Monroe, Melody Snow - Leather and Lace [The Callens 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody Snow - Leather and Lace [The Callens 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Only because I don’t want to make you in the least bit uncomfortable, I won’t prove to you that you’re wrong.” He kissed her ass then placed something hard and cold at her entrance. “If you want me to stop, let me know.”

She wouldn’t be stopping him. This is what she wanted. Her two men with her in bed. She leaned over and resumed sucking on Wade’s cock. His thickness and length made it impossible to take him all the way in her mouth.

Heath’s right hand massaged her butt while his left pressed the large object in her hole. Instinctively, she clamped down on it.

The quick slap came as a surprise and caused her to sit up. “What was that for?”

“Relax. Let those muscles welcome this dildo. Picture it being my dick.”

From the size of the plastic object, it was way bigger than his cock. “I’ll try.” She resumed her position over Wade.

Heath rotated the dildo in a bit then let go, as if her body needed time to acclimate to it. She couldn’t imagine having something that large in her ass, and at the same time have one of their cocks in her pussy. She might be tall, but her pussy was tiny.

Wade seemed more interested in her finishing her blow job for he held on to her shoulders. Wanting him to enjoy what she was doing as much as she was, she sucked, nipped, and licked faster and faster. The more she got into the experience, her ass muscles loosened, allowing Heath to press the fake cock all the way in.
So far so good
. But when he pulled it out again to reseat it, he must have hit a few nerves, and her pussy gushed.

“I like that.”

“I thought you would. Why don’t you straddle Wade and fuck him hard? I’ll work this end.”

She’d like that idea, too. Wade fumbled for a condom and handed her one. She tore open the package, and with as much care as she could stand, slid the condom over his cock. The latex stretched thin. She rose on her knees and positioned her pussy over him. His two fingers found her opening before she could mount him. He rubbed her clit until she moaned out loud.

“I want you now.” She sounded desperate, probably because she was.

He slipped out his fingers, and she opened her pussy lips. Her wet walls allowed her to take him in with one long slide. Her breath caught the moment he was fully inside her. Having the extra cock in her ass took up too much room. Good thing it wasn’t actual size or she’d never be able to accommodate both men.

Taking her time, and fully aware of having little room inside her, she rode Wade’s cock up and down. The erotic pleasure built fast with each thrust.

Heath placed a hand on her back. “Lean over some more.”

Without giving his comment a thought, she did as he asked. When he pulled the fake dick partially out of her ass and slid it back in again, a whole new world opened up to her. Wade grabbed her hips and held them still.

“Let us do the moving. Close your eyes and enjoy the thrill.”

Giving up total control was not her usual mode, but with these men she was willing to do it. Heath and Wade began by alternating the dildo with Wade’s cock. One went in while the other went out. The rhythm was soothing but highly stimulating at the same time. She needed more. Sam tried to take the control back by opening her legs wider and dropping onto his cock, but Wade held her still.

“Don’t fight me, babe.”

Since she was so inexperienced, she figured they might know what was best. She relaxed her body and cleared her mind. With her eyes closed, she concentrated on how their hands held and caressed her.

They seemed to know when to go fast and when to take it easy. She opened her eyes, leaned over, and kissed Wade. Changing the position that little bit created a whole new set of nerve ending explosions. Wade pumped up into her as he devoured her mouth. Heath stood behind her, and from the way he was moaning and groaning, he must have been picturing it was his cock inside her.

Streaks of pleasure blasted her as her climax slammed into her. “Oh, my God.” Her head lifted, and she squeezed her eyes shut and panted as wave upon wave of ecstasy washed over her.

Wade flipped her over so that he was on top and continued to pump into her. The dildo was deep inside her, freeing Heath to come to the side. His cock was out, all big and purple. She reached out to touch him.

She closed her fist around him and he pushed into her tight grasp. She swore both men came at the same time. Heath’s flow hit her arm and the rest landed on the sheets. Heath dropped onto his elbows acting like he’d finished a double marathon. Wade’s hot
warmed her inside.

“Babe, you are the best.” His head dropped on her chest.

She glanced at Heath, who was panting hard but smiling wide.

“Anyone up for a shower?” Wade asked.

Oh, yes, today was a good day.

Chapter Eleven

“Do you think she’ll like it?”

Usually Wade was very decisive in what he wanted, but when they went to find an engagement ring for Sam, he couldn’t make up his mind. “Yes, though I think the one we found in Cheyenne was just as nice.”

“By going to Denver, we got to visit Tom and Julie.”

Heath had felt a little guilty that their sister lived a little less than three hours away and yet they rarely visited. “True.”

