They ate breakfast in relative silence though the men talked some off and on. When she picked up her plate to take it to the sink, Zack stopped her with a frown.

“I’ll get it. You just sit there and look beautiful for us.”

“I feel like I’m taking advantage of you two,” she confessed.

“How?” Cole asked, his brows drawn together.

“Um, you’re letting me stay here with you, and you’re waiting on me.” She licked her lips and looked down. “Not to mention the orgasm.”

“It was a good one, huh?” Zack said with a smug smile.

“Don’t brag much, do you?” she snapped, then felt heat climb up her face. “Sorry. I’m just a little off-kilter.”

“Don’t sweat it. We enjoyed it as much as you did,” Cole told her. Then he leaned in and licked her across the nipple.

“Oh, God. Don’t start that again.”

Zack smiled as he cleaned up the kitchen. “Do you need to call anyone while you’re here? You’re welcome to use the phone.”

“Thanks, but I have my cell and I don’t have anyone I need to touch base with for a few days.” She turned to Cole and reached out her hands to steady herself so she could jump off the bar stool.

Instead, he picked her up and eased her down to the floor. He held on to her arms until he was satisfied that she wasn’t going to lose her balance. Really, they were too protective.

“I’m going to go get dressed. Thanks for breakfast. It was really good.” She bit her lower lip and backed out of the room.

When she made it back to the bedroom, Tina remembered too late that she had left her bra in the kitchen on the back of the barstool. That was fine, she’d get it later. She started to dig around in her pack for another one when Cole walked in carrying it.

“I think you’re missing this.” He reached out to hand it to her, then snatched it back. “You owe me a kiss for bringing it to you.”

Tina rolled her lips inside her mouth to keep from smiling. “Oh, I do, do I?”

“Yep. Only fair.”

She stepped up and reached up to pull his head down so she could kiss him. When he lowered his head for her, she kissed him on the nose and began to pull back when he grabbed her head and pulled her up for a real kiss.

He nipped at her lower lip until she opened her mouth for him. Then he slid his tongue alongside hers and licked it. Why she thought she could get away with a chaste kiss, Tina didn’t know. Cole wasn’t a man to be toyed with. If he wanted something, he went after it, she was sure. Evidently, he wanted that kiss.

He licked along the roof of her mouth, then drew back and touched his forehead to hers as they both fought to control their breathing.

“I want to feel that hot cunt of yours wrapping around my cock. I want to feel you squeeze my dick until I can’t hold back my cum. I want to fuck that tight ass of yours until you scream in pleasure. I want to watch my cock disappear inside your hot mouth.”

His naughty words robbed her of her breath, and she felt heat suffuse her face once again. He chuckled and cupped her face between his hands.

“I thought it was only fair to warn you ahead of time what you’ll be getting yourself into if you stay with us. We both want you. I think you want us, too.”

“I do. I’m not sure why considering how poorly you’ve treated me so far…” She let it trail off.

“We’ll make it up to you,” Cole promised with a grin.

“God help me.”

Zack walked in and shook his head. “You were supposed to give her the bra and let her dress. You’re going to run her off, Cole.”

“Somehow, I don’t think so,” Cole said, and winked at her.

“Well, come on and help me wash the bikes while she gets dressed and rests.”

“I’ll be out to help as soon as I finish,” Tina assured them.

“You don’t need to. You rest. We can handle the bikes,” Cole told her.

Zack stared at her with raised eyebrows. He seemed to be daring her to contradict them. Tina frowned at them, but didn’t insist. She would dress, then go out and wash her own bike. She wasn’t about to let them take care of everything for her. She’d get spoiled. She couldn’t risk getting too comfy with them. She would be leaving soon—or they would.

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