Julie had made them a great dinner and insisted on showing them pictures of their trip to France. He was thrilled to see his sister so happy, but it was past 11:00 p.m. when they finally left.

“We should have spent the night.” Wade slapped the wheel, probably to keep himself awake.

“Then we would have missed the auction tomorrow morning.” They planned on buying a few more head of cattle.

“I know.”

By the time they passed the
town limits, it was close to 1:00 a.m. and he was beat. All the lights were off in Sam’s house. “Do you think we should wake her up?”

Wade chuckled. “I’m so tired, I’d be bad company.”

Amen to that
. They drove toward Harper’s Lane, and their headlights illuminated two curious things. Something that looked like Jake’s truck was off to the side, and the other oddity was that there was a plume of dust hanging in the air as if something had disturbed the area a few minutes before. “Pull—”

Wade was a step ahead of him. He’d hit the brakes and cut the engine before he finished the word. Wade jumped out and Heath raced behind him. When they reached Jake’s truck, there was a dark lump on the ground.

“Get the flashlight out of the glove compartment,” Wade commanded.

Heath ran back and retrieved the light. He turned the lamp toward Harper’s Lane. The dust had mostly settled. The image of two cattle trucks flashed in his mind, as did the vision of seeing Sam shot. He prayed Jake hadn’t met with the same fate.

Heath shone the light on his brother. Jake was sitting up rubbing his head.

“What happened?” Heath asked.

“I got a tip that some rustlers were going to hit Sam’s place. I was waiting for them.”

That was stupid coming out alone. “You didn’t let the sheriff in on this operation?”

“No. I’d come out for an hour or two for the last few days. No one showed up until tonight.”

“How’d they get a jump on you?” Wade asked.

“I don’t know how. I was parked here, but I wanted to see if I could identify them. I crept along the fence. I can’t imagine how one of them got behind me, but he did.” He removed his hand from the back of his head, and his fingers were coated in dark blood.

“How long has it been since they were here?”

Jake shook his head. “I don’t know. I passed out. When I opened my eyes you were over me.”

Heath commented on the kicked-up dust from the road. “I’m calling 911.” He wasn’t sure what the sheriff or his deputies could do, but he wanted to send in the report.

Wade helped Jake up. “We’re taking you to Cheyenne. A concussion’s nothing to sneeze at.”

“I’m good.”

“If anything happens to you, and I didn’t do something, Sam would have my head.”

Jake fisted his hands. “We don’t need Sam to learn about this.”

“Sure thing.”

Heath knew that wasn’t going to happen. As the owner, Sam had the right to know that someone was threatening her livelihood. Again.

By the time they got him to the hospital in Cheyenne and got back home, it was almost time to get up. Heath decided he needed his sleep before he did anything else. He crawled into bed for a short nap.

Wade shook his shoulder. “Come on. Get up.”

“Give me another hour.” Somehow Wade never needed sleep as much as he did.

“I want to follow up with the sheriff, but first I want to bring Sam here.”

“She won’t come.”

“It’s not her choice.”

Heath scrambled out of bed. Wade would give him max five minutes before taking off.

* * * *

Sam was putting her breakfast dishes in the sink when she saw Wade pull up. While she’d like nothing better than to lounge around all day making love to them, she had a ranch to run. In fact, they did, too.

She pulled open the door before they reached her stoop. “Hey.”

Wade took her hand and led her inside. “We need to talk.”

She didn’t like the serious tone. Her stomach churned. “What happened?” She looked over at Heath, whose pinched brow turned her heart even heavier.

“Jake’s okay, but we had to take him to the hospital last night.”

Jake. Hospital. Last night.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“We just got back.”

They told her they’d been in Denver visiting their sister and were coming home when they spotted Jake’s truck.

“Did he get a look at his assailant?”

“No, but we’re betting it was the same men who took the cattle before.”

“I need to ask Chad to count the cattle.”

Wade pressed his hands onto her shoulders. “That can wait.”

“What’s more important than figuring out what they stole?”

“Heath and I think someone is out to harm you.”

That made no sense. “No one has come after me personally.”

“I think they want to drive you away. Between the cattle rustling and the fire, maybe they think you’ll quit.”

She’d drawn that conclusion, too. “They won’t succeed.”

Heath took her hand. “We’d feel a lot better if you moved over to our house.” She stiffened. “Just until we get these guys. We just finished speaking with the sheriff. He and his men came out this morning and found some evidence the rustlers left behind.”

“What was it?”

“It was a flashlight they used to hit Jake on the back of the head. He said there were prints on it.”

“Good luck finding the offenders. Their prints might not be in any database. Bottom line, I need my cattle back.”

“He promised to tell anyone planning on buying cattle to be on the lookout for anything that has your brand on it.”

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